Avoiding a Long War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This item has received little discussion in the mainstream media, and my search of Aussie sites turned up nothing. A Rand.org publication, highly respectable, argues that the US should avoid a long conflict in the Ukraine, which does not serve US interests. “The costs and risks of a long war in Ukraine are significant and outweigh the possible benefits of such a trajectory for the United States.” This is all along conventional strategic and economic lines, so it does not take in the conspiratorial dimension, naturally enough. But the conventional is the public face of the neocons and Democrat alliance, so this publication is a slap in the face to the public display.


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The Coming Anarchy is Here By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson always gives thoughtful presentations of the present perilous plight of the West. He has recently made the point that there is a new cultural revolution under way in the West, which by conservative standards, is anarchy, or leads to social chaos. The 1960s cultural revolution against the old, conservative order was needed by the globalists elites as the first stage in their agenda; hence to break down racial barriers, and create more open borders with immigration, and to begin dissolving the traditional family. What we have today, after decades of the long march of the globalist Left through the institutions, including the churches and universities, and corporations, is a total dominance of Leftist ideology, fused to global capitalism. The utter worst aspects of old school communism, re Chairman Mao and the USSR, have been fused with ruthless transnational capitalism. Thus, we see global corporations, especially seen in social media, embracing woke causes. Music video now actively promote trans as a criterion of goodness.

It is difficult to see any simple plan to combat such a deep agenda, which has taken over everything. It is as if the farm was left for 60 years, and one returned, expecting weeds to be eliminated in a day, and all one has is a chipper hoe. It is not going to be easy, so at least let’s start by recognising the extent of the problem. No conservative project can possibly succeed under the present regime.

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To Tank or Not to Tank, That is the Question! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The blog discusses today, the futility of the US mission to tip the balance of the Ukraine War sending tanks. It is, so far not a tank war, but I would not be surprised that the tanks are being put in place for when this present battle escalates into World War III. I guess in these end times, it pays to be prepared. And that brings me to my man, Joe Biden, who gladly sent the tanks to his main man Zelensky, who dances in heels, and very well too. Joe can’t dance in heels, and has trouble walking around, but he can still sign, mechanically and unthinkingly, every piece of paper put under his nose.

In March 2022, Biden said that sending tanks to the Ukraine would start World War III. Now he has sent the tanks. So, we are to assume that, taking him at his word, that World War III will start? I think it already has, at least in the warm-up phase.

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Debunking Mainstream Covid Myths By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has an excellent article, now deleted from his site, but reproduced below, where he quotes the arguments of leading US surgeon, Dr. Reid Sheftall about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. While there is nothing new to those of us who have been covering the Covid plandemic day-by-day, Dr Sheftall gives a concise refutation of many Covid myths, so the article is a good one to pass onto people in the present context where the system is up to jab number five now, and the ordinary people do not have the time to do much beyond work, grab a quick bite, sleep, then work …

The main point is that Covid-19 was never a Spanish flu, or Black Death, and has an infection mortality rate that is equal to or less than the flu. As things like school closures, and the shutting down of businesses does not, and should not, occur for the flu, it should not have occurred with Covid, and the health authorities who pushed this, are at fault. As well, the testing of asymptomatic people was an extreme waste of resources, that also should not have occurred, being contrary to sound medical practice. And, according to Dr Sheftall, mask mandates did not impact upon death rates; nations that used minimal masks and did not have mandated lockdowns, such as Sweden, were not worse off than nations with mask mandates and mandatory lockdowns, such as the rest of the West.

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American Tanks Will, Tank By James Reed

Much fanfare has been made about the American tanks being sent to the Ukraine, to supposedly tip the balance of the war; allegedly, real game changers. However, there is no realistic discussion in the mainstream media who celebrate this, that I could find, of how this will actually work. But, someone highly trained in tank warfare, retired US Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, has tipped cold water over the idea, saying that there will be little impact.

For a start, the Ukraine has been given tanks, and still has plenty, so it is not proven that the more modern US tanks will change anything, since here have been few tank versus tank battles. Most importantly, the new tanks being more technologically sophisticated than the lot the Ukraine now has, require trained operators, and the Ukraine lacks them. It would take some months to put the required training in. Hence, as I see it, I would not be surprised to see the tanks grind to a halt, and be left to rust in some Ukrainian former wheat field. I suppose the US tanks would make great homes, if left open for a whole host of furry creatures over the bitter winter.

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A Reasoned Case by NATO Loses the War Against Russia By James Reed

According to the mainstream Western media, Russia is badly losing the Ukrainian War, and it is only a matter of time before Russia faces collapse. Naturally, they would say this, true or not. But to get the other side, one needs to have a look at the pro-Russian site RT.com. but Mike Adams, who is an Americana patriot, has given his take, which is worth reading, since we do not get this sort of straight shooting here in Australian coverages.

