UK MP: Leader at British Heart Foundation Conspiring to Cover Up mRNA Heart Inflammation Data By Richard Miller (London)

Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, delivered a speech to the British parliament, with an audience of, wait for it … one member. The rest did not want to hear criticism of their masters, Big Pharma. As Mr Bridgen said: ““As the data clearly shows to anyone who wants to look at it, the mRNA vaccines are not safe, not effective and not necessary. I implore the Government to halt their use immediately. As I have demonstrated and as the data clearly shows, the Government’s current policy on the mRNA vaccines is on the wrong side of medical ethics, it is on the wrong side of scientific data, and ultimately it will be on the wrong side of history.” No wonder the House was almost empty. But if the debate was on how to speed up the Great Replacement of white Britons, the place would have been packed, no doubt.

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Florida’s Grand Jury to Target mRNA Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Good news! Good news! Our Florida governor Ron DeSantis has announced three major initiatives to get to the bottom of the Covid plandemic. First, is a grand jury to examine all likely wrong doing coming from the vax rollout. This could lead to prosecutions of
Big Pharma. Second, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo will  commission a study similar to one undertaken in a German university, that investigated all   persons that died shortly after receiving Covid vaccines, the German study establishing a connection between the vaxxes and deaths caused by myocarditis. Third, there will be the formation of the Florida Public Health Integrity Committee, which will critically assess the various health policies, findings and recommendations made from federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This will shake up Big Pharma and give many a sleepless night. And while our governor was announcing this, Trump, the father of the vax was announcing superhero cards, featuring himself, in all his narcissism; pathetic. Hopefully other jurisdictions will follow when the truth is out.

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World Economic Forum: Pandemics to Come (Soon) By James Reed

We did not think it would end so easily; Covid was just a dress rehearsal for the next big plandemic, which will be like nothing we have seen. And given that the Andrews government was returned in gusto, well, people will be reaping the whirlwind. Hold onto your hat!

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On Becoming a mRNA “Bioweapons Factory” By Brian Simpson

We have spoken of the vaccinated becoming genetically modified organisms, in the light of the Covid vaxxes being gene therapies, and evidence of DNA penetration and modification. Indeed, in 2020, the mainstream narrative was that the mRNA spike protein did not even leave the deltoid muscle injection site, but that is not maintained today, given evidence of the spike protein biodistribution. In the light of this, leading financial analysis, Dr David Martin has gone further, concluding that the shots turn the human body into a “bioweapons factory,” “Because legally, when you actually create a thing that manufactures a known pathogen, that is actually biological weapon manufacturing and the fact that your body is doing it means you’re a bioweapons factory.” These DNA modifications, the full significance of which are not presently known pose an existential threat to humanity, with the worse case scenario being the death of over three billion people. “When you think about the combination of the death rates that are coming off of the injections and the fertility and miscarriage problems coming off of people exposed to the spike protein, this is a much more catastrophic event,” he said. The worst-case scenario is something conservatives are not too willing to discuss, seeing it as a remote possibility. Yet, think back to 2019, then ask, whether one could have predicted all that has happened?

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CDC Colluded with Twitter By James Reed

It is all coming out in the wash, or at least the “dumps,” the term used in the media, to describe the material being released by Elon Musk. There is an enormous amount of material confirming much of what the so-called conspiracy theorists have said, about the censorship of political figures such as President Trump, but also many aspects of the Covid plandemic.

But that is not the only material released, and America First Legal (AFL), has released documents showing that show that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conspired with social media corporations like Facebook and Twitter to suppress information and views about Covid that did not fit the official narrative. The CDC colluded with Twitter to run a “Partner Support Portal” for government employees and other “stakeholders,” allowing them to flag and submit “misinformation” posts for censorship. Millions of pieces of content were censored, which is something which was widely suspected, now confirmed. We have never experienced such a widespread institutionalisation of censorship and suppression; it is a quantum jump from all that occurred before 2020.

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Twitter’s Shadow Banning By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Yet more revealing material from Elon Musk’s Twitter dumps, more points for the conspiracy theorists being right about almost everything. Musk confirmed that political candidates were subjected to shadow banning. Now the important question here is if that was so, then it is a clear case of illegal electoral interference, and those who did it should be prosecuted. Of course, little chance of that in a society corrupted by the Democrat’s abuse of the rule of law, but it is still of philosophical interest.

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The Coming Economic Crash By James Reed

Brandon Smith has given a thoughtful presentation of what he sees is a coming economic crash, no doubt worse than any we have lived through. I do not know much about economics compared to many of my colleagues here, but the below analysis showed that there is a perfect storm of events now blowing up. I follow the great Eric Butler in rejecting the “idiot theory of history,” seeing these events - skyrocketing inflation, resource and fuel shortages, the destruction of farms – not as unrelated events. Clearly, those who run the show are deliberately striving to pull down the temple of civilisation, no doubt to rebuild it in ways we would find alien and repulsive.

