In the weekly program on YouTube of Ferfal and Matt Bracken, Matt tells the story, not in the media, of a Trump supporter family man, special forces, who was targeted by antifa, who burnt his crops and killed his livestock. Antifa are now parading with semi-auto rifles on streets, and harassing white drivers, and in blue states will no doubt be the new police force. Matt and Ferfal recommend leaving even if the farm had been there for hundreds of years. Fine, if the farm is in a blue state, move, for it is true that fundamental rights have gone in blue states. So, I agree. But, in the long run, I disagree. The enemy will come after you even in red states that will turn blue; it may take a decade or so, but The Camp of the Saints scenario is on the agenda, guaranteed by mass immigration. Red states will be made blue and communist. What then? There must be an end to White flight. Flight is only a short-term solution; people will ultimately need to ban together and circle the wagons, as in the old days. Hang together, rather than hang alone.