Shooting Down Party Balloons! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The balloon issue, as covered at the blog, is no joke, since these old, but still relevant vehicles of war are able to dominate near space, the area from 12 to 62 miles above the Earth’s surface, a region too high for jets, but too low for satellites. A good view of a country can be had from there.

Still, to troll the US the way it is doing to the Taiwanese, releasing a number of balloons, and as well, letting the first one go right over the US, has led to a sense of balloon paranoia, with the shooting down of what some have said is a party balloon, or a school science project. Still, while this is good material for jokes, the said balloon was in aircraft space, and could have posed a danger, so better safe than sorry. At least the $ 400,000 missiles seem to work.  

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The Cult of the Left By James Reed

Here are some insightful comments from someone who grew up Left, in a Leftist family, but now has seen the light, and rejected Leftism. Leftism is like a cult experience, as the article details. I agree with this, that not only does Leftism today have a fanatical religious aspect, but, as seen with environmentalism and climate change doomsday hysteria, there are doomsday cult elements as well. Thus, it may be pointless and a waste of precious time and resources to try and convince the fanatical Left, with energies best directed to the presently uncommitted. The lunar Left would have to be psychologically deprogrammed, no mean task.

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Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trials By Mrs Vera West

Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, has a paper dealing with a phenomenon observed by other medical practitioners, of an increase in the miscarriage rate, and decrease in fertility. In particular, Dr Kory goes back to the original Pfizer clinical trial data, which was not available for analysis when the Covid vax rollout occurred.

 Section 5.3.6, Page 12 of the Pfizer document called “Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports,” notes that 270 pregnancies were reported in vaccinated women during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine campaign. There was no outcome in 238 of these pregnancies, but in the 32 pregnancies, there were:

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Miscarriage and Fertility Rates: Threats By Mrs Vera West

Sonia Elijah has given an informative account of the effects of the Covid vaxxes upon fertility and miscarriages. Elijah quotes Dr Kim Biss, a practicing obstetrician and gynaecologist from St. Petersburg, Florida, who is speaking out about this problem, based upon her practice; unfortunately, we seem to be lacking the equivalent in Australia, but the following example is instructive. Dr Biss observed that the average month to month miscarriage rate in 2020 was 4 percent, and in 2021, it increased 7-8 percent, and almost doubled in 2022 to 15 percent. However, by December of 2022, it reached 25 percent, and seems set to increase again. Along with this, the number of pregnant patients has fallen off dramatically, something which has been observed across the world, post the Covid vax rollout. One of the great unknowns is whether there is an intergenerational problem, as there is a possibility that the ovaries inside female foetuses may absorb lipid nanoparticles/mRNA from their vaccinated mothers, generating unknown ill-effects, but possible infertility. It could at worst, be a depopulation scenario, as discussed by Mike Adams.

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Communist China’s Military Balloon Program By James Reed

The balloons that came over the US in the last news cycle, have tended to now be dismissed by conservatives, as it seems that a $ 12 balloon was shot down with a $ 400, 000 missile. If it was the idea of communist China to get the US edgy, as it is doing with its incursions into Taiwanese airspace, then it succeeded. However, the balloon saga has also drawn attention to communist China’s use of balloons as weapons of war. What is not generally understood is that balloon technology has advanced, so that balloons are the best technology for “near space,” the region 12 to 62 miles above the Earth. It is too high for jets, but too low for satellites, so balloons hit the spot, so to speak.  Balloons are cheaper and easier to manoeuvre, compared to jets and satellites and can carry a heavier payload, cover a wider area, and are harder to detect. As well, as shown last week, they have a cost in being shot down, with bullets often being inadequate, due to distances and being fired from moving craft, so that expensive missiles need to be used. Balloons are an ancient vehicle of war, now in the modern battle arena, and being used to advantage by communist China.


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The Coming Existential Threat By James Reed

I got the link to this article at the side bar on my computer, and had never heard of the site. Further investigation showed a type of Left environmentalist blog. Still, being open minded and full of love, I take things as they come. The post by Gilbert Doctorow, “The Coming Existential threat,” presumably by someone on the ground in Europe, gives us one point of view, that the Ukrainian War could escalate into a nuclear conflict. With existential threats, at least as perceived by Russia, they have moved to revise their nuclear doctrine, with “preventive” tactical nuclear strikes, as the United States has.  If Ukraine targets Crimea and heartland Russia, then Russia will respond with counter strikes against U.S military installations in Europe and in the Continental United States using hypersonic missiles.  That will certainly lead to all-out nuclear war.


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A Doctor Treating Hundreds of Covid Vax Injured, Speaks Out! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This, while based upon a local doctor (for me, for  example), does have important lessons for other jurisdictions such as Australia. Australian doctors are tightly controlled by the regulatory boards, but there is more freedom on Covid issues here in the US. Even in California, some doctors who are treating Covid vax injured people are speaking out. An example, covered below, is Dr Michael Huang, who has treated thousands of Covid vax injured patients, including hundreds of nurses. The nurse pool, for example, were forced to be vaxxed, or lose their jobs, and many now suffer from an array of injuries, including heart and neurological issues. This is one doctor in one area, but it does show that the problem of the Covid vax injured is vast, and growing. The interview is revealing indeed to hear it from first hand clinical experience.

