The Virus of Vaccine Distrust By Mrs Vera West

At least in the US there is a high level of distrust in the Covid-19 vaccine, which is likely to become, in Australia, necessary to even live in civil society, as I covered in another article.

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The Cyber Attack was from China By Charles Taylor

My hypothesis is that the cyber attack upon the US was not by Russia, or exclusively, but primarily China, as China has been undertaking a cyber war for some time. The false president, Beijing Biden and the neo cons, active now with the fall of Trump, want war with Russia, as does China, since two enemies will be destroyed for the price of one. The Democrats, like all leftists are engages in the suicide of the West. 

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The Most Corrupt Pseudo President By Chris Knight

An update on the Biden family corruption issue, which the mainstream media refused to cover, since it would have killed old Joe’s election bid, maybe even with electoral fraud, or at least requiring even more fraud.

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The New Iron Curtain By James Reed

Great edition of The Report from Tiger Mountain, by Aussie Right-wing film maker, Richard Wolstencroft, discussing the extraordinary level of censorship, not only over the US election, but Covid-19. It all shows that there is a vast media conspiracy, since even in the past, the electoral absurdities would have been investigated, but today are blatantly ignored. This is a new “iron” curtain Richard argues, but the curtain is more velvet, a soft totalitarian because it has to be non-heterosexual/binary friendly, so the curtain will be a rainbow colour. What a way to go.

Dark Age America By Chris Knight

False pseudo New World Order president Joe Beijing Biden has prediction dark times. He would know, being part of this darkness.

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Covid in Antarctica!!! How about Pluto? By Brian Simpson

Well, have virus will travel! Covid now has completed its world tour, even reaching Antarctica, something even the Beatles did not do. So, we can truly say that Covid is bigger than the Beatles, now. Take that, Lennon!

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Tearing Down the Wall By Charles Taylor

This was totally predictable and I said this, not this site but at another, that the next Democrat president will simply tear down whatever pathetic bit of wall Trump built. And, it’s soon to be gone. Just as well Rump did not do much, spending his energy on things for other countries, as a natural globalist.

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A Well-Meaning Plea for Breeding By Mrs Vera West

Good old Peter Costello, still wanting women to have babies, and rejecting the idea that immigration will save us from the population birth dearth. Still, as shown by things like 64 percent of student debt being held by women, it is clear what women are doing under the new regime, anything but having babies. Big Brother is their husband, the university their church,  as they work to buy the useless consumer goods that keep this system going.

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The Security Threat of China By James Reed

We have been arguing that China is a massive security threat for some time now. Here is a piece by US Director of National Intelligence who elaborates on this theme.

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Billy Gate’s Amazing Quantum Dot, Sign of the Beast By James Reed

Talk about 666 and all that deep St. John of the apocalypse stuff. Billy Gates is pushing on mixing high tech and vaccines, bringing it all together for the New World Order.

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Idea for a Film Script: The I am Legend Covid-19 Vaccine By Brian Simpson

Along the lines of classic zombie flicks, we have a mass vaccination program that goes wrong. But instead of generating flesh-eating zombies, we find that human females can no longer haver babies. Can artificial wombs save the human race? Anyway, the claim that the Covid-19 vaccine can make females infertile has been subject to criticism, so who knows?

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China, the Wuhan Flu, and Electoral Fraud By James Reed

My hypothesis is that the Wuhan flu was cooked up in a Chinese lab, with cooperation from Western globalists to destroy Trump, destroy Western economies and lift China to world dominance, since China is the model for the coming totalitarianism of the New World Order. Will the mainstream ever get to the truth about this?

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The End of Even Pseudo-Democracy By Chris Knight

Forget about electoral fraud, that could well be a thing of the past if another vocal academic proclaims.

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The Myth of Masks By Brian Simpson

There is considerable evidence that masks, at least the cheap ones from the supermarkets, do nothing to save one from the dreaded Covid-19 Black Death apocalypse virus.

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President Jair Bolsonaro on Turning into a Crocodile! By Brian Simpson

The great man of Brazil has been misquoted, so here is what President Bolsonaro said about the Covid-19 vaccine and the lack of legal accountability. What other consumer product gets such protection?

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Go Texas, Go! By Charles Taylor

Talk about the lone star state! Texas is ahead of the curve, going for breaking away from the corrupt US of A, with the vile, traitorous Republicans cooperating with Beijing Biden.

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More Calls for Martial Law By Chris Knight

Use of the Insurrection Act is distinct from martial law, for the former is part of the US constitution, while martial law, which was declared by past president Abraham Lincoln, involves suspending the constitution. Still, some military see the need for the full Monty, as do I.

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Mutant Covid from UK, Here! By Brian Simpson

Well, with the vaccine rolling of the press, there is news of a new kid on the block, tougher, who may start throwing his/her weight around. We don’t know yet.

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Why US Trumper Conservatives have Already Lost By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As much as I like Natural, I find it too optimistic about Trump ultimately doing what is needed. Trump’s tweets seem to recognise that the rule of law has ended, and recent revelations about the chief justice of SCOTUS screaming at the other justices that they cannot consider electoral fraud because they are sh** scared of antifa rioting, which was what the show of force in 2020 was all about. Hence the system will not cooperate to deal with this evil, and my bet is that Trump will do a deal to escape with his skin and his billions, having everything to lose, bowing to Biden at the Inauguration.  There will be no counter-rally by Trump as part of the exit deal. But, the Deep Staters will then arrest Trump and all of his family, except Jared, and they all get Epsteined in jail, with old obese Trump lasting maybe a day or two under the usual torture. Normie conservatives will grumble a bit, but they will lay back and take it, as that is what they do. Fancy letting a society get totally infiltrated by the Left, with all the institutions saturated, then saying, wow the election was stolen, let’s use the same corrupt institutions to save ourselves!

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The Plant Paradox By Mrs Vera West

On the diet issue, I have been experimenting for many years, dealing with gut issues, for scientific thinking now, which most GPs are not up with. The gut is almost a second brain, with cascading effects on health. Cardio-surgeon/ cardiologist, Steven Gundry, in The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods that have Caused Disease and Weight Gain (2017), details more concerns about our modern diet. We have all heard of the problems that gluten causes many people, but Gundry believes that gluten is the tip of the iceberg, the real problem being the plant-based protein, lectin. Lectins are found in grains, peanuts, legumes, dairy products, beans and many gluten-free foods. Lectins, he describes as having a spikey shape that can cut through the thin one cell gut lining, leading to inflammation, and at worse, leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and heart disease.

Apparently, Dr Gundry has had a lot of success in helping people regain health and lose weight, including himself. The diet is going to be hard to stick to, since so many foods contain lectins, but one can eliminate the worst, such as beans, tomatoes, and peanuts. It may not be possible to eliminate everything, but reduction is a good strategy, and that includes cooking, and peeling skins, which helps.

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