Toxic Chemicals from Masks By Mrs Vera West

A South Korean study has shown that there is a major problem with the N95 surgical masks that the system wants doctors, and others, to wear during the Covid plandemic freak-outs.  It was found by the researchers that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). Cloth masks, typically worn had 14 times lower TVOCs than the N95 masks and were not thought to be a chemical risk on that ground.

However, as detailed in another article at the blog today, those masks have chemical problems of their own, with high levels of forever chemicals. So, overall, not even considering other factors, such as increased carbon dioxide levels, mask wearing is bad in terms of the accumulation of toxic chemicals. I dread their return, and hope that if we start to organise now, the mask mandate can be defeated if things progress as is occurring in the United States.

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Problems for the NO Campaign? By James Reed

An article in The Australian says that the No campaign faces a threat from a low voter turnout, and an expected high level of informal votes. Well, we should not go to sleep, but as I understand it, voting is compulsory, so it will be no different than any election. Likewise, for informal votes, but really, all the punters need to be able to do is write “NO” in the box, so surely the campaign should educate the challenged about how to do this! Joking aside, I don’t think a convincing case has been made for a large number of informal No votes, but still, attention should be devoted to the issue.

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The Irrationality of Masks, but it is Coming Back if the US is a Measure of the State of Play By Brian Simpson

An article in has been well cited on many posts, as it summarises the critique of masks that has unfolded since Covid plandemic 1.0 ended, to be replaced by what is emerging in the United States as Covid plandemic 2.0, the dreaded return of the mandates, including the visible sign of bondage to the New World Order, the mask. It is the modern equivalent of chains.

As pointed out, this time round almost everybody, including the Covid vaxxed have antibodies to the virus and most of its variants. And randomised clinical trials have shown that the masks do not prevent transmission; for various reasons, but most importantly the virus is much smaller than the fabric of the mask, so it can easily flow through with air currents, or even human sneezes. Masks as well have been shown to have ill-health effects, by raising carbon dioxide levels, and contribution to the inhalation of plastics and forever chemicals. All with no effect on stopping viral transmission.

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Biden to Fund New Covid Wonder Vax for “Everyone” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is even more disturbing Covid vax news. It was a brief statement by otherwise senile President Joe Biden, in a clear moment when presumably the meds were working. He wants Congress to fund a new Covid vax to deal with all the variants that are popping up like toadstools. Biden “signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.”

“Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended [that] everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.”

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James Bond to Right the British Right Wing By Richard Miller (London)

It seems the latest James Bond novel, probably to be made into a movie down the track, has a plot of Bond battling the British Right wing, you know, people like us. So, gone are maniacs trying to take over the world, and instead we have maniacs who have taken over the world, defending the cesspool they have created.

It a symbol of how popular culture now totally serves the woke agenda. I expect Bond at some point to become trans, and not just Black or Asian. And, why not, best to finish off this franchise just like all the other cultural icons such as Indiana Jones? We are a long-way from hairy-chested Sean Connery, who is totally unacceptable to present culture (and maybe a bit hard for the 1960s too), but as one comment put it: “Sean Connery would go to a feminist rally and leave with his shirt freshly ironed.” If , only.

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The Hawaii Maui Wildfire Tragedy: 2,000 Children Still Missing By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Much of the area where the wildfires swept through Maui is closed off from examination, even drones are banned.: now, why would that be if there was nothing to hide? That is odd, as odd as the blocking of roads by authorities which led to loss of life. What is highly disturbing is that a new report from the Hawaii State Department of Education shows that there are more than 2,000 children who are unaccounted for in the public-school system. So, where are the children? Reason suggests that they perished in the fire.

If so, this takes on the level of a crime against humanity if, as seems likely, the fires were deliberately lit, apart from the energy beam conspiracies which I think are unlikely,  as most present fire across the world have been, that the arsonists were climate change activists. The idea is to generate panic and fear to push through the climate change agendas.

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Election Interference Via the Kangaroo Courts By Charles Taylor (Florida)

President Trump’s trial date has been set by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, for March 4, 2024, a day before the Super Tuesday election event. The migrant judge said that setting a trial date should not take into account a person’s personal matters. What a joke; this is the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States. There is no pretence now that election interference is not occurring, by definition. Thus, I sure hope Trump cracks this, and as president, even from jail, will this time round do something about the swamp. If his son-in-law and liberal daughter are kept out of the scene, it is possible, given the blood noses he has been given. Even plump rich boys will fight back if bullied enough.

