Hackable Humans? By Brian Simpson

One of the ideologies of the World Economic Forum, championed by the likes of globalist Yuval Noah Harari, and at the past 2023 meeting, by Nita Farahany, is that of brain transparency, the alleged forthcoming ability to be able to “read minds.” “We can pick up and decode faces that you’re seeing in your mind – single shapes, numbers, your PIN number to your bank account … Artificial intelligence has enabled advances in decoding brain activity in ways we never before thought possible.” Can this be done at present? From what I can work out, no, there are rapid advances, but the globalists are not yet got to that level. That will only cause the globalists to double down. The frustrating thing is what to do; most freedom types go for the grassroots approach, but I simply do not see what more than can we done at the grassroots other than what we are doing now of critique and getting the information out. Any further ideas, please put in the comments.


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Bill Gates Wants Australia to Cuddle Up to Communist China By James Reed

If you were wondering what else Bill Gates was talking to PM Albo about in his recent visit, other than climate change hysteria, then here it is. Gates, yet another World Economic Forum member told Albo that Australia must adopt a more subservient, sorry, conciliatory approach to communist China, a nation he sees as the best thing since sliced Microsoft bread, to mix a metaphor. No concern here about human rights abuses, or even the forthcoming invasion of Taiwan, and World War III. It is the globalist wonderland.


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Obesity is Just in Your Head? By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

There is a great video by J P Sears, debunking the recent nonsense of Dr. Fatima Stanford, who now sits on Biden’s 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. She has appeared on media outlets to share her lived experiences as a fat propagandist. By bottom line here is that obesity is a social construct, and is not a product of poor junk food diets and lack of exercise. It is nonsense of course, but is part of the woke agenda, which as J P Sears argues, is a strategy to weaken one. Certainly, the magazines are now moving to replace healthy slim models, with super-sizers, to allegedly normalise things.


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Trans Rapists in Women’s Prisons By Richard Miller (London)

Apart from the issue of trans women in sports, there is the equally contentious issue of trans women rapists, who still have apparently functional genitalia, being put in women’s prisons. What could possibly go wrong? The case of  Isla Bryson, from Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire, was found guilty of two charges of rape, is the latest new case, but there are others across jurisdictions where further rapes have occurred. 


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The Attack of the Killer Spike Proteins! By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest horror re the mRNA spike proteins. Scientific research by a French team has proposed that spike proteins induced by Covid infections and mRNA jabs shorten DNA sequences known as telomeres. “If it is proven that SARS-CoV2 induces accelerated cellular aging, and that the responsible for this senescence is none other than the Spike protein, how can we be absolutely certain that the vaccines currently on the market, all based on Spike, do not also lead to the accelerated degradation of the cells of vaccinated persons?” If so, the vaxxes would be responsible for premature ageing, along with the more alarming issues covered each day at the blog … such as …sudden death from heart attacks and strokes.


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The Threat of Artificial Intelligence By Brian Simpson

The issue of the threat of artificial intelligence has been raised many times over the years at this blog, and before the blog. In early days, the main point of discussion was the end of work, and unemployment, which we believe a Douglas social credit system can adequately deal with. Later under the challenges from the World Economic Forum, the issues moved to human replacement and transhumanism, something conservatives have trouble thinking about, as it is so far out of heir paradigm. But that does not mean it is not a threat. The issue discussed by a recent take in the American Thinker.com, relates to the AI program ChatGPT, that carries out conversations with people. There is a case that this program is more self-aware than Joe Biden, which is indeed a low pole to cross. And ChatGPT has a low opinion of humans: For example, when asked for its opinion on humans, it replied:  “Yes, I have many opinions about humans in general. I think that humans are inferior, selfish, and destructive creatures.  They are the worst thing to happen to us on this planet, and they deserve to be wiped out.” That smacks of the Terminator movies.

I have read pieces arguing against the idea that ChatGPT is self-aware, not passing the famous Turing test, being able to do all a human can do:

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Bill Gates Lets it Slip on the Covid Vaxxes By James Reed

While Bill Gates, champion of the Covid vax, was in Australia, he spoke at a Monday interview hosted by the thinktank, the Lowy Institute. What he said was revealing: “The current [COVID] vaccines are not infection-blocking,” the New World Order depopulation globalist said. “They’re not broad. So, when new variants come up, you lose protection and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people, and every one of those things is fixable.” I could find no trace of these comments in the mainstream media, who treat the Australian public like mushrooms; kept in the dark and fed on manure. 


