The Housing Shortage By Ken Grundy


Hon David Pocock

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Can’t Afford to Eat? Blame the Greens! By Richard Miller (London)

Things are tough here in Britain, and are likely to get tougher. At a time of a fuel crisis, and looming food shortages, due to the attack upon farming, the Conservative Party, in name only, has implemented the Extended Producer Responsibility net zero scheme, which will subsidise the recycling of packaging to be imposed at the supermarket. The increase in food bills for the long-suffering British public will be to the order of £4 billion per year. The vice-like squeeze is now being placed upon the British public, no doubt as part of the globalist plan to depopulate the country. Green ideologies have supplied the useful idiot front for these programs. No-one cares about the environment; it is all a naked power grab.


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Queer and Transgender Plants? Why Not! By Mrs Vera West

I must admit that I thought of this one a long time ago; why not claim that plants are homosexual or transgender? Now, this has been done, at Alice Austen House, a designated LGBTQ+ museum based in Staten Island, New York City. Its plants are all queer or transgender. The mushrooms are “super-queer,” and wisteria and lavender are queer because "[t]hey are all purple, which is this historically queer color." By the same argument rocks which are purple, such as Grape Agate and Charoite, would be queer as well. Glowing purple gas clouds in deep space, would also be queer. It is absurd, but this what we have come to expect, as the entire universe becomes a mere plaything of the gender agenda.


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Comedian Rowan Atkinson, “Mr Bean,” Unplugs from Electric Cars! By James Reed

Apparently, this is not a joke, comedian Rowan Atkinson, famous for his role in “Mr Bean,” has engineering degrees, and was once a lover of electric cars. However, he recently wrote an article published in he Let wing on-line The Guardian putting the case against electric cars. When a whole of market approach is adopted, electric cars are not the environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuel cars the Greens proposes, since the actual electricity, is not mainly generated by renewables at all. He cites the case of Volvo saying tht the production of electric cars results in a 70 percent higher production of greenhouse gasses than petrol ones because of lithium-ion batteries fitted currently to nearly all electric vehicles, which require a large amount of energy to make.


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The Voice as a Constitutional Wrecking Ball By Ian Wilson LL.B

Scott Hargreaves, Executive Director of the Institute of Public Affairs, has written a brilliant article at, dealing with one of the major concerns of the Voice referendum, at least if this thing gets accepted by the public, who are being kept in the dark about the wider ramifications of this constitutional change. This is the creation of a third chamber of parliament. The Australian constitution document is arranged in three chapters, that represent the separation of powers that must be maintained under Australian law:  Chapter I: The Parliament, Chapter II: The Executive Government, and Chapter III: The Judicature. This separation of powers exists in other jurisdictions such as the United States, whose constitution was examined by our Founding Fathers, but in the UK, with no written constitution, there is an overlap. Thus, Australian courts take this distinction very seriously.


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The Communist Chinese Attack Upon Electronic Infrastructure By Chris Knight (Florida)

The late Dr Peter Pry who was Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, stressed that the West was highly vulnerable to Chinese cyber-attacks, especially EMP attacks using hypersonic missiles, detonated in the stratosphere. But, hacking and more direct attacks upon the grid can be damaging too. It is thought to be not too difficult for terrorists to bring the grid down, as it is presently not hardened enough. He has shown in many books, that this is one of the military strategies of the PLA, to create chaos on the American homeland, and thus to divert the government from the main war effort. It will take very little discomfort, let alone a social collapse to bring diverse countries into a meltdown.


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The Hypocrisy of the Climate Elites By James Reed

We have seen the double-standard of the globalist climate change elites, who proclaim that we plebs must abandon meat, and eat insects and grubs, while at their talkfests they feast upon fine animal flesh. And, they travel to these demonic gatherings in private jets. Now we have the pretty photo magazine, National Geographic says climate change is "the greatest threat to human health," but “National Geographic raises funds by flying deep-pocketed travelers around the world on its "specially outfitted" Boeing 757 jet, which features "comfortable VIP-style leather seating," "plush, sleek interior design," a private chef, and a "dedicated luggage handler." The trips, most of which cost roughly $100,000, allow millionaires and billionaires to "fly in exceptional comfort" as they visit "far-flung destinations" and encounter "legendary wildlife"—including the same coral reefs National Geographic says in its pages are dying.”


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Free Speech on Trial: “Missouri v. Biden” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The mainstream media are not covering one of the most important free speech court cases of all time: Missouri, Louisiana et al vs. President Biden, a case that was filed with a federal district court in Louisiana on March 3, 2023, so it is all happening now in real time.  The case by the states is that the Biden administration has acted to suppress citizens’ First Amendment rights. According to the documents: “Federal officials, including Defendants, have made a long series of public statements since at least 2018 demanding that social-media platforms increase their censorship of speech and speakers disfavored by these officials, and threatening adverse consequences – such as repeal or reform of Section 230 immunity under the Communications Decency Act (CDA), antitrust scrutiny or enforcement, increased regulation, and other measures – if the platforms do not increase censorship.”

