The Bank Crash Heard Around the World By Charles Taylor (Florida)

From my counting, three US banks have crashed, but the Federal Reserve  has moved in a bailout, as it looked like panic was developing, and it does not take long in this age of on-line banking, for a cascading collapse to occur. The example of how this contagion can occur, is seen how the impact of the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank in California, which led to almost £30 billion wiped off their portfolios of British and European Union lenders.  The European-UK banking index saw a one-day decline of 3.8 per cent, with €33.5 billion (£29.6/$35.6 billion) being wiped off their balance sheets. This illustrate how volatile the mainstream financial system is, which totters on collapse. Naturally, the globalist financial elite hope to bring in digital currencies, and a collapse of the banking system would kick start this evil program.

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A Japanese Woman Dead Under Two Hours after the mRNA Vax By Mrs Vera West

The Japan Times, a mainstream media entity, has reported on a 42-year-old woman who had one jab of the Pfizer mRNA vax, and two hours later, she was dead. She died of acute heart failure, and the health ministry panel reported a “causal link.” Even though there have been almost 2,000 reported deaths in japan, this is the first death to be unquestionably linked to the vaccine. I suppose it was becoming too unrealistic to ignore the deaths, so one is admitted to give the illusion of objectivity.

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Stock Market Crash in 60 Day? Kidding, Right? By James Reed

With there being concern in the US that the banking system might come apart, although the Federal Reserve has stepped in to try and plug the hole in the sinking ship. So, maybe the panic that has started, leading to bank runs, can be stopped, so the chain reaction does not occur. But, even so, there is another dire prediction of the stock market collapsing in a mere 60 days. That has been made by Larry McDonald, leading financial analyst. It is not easy to summarise his view, but in short, he gives a doomsday summary of an over-heated, misfiring economy, that is set to suffer a burn out. Rising interest rates and a credit squeeze, will further impact upon the middle class. "Auto loans right now are approaching 14%, almost 20% of auto loans are one thousand a month, and so the middle-class families are getting hammered here," the expert McDonald said. "So, the consumer pressures are violent, but on the high end, the wealthy are doing well with excess savings and higher interest rates."

We will wait and see how this evolves, but certainly if this crash prediction is true, Australia faces the same cascading collapse, so it would be a good idea to put away a few extra tins of baked beans.

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The Coming WHO Medical Dictatorship By Brian Simpson

Dr. Francis Boyle, an international law expert,  during a Stop Vax Passports Task Force Webinar, warned that the world Health organization (WHO), is seeking to establish a global medical dictatorship. The international “pandemic accord” currently being negotiated by the WHO, due for a vote as early as May, according to Boyle “will set up a brand-new international organization with powers to issue legally binding orders all the way down … to your primary care physician.”  Given its new power, the WHO will, come the next plandemic, force “vaccinations,” quarantine detentions in concentration camps that Australia has already constructed, and censor of dissenting health information, and dissents. The WHO will have the power in  “directing and coordinating authority on international health work, in pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, and in convening and generating scientific evidence, and, more generally, fostering multilateral cooperation in global health governance.”

As has been said many times at the blog, this is highly dangerous, and will erode national sovereignty quickly, bringing in the New World Order, at least within 12 months. As has been said, health is a good one for the globalists to work on as in recent times, many issues, such as race relations, gender issuers, and climate change have been re-defined as health issues.

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The Army Against the Farmers By Richard Miller (London)

A shown in videos in the link below, one can see the Dutch military being deployed in The Hague, to enforce the tractor ban in the city, made by farmers to oppose the government closing down farms in the name of the globalist elite’s climate change mania. This example shows that when the crunch comes, the Deep State will call out its thugs against the people.

As George Christensen has argued, events like the closing of farms, is part of a globalist agenda: “This is all part of a plan to gain a monopoly on food production and then significantly start rising their prices to induce a global famine.