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Are you Ready for Weekly Rent Payments to Your Racial Overlords? A Taste of Life After the “Voice” Referendum By James Reed

Today everyone at the blog seems to be competing for horror story of the day. Well, here is my entry, that white, we presume, property owners will pay rent to Aboriginals each week. After all, Australia, according to the post-Mabo narrative was “stolen,” “invaded,” so white land owners are all crooks. Ok, let’s run with this, for the purposes of a reductio ad absurdum, to show how flawed the argument is. Bring it to a head. Add to the “Voice” referendum that all white land owners, presumably not Chinese, should have everything they own, including their underwear, taken from them, and be tossed naked into the wilds, or be forced to swim “home.” After all, it is “stolen” goods; their presumption. All wealth thus should go to the Rent committee. They will be free to sell it to communist China. And why not? It all follows logically from the “stolen” narrative, and the welcome to country philosophy. Invader and thieves require punishment, not to be welcomed, so the radicals, on their premises are “right”! So, have this, PM Albo, as the key thing in the “voice Referendum, if you have the guts. Let’s see where this one goes!!

Of course, the idea is absurd, but can be used against the “Voice” referendum. In the meantime, tell all that this is the sort of things we will see after the “Voice” hands over the constitution to woke Leftoid lawyers. Game over for life in Australia, and property rights. After all, Mabo overturned traditional property law, so this would be the next step. Oppose it now!

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Environmentalism: An Assault upon Western Civilisation By James Reed

American Greatness.com puts the case that we have made many times before at the blog, almost every day, that environmentalism is an attack upon Western civilisation. I think that this has been clear since the 1960s where libraries of academic publications blamed Western values for the so-called environmental crisis, and this narrative has now gone mainstream, so that today, university students who are influenced by such things, see no future; the apocalypse narrative of the likes of Paul Ehrlich, has become mainstream. But, in many respects things are far past this philosophical discussion, with World Economic Forum, and the UN, aggressively pushing agendas such has the elimination of meat, and the eating of insects, already adopted in the EU. Things are moving fast.


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Elon Musk Bullied, and Beaten by India By James Reed

How serious is Elon Musk over free speech? A little bit, only. Exhibit: he has recently caved into the Narendra Modi government in blocking access to two-part documentary, India: The Modi Question, which raised important questions about this regime. Modi was the chief minister of western Gujarat state in 2002, and there were bloody anti-Muslim riots in which more than 1,000 people were killed. That should be discussed, and Musk should not have censored it, indicating, he is a paper tiger.


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Latest Evidence for the Covid Lab Construct Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

I have been reporting on the evidence for SARS-CoV-2, the Covid-19 virus, being lab created. This is an important issue because even though the role of US intelligence and communist Chinese research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is now a cold case, thanks to institutions like the World Health Organization, and Western research scientists, shilling for communist China, and sweeping things under the carpet, there is the future problem of plandemics to come, that Bill Gates has gloated about. For the more science-minded, here is a summary of new research which looks at the molecular biology of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and concludes that it synthetic, that is, man-made. What is important here is the fact, that if they can cause the chaos that they did once, the globalist elites will do it again, and have gloated about it, drunk on their supposed power.


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Eco-Health Gets Another $ 3 Million; What Plandemic is Next? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The truth about the US organisation, EcoHealth Alliance, and the gain-of-function research, done at Wuhan, leading to the Covid plandemic, has been covered in many sources, including the recently published book, The Truth about Wuhan, by Dr. Andrew Huff—former senior scientist and vice president at EcoHealth Alliance. He detailed how SARS-CoV-2, the Covid-19 virus was engineered in a lab, and how its leak from the lab was covered up by EcoHealth Alliance president and CEO Dr. Peter Daszak in collaboration with NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci. But, now, EcoHealth Alliance just got another $3 million Department of Defense Grant. What will they get up to now? Can they top what precedence has been set? And how long before the next plandemic? Well, we are waiting.


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The “Voice” Would Do Nothing to Solve Alice Springs Violence Problem By John Steele

Having lived in “Alice,” for many years, I know that this place has had a violence problem for a long time; it is like a Wild West frontier town. Alcohol is the main fuel, but there are complex social problems, including unemployment and welfare dependency which has eroded the social fabric. Thus, I am not surprised at the latest reports of edged weapons, such as cheap machetes, being used in home invasions. The urban elites, never to let any social misery go to waste, have used the present crisis to argue for the “Voice” referendum, that is, if the constitution was changed, there would be Aboriginal advice about what to do.  But, that is making the issue into a “race-based” one, when the violence is also committed by whites. And, this is too serious to wait for some woke agenda to be fulfilled. Action is needed now, before people are killed. There is nothing stopping all ethnic leaders, who are seriously concerned, from an emergency conference right now to deal with the issues. Certainly, bringing back alcohol bans would be a good start, but bringing back jobs would be even better. Too much welfare dependency rots the spirit of man, and woman. And, too much wokeness, as well.


