Ultra-Leftist Bette Midler Goes Down the Woke Plug Hole By Mrs Vera West

We are observing the endgame of wokeness as Left-wing old school feminists, such as J. K. Rowling, are getting cancelled by the elites of the latest New Class chattering class, which is based upon the Big Thing of the total deconstruction of gender. Past feminism kept to the existence of woman as a real oppressed group, who could reap the benefits of affirmative action such as academic jobs over better male competition, but now the very idea of a woman is being deconstructed by post modern discourse. The latest rich old feminist to be attacked for thought crimes is Bette Midler, who has, ironically, constantly been proclaiming Leftist causes in the past. Now, the pack turns upon her. The children of the revolution do indeed eat the parents.


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Kamala Harris’ Pro-Abortion “Argument” By Abigail Knight (Florida)

US Vice President Kamal Harris has made her great “intellectual” contribution to the present abortion debate, which has now gone global. According to her, this is a continuation of the US activity of “trying to claim ownership over human bodies.” No doubt she was alluding to slavery, aiming to generate the typical knee jerk reaction, a lot of mileage for not much brain input. But really, abortion itself is perhaps the clearest example of a person making a death decision about another living thing. I don’t think the liberal-Left have yet denied that the foetus is at least living, otherwise what would be the point of murdering it? So, Harris’ argument really undermines itself. Who writes her stuff anyway? She needs a new writer?


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BRICS is a Brick (or Entire Brick Factory) Thrown at the West! By James Reed

Pro-Russian site RT.com, is always worth consulting to see how things on the other side of the fence are playing out. Here are their comments on the conclusion of the BRICS summit in Beijing. The aim is clearly stated of moving to a new multi-polar alternative to the United States-based international financial system. According to Putin, BRICS is developing a new global reserve currency to replace the Us dollar. Once it succeeds in this, and the present Ukraine was has ensured that it will, the financial stuffing will be knocked out of the US, which has happily frolicked along surviving on the magic of the printing presses, so to speak. The present age of shortages, will be like nothing then.


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The Laments of the Old Veteran By James Reed

The comments of an old 100-yeaold US veteran are gong viral on YouTube, saying that the US is not the country that he fought for. I heard the same from a number of World War II vets who fought the Japanese. They could not believe what had been done with the Asianisation program, the make Australia a part of Asia cult. One old timer said to me: “I would not fight again if I had my time over. I would disappear into the bush.”


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Putinalina: If Putin was a Woman! By Richard Miller (London)

It has taken a woman to restore a little bit of British credibility after Boris Johnson said this week that Russian president Putin would not have launched a “macho war of invasion” in Ukraine if he “were a woman,” and he also labelled Russia’s actions in Ukraine “a perfect example of toxic masculinity.”

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that such remarks were not helping the Ukraine. Putin himself deal the death blow to  Boris’ nonsense by pointing out that a female prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher conducted a war in the Falklands. But, then again, our boy Boris is no iron lady.

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Everybody’s Transgender Now! By Abigail Knight (Florida)

The University of California, Los Angeles, Law School’s Williams Institute conducted a study based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data on the numbers of transgendered young people. It was found that the number of American young people identifying as transgender was1.4 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds, as well as 1.3 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds, while only 0.5 percent of all adults identify as transgender. The number of America’s young people identifying as transgender has almost doubled since 2017. Young teenagers represent about 7.6 percent of the total U.S. population, but constitute 18 percent of transgender-identifying youth. The 18- to 24-year-old age cohort makes up about 11 percent of the total U.S. population, they make up 24 percent of the total population identifying as transgender.

At this rate it will eventually be that every baby born will need to automatically have genital realignment surgery at birth! Plenty of money here for Big PHARMa and big medicine, until the cookie crumbles.

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Letter to the UK Government from 76 Doctors By Richard Miller (London)

Reproduced below is a letter signed by 76 doctors in the UK, to the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and other U.K. Government officials. The letter sets out reasons why the Covid vaccinations of infants and young children must not happen in the UK. I understand that nothing like this resistance is occurring among doctors in Australia. Disappointing indeed, but predictable.


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Who Done It? Covid-19’s Catastrophic Lab Leak Origin By Brian Simpson

A “senior European politician,” has said that World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confided to him in private that he believes Covid-19 was the result of a catastrophic accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China. In public, the WHO big shot was more discrete, saying in a June 14, 2022, press conference, “We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population. Understanding the origins of the virus is very important scientifically to prevent future epidemics and pandemics. But morally, we also owe it to all those who have suffered and died and their families. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. We need to speed up and act with a sense of urgency. All hypotheses must remain on the table until we have evidence that enables us to rule certain hypotheses in or out. This makes it all the more urgent that this scientific work be kept separate from politics. The way to prevent politicization is for countries to share data and samples with transparency and without interference from any government. The only way this scientific work can progress successfully is with full collaboration from all countries, including China, where the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported.”

