The CCP, Plotting Away for Global Marxism, Coming to Your Street Soon! By James Reed

Who was it that said that history had ended with liberal democracies? Anyone remember that guy, had an Asian sounding name starting with “F,” ending in “a”? Don’t hear much about the end of history and the last man now do we, as Marxism is back on the menu boys!

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How the Mad Scientists Plan to Destroy the Earth! By Brian Simpson

There I was thinking that the Grand Plan to eliminate us so that a race of lizard extra-terrestrials, most zooming around in the UFO sports vehicles, drag racing each other, some of whom are hiding in broad daylight in human form, running Big Tech corporations (just look at the eyes), would involve disease to wipe us out! But no, our demise will be long and painful, due to climate interference. Imagine all that will go wrong with geoengineering plan to cool the entire planet, especially now the solar minimum is upon us? Why, the screw-ups in science that occur now should make anyone say: No way, Jose! But the technocrats have enormous power now, as the Covid plandemic showed.

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The CDC Report on Breakthrough Covid Infections, Breaking Through By Brian Simpson

Some vaccination critics have been making false claims about the Australian Covid vaccines extent of adverse effects. Doing so may be a crime, and in any case discredits the proponent. Better to keep to the facts. For the US, which has had a more aggressive vaccination program than Australia, arguably, let us keep to the official material from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Surely, no problem there.

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What Happens When They Cyber-Attack the Beer Supply? By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

The authorities think that a Russian hacking group cyber attacked the world’s largest meat supplier, JBS, shutting down its internal computer systems, including its Canadian and Australian branches. The FBI thinks that REvil was the kingpin, but surely it must be white supremacists, if Biden is right that they are the source of all r-evil in the universe! Oh, but it is not so bad, and so far the beer supply has not been affected. No one would be that cruel to take away the sheeples’ soma. It might turn said sheeple into bunting billy goats!

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Dream on You Crazy Diamond! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Buried in the title of this is an allusion to Pink Floyd … who are they? Don’t worry. Anyway, Trump has said that China owes the world big biscuits for giving us the gift of Covid-19. What is the bet they say: to hell with you guys, even if they do admit a deliberate lab release, which they would not do, even with nuclear missiles pointed at them? Look, your economies are destroyed, so just bend your knees and know your place in the Covid New World Order! Really though, there is more to the story, and I suspect that the release of Covid was a plan by those globalists, who control nations, for the Great Genocide of democratic values.

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The UK Official Culture of Rape By Richard Miller (London)

If the crimes involved Whites protesting about mass immigration, or some sort of hate crime, you can be show that the woke Covid New World Order coppers would have so many convictions, the gaols would be over-flowing, and the authorities would be transporting prisoners to the new colonies, such as Australia, to give their civic society a good solid political foundation. No, as the grooming rapes are of White children by non-white migrants, well, why should the system  care? It is just part and parcel of the Great Replacement.


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The Incredible Roaming Covid Spikes! By Mrs Vera West

Here is more information for your consideration about the coronavirus spike proteins, which according to new research can travel from the site of injection, I take it the shoulder, but in the good old days, it was the butt if my memory serves me somewhat well, The problem is what happens when the spike protein starts circulating in the body, if it does? Clearly the best thing to do now is like the origin of Covid-19, to shut down all debate, imprison all recalcitrant scientists, and sing “don’t worry, be happy.” That should solve the problem, yes sir!


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China Plans to Axe Australian Iron Ore with an Australian Iron Ore Axe! By James Reed

As reported in the Australian Financial Review, 22-23 May, 2021, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, has a five-year plan which involves, in part, axing its reliance upon Australian iron ore. Loyal China will seek iron ore elsewhere, from Russia, Myanmar, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, as well as increasing local production and using scrap iron.

Well, doesn’t this show how short-sighted our policies have been, to export raw material, take in foreign students and migrants, and have no degree of self-reliance, not even making masks? It is time for Australia to get economic independence, to use its resources for its own national development. The founding fathers of Federation saw this, there was some movement in that direction, but as usual, the globalist elite moved to squash everything, and here we are. I hope it is not too late to try again. Most of us here at this blog are beaming with optimism, so I will march on once more, forcing myself to smile.

Higher Education in Crisis! Good for Them! By James Reed

While grazing on the rich pastures of the Australian Financial Review, June 1, 2021, I spied an ad which is for the Higher Education Summit. “COVID-19 has smashed Australian universities, with border closures wiping out the international education that accounts for up to a third of revenue.” What is shocking is how this has been allowed to happen, when education should be about nation building, not bringing in Asian migrants, which is what the scheme is really about, as I have documented in numerous articles over the past, decade plus.