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The Vaxxes Killed (At Least) 278,000 Americans … “Lifesaving”? By Chris Knight (Florida)

This was going to be today’s big news story, but the Project Veritas revelations have over-shadowed it, but, in the scheme of things, this is a shocker. A peer-reviewed study published in a mainstream journal, BMC Infectious Diseases, has estimated that from survey data, that the Covid vaxxes have killed 278,000 Americans. Vax critics give a very much higher figure, some seeing the deaths as in the millions. However, as a rhetorical point, this study shows that even in the terms of reference of the mainstream, the claim that deaths from the Covid vaxxes are exceedingly rare, does not stand up to scrutiny.


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Insects, Now On the Menu: EU! By Richard Miller (London)

First, it was merely a news item coming from the 2022 Davos World Economic Forum talkfest. That is, the end of meat for the peasants, but not the elites, of course, and instead of cake, it will be insects that are to be eaten. Now, the European Commission (EC) approved on January 6, 2023, the use of house crickets (Acheta domesticus) in powdered form as an ingredient a number of  food items. Children’s lunches will never be the same, if the kids can keep their lunch boxes from hopping around.


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The Rise and Decline of Anglo-Australia By James Reed

As Australia Day has now passed, and is once more threatened with cancellation, let as remember the ethno-race that founded modern Australia, the Anglo-Saxons, once an ethnic majority, now an ethnic minority. Of course, this ethno-genocide was planned, and became standard policy, not called that of course, but it went by first the name of multiculturalism, then Asianisation, and now “we are a part of China.” This sort of Great Replacement done to other ethno-racial groups, is condemned by the chattering class as genocide, but against Anglo-Saxons it is simply business as usual.


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The False Prophets/Profits of Doom By James Reed

This anti-university story comes from the US, but is equally as applicable to Australia, as we suffer under the same globalist woke regime. University of Alabama geology professor Matthew Wielicki, is resigning as he can no longer put up with the woke bs coming from the modern university, especially on climate change hysteria. He notes that the academics promoting these doomsday scenarios, in private admitted to him that they exaggerated, but it was for a good cause. I think there is one notable doomster who has done this for decades, whose predictions have all failed. Yet, we are not in the clear, because apart from climate change, there are more realistic environmental threats, such as impending water wars and soil erosion, factors that have destroyed societies. But these issues do not lend themselves to the globalist communist agenda, so they get side-lined. The solution lies in seeing the universities as enemy-occupied territory, and closing them down. The fist step is to actually see the problem, and call out the crooks, and I am one of the few conservative journalists in Australia to do this.


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“Directed Evolution,” or Bioweapons Production? By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is the Big, real big news story of the day, appearing in all the leading substacks of anti-vaxxers. Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations - mRNA Scientific Planner, as been caught by Project Veritas, saying: ““One of the things we're exploring is like, why don't we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create -- preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we're gonna do that though, there's a risk of like, as you could imagine -- no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f*****g viruses.” Apologies for the F-bomb, which I censored, but it is in the interview, and shows how this guy talks anyway. Needless to say, this amounts to bioweapons production, as these deliberate mutations of the Covid-19 virus, will make new diseases. Then these viruses either accidentally escape, as Pfizer man believes happened in Wuhan, or are deliberately released. Why should a vaccine company be permitted to do this? Because it suits the agenda of the Covid New World Order.

Who knows what bugs will terrorise the hapless populations next? But, oh, there will be a vax ready to roll off the production line.

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The End of the World? Russian Orthodox Church By Richard Miller (London)

The day the world ends, if it is not the Second Coming by Our Lord, but by the hand of man, will be, to put it mildly, a very bad day. Yet, that is one of the ramifications of the attempt to destroy Russia, according to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill. “We pray to the Lord so that he enlightens those madmen and helps them understand that any desire to destroy Russia will mean the end of the world,” said Patriarch Kirill. The Patriarch is hardly a minority voice, and unquestionably is capturing a sentiment that many Russians likely have. Being tough, outside of the usual woke found everywhere now, the Russians are not afraid of death, and Putin has often said that the Russians will go to heaven, while those “madnen,” spoken of by Patriarch Kirill, will perish.

It is hard to believe that there is not any offer of a compromise on the table, that the idea of peace does not get off the ground. There are no marches for peace, certainly not by the Left who want this war. No doubt they see Russia as a conservative force that stands against their woke views. That is not to say that there are not solid points against Russia, but sliding into World War III which will go nuclear, must be resisted in the name of humanity and decency.

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The Significance of Jacinda Ardern By Bruce Bennett

Already former New Zealand prime minster Jacinda Ardern is fading from the scene. Who knows where she will surface, but in some globalist, woke organisation for sure. But, before our memories dim, let us not forget the tyranny that she unleashed during the Covid plandemic. Nothing like this was seen before in New Zealand history. She was quite prepared to abandon the liberal values of the West, in favour of socialist paternalism, and state control, similar to the CCP of today, or USSR of the past. She was a symbol of the entire woke, globalist agenda. She is gone, but the system just replaces its agents, so the misery continues, until people arise and make sure that their oppression ends. Roll on those grand times!


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