Statistical Corruption By Brian Simpson

     Cook the statistics and one can prove almost anything. Consider this example of mainstream media false news:

“A new Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll released on Sunday gave former Vice President Joe Biden a 14-point lead over President Trump, suggesting that "the debate - is having a material effect on Mr. Trump's political standing." Another factor having a 'material effect' is the poll's egregious oversampling of Democrats - with 45% of those asked identifying as either "Strong Democrat" , "Not very strong Democrat" , "Independent/lean Democrat" - vs. the 36% of those asked identifying as the same degrees of Republican. 13% of those asked are "Strictly Independent."

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They Come with Guns By Charles Taylor

     Here is the future for the US, where the diverse must be allowed to do what they want irrespective of the rule of law. Any policing they don’t like will be met in this fashion.  

“Some 400 members of an armed black militia brandished semi-automatic weapons in a show of force in Louisiana on Saturday as they protested a recent fatal shooting of a black man by local police. The NFAC, or ‘Not F****** Around Coalition,’ is an Atlanta-based militia made up primarily of former military veterans. The organization has frequently staged processions and marches in several cities that have been flashpoints of racial tension these past few months. The militia members were marching to protest the August 21 shooting death of Trayford Pellerin. Police claimed officers shot Pellerin after he was seen walking into a convenience store with a knife. It was particularly active this past summer in Louisville, where protests were frequently staged in the wake of the March 12 shooting by police of Breonna Taylor. Last month, a Louisville grand jury declined to pursue criminal charges against any of the officers for fatally shooting Taylor, a 26-year-old black EMT who was killed in her bed as cops executed a no-knock search warrant. Police, who believed Taylor’s home was used to facilitate the sale of drugs, did not find any narcotics during the raid. According to its leader, John ‘Grandmaster Jay’ Johnson, the NFAC’s three main missions is to protect the black community; self-police the black community; and educate the community about their rights as gun owners.”

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Guilty of Defending Italy By Richard Miller

     Nationalist hero, Matteo Salvini, is being put on trial for defending Italy, or as the elites charge, a little something called “migrant kidnapping”:

“Italy’s far-right former interior minister Matteo Salvini goes on trial on Saturday on kidnapping charges over an incident in 2019 when 116 migrants were prevented from disembarking a coastguard ship in the Mediterranean. Prosecutors in the Sicilian city of Catania accuse the League party leader of abusing his powers to block people from disembarking from the Gregoretti coastguard boat under his “closed ports” policy. The 47-year-old called on his supporters to descend on the courtroom in Catania to protest against what he has described as a plot against him. “I will plead guilty to defending Italy and the Italians,” Salvini told the press last week. Fellow far-right leader Giorgia Meloni, head of the Brothers of Italy party, has promised to attend the rally, while the ex-prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, who has faced several trials himself, will send a delegation from his Forza Italia party.” Salvini says, “I will plead guilty to defending Italy and the Italians.”

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Medical Fascism By Mrs Vera West

     The world’s highest impact medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, has an article by M. M. Mello (et al.), “Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2,” published October 1, 2020. A relevant extract is reprinted below, and there a Natural critique. The bottom line; don’t take the vaccine, then forget about having a job. Well, I hope the writers are the first in line to be injected.

“Although state vaccination mandates are usually tied to school and day care entry, that approach is not appropriate for SARS-CoV-2 because children won’t be a high-priority group. In addition, state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty. Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds. Both are bad public health policy for a Covid-19 vaccine because they may stoke distrust without improving uptake. The need to build public trust requires that state officials implement vaccination policy through a transparent and inclusive process, working closely with stakeholder groups such as local health officers, health professional and hospital associations, representatives of high-risk population groups, and groups concerned about vaccine safety. States’ experience with HPV vaccination mandates offers another process tip: vaccine manufacturers should stay on the sidelines. The HPV vaccine manufacturer’s direct involvement in crafting and lobbying for mandate legislation raised suspicion that profit rather than public health motives lay behind such proposals, undercutting support for vaccination even without a mandatory regime. As with social distancing orders, we can expect that the advent of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will spark intense clashes of feeling about what people owe to one another in the fight against the pandemic. In contrast to earlier phases of the pandemic, though, we currently have some time on our side. Careful deliberation now about state vaccination policy can help ensure that we have a strategy when the breakthrough comes.”