While we fear the Covid New World Order, I am pleased that the universities have been smashed, and hope that they continue to be smashed.

Are Soybeans the Transgender Food? By Mrs Vera West

Japanese researchers, who do such amazing things, have used a compound found in soybeans to turn male catfish into females. This gives a whole new meaning to the idea of a “soy boy,” and it might all be true! Maybe avoid soy, least one turn into a female catfish! And, it is too cold to be swimming in the Yarra this time of year!

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China Buying Off Western Press By James Reed

I am not surprised to learn that leading legacy US newspapers have been given money to publish thinly disguise Chinese Communist propaganda. The question in my mind is to what extent this is occurring in Australia too.

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Will They Nail Trump, at Long Last? By Charles Taylor

It will be ironic if Trump is imprisoned from the witch hunt described below, given that he must have done a deal in January 2021 to save his bacon, and that of his moth-eaten family. Personally imprisoning Trump will be fine, and may wake up those he told to go home and go back to sleep.

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The End of the Transgender Phenomenon By Mrs Vera West

I can tell you that there was no transgender phenomenon, like today, long ago when I was a girl. But, it has come, indicating that it is a social construction. How can the Left deny this, since everything for them is a social construction? Now, leading expert Professor Paul McHugh is predicting that the transgender phenomenon will fade, as other social movements have, running out of steam. If anything, scarce medical resources will limit it in the future.

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Whoa! Get Ready for Nuclear War! By James Reed

I am not afraid, since I wake up nowadays just amazed that I am still alive. Then I watch the day pass away. Nuclear war does not bother me now, it is all in God’s hands and I am sure that this is part of the end times. Of course, this sort of prediction is dismissed by the materialists, botjh liberal and Christians, but what happens if it is right?

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Biden Goes Weird on Race Stuff By Charles Taylor (Florida)


When Biden is not stirring up BLM radicals, or making creepy remarks to young girls, he makes off the cuff race observations. Like this one about the sheer number of inter-racial couples on TV. Well, as far as I am aware it is probably against the law to show two whites, especially Nordics together, since this might give the dispossessed majority survival ideas, which runs counter to the Great White Replacement. Oh, Biden has a far from clean background on racial sensitivity, even now, let alone his past.

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Swedish Crime Surge and Migrants By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden is yet another Western country yearning to commit national suicide. Police commissioner Erik Nord, a nice Nordic name for sure, has linked mass migration with the surge in shootings, and the Left have gone mad, as only they can do, for it is axiomatic that migrants are miracles, each and every one of them.


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Disasters at the Border By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump has taken a pause from golf and cheese burger eating to jump up and down, well, not literally, too much exercise for the fat man,  about Biden’s border disaster. But it was clear in 2020 that the Demon-rats intended to have open borders to bring in more voters, to secure their dictatorship for ever, South American style. Trump and the Trumpers had the chance to save America, but refused to act. So, now the United States will be destroyed. And, we deserve our fate, because those who do not fight, perish. It is the law of the modern jungle.

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Dr Frankensteins Making Trump the Excuse! By Brian Simpson

It shows how lame and pathetic that most scientists are, when the main excuse given for scientists not investigating the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis was that Trump supported it. Well, he was president at the time, and claimed to have intelligence indicating that. It shows the liberal derangement of these scientists who are as a tribe willing to engage in all sorts of Dr Frankenstein experiments, but still cuddle up to political correctness. Defund them, I say! Let them have road work jobs!

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The Immortal Mice By Brian Simpson

With the rat and mouse plague this may not be an appropriate time to talk about experiments where the happy rodents had their life span increased by 23 percent by consuming the protein SIRT6, and genetic modification. The chase is on now to find a way of translating these results to humans. It will mean that people like George Soros may live to be 120 years! Won’t that be grand?


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The Ugly Truth about BLM By Chris Knight (Florida)

This story was widely circulated outside of the US; inside not so much. A Black Lives matter leader has quit the organisation after finding out the hard way, that is by working for them, that BLM does not care about rebuilding Black families. What does it care about then? One of its goals is the disrupt the nuclear family, which is something communist Engels speculated about as a revolutionary strategy. Thus, they care about communism, and the rule of the elites that goes with it.


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