Those Who Defy the Covid New World Order By Richard Miller (London)

In 2021 Judge Christian Dettmar struck down a local government ordinance that required schoolchildren to wear masks in the state of Thuringia, Germany. At law, the judge was quite entitled to make that decision. But the government was outraged that any judicial official would defy their Covid dictatorship. The Higher Regional Court in Erfurt overturned his decision, then the elites went for Dettmar. He was charged and convicted for “perverting the law,” and given a two-year suspended prison sentence. His career as a judge thus came to an end. He will also lose his pension. The idea, of course, was to make an example of him, so none would dare disobey the Covid mandates dictates, whatever the harm was being caused to children. So much for the human rights of children.

Such harsh penalties for something a judge should not be convicted for shows that we have departed from liberal democratic ideals of the rule of law, and have entered the realm of technocracy of the Covid New World Order, as we are calling it.  

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The Voice: The Issues of Counting Ticks for the Yes Side By James Reed

How’s this for unfairness? The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), has struck back against claims that it is acting to undermine the fairness of the Voice referendum by its claim that a tick will likely be accepted as a formal vote for Yes on a Voice referendum ballot paper, but a cross will not be accepted for No. They responded that they are following “legislative requirements,” but there is as far as this voter can find, no justification presented in public for this. For the average reasonable person, the decision smacks of bias, producing more Yes votes. Fairness requires an impartial view where if a tick counts for Yes, then a cross should for No, or neither are allowed.

The Leader of the Opposition needs to go to court now to challenge this decision, and he should not delay, as October 14 is fast approaching.

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The Final Voice YES Strategy Revealed By James Reed

So, the Voice referendum is looking to be on October 14, 2023. The Yes side is worried as the polls indicate that they are likely to lose. Thus, in damage control, it looks like they are going to go full steam on targeting young people, women, multicultural communities and soft voters in four states. That is 38 percent of 4.6 million undecided voters. I imagine that this is where the mass funding from corporates and other globalists will be rolled out. We have already covered attempts to make the vote unfair in favour of the Yes side, and have more to report.

What to do? Clearly the pressure needs to be kept up, because things could turn for the worst at the last minute for the No vote, given the forces of Darkness that have been assembled against us. We must keep fighting as hard as possible, and getting the word out at the community level; even down your street and suburb. Think, and act local to defeat the globalists and communists who are behind all of this. It is about time they get put back in their place!

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Mechanisms of Global Totalitarianism By James Reed

Brandon Smith notes that what has been unfolding since the Covid mandates, and which continues today, was regarded as an absurd type of conspiracy a few years back. The idea held by many of us, that a cabal of elites control the world and exert dictatorial powers has proven to be true, and continues to be so. As Smith observes, these ruling elites are totally ruthless, as Covid showed, with no remorse for the ill-effects of their actions, such as the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes, and the death toll. As well, their political puppets, the politicians, were not only willing to lockdown populations, and devastate small business, but even set up Covid concentration camps.

Smith notes that the same structure of oppressive control is being rolled out with the climate change agenda, which before Covid was more restrained. Now, as illustrated by the proclamations of the World Economic Forum, and the UN,  the level has been risen, and no doubt will continue to rise.

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Censoring the Voice Debate By James Reed

You didn’t expect the Voice debate to be free and fair, as section 128 of the Australian constitution requires, did you? As reported by, two Australian universities and one big Tech giant are working to “silence news coverage of the Voice to influence the referendum.” And, to boot, there is a foreign financed attempt to stifle the political debate. Yes, it is Meta, Mark Zuckerberg’s entity becoming as annoying as the Soros-backed NGOs. As the report notes: “In one case, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology has been allowed by Facebook parent company Meta to block and deplatform Australian journalism, despite the platform knowing it was a breach of the rules Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg established to distance himself from fact checking responsibilities. Meta maintains its fact-checking operation is at arm’s length and independent, but Sky News can reveal the tech giant signed a secret commercial contract directly with RMIT which allows the fact checking unit to be paid up to $740,000 a year from an Irish Meta subsidiary.”

“The university used the powers Facebook has given it to throttle Sky News Australia’s Facebook page with false fact checks multiple times this year, breaching the Meta-endorsed IFCN Code of Principles and preventing millions of Australians from reading or watching Sky News Australia’s journalism.

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The Election Variant: Covid Mandate Update By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In another article at the blog today, my son-in-law, Chris Knight, details how Florida’s surgeon general has recommended civil disobedience if the Covid mandates are rolled back in. Good idea, but as detailed in the summary extract below, part of the Covid vax mandates are already happening in universities and colleges across America. To date, there has been no official proclamation by the Biden regime, but the colleges and universities could not wait, being so enthusiastic to exercise their petty power over students and staff. As well, almost all major universities and colleges with medical schools, get substantial funding from Big Pharma, as do academics for their oh so important research. So, what Big Pharma wants, Big Pharma gets.


