Dr Graham Lyons: Fighter Against the Covid New World Order! By Paul Walker

The ABC.net.au, did a reasonable job covering the position of Adelaide scientist, and anti-vax champion, Dr Graham Lyons. Dr Lyons has spoken at various rallies, and apparently is facing charges for refusing to be Covid tested, disputing the accuracy of the test, the morality and legality of tests, tracing and lockdowns and even the reality of the pandemic! He actually got to mention that the whole scam is about bringing in a world government. He says that he is fighting the good fight, because he does not want his granddaughter growing up in a “techno-fascist dystopia." Impressive courage, indeed.


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If Turkey Can Do It, Why Not Us? By Richard Miller (London)

Turkey, after being inundated with Syrian refugees, is determined not to have a repeat with Afghan refugees. Consequently, it has quickly assembled a three-metre-high wall with barbed wire, complete with security patrols. Personally I think  the fence should be higher, even a road of barbed and razor wire would be good, but it is a start.


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Imagine 15 Million Unaccountable Ballots By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US Public Interest Legal Foundation filed a research brief alleging because of the coronavirus pandemic last year, various U.S. states “hastily pushed traditionally in-person voters to mail ballots while, at the same time, trying to learn how to even administer such a scenario.” It is contended that almost 15 million mail-in ballots went unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election. This alone could have changed, in principle the outcome of the election. At a minimum it shows that the mail ballot system is flawed, just the way the corrupt Satanic Democrats like it.


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Guess What? That Blue Surgical Masks are Virtually Useless! By Mrs Vera West

I will give them one thing, the blue surgical masks that masses of people wear, are a nice shade of blue, but not much else. Mine goes with my eyes, and I wear it when I have to, usually with my nose exposed for breathing if I can get away with it. No, just kidding, I wear eight masks. But these masks are inadequate for the use that people now put then to. Further, even if these masks were satisfactory, lots of people especially men with huge beards do not wear their masks properly. There needs to be a special unit of the police, the mask police, working solely on the mask issue, making sure everyone has a snug in the bug mask, and helping to adjust any wayward masks, wearing blue surgical gloves of course!


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Door-to-Door Christian Man Hunt By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Taliban is going door-to-door now, perhaps taking a leaf out of the Beijing Biden regime’s Covid policy, but instead of jabbing, is grabbing … Christians. Phones are being inspected for Bible apps, which is a step up from old school tyranny where the paper version of the Bible was searched for, then if it was found, one was fed to the lions. Obviously in such a dangerous situation, having Bibles on phones and/or laptops would be foolish. Still, the old fashioned way, of keeping hardcopy books, even paper printouts, which can be hidden by burial wrapped in plastic underground, literally, would be the way to go. It might be a bit of a toil digging up the buried Bible, but it is better than being shot or hung, or even set on fire. Or buried oneself. This is, after all, the New Dark Ages.


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Nuclear HEMP Attack and That’s All Folks! By James Reed

An alarming research paper has been published by EMP scientists  Dr. William A. Radasky and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry for All News predicting that electromagnetic pulse weapons will almost certainly be employed in the coming World War III. This will involve detonating a nuclear device high in the atmosphere about America, or maybe Australia, although Australia would probably not be regarded as meriting a nuke, being so utterly weak and not having nukes of its own, only cucks and  bs-ers. The significance of this is that the power grid would be fried, and the “lights out” scenario will lead to chaos that will probably kill 90 percent of the population within some weeks, according to some estimates. If America is defeated by such a sneak attack, nothing prevents China rolling down into Australia, unless of course, the US at its last gasp manages to do the same to China! Anyway, nothing really prevents all this now. Most people will ignore the problem. There is nothing in the Australian media about the threat of EMP to Australia, it is not even a topic that yields search results from our side of politics, concerned with its hobbies. That will just be too bad if it happens.


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Noble Prize Winner, Luc Montagnier on the Coming Covid Vaccine Apocalypse By Brian Simpson

Luc Montagnier, is a French virologist who received the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), so he might know a thing or two about viral evolution. He sees the Covid vaccines as acting to “feed the virus,” and facilitate its evolution into stronger and more transmittable variants, which are likely to be more resistant to the vaccines. Montagnier believes that the mutation and strengthening of the virus occurs due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), which increases the ability of a virus to enter cells and cause a worsening of the disease.

“ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.” This sets in motion a situation similar to the over-use of antibiotics, where the abuse of the medicine, in the longer term, will make the disease even worse.

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Chaos in Afghanistan By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One can be sure that a regime is in trouble when it makes lies so obviously refutable, that even the mainstream media has trouble making the lies look true, and that is their expertise. Thus, the Biden regime is saying that there are no Americans stranded in Afghanistan, even though it is known that the Taliban has a wall of steel around the main airport out. Psaki seems to think that being in contact with Americans via phone and email somehow shows that all is well, but even prisoners might still be able to make a phone call.


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American Policy Directed by Globalist Elite Who Seek US Destruction By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is, even within some more mainstream sources, an increasing recognition that Joe Biden is not home in his head, and that someone else is directing US policy, or lack of it. One analysis is given below from a conservative source, but in my opinion, and I am nobody, all of the decisions from the open borders to the present Afghanistan humiliation, are designed to tear down the US and aid China in its quest for world conquest. That conquest is not by China alone, but the CCP is part of the globalist New World Order empire. China will be the ruling face in a post-liberal democratic world. The stolen 2020 election fits in to this post-democracy world. While the good men did nothing, they lost an entire world.


