The Curse of Face Masks By Peter West

Wearing face masks is the new normal. Depending upon what state of the totalitarian republic of terror Australia you are in, one could get either a warning, or be near beaten to death, then drawn and quartered in the public square, to the cheers of a mob of crazed mask-wearing fanatics, your fellows, with eyes on stalks. No, I exaggerate in a literary flourish; it is not that bad yet, for the hypothetical/metaphorical mRNA mutation causing eyes to grow on stalks has not yet occurred!  But seriously, masks pose health and environmental risks.

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The Abortion Production Line By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While writing this I am listening to the bitter sweet music of Canon in D by Pachelbel. Reflecting, I think it is time for God to end the human story, no joke. We have reached peak evil. Even so-called friends, family and allies betray one. No good deed goes unpunished; no good work appreciated. Then we have this:

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Medical Mania on Climate Change By James Reed

A trend that began before Covid was the politically correct activism of the medical profession, especially of academic medicine. This was seen with climate change, then it went a bit quiet while they jumped on the Covid band wagon. Now it is back, joining hands. The order is to radically transform society quite along socialist lines. It must be opposed, or we are doomed.

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A Lack of Balance By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The January 6 peaceful protesters are still being held in complete violation of their human rights, complete with torture. Yet we have this, someone fires on cops, and it is just self-defence … which is could be, despite the optics. Whether the self-defence claim is right or wrong does not concern me, it is the question of balance, given that the January 6 protesters were invited by the authorities into the Capitol Building, and nobody used any weapons, although one cop cold-bloodedly executed Ashli Babbitt. Looking at America’s decline today, I am sorry that I fought in Afghanistan that is sure. The battle now is against enemies both foreign and domestic who rule us.

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The Issue of Long Covid By Brian Simpson

I have a friend who has a little critical faculty left, but if he sees something on the sacred ABC, he is immediately under a spell, and must believe. Maybe he believes everything on TV, I don’t know, there are various levels of stupidity. His latest fear is “long Covid,” and he thinks that this is the best argument for a vaccination. Is it? First let’s hear what it is, then examine the phenomenon.

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Why the Left Hates “The Lord of the Rings” By James Reed

The Lord of the Rings is a perennially relevant tale of old school good versus evil. It has clear moral boundaries. It has true heroes who are prepared to fight for righteousness. There are no transgender characters. Is there any reason at all for the Left to like anything about The Lord of the Rings?

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Tumbling into the Non-White Future By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the white population of America sliding down the slippery slope to minority status, it is somewhat depressing to see the results of a recent Pew Research Canter survey indicating that six-in-ten white American see the declining demographic of their ethno-racial group as neither good nor bad. As the article below from Occidental points out, these whites believe that their position, and indeed security in society is not going to change. But the events of 2020 with the BLM riots, and in 2021, the declaration of “war” made by the Beijing Biden regime against American whites, indicate that the future is going to be more like South Africa for these dumb whites who care more about consumer comfort and satisfaction of interests and wants, rather than anything beyond their selves. In the future don’t care, will be forced to care.

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Doing a Job on the Vikings By Brian Simpson

Ever since white nationalists used Viking metaphors, the system has been in over-drive to deconstruct the Vikings. As I covered in an paper in December 2020 (use the wonderful search engine) we have seen things like transgender Vikings, Muslim Vikings, and anything to legitimated mass migration into Scandinavia, as their part of the Great Replacement.

Now comes the claim that being a Viking was a job description, not a matter of being a Norseman, or heredity. The genetic study of Viking-style graves has allegedly revealed that there were Vikings in the Orkney islands, Estonia, and other places, who had no Scandinavian DNA. There was even found a Saami skeleton. However, it is admitted that various people were so impressed by the Scandinavian Vikings that they took up Viking ways, and this is what is found in the graves. It is even possible that Vikings, as basically pirates, may have taken in various non-Nordic individuals who impressed them, just like organised crime gangs do today, while maintaining an elite ethno-racial core. So what? It does not show that Vikings were all Africans, or Muslims,  which I suppose is that the woke want.

