The Whiteness of Contemporary America By Brian Simpson

It is appropriate to write on this topic, as for all we know, under a Biden presidency, America will open the floodgates, and become majority non-white in a couple of days, as Con the Fruiter used to say. Here is a refutation of the claim that America is simply a genetic melting pot, from the Genetic Literacy Project, which found that the average White American is 98.6 percent European. This is the result of DNA testing by researchers at 23andme and Harvard University on 160,000 people:

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Race and the Fall of the Roman Empire: Lessons for Today By Brian Simpson

With the American empire now set to fall, quickly, the population largely dumbed down to Joe Biden level of intelligence, it is appropriate in this series of articles to consider the fall of Rome, and especially from a racial angle, which is now taboo.


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Nordic Archaeology: The Nebra Sky Disc By Brian Simpson

In 1999 two treasure hunters in a small town in East Germany’s Saxony-Anhalt, discovered a small disc which has the earlies known depiction of the cosmos, with images of the sun, a crescent moon, and 32 stars. This first depiction of the cosmos was not from the Middle East, the so-called cradle of civilisation for establishment archaeology, but on a hill called Mittelberg, near the town of Nebra. The disc was adequate for predicting moon phases for bronze age people, and is regarded as one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century.


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Friendship and Natural Selection By Brian Simpson

According to a paper by N. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, “Friendship and Natural Selection,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vo. 111, 2014, pp. 10796-10801, there is a genetic basis to friendships, with ties not only being to similar people, refuting the ideology that opposites attract, but this similarity goes as deep as the genes:

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Europeans Discovered America Long Before the Asiatic-Amerindians By Brian Simpson


This dates back a few years, but I have not previously covered it: Europeans discovered America first:

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The Dark Age: Kali Yuga By James Reed


Going through my pile of papers, in the never ending paper wars, I came across a photocopy from the ancient Hindu text, Visnu Purana, which was composed at an unknown date, anywhere from 1st millennium BCE to early 2nd millennium CE.  The writers described the Kali Yuga, a type of Dark Age. They could well be describing out time:

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Squeeze, Pump and Stir, Public Opinion By James Reed

This story is a big slap in the face to us, no, a spit in our eyes, salt in the wounds of a people already in bondage. The social control scientists are busy at work, studying us, like lab rats. How best to squeeze, pump and stir public opinion. Well I have news for you Mr. New World Order. If you were really a full-on member of the Legion of Darkness, why would you even bother with public opinion at all?


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The Case Against Lockdowns and Contact Tracing By Brian Simpson

Here is a link to a new video which argues that the existing public health measures of lockdowns and contact tracing are ultimately inadequate to deal with Covid-19. It takes a holistic health perspective, including examining the role of proper nutrition and vitamins, especially vitamin D3, material of which has been covered at this site in previous posts. A good, all round sum up, that you can recommend to family and friends, especially older folk, who are the ones mostly at risk. And, the disclaimer needs to be made these days,  that this is for public interest only, and is not offered as medical and health advice.


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Anti-Christian Communist Canada By Michael Ferguson

You can be sure that this latest suppression, and oppression, of Christians will also be planted on Australians:


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A Gentile Guide to Post Election Antifa Rioting By Bruce Bennett

Antifa, in preparation for their next wave of violence, which the authorities will allow, since these punks are the sons and daughters of the elites anyway, has published some sort of urban warfare guide. It is worth having a look at to get an idea of what they are preparing for.


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How the Deep State will Use Operation Scorecard to Steal the Election for Biden and the New World Order By Chris knight and Charles Taylor

We have got our families all here at Charles property, with enough food, medical supplies and guns, ammo, fighting knives and swords to last into a new Dark Age, if necessary. So, this will be our last post, so to speak, from balmy Florida. We have bad feelings about the election, which if fair would easily go to Trump, but the Deep State is not going to permit this, as even as weak as Trump is, he is at least a sinker that slows down the demonic ghost ship of the New World Order. Here is but one of our worries:


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Vienna Terrorist Attack: Further Cultural Enrichment By Richard Miller

While we are all waiting here for the inevitable civil war in America, our home grown terrorists are out and about, spreading diverse joy:


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After Trump Derangement Syndrome, Comes Genocide from the Left By Peter Ewer


I am new to covering the US situation, but what I have seen from the Left really disturbs me, since Trump has driven what was once done in secret right out in the open. Trump, although doing little of the nationalist agenda he promised in 2016, has served as a symbol of everything the Left wants to destroy to create their communist new World order, so it is good that all of this is out in the open. The Left are along the lines of Mao, with both the socio-psychological/psychiatric/ mind control aspects, in political correctness, and the physical violence if all else fails, and communism has killed over 100 million people. These Leftoids are dangerous.

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Slow Train Coming: Aussies Reject Immigration Cult By James Reed


I never thought that I would live to see this headline, which is something I would have written: “
'We're full!' Overwhelming number of Australians say the country doesn't need any more immigration as voters reject 'leftist elites'”

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An African on the Pathological Egalitarianism of the West By Brian Simpson

Here are some hard things to say, even from our side, about the decadence and degeneracy of the West, but the blow is softened because this is from an African, looking at the possible terminal sickness unto death of the West.


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The West’s South African Future By John Steele

With all western nations embracing the same agenda as South Africa, it is quite possible that all will end up at the South African peak. The US may quickly reach this under the next president, evil Karma Harris. So, what good things are in store, as diversity and white minorities rule the swamp, or desert?


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The Tyranny of the Great Reset: From Covid-1984 to Soros’ Man, Joe Biden By James Reed

The Great Reset is the latest totalitarians’ round of the New World Order, that is based upon Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, and bad “social credit,” (use of this term is surely deliberate to poison people against Douglas social credit), Chinese communist style, to make the West into a global police state. So much for Soros’ “open society,” one wonders what Karl Popper, who originated this idea would think of this cover of freedom, to topple democratically elected governments, in the name of nothing more than communism. Here are some excerpts to keep readers up to date.

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“Whoever Got the Guns,” Wins By Peter West

I never paid much attention  to US politics until reading the coverage this year by our Florida correspondence, Chris Knight and Charles Taylor. It seems that whatever happens, even a massive Democrat victory, which is likely, given open voting fraud, the radical Left, via antifa, will move to burn the place down.

This site below has all of the up-to-date videos on this, so we will see how it blows tomorrow.  

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Kamala Harris, Marxist Queen and President to Be By James Reed


As our American correspondents, Chris and Charles, seem to have gone off grid, some of us Aussies will cover the US crisis. There has been little dissection of Kamala Harris, who even Biden says will replace him probably mid-term, if not the first day. So what is her line? Why Marxism, of course!

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IQ and the Materialist Theory of Mind By Brian Simpson

One of the holy grails of the contemporary racial realist camp, a popular version appearing in the journal, American Renaissance, is that IQ is relatively fixed, and hardwired. Whites are smarter than Blacks, and East Asians, well they have IQs of the charts. Another group is even higher. The Left has been critical of this thesis at least since the 1960s, but its efforts have mainly been on attacking the thesis that Whites have higher IQs than Blacks. There has not been much done on questioning the legitimacy of the models of mind employed by the IQ. The neurological assumption is that the brain is not plastic, and that cognitive abilities are relatively fixed.


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