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Legal Problems with the Voice Referendum Question By James Reed

The Institute of Public Affairs has sought the advice Mr Stuart Wood KC   on the issue of the constitutional validity of the Voice referendum question. The argument is that it is implicit to section 128 of the constitution that the referendum question must accurately describe the proposed change so voters can have a “free and fair” choice. But the question on the ballot paper does not do this at all. There will be a new Chapter IX, but the role and function of the Voice has not been detailed. Albo sees that as something to be fixed up once it is all in the bag.  But, that is not how democracy works; maybe socialist republics.


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Florida Surgeon General: Do Not submit to Covid Mandates! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has taken a pro-active response to the fast-emerging return of the Covid mandates, mask and lockdowns in the US. He has made it short and  sweet: “What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?” “You don’t call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate…” The surgeon general is thus recommending civil disobedience to unreasonable regulations. I see the merit here, and hope enough people follow this advice to crush the Biden concession to Big Pharma, whose profits from the Covid vaxxes has been plummeting.


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The World’s Longest Vaccine Experiment on … the Entire Human Race! By Brian Simpson

As noted by Dr Ron Brown, School of Public Health, University of Waterloo | Ontario, this is the world’s longest running experiment on the largest sample of the human race. The Covid vaxxes were found not to prevent transmission of the Covid virus, and as documented, had numerous ill-death effects as well. What toll will the new generation of vaccines bring? Such vaccines are now ready to roll, waiting for the next plandemic to unfold.

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Offshore Wind Farms Kill Whales, but Do Greenies Care? By James Reed

Whatever happened to the Greenie mantra of save the whales? Where are those Green guys and gals in the little boats, who were out on the waves to stop whalers? There have been numerous whale deaths across the world, especially the US on the east coast. This corresponds to the construction of offshore wind farms, which the government says are not in any way harming the whales. But, a new documentary Thrown to The Wind, by director and producer Jonah Markowitz, refutes this. It is shown, using advanced hydrophones that the high-decibel sonar emitted by wind industry vessels, is directly correlated with whale deaths.

It is ironic that the issue of whale deaths is not being protested by the mainstream Green and environmental groups, who see that if such internal inconsistencies come out about wind farms, the entire narrative will begin to collapse, which it must, and will.

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Lessons for Australia: The Torture and Human Rights Abuses of the January 6 Prisoners By Chris Knight (Florida)

The cultural and decline in the rule of law of the United States is relevant as a case study for the rest of the West, especially Australia, about how institutions can be quickly corrupted and decline. One should not think that Australia is immune to this, and I can clearly see from the distance here of Florida, that the Voice is a clear crisis point for Australia. If the Voice gets in, Australia will rapidly face the issues that we are seeing tearing up US society, such as the issue of reparations. And, perhaps worse.


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Hypocritical Election Interference By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Donald Trump is being prosecuted for alleged election interference, through challenging the 2020 election. The pragmatic paradox here is that this very suppression of Trump, and attempt to crush the leading candidate’s campaign, is the most blatant form of election interference seen in US history, at, or beyond Third World banana republic levels. As Victor Davis Hanson has said: “Do you know any figure in American criminal history that was the subject of four simultaneous indictments, in four different jurisdictions, in four different states? I don’t. No mafia figure. No mass murderer. So, it’s a coordinated effort to destroy him.”

There is not even an attempt to hide this, or even make the indictments look legal. Challenging an election result should be a normal part of the rough and tumble of politics, and not literally a hanging offence. Hillary Clinton certainly challenged the 2016 election, and went so far as to put in place the false narrative of Russiagate, with no indictment against her.

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Social Capital Collapsing By Chris Knight (Florida)

While largely discussing the US, collapseologist Michael Snyder argues at length that the social capital that acts as the glue holding societies together, is fast disappearing in the US. A recent Gallup poll showed that there has been a rapid decline of faith in US institutions, and has reached all-time lows. As the survey remarked: “Most of the institutions rated this year are within three points of their all-time-low confidence score, including four that are at or tied with their record low. These are the police, public schools, large technology companies and big business.

Only four institutions have a confidence score significantly above their historical low: the military, small business, organized labor and banks. However, the lows for these institutions were recorded more than a decade ago, while the recent trend for each has been downward.”

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The War Against Gas Stoves By James Reed

This is a warning to us, that the climate change emergency fanaticism is set to take off in Australia, at a household level now. The US was facing widespread bans on use of gas in homes and businesses, such as restaurants, with woke places like New York being an example. There gas stoves will be banned in new homes as early as 2026.


