Britain to Go Back to Horse and Cart By Richard Miller

It is fortunate for Britain that I have invented the device that will allow Britain to make the peaceful transition back to the horse and cart, once, in the name of the god climate change, petrol and diesel cars are banned. It is called the bum bag, and is screwed into the horses’ rear end, like a bumper bar, collecting all waste products, and magically transforming them into vegetable rich humus, not, hummus.


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No Protests Outside Abortion Clinics By Mrs Vera West

Christian groups in Adelaide, many Catholic, mounted prayerful protests outside of abortion clinics for many years. The aim was not to be violent to women but to offer spiritual help and prayer, if that was wanted. But, we can’t have that.

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Do You Need to Spring Clean Your Colon? By Mrs Vera West

With Spring coming to an end, most people are getting their Spring cleaning over, so that during Summer the dirt can pile up, to begin the endless dirt cycle again. And speaking of piles, that raises the eternally debated topic, of whether of not one’s colon requires Spring cleaning too. Now, don’t be embarrassed, think of me as your grand mum, concerned with your health. According to these good folks, well up on the bowels issue, the answer is: no.


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War Will Come: China By James Reed

China says that war will come, and I believe China. We should be mighty grateful for the advanced warning of our doom. Consider:


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Respect Diversity and Cultural Differences, Now! By Michael Ferguson

Respecting cultural differences in this post-Western world is very important. Otherwise you are a racist, and you will grow hair on the palms of your hands, your eyes will be on stalks, and even your own mom will be scared of you, as you morph into a creature like Big Foot, or worse. So, please be tolerant.

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Surely the Medical Profession/Big Pharma are Not Greedy, But Totally Altruistic! By Mrs Vera West

Trump was hammered by the pathetic mainstream media for daring to suggest that the medical profession stood to benefit from the Covid freak out, but there is a case for his position.


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Goodbye Christmas! By James Reed

We have not heard too much from the ever-pathetic Trudeau PM of Canada. Well, he’s back, telling us that Christmas is over. Apparently, the celebrations of the other ethnic groups is not, just our side, naturally:


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Why Scotus Should as a Matter of Principle Award the Election to Trump By Charles Taylor

If the US Supreme Court does not believe the overwhelming evidence of electoral fraud, they should still award the election to Trump, on a matter of rule of law principle. Biden has indicated that he is prepared to stack the Supreme Court with stooge judges to get the results Democrats want, forever. That is a deliberate threat to the integrity of the legal system, and requires a self defence action from the Court. It would have been much better to have had the Australian High court system, where the number of judges were set by the constitution. Anyway, for that reason alone, Biden must fall. However, the voter fraud issue is already convincing most Trump voters, and apparently one third of Democrat voters. If SCOTUS does not see this, then they are paving the way for civil war/revolution, which will probably be for the best anyway.

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Bug-Eyed Revenge By Charles Taylor

The crazed elites are plotting revenge on Trumpers. But do the Trumpers care, being already vilified for so long? Who will care if a bunch of pathetic soy drinkers make a list? Sure, you may not get a job in academia, but who cares? Really, who cares about a job anyway?

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Mandatory Coviddy Vaccine or No Travel? To Hell with Travel Then! By James Reed

Why doesn’t Qantas have a “u” as a helper for the “Q,” just like in some English version of Islamic words? Just asking. Anyway, Qantas wants air travellers to be given a Covid vaccine, no jab, no flight. Well, to hell with air travel. Do we really need it in this day of the internet? Stay home and help Aussie tourism!


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Super Corruption, USA Style By Chris Knight

It is still true that everything is done bigger and better in the US, provided it is criminal and corrupt, and degenerate. Take the latest bribery scam for example.

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Release the Kraken! By Richard Miller

The US election scam has led to an explosion of dirt being tossed around, far too much for a normie to take in. Consider this, for example:

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Biden to Crush Free Speech By Chris Knight

What can we expect from Biden, if this creep does the Don in? What delightful goodies will he bring, other than open borders, gun bans, and selling out to his master, China? Why, the little left of free speech, in the place where the most of that precious commodity existed, will be gone. Good work Donnie big IQ, going to sleep on your watch.

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No Electoral Fraud, Eh? By Charles Taylor

I would like a dollar for all the mainstream bs articles I see saying that Trump’s claim of electoral fraud is unsubstantiated. Always with no examination of evidence that his legal team has put forward. Ok, you grubs, how about this?

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“You Will Own Nothing and You Will be Happy.” WHAT!!!! By James Reed

That title sums up the Great Reset, fast coming our way, once the Dark lords dispatch Donald Trump. It will be the New World Order on steroids and growth hormone, open borders with no gates at all, passive white genocide everywhere, the Great Replacement from dawn to dusk, every damn thing that they can throw up, and at us. Makes one wish that past generations did a bit more to stop this, rather than enjoying their age of affluence and comfort, than just kicking the can down the road, until it hits us on the head.

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Covid Freak-Out, South Australian Style By James Reed

Being in Victoria, with a brother who deserted mighty Victoria and fled to south Australia, I have always found the ways of the crow eaters, as bizarre as their nick name. Take the recent lockdown where these folks were shut up at only a few hours’ notice so that there was little time to get panic shopping done. Then the lockdown was more intense than even herein Danisistan, once known as Melbourne, with no one hour exercise outside. Yes, even prisoners still get an hour exercise. And the SA police showed that they were ready to match our police going out and fining people who dared to venture out. And, there is a story involving some pizza bar worker who lied about the infection, or something important, making it all a false alarm, according to one shock jock I listened to. But, it was a good test run again for the next level of the New World Order.

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Scientists Splice Human and Monkey Brain to Create Leftist! By Brian Simpson

At long last, scientists have reversed engineered the average Leftist, by taking a used human brain, just put out in the hard rubbish collection, and grafting monkey parts to it. No, the other way around. That explains a lot.

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America Morphs into Venezuela By Chris Knight


Robert Spencer offers the grim prediction that the stolen 2020 election will place the US on the road to being another version of Venezuela, but that is a somewhat optimistic I think, because civil war never got going there due to gun confiscation. No, the US is going to go out with a bang, no, millions of bangs.

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Here Comes Global Grooming Jihad By Mrs Vera West

It is not just the West suffering from rape jihad, but India too, it seems. Here is a report from an Indian newspaper, reproduced in part for the interests of journalistic communication of information, not reported by the Australian press, who are just too politically correct, or gutless, or both. What to be done is a problem facing not just the West, but India as well.

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The Unconstitutional Electron, Eh, Election By Charles Taylor

This is worth noting for the future purposes of civil war, revolution and all that deadly serious stuff, when everything explodes. Trump said:

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