The lesson here for the rest of the West, is how quickly a countries legal system can become perverted once the evil ones take power. Beware, all!

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Perverting the Rule of Law: Multiple Counts and Statistical Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The interesting point has been made by George Shuster at the American, that while each of the 91 counts against Trump are weak, still if there was a small probability of success in convicting him, this probability compounded 91 times makes it highly probable that something would stick. If the law was operating normally, none of the indictments would have been made, as each has a probability of success much less than 50 percent. But, we are not seeing normal law here. Indeed, since the beginning of the Biden regime, a First World country has plummeted lower than the worst of the Third World cesspools.

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Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán Warns: Knocking on the Door of World War III By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a warning that the West should be taking careful note of. During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán, warned that that West has totally misunderstood almost everything about Russia’s Vlad Putin. The Russian position on the Ukraine War, is not rejected by the majority of Russians. They back Putin, so the hope that there will be some collapse of the regime is misplaced.

Further, Russia is not afraid of using nuclear missiles if necessary, and Putin has said this. Orbán said:  "we cannot beat [the Russians], we will not kill their leader, they will never give it up, they will invest more."

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USSR Medical-Police Tyranny in the West By Richard Miller (London)

A Norwegian Covid and climate change critic, Trond Harald Haaland, had posted a lot of material critical of the climate change agenda, and the Covid mandates and vaxxes. For his trouble, he came on the woke radar, and the authorities decided to deal with him, USSR-style, something now, unfortunately, becoming common practice in the West. He was reported to the police, who are now basically thought police, as being mentally unstable, and the police came to get him armed with two health care workers, who dragged him off to a psychiatric institution. He was locked up for nine days before it was decided by the Control Commission for Psychiatric healthcare that there was no justification for forcibly locking him up; it was all illegal.  But, in this sense he was lucky, as it is likely that most future cases will see dissents, as in the USSR, never again seeing the light of day.

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King of the Abortion Funders By Mrs Vera West

I have noticed over the years that those from the Left will put up the money needed to get their job done. A point in case is financier Warren Buffett, said to be the sixth richest man in the world. While seen as America’s most celebrated philanthropist, a conservative estimate has been made of the money he has funnelled into abortion providers and  as well, the activist, lobbying, and policy groups of the abortion industry; a sum of over $ 5.3 billion. That is enough to abort about 40 percent of the population of Australia, which is some depopulation investment. And, he keeps a low profile on the abortion issue.

We need to ask why there are no conservative richmen “north of Richmond” types putting up money to counter this, and why it must always be a grassroots chook raffle on our side.

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Massive Internet Censorship is Here Now, from the EU By Richard Miller (London)

The Digital Services Act has just come into effect in the European Union, and this brings into being a new level of internet censorship that will impact upon the internet in general, including you in Australia.  In a nutshell, online platforms will be legally accountable for content posted, and if EU thought police do not like said content, Big Tech will be ordered to take it down. It is pretty much a move to completely annihilate any free speech restoration that Elon Musk made. The online content relates to anything that falls under the woke framework of misinformation, and that especially includes everything in any way critical of the vaxxes and Big Pharma, as seen by the previous Covid narrative. Indeed, all Right-wing political comment, including criticisms of the existing financial system are hit; so, there is no escape.

This got in, not only because “good men” did not fight hard enough, but because the EU elites are totally diabolical, with massive power to match their pathology. Sorry to bring the bad news, but now we really have a fight on our hands.

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The Covid Covenant of Death By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf has been one of the few Covid vax critics to devote extensive attention to women’s issues in the vaccine injury debate, with most male critics focussing upon the large-scale injury issues, such as sudden deaths, and the numerous ill-health effects such as myocarditis.  As her team showed through analysis of the trial documents when released, the mRNA vaxxes have been a disaster for women’s health, especially women of reproductive age. Periods became irregular, and even some women who were postmenopausal, had another period, or was it simply bleeding?  

Dr Wolf has done an extensive interview with Dr James Thorpe, who is one of the few medical researchers who has explored the damage done to women’s reproductive health by the mRNA vaccines, and the link is below, with excerpts. The main point though is that a covenant of death has come into existence, where the full effects upon women, and their daughters is not known, with at worse the present worldwide fall in births beginning the beginnings of the Covid vax effects. And, with round two of the vax rollouts set to begin, this process does not stop unless people stop it.  