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China is Responsible for Trump’s Disease/Death By Chris Knight

     China has pretty much pulled of escaping responsibility for the Wuhan flu, conveniently renamed Covid-19 by WHO, to avoid offending China. But, one man, an Italian American, is having none of this, and points the finger of blame directly at China. He dares speak about the elephant, or is it, giant panda, in the room.

“Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said he holds China responsible for President Donald Trump becoming infected with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus. Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, made the comment in an interview with Fox News on Oct. 4. “Don’t be paralyzed, please, our economy has to come back for the good of our children,” Giuliani said in reference to how Americans should deal with the risk of the virus. “And we assert ourselves as the most powerful nation on earth because otherwise you know who will? The country that attacked us, China. And they attacked us with this, believe me,” Giuliani said. “I hold them responsible for what happened to my president the day before yesterday and everybody else.” The CCP virus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The CCP’s attempts to cover up the contagion and the regime’s overall negligence contributed to the global outbreak of the virus. Trump regularly refers to the virus as the “China virus.” The president has said the United States will make China pay a “very substantial” price for its role in the outbreak, but official actions have so far been limited to a travel ban meant to stop the spread of the disease and the freezing of the trade talks. “There are a lot of ways you can hold them accountable,” Trump said on April 27. “We are not happy with China, we are not happy with that whole situation. Because we believe it could have been stopped at the source, it could have been stopped quickly and it wouldn’t have spread all over the world.” Giuliani said he spoke to the president on Oct. 3 for 35 to 40 minutes about his health and politics. Trump passed Giuliani messages to his re-election campaign.

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The Chinese Security Issue By James Reed

     The issue of the overseas Chinese and their loyalties is being discussed, long     after the horse has bolted. It is a major problem that has no easy solution, indicating that our liberal immigration policy since the end of World War II, is incoherent, and self-destructive.

“Britain is to tighten rules about which subjects foreign students can study at its universities in a move to prevent the theft of intellectual property by Chinese students, the Times newspaper reported on Thursday. Under Britain’s Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS), postgraduate applicants from abroad already require security vetting to study subjects where their knowledge could be used in weapons programmes, according to a government website. The Times report said the list of subjects would be expanded to include areas related to cyber-security and aircraft, among others. Asked to comment on the report, the Foreign Office said the government had implemented a recent expansion of ATAS to cover military technology, to ensure Britain’s safeguards were keeping up with ever-changing global threats. “As an open country, we welcome foreign students, including from China, where they add to the academic richness of our world-leading universities,” a spokeswoman said in a statement. “But we will not accept collaborations which compromise our national security and ATAS is one of the robust procedures we have in place to protect national security and counter foreign interference.” According to the Times, the measures were expected to block hundreds of Chinese students from entering Britain, while visas for those already enrolled would be revoked if they were deemed to pose a risk.”

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Powder Keg USA By Charles Taylor

     Will Trump be assassinated by the Wuhan flu? Sure, why not. And we are the first to be reaching these levels of paranoia, so it is good to be ahead of the curve. Yes, the barbarians are now inside the gates, ruling in fact, so the US will fall into the hands of the bad dudes. Then chaos, showing that life is not like an old-time movie when the good guys win, but rather like a present-day movie, where the ugly monsters always win.

“A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, according to a new survey shared with Secrets. In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment. And 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages. “This is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with,” said Rich Thau, president of Engagious, one of the three firms, along with the Sports and Leisure Research Group and ROKK Solutions, that conducted the “Back-to-Normal Barometer” survey. Secrets has been following the series of surveys that have been sizing up the state of the nation and business since the coronavirus crisis hit. Of all the studies so far, this is the first to raise majority concerns about a potential war. It comes as the 2020 presidential race is getting hot, with both sides ginning up support from radicals, and clashes a regular thing. It also comes as the Black Lives Matter movement continues to conduct heated protests to the point of riots in some cities.”

