The Voice as a State Religion By James Reed

I received this information via email from The Good saucer publication, but did not come with a URL. The post describes a forthcoming article which takes a novel approach to the voice referendum. The point is that the Voice attempts to codify the Uluru Statement from the Heart (USFTH) “in full,” as PM Albo said. But that, arguably, is a religious document. Yet there is an immediate conflict with section 116 of the constitution, at least prima facie, as it may be argued that this is implicitly establishing a religion, or religious observance. I know the bush lawyers (people like me) will get excited who don’t read past the black letters of the text, but the matter would have to be considered against High Court precedence and case law, and probably there is a counter; that the Voice itself is not religious as such. I do not know, but it may be worth the lawyers on our side mounting a High Court challenge on the constitutionality right now to see if the voice can be blown out of the water. It is worth a try.


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The Lord of the Flies Scenario By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As a former US Marine, back in the day, I was disturbed by the report of a group of teenage punks beating up some of my younger brothers in arms. I read the report extracted below, and viewed the video. While this is a local issue, here are ramifications for other jurisdictions, and rule of law issues too. The Marines asked the punks to behave in a civil manner. Perhaps they made the mistake of saying that they were Marines, as they were vastly outnumbered. We never said anything like this when we visited bars, where there would always be drunks wanting to test us out. Thus, seeing their advantage and the social media millage of beating up service men, including Black guys, who they cussed with racist slurs, they struck out, injuring a couple of Marines.  There were probably around 40 of these ferals.

The wider significance of this is that these sorts of youth attacks are getting common, leading to a Lord of the Flies scenario where youths, who have become feral due to economic breakdown and lack of opportunities run rogue. The media report on the most sensational events, but this is happening in most cities across the West. It is probably wise for us older people to exercise discretion in going out to town at night, sadly.

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The Contaminated Vax By Brian Simpson

Kevin McKernan, a leading geneticist, had used Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines to act as mRNA controls, in a research project he was doing. He used this because he believed tht these vaxxes were pure from DNA contamination. But he soon found tht the vaxxes has DNA contamination, and a lot of it.  In fact, it was up to 1,000 times higher than deemed to be “acceptable” by the regulating authorities. Of course, the narrative with the vaxxes, all vaxxes, is that they are pure and free from such contamination. If these results get further confirmation, it brings into question in a dramatic ay he whole safety issue with the vaxxes, and what else may be in them. Perhaps the claims made in a recent Natural article may not be so outlandish, that the vaxxes contain  microscopic graphene oxide “nanobots,” that will enable mind control of the vaxxed. I remain to be convinced of this, but who knows, further evidence may be dug up. But, I wonder, how much more of a slave does the New world order Dark Lords want, than what they presently have?

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What is the World's Largest Transnational Criminal Organization? By James Reed

Leading critic of communist China, Gordon Chang, makes a strong case that the world’s largest transnational criminal organisation is the CCP. The CCP seeks to rule the Earth, and to control the solar system, and perhaps beyond. Thus, communist China sees itself as beyond international law, and as it is the sole thing of value in the known universe in its eyes, it makes the rules that other must live by.  China is a totalitarian and a total surveillance state, with over 700 million surveillance cameras, about one camera for every two residents, connected to one centrally controlled system. This dystopia is complete with a social credit system, that controls everyone in China. It is the model that the Western elites, such as the World Economic Forum, admire, and hope to see imposed upon us.

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Go for Garlic! By Mrs Vera West

What a blessing to any kitchen garlic is, a spice that can make even a bland tin of lentil, heated up, taste almost reasonable! But there is more. Aged garlic can help with high blood pressure. And now there is contested evidence, at least in a test tube, that good old Aussie garlic, of a special type can kill the most dangerous disease known to power elites and crazed authoritarian autocrats everywhere, the dreaded Coviddy doodar:

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Behind the Attack on Free Speech: The Censorship Industrial Complex By James Reed

Michael Shellenberger has addressed the question of why there has been a more intense crackdown on free speech by governments across the West, in the past six years, than in the six years before that. The home invasions made by KGB-style police to search for that which the regime does not approve of, did occur even in the late 20th century, but was infrequent. Now, it is business as usual. Take the raid upon Trump’s private residence in Florida, totally unprecedented and lacking in justification, but done merely to see what incriminating material could be found. And much the same thing is found in the battle of ideas, with reports coming out that governments of the West, including the United States and Australia, coerced social media to censor a range of material during the Covid plandemic. And most journalist went along for the ride.