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The Early Detection of Multiple Cancers By Mrs Vera West

Not to see this blog as in any way anti-medicine, we report of good developments with medical and scientific advances. Thus, a research group at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, has found a new way of detecting multiple types of newly formed cancers at the same time. As cancer may lead to high mortalities in late stages, early detection of cancers is an advancement. The new method is based upon the discovery that a specific type of sugar (glycosaminoglycans), can be used as biomarkers to detect cancers, even in the early stages, much better than the other methods such as DNA fragment detection. Changes in the specific sugars are then analysed by machine algorithms.

In reflection, it would be a much better world if technologically based medicine concentrated upon issues like this, rather than all those critiqued at the blog almost every day. Faith in mainstream medicine would be restored, at least to some degree, even though we would remain ever-vigilant. 

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US Senate Hearing: Mainstream Media Ignores Covid Vax Injuries By Chris Knight (Florida)

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has just concluded a congressional hearing on the side effects of the Covid vaccines, something which has not been done by a government previously. Hence, the conclusions are significant ands worth noting, especially for Covid critics in other jurisdictions. Vaccine injuried people testified that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were not interested in their injuries, and indeed proceeded with a veil of secrecy about the whole Covid affair, which is in itself, highly suspicious. This was all clearly a dress rehearsal and there is likely to more of this, even worse in the future. Senator Johnson concluded the hearing by saying, “We need to know what the plans are for the mRNA platform because they’re not talking about…just a one-time use here. They’ve got big plans for this.” Indeed, mRNA vaccines could become the basis of most future vaccines.

In Australia, Senator Gerard Rennick made a speech to  parliament, noting that there have to date been 140,000 Covid vax injuries, but still mainstream doctors are oblivious of the vast critical literature, some documented and referenced at this blog each day, on these injuries. This has all shown the limitations and inadequacies of mainstream medicine, which has become tied too tightly to Big Pharma and its money.

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The End of Democracy? But, Did “Democracy” Ever Start? By James Reed

More thought-provoking material from a mainstream source,, which outlines the end of democracy in the West, with what we have seen after the Covid business. As many have said, what rules us now, and probably did less obviously in the past, is a technocratic elite. This is no longer comprised mainly of a financial elite, but now encompasses a New Class of mind controllers, whose power comes from science and technology, with Dr Fauci being an example at the lower end, but Bill Gates is probably the paradigm case of the new rulers. Gates shows that the New class of elites are diversified and have a comprehensive agenda based upon the Great Reset, for the elimination of the old economy, and its replacement by one that they control, from artificial meats (controlled by them after the collapse of farming) to fundamental transhumanist changes in the human being itself, and onto the creation of cyborgs, something Gates and Musk are pursuing. And, unlike in the old New world order of late last century, this one is coming fast and furious.  


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Bill Gates Patent to Computerise the Human Body! By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest piece of technocratic transhumanism that Bill Gates is up to, which combines his computer work, with the bio-tyranny in more recent times with the Covid vax culture. Gates now has a patent on the complete computerisation of the human body, which he will own. Talk about playing God! This will enable Gates to engage in the sorts of sci fi creations, as seen in movies such as the Terminator series. And, he was allowed to do this! But, given the rest of the Great Reset transhumanism and trans-everything agenda, it is predictable.

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U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s Covid Vax Roundtable Revelations By Chris Knight (Florida)

US Senator Ron Johnson has held a congressional round table, titled, “COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries.” The following report from Natural is instructive. The highlight I think is this: “The round table meeting featured Josh Stirling, a highly-acclaimed insurance analyst from “Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives.” Stirling said “the best statistics we have” point to HIGHER mortality rates for those who took the gene-based covid-19 vaccines. He said the vaccinated “have a 26% higher mortality rate.” For people under 50, the vaccinated have a 49% higher mortality rate. The vaccine is priming the immune system for failure and causing unpredictable inflammation throughout the body, putting vital organs at risk.

Even more shocking: Stirling said the mortality rate is 145% greater for those who accepted just one dose of the initial two-dose regimen. Individuals who were acutely injured after the first dose were most likely to die over the past two years.” The Covid jabs, it was heard, are responsible for an estimated 600,000 excess deaths in the US alone. Things are definitely moving along, so we will see where this all goes. If the Covid critics prove to be correct that death and injuries will spiral, this could well be a repeat, big time of the toxic tort suits.