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Clean, Limitless Power for the Age of Consumer Affluence By James Reed

     This is great news for materialists wanting to live in an age of affluence, enjoying untold hedonism. That is the meaning of life, is it not, according to the economics folk? Anyway, free energy, anyone?

“A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene's thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current. “An energy-harvesting circuit based on graphene could be incorporated into a chip to provide clean, limitless, low-voltage power for small devices or sensors,” said Paul Thibado, professor of physics and lead researcher in the discovery. The findings, titled "Fluctuation-induced current from freestanding graphene," and published in the journal Physical Review E, are proof of a theory the physicists developed at the U of A three years ago that freestanding graphene — a single layer of carbon atoms — ripples and buckles in a way that holds promise for energy harvesting. The idea of harvesting energy from graphene is controversial because it refutes physicist Richard Feynman’s well-known assertion that the thermal motion of atoms, known as Brownian motion, cannot do work. Thibado’s team found that at room temperature the thermal motion of graphene does in fact induce an alternating current (AC) in a circuit, an achievement thought to be impossible. In the 1950s, physicist Léon Brillouin published a landmark paper refuting the idea that adding a single diode, a one-way electrical gate, to a circuit is the solution to harvesting energy from Brownian motion. Knowing this, Thibado’s group built their circuit with two diodes for converting AC into a direct current (DC). With the diodes in opposition allowing the current to flow both ways, they provide separate paths through the circuit, producing a pulsing DC current that performs work on a load resistor.

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Dirty Vatican Politics By Peter West

     Just when you thought that the injustice against Cardinal George Pell, in his sex trial case was over, it emerges that there is much more, once hidden behind the scenes:

“A senior Catholic cardinal has been accused of using €700,000 ($1.14m) of Vatican funds to bribe witnesses to secure a sex abuse conviction against a rival. Italian media have reported that Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu, 72, is suspected of wiring the cash to recipients in Australia who helped to ensure hostile testimony in the abuse trial of Cardinal George Pell, who was accused of molesting choir boys in Melbourne in the 1990s. The scandal cast a shadow yesterday over the publication of a key Vatican document calling for a more caring and sharing society and denouncing the evils of war. Before he returned to Australia in 2017 where he was tried, jailed and acquitted on appeal, Cardinal Pell, 79, served as finance minister at the Vatican, where his attempts to clean up opaque accounting were opposed by Cardinal Becciu. Quoting leaked documents, the Italian newspapers La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera reported at the weekend that Vatican investigators suspect that Cardinal Becciu hoped to use the money to definitively derail Cardinal Pell’s transparency program, which threatened to expose Cardinal Becciu’s allegedly corrupt management of Vatican cash. Cardinal Becciu issued a strongly worded denial of the reports , stating: “I categorically deny interfering in any way in the trial of Cardinal Pell.” Cardinal Becciu held an influential role in distributing and investing millions of euros of Catholic donations as the deputy secretary of state between 2011 and 2018 before Francis put him in charge of running the Holy See’s department responsible for making saints. He was sacked from that job and stripped of the right to elect popes by Pope Francis last month, as Vatican investigators sifted through his spending record at the secretariat of state. Their suspicions are focused on a multimillion investment he oversaw in a luxury property in Chelsea, London, which allegedly lost the Vatican money while making millions for consultants.”

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On the Question of the Lawfulness of Travel Bans and All the Rest By Ian Wilson LL.B

     David Flint in his article, “Dictatorial Travel Ban Unlawful,” published in the Spectator Australia, August 29, 2020, puts the case, as the title indicates, that the federal government travel bans are illegal.