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Organic Chemistry Suddenly is Important By Chris Knight (Florida)

As a former science teacher (chemistry and physics), and also a conservative activist, I am well aware that many active in the conservative movement do not know much about science, but tended to study after high school, things like law and politics. The Covid plandemic, which combined elements of pseudoscience, bogus epidemiology (disease statistics), mixed with public policy, became difficult to get a handle upon. The main Covid critics thus tended to be science trained. And today, with science and technology threatening our existence, it would be well to know what the threats actually mean. I am sure the people in East Palestine, Ohio, who have been told that their water is safe would like to know the neat summary of organic chemistry toxicology that I found. It is relevant to Australians, and any country where dangerous chemicals are transported by train.

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The German Press Discussing Covid Vax Trial Fraud! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is news, that as far as I could find from an internet search, was not reported by the Australian lamestream press. The mainstream German publication, Die Welt (The World), has reported that the Pfizer clinical trials were full of fraud. There is much that has been published on this by the Covid critics, especially regarding the miscarriage rates. The publication gives evidence of Pfizer removing numerous patients who suffered adverse events from the Covid vaccine trial, and even more shocking, examples of Pfizer subjects whose deaths were covered up. One subject who was vaxxed, was found dead three days after the second jab, was considered not to have died from the experimental mRNA vax. Many cases of a disregarding of vax-induced injures were not considered.


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German Scientists Call for an End to Covid Vaxxes By Richard Miller (London)

Here is yet another movement of scientists opposing the received Covid narrative. The German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, comprising over 60 scientists, doctors, lawyers, and journalists, has published a document, “Summary of Preliminary Findings” on the toxic substances which have been found in the vaxxes, causing a disintegration of cells. Consequently, the group has called for an end to the Covid vaxxes. “In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the Covid-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately.” This is but one of many groups calling for the cessation of the vaxxes. It is hoped that if we keep fighting on, like in other toxic tort cases, a critical mass will result leading to a landslide against the Covid status quo.

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Resisting Central Bank Digital Currencies By James Reed

Various countries are well on the way to eliminating cash and establishing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). This is a nightmare scenario, for given the computerisation of the world, and the internet of things, total control by the globalists would be achieved. We saw what can be done with the cancellation of the Canadian truckers in their protest, but also donors, even in the United States. So, for lovers of liberty, this is one battle that needs to be won. However, there is no guarantee of victory, and most battles against the globalists have been lost by our side, otherwise we would not be in the mess that we are now. So, while battling on, a Plan B is a good thing to have up one’s sleave. International has some ideas on this, which amount to the very timely idea of building parallel societies and community networks, so that it becomes more difficult to simply starve dissenters to death. Everyone needs to become a prepper now; this is one personal message that came out of the Covid plandemic. Having a food and medical supply gives one some space to sit things out, until the system is, hopefully changed.

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Ministry of Lies Cancels Roald Dahl; Shakespeare et al. Next By James Reed

In George Orwell’s 1984 novel, the protagonist, Winston Smith, worked at the Ministry of Truth, which was concerned with changing the words of text via editing, to make everything consistent with the ruling regime’s ideology. This is now gong on, with children’s author Roald Dahl, author of such works as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, now being rewritten. And it is not to do with racism and diversity, but any references that might offend anyone, such as reference to fat people.

And the march of the woke regime, repeating the moves of communist regimes such as Stalinist USSR, Mao and Xi’s China, has Shakespeare, JRR Tolkien, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell ready for a rewrite, of if not possible, censorship. Tyranny has arrived while the good people slept, and seemingly, keep sleeping.     

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The Rise, and Rise of Pancreatic Cancer? By Brian Simpson

The idea of “turbo cancers” is circulating in the aftermath of the Covid vax rollout, with a rapid rise in cancers, some once quite rare, now even being reported in medical journals. Pancreatic cancer has skyrocketed in women under the age of 55 years. According to Dr. Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor in British Columbia, the spreading cancer cells through the lymph nodes can travel to the pancreas, feeding off spike proteins  that lodge there. The spike proteins then turn of genes such as the P-53 genes that fight cancer, and the rest is misery, then death, as pancreatic cancer is virtually a  death sentence, with only an 11 percent survival rate 5 years after initial diagnosis.

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UK Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra: Pull the Dangerous Covid Jabs! By Richard Miller (London)

Leading UK cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, is not backing down since he became a Covid vax critic. He has recently said that the Covid vaxxes have an adverse reaction rate of about 1 in 800, and vaccines with a lower adverse reaction rate were, historically, withdrawn. “Swine flu vaccine in 1976 was pulled because it caused Guillain-Barré syndrome in 1 in 100,000,” he continued. “Rotavirus vaccine was pulled in 1999 because it caused a form of bowel obstruction in 1 in 10,000.” He asks why the Covid vaxxes have not been withdrawn.

