But…Is It Safe for Baby? By Mrs Vera West

I know that you, like me, are waiting with baited breath for the new Covid-1984 vaccine, to inject up like junkies do in alley ways, perhaps four or five shots a day. While that may be utterly excellent for our health, what about pregnant women, is the vaccine going to be just as sexy for them too?


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Incredible Climate Change Fraud! By James Reed

With the extent of US electoral fraud, and as raised by the editor in a fascinating article in this week’s On Target, electoral fraud, probably in Australia too, it is not surprising to learn of fraud, fraud, and more fraud, in the climate change circus, naturally enough, manmade!


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Life without China? By James Reed

I have been saying this for years, but really Australia could live well if the rest of the world disappeared, magically. Just follow the thought experiment, if some Cartesian demon eliminated the people of the rest of the world, we would have food, water, resources to live as high, or higher, than now. Some bs tech we would not need because its aim is for globalism, but if we thought localist, and nationalist, we would never be globally humiliated by the likes of China. We would know freedom and national pride, instead of being worms.


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China Says Covid From India By Brian Simpson

China says that ScoMo is over-reacting about the Aussie soldier genocide baby killer meme. Of course. But, what about their sensitivity about Covid-19, and the oodles of evidence showing that China basically intentionally or negligently allowed the virus to get to the West wrecking economies … a double standard, eh? And, now poor India, who is nearly at war with India, and never harmed anyone, giving us beautiful curry food, is targeted by China as responsible for Covid-19. Go figure.


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Amazing Migrants, Looks 40-50, Really 15! By Richard Miller

Look, it must be white racism which makes 15-year-old migrants look 40, maybe 50. How else to explain this phenomenon of nature?


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Covid Big Brother in South Australia By The Cranky Crow Eater

This is what the South Australian government has put in on 1 December 2020, which will involve tracing wherever Crow Eaters go, doctors’ surgeries, chemists, even gyms. They say that the information is for Covid tracing only, but why should I believe that? Prove it, prove that the information is secure! Sounds like the surveillance state to me, or the modern version of the mark of the Beast!

Here is the material from the SA gov website:

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The Smartest Person in the Room Weighs in … By “Brain” Simpson

Be afraid, be very afraid, when the mathematicians are rolled out against you, especially the smartest guy in the room:


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The Attack of the SEALS By John Steele

No, these SEALS are not the cute seals that hunters beat to death with pick axe handles, but special forces dudes, with training far beyond the usual grunt. There has been mentions of the US SEAL mission to get the Dominion whatever from Germany, apparently with fire fights. I surfed the net, if we still say that, and the best I could find on this topic is summarised below. It will be interesting, perhaps a game changer, to see if this all turns out to be true, and if the lives lost were worth the effort. Anyway, it seems that only the bad CIA guys bit the dust, while the SEALS went home with the e-bacon. Good for them!


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Biden’s Problems with Dogs By Charles Taylor

Biden apparently broke his leg playing with his dog. Well, if that’s true, and it was not done by a Democrat heavy, to teach him a lesson (as I heard hypothesized at Natural News.com), then it shows how dopey he is. What sort of dog was it, a chihuahua? Anyway, some pet psychic has been told by Biden’s dogs, using telepathy to communicate to her, that Biden is going to make a great president. Well, who could possibly dispute what dogs say, even if they break your legs.


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ScoMo to Kneel and Slap Himself in the Face (See What happens When You Take Migrants Instead of Getting Nuclear Weapons!) By James Reed

The lesson is that when one is weak and powerless, allowing immigration ideology and the Great Replacement of Anglo-
Saxons, to replace technology and nuclear defence in the post-World War II period, then you can be told to basically go jump by the latest bully  on the block:


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The Smell Test and Open, Spit in Your Eye, Corruption By Chris Knight

A punk swaggers up to you in the street, and you have never before laid eyes on him, and he spit in your eye, then proceeds to beat you to death. We would say that there is definitely something wrong here. But, the US election is many times worse, and fails the “smell test.” Yes, something stinks, badly:


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The Real Meaning of “Dark Winter” By Brian Simpson

Biden mentioned dark winter a number of times. This has created curiosity in people like us. It seems that he may have let the cat out of the bag, now he is getting a cat, apparently:


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Listening the Covid “Science”. Sure. By Mrs Vera West

Mask paranoia continues, as we are told, as with climate change, to listen to the science, a wise group of friendly technocrats, that have our best interests at heart. Really?


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Time to Deal with Antifa By Chris Knight

It did not take long, but antifa is now threatening Trump supporters and anyone pursuing the electoral fraud issue, with the aim of creating such a level of intimidation, that everyone gives up. Trump let them get away with it during 2020, which may have damaged his campaign to some degree, but now is the time to take action, at the 11th hour.


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Today’s Electoral Fraud News By Charles Taylor

Given that there is so much US electoral fraud ground to cover, unless something fantastic happens, I am going to go note mode, give links and a basic commentary, with today’s taken from Amerika.org, which is much more optimistic than me about a Trump victory in SCOTUS. I hope that I am wrong, but again I think conservatives are placing too much faith in the legal system, the same court that delivered gay marriage, as part of the constitution, but we will see.


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The Tidal Wave of Voting Fraud By Chris Knight

This is hopeful; voting fraud is enough to flip states like burgers, even without the constitutional issues that team Trump is pursuing.


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The Tidal Wave of Voting Fraud By Chris Knight

This is hopeful; voting fraud is enough to flip states like burgers, even without the constitutional issues that team Trump is pursuing.


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Dark Winter By Charles Taylor

You Aussies may be getting into the swing of things with bushfires and heat waves, like 540 C, sorry 50 C and so on, but here in the USA it is a deep, dark winter, a New Dark Age, as Biden said in his best senile Game of Thrones’ voice. People will be suffering, but not in their homes, which are lost in space.


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How Long Will it Take for Australia to Wake Up? By James Reed

Another day, another smack across the mouth by the Big Bear. Really is this a life?   Will Australia ever grow up and seek economic self-reliance? The theory of social credit and the resources are all there, all that is needed is the poetical and political will to get off the global madhouse. The Covid lockdown, for all its evils, did show that we will not die without migration, international students and all that jazz, and that life would be much better for the ordinary deplorable. Time to get some clean living in our lungs, or we just disappear. Choose.


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The Lockdown Pope By Peter West

When you are a politically correct Pope championing the New World Order for your globalist masters, one has to go where the work is. From immigration and open borders, to the latest big
thing, Covid lockdowns, yes, their boy is on it:


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