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How Far Climate Change Madness Goes; Scotland Bans Inhaled Aesthesia! By Richard Miller (London)

Moving on from the banning of farms, the climate change globalists in Scotland, a place which in recent times has become hyper-woke, have now banned inhaled aesthetic gases, such as desflurane. The authorities claim that this and other such gasses, has global warming potential 2,500 times greater than carbon dioxide, so it has to go. England is not far behind, with a ban by early 2024. Now, as I understand it, these gasses are much more efficient as anaesthetics, than the probably injectable alternatives. So, in the name of climate change medicine turns back the clock on surgical anaesthesia. If the elites were really serious about controlling carbon emissions, then reducing free trade would be a better step, but they will never do that.

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The Spanish Flu: The Role of Doctor-Caused Disease By Brian Simpson

The Bad Cat, whose site for some reason does not use capital letters, which I think makes it less serious, but someone pretending to be a cat, would not care, makes a very interesting observation about the over-blown nature of pandemics, in particular, the Spanish Flu epidemic that hit during World War I. The odd thing was how the Spanish flu killed otherwise healthy soldiers in a few days, but other people, not so quick, or not at all.  “The unprecedented overall mortality and the mortality rate among young adults during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic is incompletely understood. Deaths in the United States peaked with a sudden spike in October 1918. Later, Wade Hampton Frost studied surveys of 8 US cities and found that, for every 1000 persons aged 25–29 years, 30% were infected with influenza virus, and 1% died of pneumonia or influenza. This 3% case-fatality rate has been called, “perhaps the most important unsolved mystery of the pandemic.”

One hypothesis for why this occurred, is that the higher mortalities of the soldiers was iatrogenic, doctor caused. In 1918, aspirin was first marketed, and Big Pharma was keen to push its new wonder drug. Doses of 8-31 grams were given to sick soldiers. It is known today that the daily dose of aspirin should never exceed the level of mgs, even in exceptional circumstances, and doses are far, far lower to avoid toxicity, and other side effects. But, the even higher doses would likely produce the rapid declines and deaths that were observed. Bad Cat cited some peer reviews papers that support his idea.

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Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger Call Out the Weaponization of Government, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The truth, like water, has a tendency to leak out. At present this is occurring with aspects of the Covid plandemic, but it is also occurring with the US  House Judiciary Committee, over the “Twitter files,” and Big Tech censorship, and the way the government weaponised this. Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified to Congress. By way of summary. According to Shellenberger: “Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation requests from every corner of government, from the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA. For every government agency scanning Twitter, there were perhaps twenty quasi-private entities doing the same thing.”

There has been something of a small break in this, with Elon Musk giving Twitter more free speech, but as far as the evidence indicates, nothing has changed with the rest of Big Tech. This was a major issue during the Covid plandemic, where criticism of the vaxxes, and mandates, which all turned out to be true, were censored, and critics found themselves removed. This still goes on, so it is early days yet in the struggle to regain a level of free speech, that existed even a few years back.

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The Apology of Dr Naomi Wolf By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is an important confession document by a leading figure of the American left, Dr Naomi Wolf. She was previously best known as a radical feminist critic, attacking such things as the “beauty myth.” However, when Covid arose and the vax rollout occurred, she noticed that women were reporting fertility and menstrual issues. Further research led her to becoming a Covid vax critic, and making major contributions. This naturally upset her friends from the Left, who fully believed in the Vax cult.

And now she has written, in the light of Tucker Carlson’s viewing on TV of the January 6 videos, all of which refute the Democrat narrative of an insurrection, that this too was mistaken. What sort of insurrection is it, when people are escorted into the Capitol Building by the police? The mainstream, who have addressed this at all, have said that the police were overwhelmed and just surrendered. But if that was so, then they should have retreated, and got the National Guard. Nothing like this occurred, it was thus a grand set-up.

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Is it Still Relevant to Discuss Covid? By Brian Simpson

While the public obviously have Covid fatigue, the Covid mandates have not completely disappeared in Australia. There has been a drive by the health authorities, even given other jurisdictions, such as in Europe and the United States, moving to halt re-vaccination, to move to a fifth jab, and beyond. Covid mandates continue in many Australian workplaces. And, the big issue is that if the federal government signs the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which is certain without strong opposition, there will be more of what we have seen during the lockdowns in the next plandemic, as well as a global vaccine passport, sooner rather than later.