“Because the National Cabinet has no place in the Constitution, its decisions are affected by ministers making subordinate legislation, often without even viceregal scrutiny. Exercising a power under the Biosecurity Act ‘to prevent or control the spread’ of the virus ‘to another country’, the Health Minister on 25 March decreed that an Australian citizen ‘must not leave Australian territory as a passenger’ without satisfying some faceless bureaucrat that he or she has a ‘compelling reason’ to leave. The reasons are narrowed down on the official website. Officials and business people apart, ‘compelling reasons’ are limited to medical treatment not available in Australia or on compassionate or humanitarian grounds. According to reports, these take time and are rarely granted. This almost blanket ban on travelling is beyond the narrow power parliament gave the minister to stop the spread of the virus to another country. This is a funnel the size of which constrains the minister, whatever the National Cabinet wants, to make subordinate legislation of no greater width. He could have quite properly required that people leaving be tested. But like a Stalinist state, you can’t leave without the agreement of some faceless bureaucrat. This tyrannical requirement could be as much an actionable misfeasance in public office as was the Gillard government’s unnecessary and legally unjustifiable total ban on the export of live cattle to Indonesia. This is but one example of ministers wielding powers unnecessarily and capriciously restricting Australians in the exercise of their fundamental rights, including the common law rights to carry on a business, to work and to move around freely. Power has gone to the politicians’ heads.”

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The Pope and the Religion of Migration By Peter West

     I predicted that it would be time for some more migration/refugee nonsense from the no-hope Pope. He has run out of slightly original things to say, and he is now being fed repeat material by his masters. Anyway, here is the latest:

“Pope Francis emphasized the involuntary nature of much migration Sunday, insisting that, like Jesus, migrants and refugees are often “forced to flee.” “Today the Church celebrates the World Day of Migrants and Refugees,” the pope told the pilgrims gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for his weekly Angelus address. “I greet the refugees and migrants present in the Square around the monument entitled ‘Angels, unawares,’ which I blessed last year.” The pontiff said this year he has dedicated his Message for the commemoration “to the internally displaced, who are forced to flee, as also happened to Jesus and his family. ‘Like Jesus, forced to flee,’ likewise the displaced, migrants.” “Our remembrance and our prayer to them, in a particular way, and to those who assist them,” he added. Pope Francis has often compared migrants to Jesus Christ, suggesting that the cold welcome Christ received on coming into the world is similar to the reception many migrants experience. “Jesus knows well the pain of not being welcomed,” the pope said in a 2018 tweet for International Migrants’ Day. “May our hearts not be closed as were the houses in Bethlehem.”

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Respect Cultural Diversity! By Mrs Vera West

     Cultural diversity, so long as it is not our culture, which the Left tells us daily is only suitable for junking because of Racism Pty Ltd, is wonderful. And who could possible doubt that? Lack of identity is our identity; plurality is our unity, multicult is our culture. Selective cultural relativism, rules. Or so we are told.

“An Afghan man who groomed a 14-year-old girl for sexual activity explained that, in his culture, an age gap was “the norm” and there was no minimum age for sexual activity. Mustafa Naseri, 21, thought he was speaking with a teenager over the messaging app Kik in March and July last year. However, the recipient of the messages was in reality an undercover police officer posing as a young person. Naseri this week avoided jail, instead placed on a bond after he pleaded guilty to two grooming offences. In the conversations with the girl, he asked her for a photograph and whether she had reached puberty. Naseri, who arrived in Australia in 2008, later asked if she would meet up and engage in a sexual act with him. A meeting was arranged but he was eventually arrested at a railway station in Adelaide. Sentencing him in the District Court, Judge Geraldine Davison said Naseri told police he was from Afghanistan, where there is no minimum age for sexual activity. He said he started the conversations because he felt bored and lonely.”

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Biden and Inshallah By Richard Miller (London)

     This is something that some very sharp folks picked up from Biden’s few sane comments the Trump debate. The truth always has a tendency, like water, to leak out.

“One of the most revealing moments of last night’s debate was one that most people probably missed. BuzzFeed’s Hamed Aleaziz was overjoyed, tweeting that it was “a historic moment in America.” Over at Slate, Aymann Ismail added that “as terrible as this debate night was, at least a few of us had this moment.” This glorious occasion came when Donald Trump stated that he would eventually release his tax returns: “I’ve paid millions of dollars, and you’ll get to see it.” Joe Biden responded: “When? Inshallah,” using Arabic for “God willing,” a phrase that is often used in the context of procrastination. Some Muslims were excited about Biden’s colloquial use of the phrase, so as to mean “This is not likely to happen.” “Interfaith and anti-racism educator” Hind Makki tweeted: “Whenever someone who’s not Muslim drops an inshallah in conversation, I assume they have Muslim colleagues. When they know to use it colloquially [sarcastically], I know they have close Muslim friends.” These were just the sort of reactions Biden was doubtless hoping for. Arabic-speaking Christians as well as Muslims say “Inshallah,” but in saying this, Biden was not pandering to Arabic-speaking Christians; he was pandering to the part of his base (Muslim and non-Muslim) that believes that counterterror efforts are largely just an exercise in “Islamophobia” and supports the likes of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

