It is Not Covid Causing Heart Problems: Autopsies Studies By Brian Simpson

One of the Covid mainstream’s supposed explanations of the phenomena of people, especially young male athletes, collapsing with heart issues, is that this is an effect of the Covid infection itself. However, contrary evidence to this has been reported by R. Alanlouk (et al.), in the journal, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, though a systematic review of 50 autopsy studies and 548 hearts of patients who died of, or with, Covid-19. It was found that about two thirds of hearts had the Covid virus,  SARS-CoV-2,  in the tissue, but none of the hearts had extensive myocarditis, heart inflammation, as the cause of death. This, then, knocks over another hypothesis that the mainstream Covid elites use to protect the sacred vax from the criticism it richly deserves.

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The Voice is Even Worse than We Thought By James Reed

Don’t take my word for it; Aboriginal Senator Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
on behalf of FAIR AUSTRALIA, has written that the Voice referendum, if it passes, will result in the super-elites having not only control over parliament, but the executive as well, and this will be enforced by the courts. Don’t expect them to go against the Voice; most judges are globalist Leftists. While the Yes elites say that there will be no formal overriding of parliament, and while this is true on the black letters of the law, it is not how this is intended to work, where going against the Voice will be proclaimed as racist, and subject to the Pavlovian knee-jerk reaction that has been put into place since the end of World War II. That is how the woke system operates even now, and the Left are only getting started.


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Scotland’s Get’s its First Muslim Leader; Says Too Many Whites in Parliament! By Richard Miller (London)

Humza Yousaf, a Muslim who in 2020 complained about too many white people in the Scottish government, has been elected the new head of the Scottish National Party. The logical implication of this is that there are too many whites in Scotland, solved as people like the sobbing PM whatshisname over in Australia is doing by record mass immigration, with majority non-white, because majority non-white is non-racist. In fact, having no whites at all is not racist, but … lovely, diverse, cuddly blah, blah.

What a place the West has become. It must be something put in the water; previous generations would find this all unbelievable. But philosophers of cultural decline like Spengler, The Decline of the West, would not be surprised and saw it coming, but it took a while to happen.

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Australia is Immigration Mad! By James Reed

Just in case anyone thinks I was a bit too extreme in my claims in the immigration piece at the blog today, here is some material from, which has some instructive points about Australia, which it says is “immigration mad.” “Australia’s rental crisis will get even worse while the unemployment rate is certain to rise (and wage growth fall) on the back of record labour supply growth.” “Why do centre-left governments like the Trudeau and Albanese administrations hate the working class so much? With friends like them, the working class sure doesn’t need enemies.”

The only answer that makes sense is that these governments are actively engaged in the Great Replacement. It is impossible to preserve any aspect of Australia if the population is replaced, which is exactly what is happening, projecting the trends, and outing the ideological background. The real shameful reality is how the working class has allowed themselves to be destroyed?

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Australian Mass Migration, Totally Out of Control! By James Reed

The Labor government has put Australia on its greatest immigration-fuelled population surge in history, with 650,000 migrants this year, leading to a 900,000 growth in the number of residents. I said that this was going to happen. This has been in response to demonically evil Big Business telling the government to increase numbers to catch up from losses due to the Covid lockdowns, but Labor is happy to do so anyway, being fully on board with making Australia into an immigration supermarket: see my article today at the blog, “Australia is Immigration Mad!” To state the obvious, there is presently a housing crisis, with record numbers of homeless, as well as infrastructure stresses, including water shortages, to name but a few of our crises. But, none of these social and ecological disasters worry our elites, who would be content to burn out this country and leave a smoking ruin as they move on to the next country, or planet, to reduce to ashes, perhaps literally.

The aim of Big Australia is to increase Australia’s population to 150 million at a minimum; and then increase until collapse occurs, where they jump ship. These replacement people will be non-white, so Australia replaces its white population. It is a simple as that. What it means is that a republic will certainly be pushed in, in record time. Any hopes of radical financial reform will be impossible with a compliant mixed-race Asian population, who will obey the central authority. Or, what is more likely, due to demographic replacement Australia will just fall into being a part of communist China; it is just demographics, as there will be no “Australian” culture to assimilate to. Perhaps this is Australia’s real defence policy in the case of World War III: not to have just a Brisbane line, but one which was way south of Tasmania, maybe to the South Pole.

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South Australia Now has the Voice! By James Reed

This is something we should note, we in the eastern states. The woke South Australian government has now passed its own Voice legislation. “SA's Attorney-General Kyam Maher said the state led the nation by creating a Voice that was "empowered to speak to the parliament, to speak to the ministers, to speak to the government departments".

"To speak directly to the decision-makers who have so often struggled to make meaningful change," he said.”