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Welcome to the De Facto Vaccine Passport: It’s Here! By James Reed

Without a legal challenge, which will probably never come because it takes an eternity for lawyers on our side to get their act to together, let alone act, business has moved to have the de facto vaccine passport. Not only businesses, but churches too are caught up in the social madness. To save readers hours surfing the net, here is all the misery in one article:

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More On the Superiority of Natural Immunity to Covid By Brian Simpson

Studies continue to confirm the superiority of natural immunity over the Covid vaccines. The only real counter I have seen, to be discussed in another article is “long Covid,” that there are problems further down the track. Apart from that by way of summary: “In the largest real-world observational study, conducted in Israel — one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world — scientists followed 700,000 people, splitting them into three groups: vaccinated people who received two doses of the Pfizer jab, unvaccinated people who recovered from COVID, and individuals who both recovered from the virus and received one dose the Pfizer vaccine. The study found natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization. “The researchers hypothesize that it’s because of B and T cell memory.”

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s Critique of the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West


German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, is by no means anti-vax, but is highly critical of the Covid regime. In an interview with Dr Mercola he details why he thinks the Covid vaccines are a threat to humanity. He also discusses the statistical confusion made by the establishment between relative and absolute risk, with relative risk being the ratio of the probability of an outcome in an exposed group to the probability of an outcome in an unexposed group, and absolute risk is simply the probability of an event. The two probabilities are not the same, but are conflated, deliberately in the debate. The absolute risk reduction is around 1 per cent for all currently available COVID shots. A big difference, eh?

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Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots, Just because They Could By Chris Knight

It is incredible that nothing was done about this at the time, but there were videos of leftist operatives, “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia, and other US states.

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The Racism of …Plaster! By James Reed

It is exhausting keeping up with the latest bit of woke nonsense. Plaster is racist. Well, it is white, like clouds!

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China Embraces Masculinity By John Steele

While the West is embracing weakness and everything decadent, China is taking the path of strength. It is what a nation aiming for conquest just does. Read on, and weep.

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To Vax or Not to Vax … That is The Question! By James Reed

At a personal level the question will come up for the Covid vax from your doctor, who, being part of the sacred medical establishment, will be pushing for it. He/she will probably down-play issues of adverse effects. Like my doctor, whom I seldom see, as I despise the medical profession, who said that getting adverse effects was even more improbable than getting hit by a truck. He does not read this site or Dr Mercola, and he used to prescribe to me the drug Zantac, now removed. Still if one does not want to argue the science, the following article, based upon the precautionary principle gives a strategy of dealing with doc.

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Only Fully Vaxxed if One has All the Booster Shots! By James Reed

This is something that the Australian press does not discuss, in its pro-vaccine mania: one shot will not be enough. The state of Israel is now up to the third shot! Before long it will be four. It is easy to see that nothing short of endless vaccines will dictate the future. Most people are assuming that they get THE jab and it is all over. Think again, learn what life as a pin cushion will be like!

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Taiwan is Toast! By James Reed

The Chinese invasion of Taiwan could happen any day now. Then it will be time to work their way down Asia. Australia will fall quickly if any fight at all is put up, lacking nuclear weapons, only having migrant diversity, thanks to the mania of Calwell’s “populate or perish.” It did not work, and will all be for nothing.

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Biden Gets Away with it Again! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The man with no chin, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said that "there isn't going to be an impeachment" of President Joe Biden over the fouled-up withdrawal of US troops and civilians from Afghanistan. That is because Democrats control both Houses. But, I wonder if Republicans would even have the guts to move against him if they get power in 2024, which given electoral corruption, is unlikely.

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Arming the Taliban; Disarming Americans By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump Jr. is much more coherent than his old man, and often nails it. He has pointed out that Biden has armed the Taleban, America’s enemy with advanced weaponry, yet is moving to disarm ordinary Americans, as well as pushing for world-wide gun control, of civilians in reality. It is one of the agendas of the New World Order. Thus, the first act of the Taliban government was firearms confiscation of their subjects.

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The Missing Ballots, Exceed Biden’s Victory Margins! By Chris Knight (Florida)

While indirectly related to electoral fraud, Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative has said that President Biden’s margins of victory in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin in the 2020 presidential election were narrower than the states’ respective totals of unaccounted-for ballots. For example, Biden’s margin of victory in Wisconsin was approximately 20,000 votes despite the number of ballots “missing or undeliverable” in the state being 83,000! That is post-democracy for you!

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