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World Economic Forum: Elections are Bad! By James Reed

Almost everything coming from the World Economic Forum should concern anyone who cherishes classical human values of liberty, freedom and democracy. Recently a world Economic Forum inside, Adam Grant, had an article in the globalist New York Times where he argued that elections are bad for democracy, being costly and inefficient. Instead he proposed random selection as is done for juries.

However, the pool of candidates, will not be the entire population, but carefully vetoed ones who are “suitable.” In other words, the elites will set things up so who they want get it, without the present stress of going through the routine and farce of an election. If that is not bad enough, the elimination of elections will ultimately lead to the elimination of anything resembling “democracy,” rule by the people, as systems such as Grant’s proposal are open to massive abuse. Before long the random selection, as corrupt as it is, would morph into a full-blown dictatorship. And, that is just what the Chinese communist-inspired World Economic Forum wants.

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Professor Shekhar Mande on the AI Threat By Brian Simpson

Dr Shekhar Mande, a leading Indian scientist, who is Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India, has recently expressed his concerns about the ill-directions artificial intelligence may go. The dire effects could come from AI taking over, Terminator-style, and causing nuclear war, that could lead to human extinction. More details abut the lecture where this prediction was made is not available, since it seems the presentation as not in English. Still, these concerns have been reported by other authorities in the AI world including Elon Musk. But, this has not stopped Musk charging ahead with his own AI program, Neuralink, which moves us quite some distance closer to the Terminator scenario:

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Lockdown Preparations for Covid Plandemic 2.0 By Chris Knight (Florida)

We are assembling information on the emerging Covid lockdown preparations 2.0, in the US. Once this is in place here, perhaps beginning in mid-September in federal agencies, and which has already started in many US universities and colleges, it will spread across the West, including Australia. Thus, the next piece of evidence of concern is that the federal government is buying up vast amounts of Covid safety equipment, such as masks and millions of test kits. This all corresponds to concerns that Big Pharma’s profits were decreasing from public fatigue over the virus. Now there are new variants, and new vaccines for round 2 of this. If the people let this happen again. This is only happening because people were led by fear the first-time round, and trust of government. Perhaps the culture has shifted a bit now.

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Biden Regime Wanted to Join CCP TikTok Spying By Charles Taylor (Florida)

They don’t call him Beijing Biden for nothing. It seems that the Biden administration was aiming to contract with the communist Chinese CCP spy social media, to spy on American citizens.  Forbes somehow got hold of the proposed contract between TikTok and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), that would have allowed US agencies to access TikTok’s data, in exchange for the TikTok spying operation continuing to operate in the US. In other words, it is a form of treason at the highest level.

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An Australian Covid Lockdown Warning By James Reed

I received this via email from a young person who got it off social media, probably X. So, the usual cautions, but this is worth considering, as it fits in with the narrative that is unfolding in the US, that the Covid mandates are being rolled back in. the main reason is for the US election fraud machinery via postal voting to be used again to sink Trump.

“PREDICTION - EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WA!!! The Western Australian government have continued to follow the orders of the World Economic Forum, and have planned a “super spreader event” in mid November at Optus Stadium. The MSM spent a fortnight heavily promoting an upcoming Coldplay Concert to be held at Optus Stadium in November, 2023. That is 6 months prior to the concert date. The State govt took over the ticket sales in an unprecedented manner. Apparently the first of two concerts was sold out to interstate and foreign buyers, and the second concert to local WA people. This means of course, that the State Govt has all the personal information of those attending. In the last few days in the US, the MSM have begun mentioning a new covid variant has emerged. Lockdowns, mandates and masks will be reintroduced in the US starting Sept 15- mid October. Just as last time, the world will react in “Lockstep”, a Rockefeller Foundation programme for pandemic response. The two concerts in Perth will be the super spreader event for 120,000 people, some who will test positive to the variant via the fraudulent PCR test, and Lo and behold, the contact tracing will commence, and the lockdowns, mandates and mask wearing will swing into action. With 60,000 concert goers returning interstate and overseas, you can imagine the impact on the families and communities they return to. It would be logical to expect travel restrictions and border closures to again impact people psychologically and economically, and of course again restrict travel. ARE WE GOING TO COMPLY YET AGAIN!???? Or do we share this post and stop this dead in its tracks???? WE HAVE THE POWER!!”

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Elon Musk Takes on Facebook By James Reed

I think I am beginning to almost like Elon musk, despite his transhuman agenda, which is not spoken about so much. First, he intends to sue Soros-backed NGOs, for free speech attacks. Now he is calling out Zuckerberg’s Facebook for “manipulating the public almost everywhere on Earth.” He could have enriched the remarks with comments about Zuckerberg’s election interference in the 2020 election, but, for another time. Musk also made the challenge for Facebook to open source their algorithm, which will never happen, of course.

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