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CDC Studies Show Vaccine Protection Wanes Over Time By Brian Simpson

Here is a concise outline of some studies released last week by the US CDC, which indicate that the COVID vaccine effectiveness against infection has decreased over time, and that the vaccines are  less effective in dealing with the Delta variant. Another  study by University of Oxford scientists found people who contract the Delta variant after being fully vaccinated carry a similar viral load as those who catch the disease and are unvaccinated. Hence, the vaccinated are just as contagious as the unvaccinated. As I see it, this completely collapses the present Australian government narrative on Covid, both vaccinations and lockdowns.


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The Latest US Covid Misery Report: US Covid Vaccine Deaths and Adverse Effects: Weekly Misery Report By Brian Simpson

Here is a summary of data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), VAERS. It shows  that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 13, 2021, a total of 595,622 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 13,068 deaths.  This is an increase of 702 over the previous week. Things get worse every week


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Pandemic Cognitive Decline By Brian Simpson

There is a forthcoming paper in JAMA Pediatrics, that has found that children born during the pandemic score markedly lower on standard measures of verbal, motor and overall cognitive ability. The  longitudinal study of 672 children from Rhode Island, found that children born after the pandemic began showed  an average IQ score of 78, a drop of 22 points from the average of previous cohorts, which indicates serious mental retardation. If these results are applicable to the entire human race, it arguable that there could be a collapse of civilisation in the future, just from the crash of IQ alone. This would seem to be the ultimate nightmare for the likes of American Renaissance.


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US Breakthrough Cases; 125,000! By Brian Simpson

For reference purposes in the current Australian situation, here is another case study of breakthrough Covid infections. There are at least125,683 fully vaccinated Americans who have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of these have died.

However, the total number of breakthrough cases is likely to be higher, as nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, and 11 did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Vaccinated adults who have breakthrough cases, but show no symptoms, could also be missing from the data. While the mainstream is saying that the numbers of dead are relatively small, the point to notice is that it is not zero, as the standard magic bullet view of vaccines would seemingly suppose.

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The Psychology of the Conspiracy Theorist … Me! By James Reed

Psychological research has linked the acceptance of conspiracy theories with a desire to stand out from the crowd. That may be applicable to celebrity conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and others, but is it true of people like us, me in particular? Remember, we are classified as shadowy fringe dwellers. How is this intense privacy compatible with that is being proposed by the psychologists? And why trust psychology at all, when most of it published results are false: that is the famous replication crisis in part.


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A Personal Note on Not Getting the Vax By Mrs Vera West

While the following personal argument by someone who is choosing not to get the vaccine does not contain any new material that we have not covered, it is still interesting, since the account was published in a mainstream media source, Newsweek.com. It does rebut the claim made by the vaccination establishment, that those not getting vaccinated are ignorant and selfish.


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The Failure of Herd Immunity in Mass Vaccinated Iceland By Richard Miller (London)

Iceland is yet another country with a high Covid vaccination rate, but where herd immunity is not being reached, according to Iceland’s Chief Epidemiologist, Þórólfur Guðnason. He says that the past two to three weeks, the Delta variant has outstripped all others in Iceland. Vaccinated people can easily contract it as well as spread it to others, Þórólfur has stated. Thu, mass vaccination is not going to end the Covid crisis. 


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The Case Against Vaccine Certificates By Mrs Vera West

The respectable Spectator.com, has done a splendid job critiquing the notion that the Australian government needs to make vaccine certificates mandatory for all. But this view assumes that vaccines are the magic bullet solution to the Covid crisis, and the case of breakthrough infections in both Israel, Iceland and other places, shows that this is not so. As well, the article mentions the waning efficacy of vaccines as seen in Israel. Thus “the recommendation for vaccination certificates flies in the face of massive actual data from the real world.” The article’s conclusion: “vaccines should be made available to all, strongly recommended for all vulnerable groups but not made mandatory for anyone. Embrace personal choice and individual responsibility as the core elements of Covid risk management as we all learn to live with it as individuals and a nation. This too shall pass.”


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Money for Jam, No, Crime! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Given all of the heavy misery material covered here, and I assume today is a normal work day for the Alor.org bullpen, here is a bit of lighter relief, but still absurd. It shows how low the system can go.

First, defund the New York police as much as possible. Then, through an outfit called ­Advance Peace, offer a stipend of $1,000 per month (“transformational opportunities”) to “young men ­involved in lethal firearm ­offenses,” at the same time pairing them with “neighborhood change agents” — “credible messengers, meaning they bring life experience, conflict mediation and mentorship skills to the target population.”  In other words, give a grand a month to violent teens, then get older ex-cons to train them into being even better at their trade! Makes sense if the goal is social chaos, which it is. All for the CCP masters.

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Today Jihad Afghanistan, Tomorrow the World! Then the Universe! By James Reed

We have been delivered the spectacle of the Biden administration allegedly cooperating with the Taliban, like the US being some whipped second-rate backwater country. Meanwhile all sorts of atrocities are being committed by the Taliban, which we are documenting. But, the most important thing is that the present US humiliation is fuelling jihadism, and the desire to take it to the world. Taliban commander Muhammed Arif Mustafa told CNN: “It’s our belief that one day, mujahedin will have victory, and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.”  Here is some takes on this, by those who know more about it than me.


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The Democrats are the US Taliban By Charles Taylor

The great patriot General Flynn has given an excellent overview of the present plight of the US, with waning freedoms at home under the Democrat regime, and disasters abroad. While real terrorist threats are gathering forces, the Biden administration is defining patriot Americans as terrorists, and aims to declare war against them. Well, given the failure of the US military to win any recent wars, maybe their famous luck will continue on the home front!


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