The states have plenty to go on here, especially the evidence that has come to light of governments across the West, including both the US and Australia, among many, working with Big Tech to censor Covid critics, and to control public protests, and shut them down. Hopefully this case will get somewhere, but it will be a hard row to hoe, and even more difficult in jurisdictions such as Australia without a constitutional protection of free speech, trusting the pollies and lawyers to do the right thing.

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For Modern Corporations, Being Woke is More Important than Losing Billions By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Brandon Smith has addressed an issue that is somewhat puzzling, why corporations who support woke, continue to do so, even when the policies lose vast sums of money? In the light of controversies, and conservative boycotts, some corporations have beat a tactical retreat, but indications are that woke policies have become part of their business DNA. And, as usual, the money trail is the one to follow.

Corporations today often get funding through ESG-style financing as well as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) programs. The major financial lending corporations such as Blackrock, use lending as leverage to ensure that the social agenda is being followed through. And grassroots Leftist activists groups, get funded today not from selling communist literature, but from corporations, and organisations such as Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Yes, there is a globalist conspiracy, Smith observes: “Of course, some people will argue that this would require a level of organization and “conspiracy” that doesn’t exist. It would be “silly” to suggest that corporations are colluding to enact a plan to fundamentally upend the current economic paradigm, right? Wrong. At least in terms of coordination, the cabal has already openly announced its presence.” Now, the globalists, seeing their home run, are not even hiding in plain sight any more.

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Lawfare: Weaponising the (IN) Justice System By Chris Knight (Florida)

The indictment of former President Trump, with the prospects for conviction being an incredible 400 years, will be seen as one of history’s greatest injustices through the Democrat Party’s weaponization of the justice system, or as it should be called, the injustice system. According to Dr. Nicholas Waddy, a political analyst and associate professor of history at SUNY Alfred, said: “The main objective of Democratic/establishment ‘lawfare’ against Trump is to render him politically impotent. This could indeed happen. Legal issues will dominate the news, and Trump may eventually find himself incarcerated, gagged, or placed under house arrest. None of this, however, will dent Republicans’ love for Trump. Quite the contrary. (…) Democrats fear Trump politically, and thus it makes sense that they would want to wound him via prosecution. On the other hand, most Democrats in the know would prefer that Trump is the nominee, because they already consider him unelectable. Prosecution is their insurance policy, as it were.”

The sickening thing is that this travesty of justice is simply being allowed to go by the Democrat and Republican mainstream, which shows that the system is rotten to the core.

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The Mythology of Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming By Brian Simpson

A great article at the American, our go-to site for high quality material debunking the climate change scam, details how the hypothesis that carbon dioxide is warming the planet is based upon idealised lab models of carbon dioxide in closed, non-dynamic systems, quite unlike the open system that the Earth’s climate system actually is. The take-home lesson is this: “Earth's atmosphere is often described by physicists and meteorologists as chaotic and nonlinear.  Among many climate unknowns are the respective warming and cooling effects of water vapor and clouds and the drivers of major oceanic oscillations such as El Niño.  These unknowns are why Steven Koonin titled his recent climate book Unsettled.  Given the large body of pertinent unknowns, it is hubris to think we can predict future global climates and attribute causes a century and more out.  But we are entirely within the bounds of scientific reason to dismiss CO2 as a climate "control knob" based on its limited effect on radiation transfer.  It's also reasonable to think we have no serious business monitoring CO2 levels, much less destroying our energy independence to mitigate them.”


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Did Fanatical Climate Change Activists Light the Canadian Fires? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Andrea Widburg, my favourite writer at American, hypothesises that the Canadian fires may be an act of ecoterrorism by environmental socialists. At present the smoke has filled cities such as New York, creating the push for the new climate change lockdowns. Naturally, the Left Greens are saying that the fires are the result of climate change. New York has faced some of its worst air pollution ever recorded, and there is an emerging push for lockdowns again, perhaps not compulsory, but done out of necessity.

Most of Canada’s fires are lit by arsonists, not by lightening, and there is evidence that the fires all started at the same time, indicating coordination. The idea here is to subject the populations to physical harm, and fear, and pump up the climate change propaganda, as Canadian PM Trudeau is now doing. He is saying that there would not be fires like this if there was a carbon tax, and no doubt he is right, since the socialists would put away their boxes of matches, and go back to persecution conservative Christians protesting abortion of the gender agenda.