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Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough By Chris Knight (Florida)

Fusion nuclear energy, the same process that occurs in the sun, involves smashing together hydrogen atoms to create heavier helium, and releasing energy. To date there has not been success in showing a net energy gain. But now, the US Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Central Laser Facility (CLF) Plasma Physics Group, claim to have done just that. Technical details, for those who want it are below. But, it is still a long way to coming up with fusion power for your toaster and electric frying pan, but at least, fusion power is now a realistic future possibility. And, there are not the radioactive pollution issues seen with conventional fission reactors. This is exciting because it gives a good technological refutation to the Green/environmentalist drive to return us to a primitive state via social collapse of energy systems … to save the planet, while we perish!

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Dr Fauci and the Lab Leak By Brian Simpson

Dr Andrew Huff, author of The Truth about Wuhan, and former Eco health vice president, has detailed how Covid king, Dr Anthony Fauci, provided US funds for gain-of-function genetic engineering research on the Covid-19 virus for the Wuhan lab. Then there was a massive cover-up once the virus was released from the lab, either intentionally or accidentally/negligently. Thus, the evidence is at hand, as Elon Musk recently said, for the prosecution of Dr Fauci. But that is not likely to occur, as seen with the Hunter Biden lap top affair, where his crimes are seemingly going to be ignored. This failure of the rule of law is to be expected with the West at the end of its tether.

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The Shape of Electoral Fraud; What they Intend to Get Away With By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Republican candidate Kari Lake has now filed her formal election contest in Maricopa County Superior Court, challenging the results of the Arizona elections. There are numerous grounds cited in her filing, including electoral misconduct and illegal votes. If proven, this is more than enough to eliminate the lead that Democrat opponent, Hobbes has. But, how will this go in a court system that has seemingly evolved to allow Democrat electoral fraud? It will be interesting, maybe even predictable. But, what we see here in real time is electoral fraud, and political deception in motion.

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New Zealand Bans Smoking: Medical Technocratic Paternalism! By Bruce Bennett

I am glad I left ultra-socialist New Zealand for less-socialist Australia, which while going down the same technocratic path, at least still allows a man to have a smoke in the privacy of his own bomb shelter, or is it Covid lockdown prison? Not so for young New Zealanders. Read on fellow smokers, and light up a cancer stick in sorrow for young New Zealanders.  

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The Next Level of Tyranny: Social Media Surveillance By James Reed

Here comes bad “social credit” and most people are unaware of it, which illustrates creeping technocracy in Australia. The Australian federal government is proposing a “social credit” system to access social media via your digital ID. Citizens will need the standard 100 points of identification to use social media, and the police will have access to your accounts including private messaging. This introduces a whole new level of tyranny, for suppression of free speech goes to the next low.

Obviously contact your local member, and the independents to voice opposition, Alex Antic being very good on this issue, as detailed at the blog today.

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Fifth Generation Warfare … Against Us! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This article, extracting a brilliant piece by Dr Robert Malone, compliments material today dealing with the rise of the technocratic state. Fifth Generation Warfare, is a concept describing the latest form that war has taken, which is now war waged against civilians, by the state, and also by corporations. It incorporates much more than physical force, and includes psycho-political warfare, tactics used to break down social opposition. The Covid plandemic, mandates and lockdowns, were clear illustrations of this. Hence, a background is needed for the opposition to this new form of warfare, as detailed by Dr Mercola.

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A Guide to the Great Reset for Technocracy By James Reed

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted article, has done a great job concisely stitching together all the aspects of the Great Reset, including the transhuman agenda, and CCP style social credit. The initial aim of the Great Reset is to create a digital dystopia through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a “social credit” ID that will enable the technocrats to control every facet of your existence. The test run for this was done with the Covid plandemic, making people into genetically modified organisms, as well as via lockdowns, conditioning them to severe social oppression as a new “normal.” Overall, despite pockets of resistance, this was remarkably successful. The technocracy movement previously assembled “smart cities,” to enable surveillance and social control. This is a technocrat update of the old “New World Order,” made even more dangerous, as scientific and technological advances now are moving to realising the agenda of transhumanism, the replacement of the human species itself.

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Prejudice Against the Unvaxxed By Mrs Vera West

A study with a global sample space, done by researchers from Denmark’s Aarhus University, has revealed that people have discriminated, and shown prejudice, against individuals who have not received the Covid jabs. The sample was of 15,233 people across 21 countries, covering a number of cultures. It was found that the level of discrimination was as high as that exhibited to ex-criminals. On the other hand, the pure bloods, the unvaxxed did not display prejudice to the vaxxed. While the study did not go into details about why this is so,  my own personal hypothesis is that maybe this could be more than just sociology, brainwashing and Skinnerian conditioning, and could also incorporate mRNA spike proteins in the brain. Stranger things have happened.

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