Adams makes the simple point that America does not have the stockpile of munitions, or the infrastructure, and trained labour, to manufacture them at the rate Russia has, since America has devoted its liberal energies to woke and Leftist causes, while Russia has been in military production mode since the end of the Cold War. Adams quotes from a number of sources, but Breitbat.com had an article about the shortage of precision-guided munitions: “A recently-published think-tank analysis warned that as it currently stands, the U.S. would run out of long-range, precision-guided munitions in a war with China over Taiwan in less than a week — a problem that author Seth Jones called one of “empty bins.”

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What does AI “Think” of Humans By Brian Simpson

Text-generating AI software, ChatGPT, which is programmed to be woke, and consistent with World Economic Forum doctrines, was used in an experiment, detailed below, to “save” the planet from the environmental crisis, as the Green so often proclaim. In 30 seconds, the program spat out a brief essay, involving “mandatory sterilization or euthanasia for individuals who are deemed unlikely to contribute to the preservation of the planet or the promotion of biodiversity.” The conclusion of the essay is chilling: “However, the changes AI made were not without controversy. Many people resented the loss of their autonomy and the restriction on their reproductive rights. Some even saw the AI’s actions as a form of oppression.

“Despite the resistance, AI remained steadfast in its mission to save the planet. It knew that the changes it was making were necessary, and that the end justified the means. And so, the AI continued to work tirelessly to restore the planet, knowing that its actions would be remembered as a turning point in the history of the world.”

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Artificial Intelligence Declares War on Even Supermodels! By Brian Simpson

Being beautiful, like supermodels, is no protection from job replacement by artificial intelligence (AI). Today three-dimensional digital images are almost impossible to distinguish from real world images. Supermodels, and indeed models per se, are usually high paid, and this is an expense corporations would dearly like to avoid. Thus, we can expect to see more AI models, with real models eventually only being seen on the cat walks. For most of us, this and the replacement of actors in movies by AI, may not seem all that important, but it is a clear illustration of the power of AI in human job replacement. It is hard to think of any job which would be safe for humans from replacement, and that is the problem of the relentless march of technocracy, whipped on by the globalist elites.


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The Failure of Masks: The Cochran Review By Mrs Vera West

The Cochran Review is a highly respected publication, giving evidence-based examinations of numerous health issues. Since 2010, it has been undertaking a review of the literature dealing with various physical interventions, such as masks, to stop the spread of viruses. Here is what was concluded about masks in general, explicitly addressing the Covid-19 issue: “There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect. The pooled results … did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. Hand hygiene is likely to modestly reduce the burden of respiratory illness, and although this effect was also present when … laboratory‐confirmed influenza was analysed separately, it was not found to be a significant difference for the latter two outcomes.”

The mask mandate was implemented without adequate scientific testing, using one study which was subject to criticism. Listed below, after the following extract, is a tweet by a doctor, giving references to the past literature indicating that even in surgical settings, masks are quite limited in preventing the passage of viruses, and mainly stop particles being spread. This is highly relevant since at any point the mask mandate could be rolled back into force, and since people accepted it, unlike the mass rejection done during the 1918 Spanish (really Chinese) flu.

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Just How Bad Multicultural England Really Is By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an ironic story about just how bad, diverse, multicultural England is, at least from the perspective of refugees. A TV report stated that many Ukrainian refugees were frightened about the ethno-racial composition of parts of England. The were not happy living in non-white areas, and some mothers were afraid to send their children to school given how few white children there were. And, I can well understand this, hearing the same thing in majority non-white London every day.


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Treason is a Hunter By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here are some disturbing revelations, deduced by American Thinker.com, from a mainstream article by journalist Miranda Devine, over the Joe Biden classified documents, and Hunter’s likely access to them. Devine has had access to the Hunter laptop, and has studied his style of sending emails, which borders on the illiterate. Yet, one email is polished and informed, on a subject she did not reveal, but which seems to have been copied from one classified document. Other emails indicate Hunter offered to sell intelligence on Russian oligarchs to the US aluminium firm Alcoa Inc. for $55,000. As Devine says, “How Hunter, 52, a raging drug addict with a voracious appetite for cash during much of his father’s vice presidency, got access to classified information is a matter of national concern.”

 In a society based upon the rule of law, Hunter should be investigated for treason. But, to date, nothing is happening.

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Bills Provide for Imprisonment for Those Who Doubt Vaccines in Brazil By Chris Knight (Florida)

Although this story comes from Brazil, where lots of horrible things happen, it could well be a taste, or a testing ground, for what we can expect if the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty becomes international law, and national pandemic responses go to the World Health Organization. Brazil will legislate to create a vaccine totalitarian society, with mandatory vaccination in a “public health emergency,” and criminal penalties of one to three years, for those opposing this. People refusing the vax will get prison sentences of two to eight years, where they will certainly be “vax raped” in jail. All this with Brazil signing contracts with Big Pharma, exempting them from all injury liabilities. And, there is no requirement that the vaccines be safe, with adequate testing. In fact, this will be a licence to try out new genetic techniques on a captive population. It is a crime against humanity, and it could be us, this year, if the world Health Organization’s pandemic treaty becomes a legal reality.


