Under the Influence of Big Tech By Brian Simpson

Zuckerberg’s $ 419 million improperly influenced the 2020 presidential election. How can this stuff happen? No-one to counter Zuckerberg? Apparently not.


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Too White to Vaccinate! By Mrs Vera West

According to one academic, old white people, like me should not get the Covid-19 vaccine first, because, well, they are too white, or maybe just being white is enough. I have to say, on this one, I agree. Let whites go to the back of the bus on this one, but not for the reasons the politically correct advocate.


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WHO and PCR False Positives By Brian Simpson

Record lockdowns are occurring in the socialist state of
California, despite the lockdown being one of the strictest on the planet, excluding London. So, what gives, here?


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Totalitarian, Zombie Apocalypse London By Richard Miller

Folks, things are bad here in London. I am pretty much dug in in my home, fortunately having massive stockpiles of food and toilet paper, enough toilet paper to start fires with if I wanted. We don’t have weapons here in this socialist state, but it is what it is. I still have my wife’s trusty pizza rolling pin, and some of her cooking, don’t tell her, could be used as a weapon.


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The Right to Offend, is a Right! By Richard Miller

It is difficult to find good news on the home front here in the UK, but a recent decision that the right to free speech also entails the possibility of offending, is significant.


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Here’s to the (Multiracial/Diverse) Nights By James Reed

Ringo Starr has a new single/video, Here’s to the Nights (December 19, 2020). It features the remaining breathing Beatle Paul McCartney, maybe two other whites, and then a medley of every diverse musicians, you can’t name. It is the Beatles 2020, how it was all evolving since the 1960s.


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In a Word: Mitt ! By Charles Taylor

The ever-detestable Mitt Romney has said: what electoral fraud, I can see nothing? But, how could that be even prima facie possible since there have been prosecutions for such fraud already? Even some Democrats admit the existence of fraud, but deny that it changed the election. So, what is wrong with Mitt? Everything; he is a symbol of what is wrong with so-called soft-faced conservatives. Throw his kind out, on their soft faces, metaphorically speaking.


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Technocracy and the Great Reset By James Reed

A great article by Dr Mercola explaining better than me the Great Reset, and how it is a part of the global technocracy program, control of the world by technocrats. Only point I would make is that the technocrats themselves are controlled by higher level elites, which is something missing from his site, the missing link if you will. But he probably would be banned if he did go further.


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QR to Electoral Fraud By Brian Simpson

We see QR codes everywhere in this Covid surveillance world, but the irony is that the inventor of this thing thinks that US electoral fraud occurred and he has a neat way of proving it. I hope the Trump legal team are listening.


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The Greatest Scandal of Our Lifetime: Joining Up the Dots By James Reed

There are a number of articles debating what is the greatest scandal of out times. Is it Covid-19, destroying the Western economies and giving a lift/gift to China, where the virus came from in the first place, and who goes unpunished, thanks to the Left and globalists in the West? Is it the media cover-ups, or the US electoral fraud?


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The Military Option Given SCOTUS’ Gutlessness: General Flynn for President By Charles Taylor

John F. Kennedy famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” We have the hear say evidence of the Chief Justice totally whimping out and doing what we all expected, screaming in fear at the other justices that to recognise the law in the electoral fraud situation would lead the Left to riot. So much for the rule of law.


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Covid Surveillance and the Deep chill By Mrs Vera West

The new covid-1984 vaccine is like an Australian beer, it must be served chilled, at temperatures that the local pub cannot deliver, so it will need to be served up in special clinics, and of course, surveillance will be mandatory. What is there to fear from such cool refreshing goodness?


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Can You Spot the White Racism? Get Out the Microscopes! By James Reed

The challenge for the politically correct this week is to pin the tail on the white racist in this story from India? Could it be that white racism in other countries drifts over to India like radioactive pollution?


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James Reed’s Solution to China’s Women Shortage Problem By James Reed

China has a shortage of women, as detailed below. But the answer is simple. The West has a massive excess of feminists and Left-wing women who love China. Surely the answer is for these entities to go to China, perhaps in cargo ships to soak up the manhood surplus, and be bathed in communism. It is win-win. Clean out the universities for a start. Go, grrrrrls, go!


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The IQ of Roos By Brian Simpson

Don’t despair; the human race may be stupid, but kangaroos still have intelligence, reputed to be greater that the internet obsessed, texting present de-generation.


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Cheap Migrant Labour By James Reed

Yes, it really is true what they, meaning people like me, say about cheap migrant labour.


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The Coviddy Fun Just Keeps on Coming By Richard Miller (London)

There is a new Covid bug in town, and the system is freaking out over here. Soon you will get it too. Who knows if the present vaccine will deal with the mutations, but Big Pharma will keep knocking out versions, to keep us all “safe.”


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Cancelling Whites on Film By Richard Miller (London)

We have seen many examples of the mania of diversity, of forced equality and he rewriting of history, but this takes the cake, as Anne of a Thousand Days is portrayed by a Black, when she was not. You see, multiracial ideology requires rewriting history, but only white history, as only whites are being replaced. It is not called the Great Replacement for nothing.


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Defunding the Police By Charles Taylor

Amerika.org, always has controversial material, though I tend to disagree with much of it, but it is still thought provoking. Like this bit on why, from the Right, defunding the police may not be all bad, and in fact could turn out swimmingly well. It is all part of a decentralisation philosophy, and eliminating police would entail community policing, and more personal self-protection via personal firearms and weapons carry, as in medieval and Dark Ages  times, where in some respects, people had more freedom than today.


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Neo Con Rhinos Want War with Russia to Make Way for Commo China By Charles Taylor

President Trump, who won, believes that the hacking was not exclusively by Russia, and could well be China. But, the neo cons, and their Leftist globalist friends, the Demorats, say it is the same Russia that hacked the 2016 election, but apparently not the 2020 one, which was completely honest, since the right globalist won, Beijing Biden.  


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