Vaccines have become the stepping stones to the New World Order, and one ignores the science, or its misuse, at the peril of freedom.

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The Sound of Silence is Broken By Mrs Vera West

Julie Sladden has published three ground-breaking Covid articles at, a mainstream publication, but far ahead of many. The previous articles discussed the harms versus benefits of the mRNA vaxxes, and then the Covid mandates still existing in Australia. The third article, the most important detailed what must be done to avoid another public health disaster. They are all sensible measures.


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Conspiracy Today; Fact Tomorrow By James Reed

Ramesh  Thakur has written at, about in recent times, past conspiracy theories have turned out to be true, and thus, factual. It is one of the best arguments against internet censorship and the so-called drive by the globalist to control “misinformation.” The Covid plandemic well illustrates this, with almost all components of the mainstream covid narrative falling. But despite this, aspects of the mandates, such as a drive for a fifth vax, and mask wearing in selected areas, such as medical centres, continues. The vaccines were said by President Biden to prevent transmission, and this was immediately refuted by nature, with the new Omicron variant, escaping the arguable protection of the first round of shots. The over-vaccinated suddenly were infected.

Dr Thakur has given a list of the dogmas that have been refuted by the passage of time, although still clinged to by some medical technocrats, who cannot let go of the power that the plandemic gave them:

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The Globalist Health Regime of the World Health Organization By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization (WHO), established the  International Health Regulations (IHR) in 2005, a compliance tool to allegedly efficiently handle public health emergencies. This gave WHO enormous power, being for Western health agencies the fountain of all wisdom regarding health matters. The Covid mandates originated from WHO, and these in turn were highly influenced by policies adopted in communist China, who, as detailed in previous articles, largely dominate WHO. Amendments to the International Health Regulations, made near the end of 2022, will vastly increase WHO’s power, including the pandemic treaty, and the proposed Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB). These changes, if successful will transform WHO from a once advisory role, to becoming a power above the nation state on health-related matters.


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The New Form of Toxic Masculinity: Petro-Masculinity! By James Reed

Academics, having plenty of time on their hands are stitching together a new woke narrative, that sees fossil fuels as, well, fuelling the white male patriarchal racist, misogynist, sexist blah, blah, system. The image I have is of a red neck cruising in a gas guzzler, shotgun in a rack, arm out the window, making a nuisance himself.

Yet, the problem these woke academics have, is that the vast majority of Africans, Chinese, other East Asians, and in fact, most of South East Asian and South America, support fossil fuel use. Non-whites support fossil fuels. In fact, these societies embrace, with no shame, petro-masculinity. So, there is a problem here for the while liberal woke academics, since, the Left-blessed races, those who are non-white, fit the same depiction, made of the dreaded white males. So, what is an academic to do? Probably ignore it. Or say, no, it is the white racist West which has turned these golden people from the true path. Yes, that might be it.

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Wind Turbines: Killers of Nature, and Polluters By James Reed

The Greens worship wind turbines, which along with solar energy, they see as replacing conventional fossil fuels, so that the so-called climate doomsday can be averted. Yet, in terms of energy, wind turbine energy is still fossil fuel dependent. Every turbine requires oil to operate, with the average 5MW turbine containing several hundred litres of oil, such as at the base of the turbine. The oil needs to be changed every nine to 16 months. But that is just the start, since the blades are made from balsa wood, which typically comes from the amazon, and its harvest leaves behind massive environmental pollution, and deforestation as has been seen in Ecuador. Apparently, this deforestation does not worry the Greens who may reflect that one cannot make omelettes without breaking a few eggs. As detailed below, wind turbines tend to shred birds and other wildlife, something fossil fuels do not do.