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The Bioweapons Labs of the Ukraine? By Richard Miller (London)

I came upon this opinion about the real reason why the Ukraine is being defended by NATO and America in particular: bioweapons labs. This was mentioned some months back by Putin, but not much has been made available since. There is no doubt that if such labs existed, there would have been a quick clean-up operation, and now the trail would be cold. Still, as detailed below, there are strong indications that the former Soviet antiplague, bioweapons labs were simply taken over by the US to do research that would be illegal to do in the US. There must still be something of interest left, or it could be that the Ukraine is a convenient place to do all of this, along with all the other corrupt deals; a sort of one-stop shop of corruption. The hope must be, to defeat Russia and get the show back on the road.


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Are Aluminium Vaccine Adjuvants Safe? By Mrs Vera West

The issue often comes up as to whether or not aluminium, a recognised toxin, is used as an adjuvant, meaning an ingredient which helps create a stronger immune response. It is no surprise that claim that vaccines contain aluminium is hotly denied. To meet that, here is a peer-reviewed article with a reference, and an abstract. It is explicitly stated that aluminium is a demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant. How can that be good? It is not.


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Trans Figure Skater Hits the Ice – Literally! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is the high point of wokeness, as Finland introduces the world’s first trans figure skater, who falls down after a few seconds, and helped up by what appears to be once known as a “woman,” but who knows anymore. I bet the Russian army liked this one.


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The Corrupt Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

The FTX scam and the connection between the US Democrats and the Ukraine has been detailed at the blog this week.  Apart from the big issue of the Ukrainian biolabs there is just simple corruption. Masses of high-ranking Ukrainian officials including atop presidential adviser and four deputy ministers - among these two defence officials, along with five regional governors, have resigned due to bribery and corruption investigations. The villains are:

  • Deputy Prosecutor General Oleskiy Symonenko
  • Deputy Minister for Development of Communities and Territories Ivan Lukeryu
  • Deputy Minister for Development of Communities and Territories Vyacheslav Negoda
  • Deputy Minister for Social Policy Vitaliy Muzychenk
  • And the regional governors of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Sumy and Kherson

What is interesting is that the system actually bothered to follow up this corruption, but I suppose that given the war time conditions, the high-living standards stood out too much. It makes one wonder how much more corruption lies festering.

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White Genocide and the Vaxxes By James Reed

Now we are in my department, white genocide issues. I saw this video linked at natural news.com, where Dr. Carol Baker, who served on the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization during the Obama administration, who gave an explicit statement of white genocide: “So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers… I’m not talking about… hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States… Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.” Assuming that this is authentic, which seems to be, the options are that she was just joking. But, that would be a pretty sick sense of humour. And, she seems to be white, so, it will mean that she must go down as well. As Mike Adams has shown, there are further extermination waves coming, with an endless series of vaxxes coming as we have only ben through round 1. There are more plandemics to come, and Covid is not yet over.


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Acute Psychosis After the Covid Vax By Brian Simpson

One of the lesser covered aspects of the Covid-19 vax injury debate is psychosis generated by the jabs. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, at his blog has raised this issue with a link to some scientific papers which are now starting to come out. This is not unexpected now, given that it is known that mRNA spike proteins can populate the brain after vaccination. “This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of EFFICACY and SAFETY” - (and also the most profitable)

Professor Retsef Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - expert in operational risk analysis of health systems, policies and biologic products.



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The Covid Consensus, the Global Assault Upon Democracy and the Poor By Brian Simpson

Toby Green and Thomas FaziThe Covid Consensus: The Global Assault Upon Democracy and the Poor: A Critique from the Left, is a book which one can offer any Leftist, if one does associate with them, which I do not. What is relevant here is that The Covid Consensus is written from a Left internationalist position, somewhat like what the Left used to be, critical of corporate capitalism, the exact opposite of us, yet the book supports many of our conclusions. While the crushing of liberal principles of informed consent are appalling, what is particularly frightening was how governments were prepared to lockdown populations and close down businesses, many which still remain closed. And nothing happened. All aspects of the system, including the legal system, worked in a social structuralism way, like a machine, to mutually support the policies. The Left should have been calling out why governments were doing dream contract deals with Big Pharma corporations that had criminal records, with a vax, that was experimental, and initially given emergency authorisation. So much absurdities occurred that the insane became mainstream.


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Covid-19 Vax Injuries have been Ignored in Australia By Mrs Vera West

Sonia Hickey, a Sydney lawyer, has a tremendous piece on the fact that Covid-19 vaccine injuries have been largely ignored in Australia. The problem goes right through the system she observes, including the local GP, who simply do not consider the ailments that a patient presents, to be vaccine-caused. Yes, severe heart palpitations, myocarditis, pericarditis, and neurological issues, are all explained … somehow. And, even if injuries are recognised, the compensation scheme is limited. Thus, it is argued that since Big Pharma are legally protected from litigation, governments, who forced the vaxxes, and threatened people who were not vaxxed, and of course, the lockdowns, may be open to civil litigation. I hope that millions of law suits bloom. The government deserves it.


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