However, from the initial outbreak, China has not been transparent, and moved to lockdown its population, but still permitted moment of people out of China. The suspicious mind would count this as a strategy of “spreading the misery,” so to speak, even if the release of SARS-CoV-2 was accidental. In late 2020 WHO established a scientific advisory group to investigate the origin of SARS-CoV-2, which on the basis of no evidence dismissed the lab leak hypothesis. It was later revealed how compromised this group was. Likewise for a scientific paper at the time which did the same dismissal, with compromised authors as well. All this could be seen as letting communist China of the hook, and one leading scientist said then that the lab leak hypothesis would be damaging to China and so should not be pursued! Criticism of the first WHO report led to a second investigation which concluded that a lab leak was unlikely, and that the virus was species-jumper. However, there was no decisive proof offered for this, and no-one has identified the organisms involved, with speculation varying.

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US Hypersonic Test Failure By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US is way behind the curve in getting up working hyper-sonic missiles, with yet another test failure. China and Russia have long got these unstoppable devices up, and are ready to go in blasting the West to atoms. How did all this happen? Well, the military were too busy worrying about the trans issue to think about seriously dealing with coming military threats, and in fact still does. One can see defeat just written all over the American project now, a great death wish given by the liberal-Left. At least they will perish with us, since their true master China, is not crazy and will not take in these Judases.


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Black vs Black Race War in South Africa By Paul Walker

The liberal-Left New Class chatterers in the West, and those of the political class like all of our PMs, looked to the new South Africa as a beacon of multiracial harmony, despite the odd motor tire being burnt around someone’s neck. What they did not see, with their standard anti-white racism, a cosy thing to have if you are in a protected woke job, is tribalism. With mass migration occurring within Africa, local South Africans are not pleased, even if skin colour is black all-round. Thus, diversity can cause chaos, even beyond broad racial categories, and goes right down the line to ethnicity, and tribe. Liberal individualism is much like the climate change ideology, and ignores fundamental aspects of nature. Will whites still be blamed if a black-on-black race war occurs in south Africa? Sure they will.


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The Vasectomised Male By Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is odd, showing how controlled the modern liberal male is. With the over-turning of the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade, men are falling over themselves to get vasectomies, with some clinics seeing perhaps up to four times the number of men, eager for “the chop” as they previous saw before the Dobbs decision. I suppose that there is nothing much to be concerned here as these are liberal men who are on the leases of their feminist partners, and would probably not reproduce anyway, and certainly won’t now, allowing a change in the political gene pool as their kind disappears from the face of the Earth. Conservative men would not go here.


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Will the Next Plandemic be a Joint US/Russian Collaboration? By James Reed

I was given reference to this interesting piece showing that the US and Russia are cooperating in virological research on new coronaviruses and things such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS. This research was discovered by the National Pulse.com. The point to ponder is how it is that so-called potential enemies can get down and jointly make bioweapons? I wonder, in dark moments, whether there is a 4-dimensional conspiracy operating here and that both players are acting under the directions of a globalist super-elite who have their own agenda beyond the nation state, and even humanity. But, that would be paranoia, wouldn’t it? But it is said, only the paranoid survive.


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Biological Sex a White Supremacist Falsehood … in Scotland! By Richard Miller (London)

As bad as once merry old England is, Scotland in the woke stakes is certainly catching up. Sometimes it surpasses us in madness. Like this little gem, where Scottish civil servants of the taxpayer-funded LGBTI+ internal staff network of the Scottish Government, have been instructed that biological sex is a “falsehood” which was “set by the medical establishment to reinforce white supremacy and gender oppression.” The attack is made upon TERFs, Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, which includes traditional third Generation feminists such as Harry Potter author JK Rowling. A booklet states: “Wo/men have fe/male bodies, regardless of their trans status,” a slide on the subject states, declaring that “wo/men are both biologically and genetically wo/men, regardless of their trans status.”

Where will this all end?

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Trump was Just Too Big! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrat’s January 6 kangaroo court heard hearsay evidence, or rather testimony, that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential vehicle “The Beast,” and sought to steer it to the Capitol building to join the insurrection, or whatever. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson gave expression of that fantasy. It is destroyed outright by considering questions of size, that, as pointed out by a secret service agent who was there, unlike Hutchinson, Trump was simply too big, I would say fat, to even reach the steering wheel. And what does he do about foot control? The driver simply hits the brakes. Yet these are the absurdities being seriously considered in a desperate bid to find anything on Trump.