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Racial Aspects of the Covid Plandemic By Brian Simpson

Biodiversity writer, Lance Welton, has written for the past two years articles dealing with the biodiversity issues associated with the Covid plandemic, only he seems to see the issue of one of a genuine disease, but no matter. Race aspects were not reported by the mainstream media, but there was still evidence that Nordic whites, who have lived in environments with coronaviruses did far better than Hispanics, Blacks and South East Asians, and probably if natural immunity was permitted to generate herd immunity, Covid would have been just another coronavirus.  While the Left might argue that all this shows is that whites have better health care because of affluence, in the US before Covid, Hispanics actually had a longer average life than whites, a gap which disappeared with Covid. Wokeness led to deaths since the mantra was that everyone was at risk, when clearly various racial groups needed more help than others. Bitter woke irony indeed.

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eNaira: The World’s Largest Central Bank Digital Currency Trial By James Reed

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) drive has been given a massive push by eNaira, Africa’s first CBDC. Nigeria is Africa’s largest country, and a logical testing ground for the elites before moving to establish CBDC in the West. The eNaira website clearly indicates that the CBDC will replace cash. But there are some teething problems, with the supreme court of Nigeria ordering the  Central Bank of Nigeria’s plan to discontinue the use of old bills, finding the move was unconstitutional. The judges ruled that the notes should remain in circulation until the end of the year, but after that he notes will be removed, so cash is going. This is set to happen across the West too, unless organised resistance and opposition occurs. There is not long to do this.


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Justin Trudeau in Wonderland: AI and Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

No doubt about it, ultra-woke Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, ideological, if not biological son of Castro, has been waxing lyric about the magic that diversity brings to computer engineers. Yes, no matter what racially homogeneous computer engineers, such as the Chinese and South Koreans, come up with, the diverse are light years ahead. But, if this was true, Canada which falls over itself in wokeness, would be an IT super power, but instead falls far behind India. As for biases, the diverse bring their own biases to things as well. All boring propaganda from a tyrant in a collapsing land.

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Turbo-Charged Testicular Cancer in Peek, Covid Vaxxed Athletes By Brian Simpson

Here is something which has not be observed with the actual Covid infection, and cannot be explained away as long Covid either. Young male athletes are dying in significant numbers from virulent testicular cancer, which kills them faster than the usual testicular cancer.  Testicular cancer is not uncommon among young men, with prostate cancer being more prevalent in older men. What is odd, is that like the “died suddenly” phenomenon, this cancer has killed very rapidly a number of well-known sports stars, across the world. The media, while reporting the deaths, is silent, of course on the possible Covid vax connection, the only thing which could link this diverse array of athletes.


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The Plandemics to Come By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former CDC director, Dr Robert Redfield, apart from telling the House Inquiry into Covid, that he believed that covid-19 originated in the Wuhan lab, has made some further comments which are not surprising. We have not seen the end of these lab-released diseases, and he sees the next pandemic, which may be sooner than expected, arising from the gain-of-function genetic engineering of deliberate bioterrorism. “I do believe the next pandemic, and we’re going to have another pandemic and I think it’s going to be the great pandemic, I consider COVID a minor pandemic, the great pandemic’s going to come. And normally, it would come from spill over … bird flu that learns how to transmit to humans and then go to human-to-human. But I think the species barriers are very real. But it’s much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory and then escape and then we’re going to have a pandemic…which will be much more brutal to the world than COVID was.”

Bill Gates has said much the same. No doubt the timing will be such that the World Health Organization pandemic treaty will be in place, the globalist hope, so that the next wave of tyranny goes down. 

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Is a Common Industrial Chemical the Fuel for Parkinson’s Disease? By Mrs Vera West

This is something which I had not heard of before. The hypothesis has been made that the massive rise in Parkinson’s disease in modern times may be due to contamination by  Trichloroethylene, or TCE, an industrial chemical widely used in stripping paint, and industrial cleaning. According to Dr. Ray Dorsey, a neurology professor at the University of Rochester and lead author: "When Dr. Parkinson described the condition in 1817 in London, he reported six individuals with the disease," "Two hundred years later, the global burden of disease is estimated that over 6 million people have the disease worldwide. So how do you go from six to 6 million? The rates are growing far faster than aging could explain alone. It has to be environmental factors. I think TCE and air pollution are important contributors.”


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LGBTQ+ Rights are Central to America’s Foreign Policy By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Some from the Dissent Right go all out on this one, and say that the Ukraine war is all about transgender and LGBTQ+ rights. I can see that this is one issue, but as always, it is the will to power, insofar as this is one battle about the direction the New World Order will go, that is decisive.


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Dr Naomi Wolf on the Demons Being Unleashed: Metaphysical, Existential Darkness By Mrs Vera Wolf

Dr Naomi Wolf, who back in her Leftist feminist days was the subject of criticism from me, was awakened over the Covid plandemic, when she saw that women were being adversely affected, and that the Left, and mainstream establishment were ignoring it. This led her to research the issue, and conclude that the West, as illustrated by the lockdowns had become biofascist societies, with great tyranny. But, that leaves the origin of this drive to evil unexplained. While most social critics operate on the material sociological plane, she has moved to see that there might be a spiritual explanation, given that the secular ones fail to adequately deal with the extent of evil. The suggestion is made that cosmic forces of evil could be at work here, and from a Christian position, although not a popular idea in the present multicult diverse church, it seems plausible to me that she is right. As Dr Wolf has moved to orthodox Judaism, she says that her world view does not have the same concept of Satan as the Christian position, but regardless of theology, I think we are seen elites of the most demonic form. It may not be Christian-correct to ask, but could this be the warmup to end times, when the demonic roam the earth? My priest said to me over a cup of tea and cream and strawberry jam tarts, that this has always been so given original sin allowing evil in of those who are weak of spirit.