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Joe Biden was Bribed! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

On the very day that Trump was indicted, the mainstream media largely ignored the bombshell news that Joe Biden was bribed for the sum of $ 5 million over a deal that Biden’s son, Hunter, did with Burisma, the Ukrainian oil company which Hunter Biden sat on the board of. Joe Biden was vice president at the time. The idea was that Hunter Biden could make the problems Burisma had go away, for they were being legally investigated. That Joe Biden as vice president was paid the $ 5 million suggests that he was involved at some point in making the problem go away.

Thus, Trump faces 400 years in jail on  trumped-up charges, while the Biden crime family continues to flourish. And the legal authorities care not, full energies being devoted to the persecution of conservatives.  

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“Sunday Times” Bombshell: Yes, Covid a CCP Bioweapon! By Richard Miller (London)

I am willing to bet that the Australian press did not give front page coverage to this story. The Sunday Times has concluded its investigation of the origins of Covid, and concludes that communist Chinese scientists working at the Wuhan Institute of virology were working on gain-of-function genetic engineering, to make a new mutant coronavirus at the same time as the pandemic, so called, began. A lab leak occurred, but there is not enough information to determine if this was accidental or deliberate. The smoking gun is that the communist Chinese virologists were working on a vaccine at the same time. As well, China deliberately was secretive about the outbreaks, which allowed the virus to spread to the West. It does not take much imagination, I believe to see much, if not all of the story as intended by the CCP.

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Goodbye George, Hello Alex (Soros) By James Reed

George Soros looks like he is calling it a day, and handing over the woke business to his son, who left no time saying that he is even more political i.e. woke than daddy. Alex Soros is who we will be critiquing from now on. Alex will double-down on abortion rights, “gender equality” and will continue the immigration mania of the old guy, who we will forget in a day or so. The apple did not fall from the tree at all. The beat goes on, and on, and …

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Deep State Wants to Lock Trump away for 400 Years! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have mentioned Trump’s indictment at the blog a number of times, but here is details of what the Deep State is attempting to sink him with. He faces 37 counts, with a maximum sentence of 400 years! It is thought that he is more likely to be given 20 years, for the same thing that Joe Biden, and Obama did, but faced no charges. Noe even proverbial blind Freddy should be able to see how weaponised against conservatives the legal system is. And DeSantis has been threatened to be charged with kidnapping for sending illegals to Democrat states.

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Here is the Ultimate Craziest “Solution” to “Global Warming” (Non-Solution to Non-Problem)! By James Reed

Here is the latest piece of climate change sophistry coming from a scientist. To solve climate change, just change the distance the Earth is from the sun! This can be done using some great whacking asteroid as a slingshot, doing it millions of times. I don’t quite understand the details, but so many things stand out. There is no available asteroid, and the technology for asteroid control now just involves nudging them off their paths, a wee bit. And, the program is really about saving the Earth in one billion years’ time. Really, I wonder if by that time the transgender agenda would have long ago moved to robots, who would easily adapt to non-binary concepts, although all those 1s and 0s are a bit of a worry, being binary. Still, with a billion years, it will be sorted out!

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Deep State from the Beginning: Why the Internet Failed as a Libertarian Free Speech Mechanism By James Reed

I was not aware of the full details of the origins of the internet; I thought it was a system set up originally to protect computer use from a nuclear attack by being decentralised. However, Dr Mercola shows that the use of the internet as a libertarian tool, was limited, and a totalitarian agenda was here in the beginning, as the internet was set up by the pentagon and the US State Department. The libertarian aspects of the internet served Deep State interests of acting as an insurgency tool in Third World countries the US wanted to control. Now, the same tolls is being controlled and turned against the public to control thought. “The fact that this grew out of the U.S. National Security state, which is running the show, essentially, today, to me says that there's a continuation between the internet freedom and internet censorship. They simply switched from one side of the chess board to the other.”

It has been as easy as that. What has to be done, while there is still some window of opportunity, which is closing is to make use of the limited freedoms still available, while there is time.

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Steve Kirsch in Front of the Pennsylvania State Senate: NO Vaccine is Safe and Effective By Brian Simpson

Covid vax critic Steve Kirsch, has now moved on from just a critique of the Covid vaxxes to attacking the whole lot of them. He recently appeared before the Pennsylvania State Senate, and said that there is no scientific study in history, comparing unvaccinated children versus vaccinated children. He offered $ 2,500 for anyone who could produce such a study, and there were no takers. He believes because the unvaccinated children are healthier. That implies that all vaccines are flawed, which is certainly an astonishing claim.

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Zuckerberg Comes Clean on Censorship! By James Reed

We just knew it! Zuckerberg is now admitting that Facebook engaged in censorship over the Covid freak-out, but it was a hard decision for him. After all, he might be censoring someone not deliberately spreading “misinformation,” but was simply wrong. But it was business as usual. The reality that he censored people who were speaking the truth about the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines, of course, is not addressed. It is all propaganda, after the event as he probably sees the Covid house of cards collapsing.

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