New Zealand Moves on Health Products By Bruce Bennett

This is something that could come up in Australia, so we need to keep our eyes on it. New Zealand, which is now a nasty socialist state, is set to introduce a Therapeutic Products Bill. Natural products are used by a majority of people there, and as detailed by Dr. Guy Hatchard in the discussion below, there is no evidence of any significant harm to the public by natural products. The same cannot be said about things like the Covid vaxxes, for example. The regulations will even go after some common herbs used in cooking. So, why? As I see it, the reason is once more social control of medicines, to control the alternative natural health movement, which is a threat to Big Pharma. My guess is that this tyranny will continue, so it would be an ide to stock up on natural products and vitamins now before this comes to Australia.

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Japan Investigates Covid Vax Deaths, and We Should Too By Mrs Vera West

I told a friend, for while somewhat ill, believes in the vaxxes, trusting the health system, that the Japanese government is now so concerned about the skyrocketing numbers of people dying or being injured after the Covid vaxxes, that Japanese researchers have been instructed to investigate the biological mechanisms by which the mRNA vaxxes are producing these ill-effects. Japanese researchers were puzzled about how the corpses of those who had been vaxxed were so warm, about 38 C and beyond, some at 40 C. Normally corpses are quite cold. It is hypothesised that the vax caused a massive inflammation in the body, perhaps causing death and the temperature rises. It will be interesting to see what japan comes up with, as research there seems to be freer than elsewhere.

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Climate Change Hysteria is Not about Climate but … Global Communism! By James Reed

The climate change hysterics are not ultimately about climate change and the environment. The Western new class proves this point by one the one hand saying that the climate crisis is so bad that here is now only nine years to avert disaster. If this was so then all nations should be taking this seriously. Yet, a free pass for carbon pollution, so called, is given to communist China, which now emits more carbon dioxide than the entire west combined. Surely if there was a climate crisis, then this would not be acceptable. The communist Chinese have said that they will cut emissions once they effectively control the world, in which case, they are going to be unstoppable, if they are not now. Climate change politics in the West has been a major factor in undermining the West.

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Turning off the Gas … Forever? By James Reed

At first, I thought this one was false news, but no, it is true. The US is moving to the banning of gas cookers. One of the claims is that gas cooking is a health hazard, with a proposed link to asthma. That claim has been rebutted by the American Gas Association; the evidence does not support the claim. The other attack is the climate change angle, which is always being rolled out today. Our American friends who are closer to the coal-face, so the speak, will be looking into this, but banning gas is going to finish off the restaurant industry who depend upon gas cooking, which for some reason I don’t know, is much better than electricity for cooking. It sure is crazy times, and the climate change hysterics go on and on. Probably until the next plandemic. Then it starts up again until the collapse of the West. Or, we, the people, end it.

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Leftist Men are Set for Darwinian Elimination! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is interesting and more than a little ironic. Following the US Supreme Court decision of Dobbs, over-turning Roe v Wade, the pro-abortion case so sacred to the Left and feminism, one of the responses has been for Leftist men to get vasectomies in record numbers. As a Christian I do not wish anyone ill, however silly, but this is done as a political message, to virtue signal. It has the effect though, of lowering the Leftist population. I am not actually weeping over this news.

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Laughing at “The Lancet” By Brian Simpson

Professors Norman Fenton and Martin Neil have made the claim in an article that the leading medical journal, The Lancet, is a “laughing stock,” having published a flawed study, of the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine on the population of Israel, claiming it was 95 percent effective. Of course, the claim was made in May, 2021, and history has shown that it was false, but the two mathematically trained academics took the paper apart at the time, but their views were not heard. Yet, this is now standard, and only very recently have any scientific papers challenging the established Covid narrative been published, but these few destroy it. And yet, the Covid culture remains doubling down on its program, because it was about political control from the beginning.