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Trump has Long Passed His Use-by Date By Chris Knight (Florida)

After the present goings on by Trump making threats if he is prosecuted in New York, covered in another article, it is refreshing to see the conservative press beginning to dump the illusion that Trump is in any way a solution to the present crisis. As detailed at the American, which always has thoughtful content, Trump had the opportunity to act and did not. He never built the wall, but even if a physical wall was delayed, the US armed forces could have secured the border. Given that any walls put up would be torn down by the Democrats when a Democrat president stole the presidency, this would have been a sensible solution. Instead, under the direction of his son-in-law, and Leftist daughter, he went for things like tax cuts, to curry favour with his class the 1 percenters. And, unforgiveable, he rubber-stamped mindlessly Operation Warp Speed, which pushed through an experimental mRNA vaccine, or rather gene therapy, without the usual years of testing, even though Dr Fauci proclaimed that so much was known about mRNA technology that this was not necessary. That too, needs to be raised at his trial.

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Trump Threatens Death and Destruction, Basically Loses It! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

After the January 6 fiasco, where Trump, for reasons that have never been given, led his followers, not into the promised land, but to the hell of cells, Trump now has called for protests, to take back the country. However, he did not use the qualification “peaceful.” Fortunately, the majority of MAGA types do fear the they will be entrapped in any such protests, as government agents move to stir up trouble and set people up, as was done on January 6. And, to make matters worse, Trump has made it clear his intentions by threatening death and destruction if he is prosecuted in New York. He posted an image of himself holding a baseball bat next to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s head. This is beyond foolish and invites another prosecution for making such threats, even if the Stormy Daniels affair is dropped. And, it stirs up those who may be already on a short fuse.


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The Illusion of IQ By Brian Simpson

Hewitt E. Moore has presented a good piece deconstructing the IQ fetish amongst conservatives and the Right. IQ does not feature in the discourse of the Left, except by critique of the Right, since they have their own mythology, as expressed in Critical Race Theory, which is used to legitimise their hegemony, while the Right, largely powerless and dispossessed, rattles on about Bell Curves and the like. I have argued for years, that the theory behind IQ is conceptually flawed, but the deeper problem is that there is no mileage in this concept for conservatives and the Right. IQ is falling across the West now, and it is probable that this will continue, as intelligence itself gets degraded by a multitude of social and chemical pollution factors. It is thus, not a winner to put one’s political strategies all around such as retreating concept.

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The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Acknowledges that for Healthy Young People, the Risks of the Covid Boosters May Outweigh the Benefits By Mrs Vera West

Rebekah Barnett points out that the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), regarding the Covid booster, now pushed by the government, that for healthy young people, the risks may outweigh the benefits. “Adolescents and younger adults have a lower age-related risk of severe COVID-19, and a comparatively higher risk of myocarditis following vaccination.” This is quite a concession given that previously the health authorities had pushed the line that the vaccines were “life-saving” and risks were extremely rare. Is it the case, as Shakespeare said, that the truth will out; merchant of Venice Act II, Scene 2?

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Hospital Admissions in New Zealand By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

Data like this is slowly coming out, much like water always seems to find a way to leak through one’s roof. In my former homeland of New Zealand, data from the New Zealand Ministry of Health has revealed a 103 per cent increase in hospitalisations among 12 disease categories measured in 2021 following the mRNA rollout. New Zealand matched Australia in terms of absurd freedom-destroying restrictions, so this was not due to Covid infections, just as the explosion in excess mortality, also seen in New Zealand is not accounted for by Covid. As a great piece from Conservative puts it: “Interventions carrying novel genetic instructions which cross the cell membrane put health and consciousness, body and mind at risk of degradation. Hospitalisation rates have doubled, all-cause deaths are at record levels, and there is an unexplained total disregard on the part of governments.”

The full ramifications of the experimental mRNA gene therapies has yet to be seen.

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Stockholm Syndrome: Sadly, Britons in the Main, Loved the Lockdowns! By Richard Miller (London)

The Stockholm syndrome is where victims, such as in kidnappings, a notable example being Patty Hearst in 1974, come to identify with the kidnappers. Something like this may have happened here in the UK, where, astonishingly, 54 percent of people, thought that the Covid lockdowns were justified and effective and only 27 percent opposed them. This is made even though the published evidence indicates that the lockdowns were ineffective, and had numerous bad economic consequences, in terms of destroying small businesses, and delivering riches to the super-capitalists. Countries without lockdowns, such as Sweden did not experience dire social consequences.


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