Why are the journalists so traitorous to what should be their calling to pursue the truth in news? Shellenberger argues that there are many reasons, but financial is top among them. Journalists, work for media companies that are controlled by interests the lead back to Big Pharma, as Tucker Carlson found out in his neutralisation by Fox. It’s about the money.

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Peak Collapse: Michael Snyder By James Reed

Christian collapseologist, and end times writer Michael Snyder, who in my grumpy old age and decline, I follow, puts together a case that economic collapse, which is looming, and is planned by the globalists, is not the end of our misery. What the economic down turn will produce will be social collapse; this collapse was already well advanced by the Left just out of their policy objectives (e.g. the destruction of the conventional family), but now things accelerate, since the elites want to breakdown the present liberal democratic system of the West and replace it with a model where communist China dominates. While this planned collapse is being worked through, the ordinary people face social anomie at the bottom, exhibited in increased violence, but less police control over it, if any at all. As covered in previous blog pieces, this is anarcho-tyranny, chaos from below, and New World Order tyranny from above. If the ruling elites are not defeated, the world ends, contrary to T. S. Eliot in The Hollow Men (1925), with a bang AND a whimper.


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WHO Pandemic Treaty Simulation Exercise By Brian Simpson

This is an indication of the shape of things to come, as the elites from the World Health Organization (WHO) seem highly confident that the pandemic treaty is in the bag, and have proposed running a simulation exercise before its implementation of instruments to increase WHO’s power. This proposal was made by  the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), a monitoring and accountability body “to ensure preparedness for global health crises.” “We feel very strongly that we cannot wait for the next emergency to find out how well the pandemic accord and the IHR amendments will work,” the representative said. “We need to know now. We therefore suggest that member states together with other key stakeholders carry out a simulation exercise based on the draft accord and the draft IHR amendments later this year.” The last such exercise, Event 201,  hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2019, was a precursor to Covid.

Thus, the motions are already being set up for the next plandemic, which, if the pandemic treaty is in place, will see the West, under the CCP-dominated WHO, being subjected to measures seen in communist China during their lockdowns. The Western authorities have tasted the full power of tyranny, and are eager to do it to us all again, especially given the lack of political opposition to them, if not support from the sheeple, seen in the lockdown governments of Western Australia and Victoria being returned in landslides.

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St George Floyd’s Third Anniversary; No-one Seemed to Remember By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is surprising that there was silence with the third anniversary of the death of George Floyd, the druggie crim, who was restrained by a cop in arrest with a knee on the neck, and died, leading to the cop being given 21 years in jail, and an excuse for antifa to take the high moral ground and burn down America.  Ann Coulter almost forgot that epic date as well, but remembered at the last moment. I suppose it is no longer necessary to keep hammering the Saint George Floyd story, as things have moved on, and a bubbling one-sided race war has already been put in motion, as detailed by Heather MacDonald in her new book, When Race Trumps Merit (2023).

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“Time” Magazine: The End of Humanity By Brian Simpson

Time Magazine has devoted its cover story to the hot issue of whether AI will ultimately end humanity, via a type of Terminator scenario, where the robots take over, and kill us all. For your average conservative, this seems far fetched and fanciful, merely a product of Hollywood. But, there is some indications that we are on this track, unless AI is super-carefully controlled. “The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked him.” So, there is a clear danger in putting too much power and control in the hands of AI systems, which can act in surprising ways. It would be the ultimate folly to hand over control of the nukes to them, with no final human say.  

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"Django Unchained" Star Took Down by the Vax By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Black actor Jamie Foxx, who played a freed Black slave back in the old West, who seeks to regain his wife from an evil white racist plantation owner in the 2012 Quentin Tarantino movie Django Unchained, received a Covid vax on insistence of the movie folk for his latest movie. The he seems to have had a blood clot in the brain, leading to incapacitation and blindness. It is unfortunate, as it seems Foxx, according to some reports, was sceptical of the vax. Hopefully he will recover at some point, to be able to tell more hilarious jokes.