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Chinese Base at the Bottom of the world: The Threat Mounts By James Reed

There is not much information about this at present, but China is not only getting bases in the pacific islands, but looks like setting up one in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego province, Argentina, and will probably get it given its socialist government. This is at the bottom of the world. It will give China full access to exploiting Antarctica, and when the time comes, the invasion of Australia. The key argument has always been about maintaining supply chains, but this base and others gets over that hurdle for the communist Chinese military. Australia needs to obtain its own nuclear missiles, as South Korea is contemplating, but the Left will oppose anything beyond complete surrender to the CCP.

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Five Senior Swedish Doctors Call for Halt of Covid Vaxxes By Richard Miller (London)

Five senior Swedish doctors, the authors who are members of the bio-medico-legal network of the Swedish Läkaruppropet, have issued a statement saying that the Covid vaxxes are revealing dangerous side-effects, and that the programmed rollout must be stopped. At least, at present, they are still able to say this, but in other jurisdiction, more tightly controlled by Big Pharma, this is not so.

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The Culture of Fear and Censorship in the Australian Medical Profession By Mrs Vera West

Another excellent post by blogger Rebekah Barnett, dealing with the example of Dr Sally Price, who, is one of a number of doctors who have fallen into conflict with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation agency (AHPRA), which is essentially banning any  criticism of the vax cult, on any grounds: “”There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media, and advertising may be subject to regulatory action.” One would have hoped that there could by now be a High Court challenge of such anti-science regulations, but apparently not so. Further, the culture is a vaxxed one, and there is no guarantee of court success, although the freedom movement has an almost religious faith in judges, which to me, always seemed totally unrealistic, being made by people with no legal experience. Still, the fight must go on, and hopefully education of the masses will generate a critical mass at some point to move the great pendulum of history from its present far Left position.

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Dr Mercola on Surviving the Planned Economic Collapse By James Reed

Former BlackRock equity portfolio manager Edward Dowd, believes that the collapse may begin before the end of 2024. Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece details the New world Order plan to collapse the economies of the West, through a focussed 5th generation war upon energy and food resources. While the political instincts of movements such as ours is to wage a political fight, this will not be an over-night victory, for presumably this battle has been going on for decades, if not centuries, and the globalists are now doubling down on everything. Hence there needs to be a plan for personal survival, an that should resonate with our individualism too. Thus, one needs to secure a water supply, perhaps rainwater, something that cannot be turned off in the blink of an eye, and stockpile food. Dr Mercola gives an account of the sorts of healthy sustainable foods which can be got now, and should be got before inflation erodes away purchasing power too much. The idea is to put away food, which is able to be stored long term, without refrigeration, such as dry goods, and canned food. Those with more money could get freeze-dried foods, but hat is not essential. What is essential, is having stuff. Also, medicines, both prescription and non-prescription should be obtained, and even the major supermarkets have a good array of this, but also check out the discount vitamin stores. Once one has this security, do one’s best to inform others of the coming super-storm. Dr Mercola offers health and financial advice; the disclaimer is made that no health/financial advice is offered here, only material for information purposes only.

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The Enemies from Within By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US is a case study, applicable to the rest of the West, about why the government, law enforcement and intelligence communities cannot be trusted. It has been confirmed by the mainstream media, for what that is worth, that the CIA, for example, was behind campaigns to defeat the Trump re-election. Before the election day, 51 former intelligence officers, most being CIA, signed a letter saying that the Hunter Biden laptop revelations of Biden family corruption was a Russian misinformation campaign. “Not one of the 51 had seen any material from the laptop or bothered asking for it, but their letter, instigated by, signed and delivered to Politico by Democratic operative and former John Brennan aide Nick Shapiro, killed the story stone dead. It got candidate Joe Biden off the hook for the corrupt influence-peddling scheme his family had been running through the eight years of his vice presidency.

The shameful letter was used by Joe Biden three days later, on October 22, to deflect Trump’s attack in their last debate.” Trump should have been able to counter this if he had a brain, instead of an inflated ego, like so many boomers.

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The Old Man’s Tale By Viv Forbes

The council man was adamant:
“The Law must have its way,
The shed you built is not approved
It must come down today.”