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You Must Suffer for the New World Order By Charles Taylor (Florida)

CNN Thursday, National Economic Council director Brian Deese was asked by anchor Victor Blackwell: “What do you say to those families who say, ‘Listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable’?” The reply was: “What you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes,” Deese said. “This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm.” While he did say the word “liberal,” a more accurate word would have been “New,” that what is being played out is the continuation of the Covid plandemic, as the globalist New World Order, through war, inflation fuel shortages, and lack of food, eliminates anything “liberal.”


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The Assault Upon Childhood By Mrs Vera West

City Journal.org has given a tremendous presentation detailing the harms of the present gender agenda upon the minds of children. First, the primarily assault in schools is upon being white, which has now become a matter of shame. Girls, with a desire for social approval, cannot do much about skin colour, but they notice that changing their gender and adopting a trans identity is regarded as making up for the original sin of whiteness. Thus, there is a drive motivated by wokeness and political correctness for gender change, that would not normally occur, but these are far from normal times.


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The Problem of Getting Enough to Eat By James Reed

The big supermarkets are set, according to The Daily Mail Australia, to raise prices, as detailed below. We do not know exactly how much, but my guess is that they will squeeze us as much as they can, that is my theory of inflation, any excuse to put on whatever price they think the market can bear, and to hell with the neo-classical economic model of supply and demand, it is only a guide.


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The Late, but Great, Zev Zelenko on Covid Vaxxes and Mass Psychosis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Zev Zelenko (1973-2022), a Covid critic and founder of an alternative treatment regime for Covid, that saved the lives of thousands, died of a rare cancer. However, he kept on fighting the Covid New World Order right until the end. He saw the lockdowns, and the panic porn of the media being used to produce mass fear and chronic anxiety, which was reinforced by the lockdowns, which served no real purpose beyond reinforcing this anxiety and producing mass psychosis. People, even the most intelligent are thus open to manipulation and control, as is done in religious cults, which have attracted their share off so-called high IQ people. “It’s not intellectual, it’s purely emotional,” said Zelenko. “And if you challenge someone, even the most intellectual people who fall into this trap … you become belligerent, because what you’re really doing is bringing them back into that anxiety state that they so desperately don’t want to be in.” And, that is the social psychological mechanism used to produce the dominance that we have seen, where experimental vaccines are willingly accepted so people can get back into what they think is a “normal” life. But, there is no more “normal.”


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Where Diversity Will End: We Become Like the US By James Reed

Readers should refer to the article at today’s blog by Charles Taylor, one of our US correspondents, entitled “The Endgame of the Diversity/Woke Regime.” He details about a survey showing the extent of American breakdown of social cohesion, with 28 percent of voters surveyed reporting that they were so alienated from US society, that they thought that it might become necessary to take up arms against it, with over 80 percent of Republicans expressing distrust in elections, and 49 percent of Americans saying that they “more and more feel like a stranger in my own country.” This, as Charles rightly pointed out, is a recipe for the breakdown of the nation, and the forces of dissolution may now be too advanced to halt.

The recent Australian census results show Australia going down the same path of diversity, in everything, not just in terms of race and ethnicity, but in gender, social relationships and even the decline of Christianity. The path is set not only for the Great Replacement of whites, as Anglo-Saxon Australia has been long finished off (a task the elites found ridiculously easy), but whites are set to become a minority, as in the United States and Britain. It will be interesting to see how any war against communist China could be fought in such a diverse society, as internment (as in World War II) of what will be soon be the majority of the population, is illegal, immoral and impossible.

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The Endgame of the Diversity/Woke Regime By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a lesson for Australians, with your country mindlessly following down the same road to diversity hell that we in the United States have taken; I have seen via email the paper for today’s Alor.org blog by James Reed about the latest Australian census and out-of-control diversity, not only in race/migration but everything, and reference this article to it.

The University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics (IOP), has released a poll showing that 28 percent of voters surveyed were so alienated from US society, that they thought that it might become necessary to take up arms against it. Over 80 percent of Republicans expressed distrust in elections, and 49 percent of Americans said that they “more and more feel like a stranger in my own country.” In the present oppressive political climate, that is no doubt an under-statement. The foundations have been laid for the Great Divorce, the coming breakup of America. No country can continue to exist and function with such divisions.  

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