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China Gears Up to Lockdown for the Flu By Brian Simpson

Chinese officials in the city of Xi’an, in Shaanxi Province in central China, are planning a lockdown if the seasonal flu poses a severe threat. This would, in effect, make a return to the style of lockdown experienced during Covid, and which led to the otherwise passive Chinese people pouring out onto the streets in protest. Presumably the Chinese health authorities must think that people have short memories. And, as cited below, some journalists in the West, the same that supported the Covid lockdowns, are renewing the call for new lockdowns if the flu gets severe, and especially if there is a species jump of bird flu, H5N1.

If so, we will be set to go through Covid 2.0, with a likely new round of inadequately tested mRNA vaxxes. The big question is, whether the people of the West and going to take it this time, or will they again, be forced to take it?

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Committee on the Present Danger: China By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Committee on the Present Danger: China, has been investigating the threat that the close alliance between communist China and the World Health Organization will have on the national determination of health policies. The speakers at a recent presentation were alarmed about the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, which President Biden is set to sign, seeing that this will lead to the policies of the World Health Organization overriding national policies in pandemics.

There are two problems here. The first, dealt with below, is that the World Health Organization, with its strong CCP influence will be following the policies of communist China to the detriment of the West. One need only reflect upon the social disaster that China’s lockdown was; view the graphic videos of people locked in high-rise flats, jumping to their deaths. Second, the World Health Organization is quick to declare health emergencies and pandemics, as the now forgotten monkey pox fizzer showed.

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David E. Scheim, PhD, and Jerome Dancis, PhD: Letter for Covid Vax Exemption By Chris Knight (Florida)

David E. Scheim, PhD, and Jerome Dancis, PhD, have delivered the letter, reproduced below to the chancellor and Board of Trustees of their California college, which like most of California still had Covid vax mandates. It seems that the letter was successful, as the next day after the letter was emailed, the college granted exemptions to a number of staff whose employment was threatened. Perhaps the key point made was that a study published on MedRxiv on February 23, 2023, by researchers from the Cleveland Clinic, found that “the higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.” “The study, which tracked 51,000 subjects, found: “The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19,” …. That figure shows that for every number of vaccine doses—none, one, two, three, and greater than three, the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was greater with more vaccine doses at every day throughout the study’s 98 days of follow-up. The bivalent booster, however, offered an insignificant 4% reduction in incidence of COVID-19 infection for the Omicron strain that became dominant in 2023.”

Thus, the Covid mandates, which still exist, are ineffective, and counter-productive.

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Mainstream Media Tackles Australian Excess Death Issue By Brian Simpson

The mainstream Australian media have tackled, in heir own way the issue of Australia having the highest excess mortality in over 80 years, with a 12 percent increase of excess deaths in 2022. That amounts to 20,000 deaths, with 10,300 allegedly due to Covid, and with 2,900 deaths were the virus contributed. The other 6,600 deaths were not related to Covid, and are explained as being due to cancer and heart disease. Naturally, the Covid vaxxes had no role to play in this, they allege.

This claim flies in the face of evidence that has been posted from numerous sources at the blog from other jurisdictions. But, keeping to Australia, excess dementia deaths constitute contrary evidence. As noted by Steve Kirsch, the explosion of dementia deaths in June to July precisely coincides with the Covid vax rollout, while back in 2021, there were only 15 deaths from dementia in 2021.

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There is No Climate Change Emergency By James Reed

Mark Keenan, a former scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK, and at the United Nations Environment Division, and author of the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability, brings us up to speed on why the alleged climate change emergency is pure deception, and simply is not supported by all scientists. In fact, 1500 climate scientists and professionals in over 30 countries have signed a declaration that there is no climate emergency. The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) website, also supplies refutations of much of the UN IPCC reports. It is therefore simply not true that the UN IPCC represents any sort of “consensus” on climate change, as if those disagreeing are immediately to be classed as heretics for not falling in line with the UN. “The reality is that the climate changes naturally and slowly in its own cycle, and solar activity is the dominant factor in climate and not Co2. We can conclude that carbon emissions or methane from livestock, such as cows, are not the dominant factors in climate change. In essence, therefore, the incessant UN, government, and corporate-media-produced climate hysteria in relation to carbon emissions and methane from cows has no scientific basis.”


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