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Elon Musk Blasts Ex-Covid King, Dr Fauci! By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is all happening, but probably Australians are not getting much critical vax news. A little while back Elon Musk attacked now retired Covid king Dr Fauci, with a tweet: ““Important to note that Fauci authored a 2012 paper arguing for gain-of-function research.” Musk previously tweeted that his pronouns were Prosecute/Fauci. We eagerly await more Twitter disclosure on the Covid plandemic.

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Governor DeSantis Fights Back Against Big Pharma! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is at least one government which is not taking the Covid vax assault lightly: governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. He has said that big Pharma has deceived the public with false advertising that the Covid vaxxes are effective and safe. “I think people want the truth that I think people want accountability. You need to have a thorough investigation into what happened with the shots,” DeSantis said.

“I promise to hold these manufacturers accountable for this mRNA [shot] because they said there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot.”

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Swiss to do Something, at Long Last, on Immigration! By Richard Miller (London)

Good new! Good news! The Swiss, who have a system of citizens-initiated referendum are set to have one, at long last about immigration. It is being framed in terms of the environment, but at this late stage of the game, who really cares, as something is better than nothing, like the fate of the UK.

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UK to Become a Muslim Country: Multiculturalism Works! By Richard Miller (London)

Muslims, according to Britain’s Office for National Statistics are the fastest growing population in England and Wales. And now only 46.2 percent of the population describe themselves as Christians. This has all been a product of the Left and Big Businesses’ mass immigration drive. The goal is to displace and replace completely the native white British population, probably by 2050. Ok, hopefully if this is done, capitalism and Big Business will crash as well, which will be well deserved. Certainly, in the future, what we know as Leftism will disappear. Talk about irony, but these groups, Leftism and the corporates are ultimately racially nihilistic and desire self-abolition.


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US Military Behind Australia’s Covid Vax rollout By James Reed

The claim has been made that the Covid vax rollouts are a  product of the US Department of Defense. A group of Australian doctors and scientists are claiming that the US Department of Defense was behind Trump’s Operation Warp speed, and developed, manufactured, and distributed the Covid 19 vaccines, not Big Pharma. Only once everything was up did Big Pharma come into the show. There is a summary of the argument below, but the main article is behind a pay wall, so it is not possible to evaluate it. No doubt the US military did see Covid as a national security threat, but there are still the connections to the Wuhan lab that led to this in the beginning, with the US deeply involved in supporting the gain-of-function research. It is not clear at present how all the pieces of the grand puzzle fit together, but we can be sure that they are sinister.

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Australia Day: Celebrating Invasion, Murder and Thief??? By James Reed

The Left are always going to be calling for the elimination of Australia Day, because what they are on about is the deconstruction of Western civilisation. While enjoying all the creature comforts coming from modernity, like secure food, which did not exist in pre-modern times, and medical services that allowed numbers to grow, and for  Leftists to survive, the West, and whites are denigrated. But, I sense a backlash developing against this, and with hard economic times, if not World War III, this sort of whinging is going to be washed away in the tides of history. So, Leftoids, enjoy your temper tantrums while you can, for as the Leftist 1960s guru croaked “the times they are a-changing.” Not though in the direction he thought. The great pendulum of history ever swings.

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A Mighty Strange Coincidence! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is amazing how coincidences occur regarding the Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking operation. Thus, US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan for allegedly reaping financial benefits from Jeffrey Epstein's sex-trafficking operation. Then three days later she was sacked for doing this. Just a coincidence of course; nothing to see here.

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Are the Vaccines Fuelling New Covid Variants? Ask the Mainstream Media Now! By Brian Simpson

It may be something of a turning point, as an article appeared in The Australian, reprinted from The Wall Street Journal, asked if, just maybe, the Covid vaxxes are fuelling new Covid variants. The article states that “Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fuelling the virus’s rapid evolution.” The present variants escape antibodies supposedly produced by prior vaccination. Many Covid critics had argued for some time, that a “leaky” vaccine, that did not prevent transmission would be an evolutionary hot-spot for genetic mutations, and that view now seems to be confirmed.


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