This is a depressing quote, but true, how across the world, Anglo Saxons, had the world, but let it slip through their hand, down the drain. Not even a fight, just a passive surrender, maybe not even that, but just dumbness. What force, or forces led to this pathological altruism? James Burnham in Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism (1964), says in a small passage that behind decadent liberalism, lies materialism, and consumerism, over-affluence resulting in weakness that leads to the pathological liberal mind set. Probably the decline of testosterone from plastics, a product of the affluence throw-away society has had a lion’s share to play too. There is not much manhood left out there. Shameful, but the Anglos will be forgotten, as they, and all that they produced, will be written out of history, if there is to be a future of history. It ids happening now, with the statues being torn down.
“In his book The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, Eric P. Kaufmann argued that the American elite became modernist, cosmopolitan and antiracist during the first three decades of the 20th century. WASP elites began to reject their own ethnicity and “Anglo-conformity” which was the process by which European immigrants came to America and were expected to assimilate into the American nation. Instead of assimilating into a common American culture, European immigrants were encouraged to retain their own culture and enrich an otherwise sterile, bland and philistine Anglo-America. This idea which gained traction on the Left in the 1920s was later broadened into multiculturalism.