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Anarcho-Tyranny USA Style By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Dissent Right thinker, the late Samuel Francis coined the term, “anarcho-tyranny,” to describe the situation he saw America and the West descending into. There would be social disintegration from below, at the local level with cities becoming cesspools of crime, gangs fighting it out with other gangs, massive drug problems, and mass migration of illegals, flooding and destroying communities. That is certainly occurring full speed in major cities across America and Europe, and it is a tossup whether the worse European cities, where, as in Sweden grenade warfare is common, is actually worse that what is seen in Chicago and Baltimore.

 But, along with this social disintegration the state itself doubles down, and becomes totalitarian,  selectively abandoning the rule of law. This is also observed in the US, with the January 6 protesters being dealt life sentences, but the 2020 Leftist/antifa protesters who burnt down property worth billions, getting mere slaps on the wrist. Worse, footage that Tucker Carlson showed indicated that federal agents led protesters into the Capitol building in a planned entrapment. And then we have New York prosecuting former president Trump on a change that was especially created to nail him, for a matter that the federal authorities had investigated, and dismissed. As well, we have the Biden administration declaring tht Trump supporters are fascists, and by implication, terrorists. They are hence white supremacists and the full power of the state must be used to destroy all of those millions. It is near Pol Pot stuff of communist madness.

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ChatGPT Use Goes Wrong in Court By Brian Simpson

This story shows the dangers in ChatGPT, for people mechanically relying on it. A New York lawyer prepared a case using ChatGPT, and it generated a brief that contained false cases and citations, pulled out of thin air! That lawyer trusted the computer. Fortunately, the court checked in the real world and found the errors, and the lawyer got a snack. The moral here is that there is a problem in how one knows that the ChatGPT output is actually reliable? How, and why, should one trust it? I don’t think one can given its present developments, so this is another reason to beware.

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Elon Musk Agrees, George Soros has Made the World a Gayer Place By James Reed

Here is an interesting post detailing how George Soros funded the campaign that put pressure upon corporations to go woke, especially on the trans agenda. What is of further interest is that Elon Musk saw the tweet, and replied in one word; “accurate”! But the big question is when will some billionaire start funding conservatives, the way Soros feeds the Left? Musk could do it if he wanted, he certainly has the loot.

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They Imprison (White) Heroes, Don’t They? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The saga of the arrest of ex-Marine Daniel Penny, white, who restrained a Black, Jordan Neely, who was threatening violence on a New York subway, has evolved into the George Floyd case of 2023. Neely died in police custody, and Penny is up on a murder change, presumably the neck restraint was yet another George Floyd moment, and even though he died with the police, Penny is charged with being responsible. I have yet to see exactly the causes of death, but be sure, just as the massive quantities of drugs in George Floyd did nothing, while the neck restraint did everything, Penny’s neck hold will be blamed. It seems in the modern anti-white racist state, ritual sacrifices must periodically be given to the gods of the Left. And white heroes, must, by definition, be put down. Best to have let Neely assault the subway passengers in this weird woke world.

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Censorship Australian Style By Mrs Vera West

Rebekah Barnett has been doing excellent investigative journalism about the Covid mandates and issues of social control. She details below how the Australian government secretly sought to censor Covid-related speech, that is criticism, that they did not approve of, and saw as damaging to their pro-vax Big Pharma-based agenda. “The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) surveilled Australians’ social media use, reporting 4,213 Covid-related social media posts to Big Tech platforms for removal or restriction up to 15 December 2022, documents obtained under Senator Antic’s FOI request show.” This does not surprise me in the slightest, given the strong-armed tactics the police used during suppression of the lockdown protests, while going soft on Left wing gatherings. While we may look at amazement at the tyranny we report of from Europe and the US, the same exists here, only it is less reported and the population here, much more apathetic and passive. After all, they returned the Western Australian and Victorian governments with stunning majorities, even after CCP-style lockdowns, that destroyed lives and small businesses.