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The Plandemic and the Likely Murder of Donald Trump By Brian Simpson

     So, Donald Trump has Covid-1984, looks sick, and will probably die. And, Joe Biden does not? In fact, no big Democrats have been sick at all, while numerous republicans are getting sick. Must be coincidence, it couldn’t be a conspiracy could it? Could it be that the whole Wuhan flu was coughed up just to bring Trump down? And, for the bargain, ring in the Chinese New World Order? No, that could not be. Mike Adams has always taken this Wuhan stuff more seriously than us, and here is his argument that Trump has a significant chance of dying:

     But that the elites want him immediately of the ballot should give us pause for concern, at least:

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Strangled By the Intestines of Capitalists? Going the Full Bolshevik By James Reed

     I like this one; a US professor wants cops strangled to death by the intestines of capitalists! Who says that a university education is useless because it does give one the linguistic capacity to sling together such phrases.

“Midwestern State University professor Nathan Jun called for all law enforcement officials to be strangled to death in August, and now he's facing death threats and doxxing attempts. According to his faculty page at the school, Jun teaches courses "Health Care Ethics," "Philosophy of Race and Racism," "Multicultural Philosophy," and "Philosophy of Horror and Macabre," among others. What are the details? Jun made the remarks in a now-viral Facebook thread, which painted a grisly picture of capitalists and police officers. According to the College Fix, Jun wrote, "I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician." After Jun's statement went viral, the school issued a public statement backing Jun's right to make such statements. "As a public university, we recognize and protect individuals' free speech rights under the First Amendment so that ideas and information may be freely exchanged and examined without the threat of censorship or retaliation," a statement shared Friday on KFDX-TV said. "Occasionally individuals will express opinions that may be offensive and even shocking, but are nonetheless entitled to First Amendment protection. When our faculty members speak or write as citizens within the confines of the law, they are free from institutional censorship or discipline."

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Cry for Coal By James Reed

     Great article by Greg Sheridan about how Australia is retreating from coal, where sensible nations like China are making heaps of coal-fired power stations, and to hell with nonsense about global warming. We need coal mining, digging up every spot of ground where coal is, and burning all of it. The more, the better, in my opinion. As I believe in global cooling I see increasing the carbon footprint a good thing, but that is just my opinion. We need coal for jobs of many people in the outback.

“The biggest story of the moment, the biggest structural change in our politics, is that the Morrison government has admitted comprehensive and probably permanent defeat on coal. It seems like a different era in history when Scott Morrison as treasurer proudly brandished a lump of coal in parliament to demonstrate his party’s commitment to our black gold. Still the largest source of our power, still our second biggest export, coal has been placed in the Coalition’s fantasy technology basket, to be revisited one day in the mythical future when renewables don’t need subsidies, pumped hydro creates more energy than it consumes, China’s carbon market comes into operation, and Australia wins soccer’s World Cup 6-0 against Brazil. The new lowest common denominator on coal is we continue to export it but there are no circumstances in which we build a coal-fired power station. This is how conservative governments embrace long-term strategic defeat. They win a thousand tactical victories as they march backwards. The Coalition has lost the coal argument. It came into office in 2013 never dreaming it would abandon coal, but that is what it has done. Labor and the Greens have won the argument even as they have lost the elections. The conservatives — meaning the Liberals and the Nationals — have accepted defeat. The Coalition has a good chance of retaining government by arguing that it will implement the left’s policies more carefully, cautiously, modestly, competently and with less economic damage than Labor would.