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Renewable Energy … Far from Cheap By James Reed

Renewable energy is cheap politicians and environmentalists across the world chant. But, is it true? As detailed in an excellent article at, the expense of renewables lies in the establishment of infrastructure, and high upfront costs. Developed countries build their electricity grids early in the 20th century, establishing large power stations. But renewables have to be located where it is windy, or for hydroelectric, where there is water flowing at a height. These places are usually a distance from the conventional power stations and consumers, so a great cost arises in establishing the new infrastructure.


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The Need to Put Refugees and Asylum Seekers into Outer Space! By Brian Simpson

Here is woke going cosmic, but still comic. The US Justice Department is suing Elon Musk’s Space X on the grounds that they discriminated against refugees and asylum seekers in the job selection process. Space X only hired US citizens and residents. According to Musk "SpaceX was told repeatedly that hiring anyone who was not a permanent resident of the United States would violate international arms trafficking law, which would be a criminal offense." But, the illegal pouring across the border according to the Injustice Department must be full of space scientists, so there is an untapped source of wealth in this diversity.


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Law Schools and Anti-Constitutionalism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a trend that is seen in US university law schools, and from correspondence with Australians, seems to be developing in your country as well. The idea is that the constitution is a document produced by dead white men, and is not relevant for a diverse multicult. This idea first was developed by the Critical Legal Theory school of jurisprudence, that applied postmodernist ideas and arguments to deconstruct law. It had absorbed the Marxist critique, but moved further, being highly relativist, if not nihilist, challenging the validity and legitimacy of legal reasoning. There were many styles of arguments, some borrowing from the philosophy of scepticism that was thousands of years old, going back to ancient Greek philosophy. Other arguments addressed the vagueness of legal concepts, arguing that this led to critical indeterminacies.

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Former Ukraine Prosecutor Says Joe Biden Took Bribes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The evidence for US president Joe Biden being on the take as the appropriate name vice president might indicate, continues to grow. Fox has released an explosive report quoting former Ukraine Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, who has accused both Joe and Hunter Biden of corruption in taking bribes from Ukrainian energy company Burisma. As well, Joe Biden was behind the firing of Shokin, which gives him a reason to be cheesed with the big fellow.


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The Planet on Fire? The Conspiracy Behind It By James Reed

There is much on the internet about the real reasons for the fires in Hawaii, with some speculating tht laser attacks occurred. The mainstream narrative blames climate change of course, as well as extremely dry conditions. Apart from climate change, it is true that things are particularly dry, but this has often happened and is part and parcel of seasonal variability. But these massive fires are occurring right across the planet, such as Canada and Greece, and Canada has had smoke-filled cities for months.

Dr David Martin believes that the fires are deliberate (arsonists have been caught in Greece), and aid a quest by elites to reappropriate land. “That's what it's about. It's about reappropriating land. And the best way to reappropriate land is to have a fire. That has been the case since the Old Testament. So, this is not a new thing. This has been around for thousands and thousands of years. When humans cannot win on a fair playing field, they use fire. And they use fire to destroy an old appropriation of land and reappropriate it to a new use.”

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More Evidence of Covid Plandemic 2.0 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We continue to report on evidence of the US moving to a return of the Covid vax mandates, since If this does happen, as before, the effects upon employment and small businesses, which still have not recovered from the last Insane lockdown, will compound, and be devastating. And, as we have said before, if this happens in the US, expect Australia to not be far behind, so it is not just an American problem.

Apart from news last week from that the US TSA and Border Control will be moving back to the mandates, and that US schools, colleges and universities have already adopted the compulsory wearing of masks, there is the evidence of millions of dollars of funding for various federal organisations to resume Covid testing and for associated Covid equipment. The US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to comeaccording to their press release.  “Project NextGen is a key part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping people safe from COVID-19 variants,” according to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “These awards are a catalyst for the program – kickstarting efforts to more quickly develop vaccines and continue to ensure availability of effective treatments.”

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Spike Proteins: A Pathology All-Round By Brian Simpson

At a time when the US is moving under the Biden regime to Covid mandates once more, as we have covered in detail in recent days at the blog, evidence is slowly being published in mainstream medical journals about the dangers of the Covid spike protein, both from the infection, and from the vaccination.

A new paper in the journal, Biomedicines,Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA," covers all of the evidence of the harms arising from the spike proteins, which are in short, extremely toxic, and the last thing one wants the body to be producing in the trillions. This is worth a read for those who are concerned, if they have been vaxxed, or like most of the rest of us, are concerned that the World  Health Organization pandemic treaty could lead to compulsory vaccinations with any number of experimental vaccines.

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