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The Suffering of Modern Times By Chris Knight (Florida)

American Christian Thinker, Michael Snyder is very much a proponent of the idea that we are in end times, both civilisationally, and in theological terms. The physical manifestation of the coming end times, is the present collapse of everything. In his books and blogs, he has outlined this cultural, economic and physical collapse in great detail, and a sample is given below. Certainly, American cities have become crime-filled cesspools and it is getting worse, from Chicago to Baltimore. Gang gun fights fill the night air. There is infrastructure decline and rising homelessness, and tent cities. Streets are often littered with human faeces. The same points can be made about Europe, from the UK to Germany and Sweden. When I lived in Sydney and Melbourne, I saw places on the line to the US decline. Much of that is covered in blog pieces here. But joining the dots, I think Snyder has made a good case that it could very well be the case that Jesus may return. Even mentioning such a thing is liable to have one classified as a “religious nutter,” but the possibility should be contemplated. From my reading of the Bible, there is no reason to believe that this world and physical life is eternal, or even likely to last in the long term. It is not written that man, through technology, will become like God, and in fact, quite the opposite.

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Modernism, Leftism and Fascism By James Reed

Jeffrey Folks makes the case that modernism, the movement that began in the early 20th century, to break from the past and tradition, and embrace the new, is linked to fascism, communism; and other anti-democratic, authoritarian political systems. That is, of course, exactly the opposite of the mainstream Leftist narrative, which links modernism with the progressive good and human liberation. He is concerned with art in his argument, but that is instructive. Both modernists, such as say Dali, Picasso, Beckett and say John Cage in music, all sought to deconstruct the advanced Western civilisation which had been created by the 20th century. Postmodernist went even further, using relativism to undermine scientific rationality itself. And woke culture, which now has gone beyond even postmodernists such as Derrida and French “philosophers” goes even further still, with concrete reality, such as sexuality, no longer to be seen beyond the lenses of social construction. This irrationalism is parallel to movements such as Hitlerism, with the same rejection, and negation of fundamental categories. And, as well, this irrationalism seen clearly in the    fanaticism on a global scale with the Covid narrative, is tied very closely with corporate control, especially Big Pharma. And that is the essence of fascism, the fusion of state and corporations, as Mussolini held.

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The Myth of the All-Electric, Renewables Home By James Reed

The Greens and general climate change fanatics are dedicated to seeing an all-electric society, the electric coming entirely from renewables. The implausibility of this happening in a non-nuclear future, has been shown in many blog posts here. However, California, which prides itself in the pursuit of all things woke, and seeks to be at the forefront of the great environmental experiment, will be a test case, as the state has now mandated that all new homes built, beginning in 2030, must be all-electric. Goodbye natural gas ovens and heating. Other US states who are in the woke parade will follow suit.

The problem here is that this will inevitably fail. For a start, there is simply not enough electricity to do this, with electric resources already under stress in California, and this is before the demand increases exponentially. The facts and figures for those interested are detailed below. Worse of all, natural disasters, such as flood and fire, that occur regularly in California, let alone predicted earthquakes, could substantially damage the electric infrastructure, and without fossil fuel backups, which will presumably become illegal, people could face either freezing conditions in winter, or blistering heat in summer, with no energy relief. The aged and sick will suffer. Again, it is all another crazy Leftist environmentalist idea, leading us down the road to poverty and misery.

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The Left’s Will to Power By James Reed

Victor Davis Hanson continues his deconstruction of the modern Left, with his commentary on the real motivations of the Left. As we have covered in articles yesterday, the psychological evidence indicates that the Left are not motivated by  high morality, as they portray, but use woke causes in the will to power. Lower ground-feeders, such as academics, work in the system, and promote woke causes such as the trans agenda, as this is the big thing of the time. Thus, the politically correct standard now is to oppose second generation feminists, who were sure that the future was “female.” No, “female” is a socially constructed category, as seen in the sports debate. Just as races do not exist for specific purposes, but do for others, likewise now with gender, as an example, women can have penises. There is no consistent world view here but there does not have to be since, as Hanson argues in more detail, truth has been abandoned, in favour of whatever serves the Left’s interests.


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