Indeed, not only are these vaxxes not being withdrawn in jurisdictions like Australia, but the health authorities are doubling down and pushing for the population to have a fifth and sixth shot. Medical science alone would indicate that a vax with such fading efficiency, as even Dr Fauci has recently admitted, along with its adverse effects, should be cancelled. But, the issue, as covered at this blog, is a political one, and part of the general Great Replacement of our world for the alien one looked forward to by the likes of globalist elites, such as the World Economic Forum. How many of these guys are fully vaxxed up I wonder?

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The Marburg Virus: If Not Bird Flu, Then Maybe This? By Brian Simpson

I have reported before on health organisations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) predicting that a new pandemic, more dangerous than Covid (begging the question, of course, of Covid’s danger), is just around the corner. Monkey pox swung into the scene, only to swing into a community, and not be heard of in the mainstream media again. Bird flu is on the agenda as well, with this disease which does seem to have decimated world poultry, now species jumping into mammals. The World Health Organization sees the possibility of a further movement to humans, but that seems to me to be wishful thinking. Likewise, the Marburg virus, which has killed at least nine people in Equatorial Guinea, does not need to jump species, but merely jump landmasses. That is quite possible, given that globalism wants the free movement of people into the West, and hang all costs. The Marburg virus causes a haemorrhagic fever, where one bleeds out to death, so this, unlike Covid at its worse, will scare people if this bug is tossed out the back of a bioweapons factory. There is not much we can do at present but keep watch.

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IMF Predicts World War III and the Death of Billions By James Reed

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, has not exactly said that World War IIII, and the death of billions is coming, but implied that “the unthinkable” could happen, as a consequence of the Ukraine War spiralling out of control. This is not something that only she has said; Musk and Trump have both warned of this, as have many Russian officials. While I know that many of my fellow conspiracy theorists see this as all under the control of the globalist elites, I still see room for chance and black swam events, assuming that the world is not governed by complete determinism, and that autonomy exists. Not everything goes according to well laid out plans.

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India Sees George Soros as “Dangerous” By James Reed

I am glad to say that am not the only one who sees George Soros as dangerous to freedom and liberty. Open society? Yeah, open to exploitation by globalist communists, more likely. And, India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and other officials, have confirmed that Soros is "old, rich, opinionated and dangerous" because he’s willing to invest his money in "shaping narratives." "People like him think an election is good if the person they want to see wins and, if the election throws up a different outcome, then they will say it is a flawed democracy," he said. As far as I can see, a most accurate account. But, can the Indian government start putting up money to counter Soros, because whinging about him, only goes so far?

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Vaccinated Blood Can be Contaminated with mRNA: Significance? By Brian Simpson

A study by Castruita et al., has found  through a testing of blood samples of patients who were vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines, that there was a presence of vaccine mRNA in the blood. The study differentiated between vaccine mRNA and viral RNA of SARS-CoV-2. Of the 108 patient samples, 10 samples (9.3%) had partial or up to full sequences of the vaccine mRNA sequence, which lasted for 28 days after the vaccination. This might lead a sceptic to question the safety of the blood supply. However, only 9.3 percent of patients in the sample had the mRNA in the blood. Further, the situation is probably not much different from present contact with the Covid-19 virus from people. Finally, blood transfusions are always needed, often to prevent death, so rejecting a blood transfusion merely because of fears of contamination is not rational.


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Progress on Class Action from Make Australia Healthy Again By James Reed

The group, make Australia healthy Again, is pursuing a class action in the Federal Court over the Covid mandates. Rather than try a constitutional challenge, their legal team has recommended pursuing a fact/science-based case, which goes to show that knowing the science is relevant. Here is their draft of the statement of claim. From their website, they seem open to any donations, and it seems a mighty worthy cause to me. Hopefully, some millionaires will come to the aid, but it may take ordinary grassroots supporters, as usual, so if one can check out their website for how to help.

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The Menace of Dioxins: Toxic Chemical Transportation Dangers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is a lesson for the rest of the world, including large places like Australia which rely upon trains, not as much as the US, but still a considerable amount, for mass transport. That includes state to state transport of toxic chemicals, which can be best done by train, rather than trucks. However, train derailments are always a possibility, as the Ohio disaster showed, and there have been other derailments since, not without the toxic chemical release. As detailed at Natural, the Ohio derailment has become an ecological and health disaster, with dioxins, one of the most toxic non-nuclear substances known to man being mass released. The dioxins were created when the authorities burnt the spilt polyvinyl chloride, creating an even greater problem.

So, not only does the rail services need a massive safety upgrade, but so do the environmental protection agencies in dealing with chemical spills.

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