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Were Trump and the First Lady Deliberately Infected? Sure. By Charles Taylor

     President Rump and the First Lady have tested positive for the dreaded Covid-1984 virus. So how in the hell did this happen? What Chinese New Order agent was watching over the health of the president? You can bet that this is deliberate; everything in the political universe is a conspiracy. Still, at one point I did think they would do a JFK on him, but looks like they will kill him off with the special death version of the virus. Trump was pretty stupid and it is sad that the survival of Western civilisation depended upon such a fool. Anyway, maybe the sooner China takes over the better, because their brand of communism is slightly better than the mutated version in the West we see with our new class. At least it will be fun watching the useful idiots and our associated traitors meet their rightfully deserved fate. My one wish is to see this before also expiring. 

Labor/Democrats and Liberal/Republicans – Can’t the West Do Better? By James Reed

     Graham Richardson, Labor Party guru, gave his version of the Trump v Biden debate, with Trump the conservative as the villain, Chris Wallace the mighty moderator struggling to control Trump, and Biden, well a good old man who hammered away at Trump’s weak point, the economy! Excuse me, but Biden wants to lock down the entire US economy for three months, while Trump has struggled to get things moving again; Biden will totally destroy the economy. Anyway, what else can one expect? Well, more globalism, as if nothing has been learnt from Covid-19. India, South America, wherever markets are, anything but self-reliance. But, this Laborite concludes with something worth quoting on the god of the Left, China:

“During the past couple of decades the stability of the Chinese leadership has been fragile, to say the least. Coups and counter-coups came. Now President Xi Jinping has eliminated his rivals and is the unchallenged dictator of 1.5 billion people. The Chinese are clever and resourceful as well as enormously powerful. Diplomatic relations with them will never be easy because the Chinese don’t care if they are cast as the villains. They know they are too big to ignore and their vast military arsenal makes them just about bullet proof. They are brilliant bullies who are unconstrained by the normal rules of international behaviour. Get in their road and you will be squashed. That’s why it is so hard to find the Chinese opposition. They are all in the gulags.”

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Prince Harry, Doing the Diversity Dance By Richard Miller

     If anyone since Princess Di has done more for the Republican cause in Britain, it must be Harry, who now has that dumb look upon his face that all the politically correct converts get. The “bride” is leading him on to bigger and more dramatic events of wokeness.

“Prince Harry has spoken about his “awakening” to race issues as he and his wife, Meghan, launched an anti-racism campaign to mark Black History Month in the U.K. In a video interview with the Evening Standard newspaper published Thursday, Harry said London sometimes “doesn´t feel as diverse as it actually is” and that he wanted to use his celebrity to raise awareness about the Black community and the challenges it faces. “This is about learning. And about how we can make it better,” he said, speaking from the couple´s home in Santa Barbara, California. The couple released a list of Black people recognized for challenging prejudice, calling them “next gen trailblazers,” along with an opinion piece in the newspaper. “For as long as structural racism exists, there will be generations of young people of colour who do not start their lives with the same equality of opportunity as their white peers,” wrote the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as Harry and Meghan are formally known. Meghan, a former American actress known as Meghan Markle, identifies as biracial. Her mother is Black and her father is white. The couple, who quit as senior working royals in March to pursue their financial independence, announced a deal with Netflix last month to produce a range of films and series for the streaming service.”

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Stand Back and Stand By! By Charles Taylor

     This was the highlight of the Trump/Biden debate, when the president told the Proud Boys, who are not white supremacists, but run by a Black guy, to “stand back and stand by.” Could this be that at last someone is getting ready to stand up the antifa who have been burning cities and murdering people? Oh sure, the Left are now claiming that these urban terrorists are really white supremacists, but there is no evidence at all for this, and everything against it. 

     The mainstream press all are running with the same story that Trump did not condemn white supremacism. But you can listen to the transcript and hear him say it. The Proud Boys are implicated as being white supremacist, but as I said, they are multiracial and run by a Black. So, how are they white supremacist? This shows the complete and utter lies that the mainstream media floats in all of the time. And, Trump is right to call upon every force that could help restore order, in the chaos that is coming, since it is now open that the Democrats are using illegal and corrupt voting to steal the election. Stand back, but stand by. The Left are already looting, burning and murdering, so how is it wrong to say this? If anything, one would have hoped for an even stronger statement. Anyway, let’s put, “Stand Back, and Stand By,” on T-shirts.