The Roundup on Roundup By Mrs Vera West

This case has not been publicised in Australia, surprise, surprise, but a California court decided for plaintiffs who were arguing that Roundup herbicide causes cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The court originally awarded over $ 2 billion to Alva and Alberta Pilliod, but the court reduced the amount to $ 87 million.  The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United states, but was turned down for hearing. Bayer bought Roundup-maker Monsanto in 2018, and thus faced the liability for the Pilliod case and tens of thousands of similar lawsuits. These suits will move forward, we suppose, on this precedence. I personally had a friend who worked in weed spraying for a council, and said to me on his death bed as he was dying of cancer, that “it was the spray.”

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Dr Ryan Cole on the Wages of Being a Covid Critic By Brian Simpson

Dr Ryan Cole is a specialist pathologist, with his own laboratory in the United States, and has various state licences. In his 26 years of practice he has never had a patient take action against him. But, come the Covid plandemic, and his stand in criticising the established Covid narrative, and he has found that some of the credentialing organizations have moved to remove his status. One organisation did this without giving him the right to be present or even sending a certified letter, a surprise attack. He is apparently contemplating legally righting back with a defamation action. Still, vilification by the media for speaking out has had a price and he has lost about half of his business. So, critics have paid a price. There has been moves to use these cancellation techniques upon the small number of doctors who have dared challenge the received Covid narrative. Most, we hope, will stand their ground.

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Courting Nuclear Cataclysm By James Reed

The drift to nuclear war continues. There is one school of thought that Putin will use food and water as continual weapon to break down NATO resistance. Then there is the line of thought advanced by Dr Peter Pry, that Russia does not accept the Mutually Assured Destruction idea on nuclear war, and indeed has a policy of escalate to de-escalate, to launch a strong nuclear attack to show that they mean business. Whatever the initial conspiracy behind this all was, it is likely now that things could spiral out of control. An initial nuclear strike by Russia will certainly lead to NATO launching its own nukes, and then it is on, and over pretty quick. The rules of the game of war have been thrown out of the window, so now anything goes, and is possible.


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Climate Change Kiddies Seeking Attention from Glue-on Temper Tantrums! By James Reed

Climate change activists who believe that the world is ending because of climate change have taken to doing weird things to draw attention to, well, not the issue, but more themselves. A favourite seems to be gluing themselves to objects, or disrupting traffic, after say, locking themselves to their car. But, as for gluing, the latest to make the news cycle is that of British activists who glued heir hands to the frames of three famous paintings, including one by Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh had cut off his own ear to show that he meant business, or how crazy he was, just as later on Chopper Reed (1954-2013), apparently no relation to me, also did the same while in gaol to show other prisoners that he was not to be messed with. So, the climate activists have a long way to go.

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Natural Protection from Covid: Serum anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgA By Brian Simpson

Researchers from the University of Gothenburg, at  the University’s Sahlgrenska Academy investigated 156 employees from five primary care health facilities who were recruited during April and May 2020, who had not been vaccinated. It was found that IgA (immunoglobulin A) was in the respiratory tracts of several of the personnel who didn't catch Covid-19. This is part of the first-line defences of the immune system, found naturally in mucous membrane secretions in the airways and gastrointestinal tract. So, yes, the mainstream scientific establishment are finding that natural immunity does exist.

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Dr Michael Yeadon on the Covid Lies By Brian Simpson

There have been a few brave doctors and medical and vaccine specialists, who have taken a stand against the Covid narrative. Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser for the drug company Pfizer, is one leading critic. He believes that the public has been lied to about first the seriousness of Covid-19, which is not as serious as the fear porn of the media portrayed, done to coerce people into taking the vax out of sheer fear. As for the mRNA vax, the spike protein itself is also toxic and mutates rapidly. This means that destroys virtually any protection that the vax provides after it is administrated. But, the purpose was not to control a disease, but to control us. As the same pattern of control is found across the planet, this indicates that there was a globalist agenda that was coordinated with diabolical precision. And, according to Yeadon, this plan is far from over yet, and perhaps is just beginning.


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A Safe Vaccine? Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials By Brian Simpson


A recently published study, “Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials,” by Fraiman et al., is a mainstream medical paper casting doubt upon the mantra that the benefits of the mRNA vaxxes outweigh the risks, risks that the Covid mainstream seldom discuss. The paper is somewhat technical, and the abstract is reproduced below, but a good summary has been given by epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff. No, the vaxxes are not safe as advertised by the establishment.

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Sweden’s Vax-Caused Birth Crash? By Richard Miller (London)

Igor Chudov has been doing some analysis on the question of the drop in birth rates, noticed this year, and the incidence of Covid vaccinations. In a nutshell, it looks like many highly vaccinated regions, including counties within countries, have experienced a significant drop in population. This is definitely evidence of a depopulation agenda at play. And, this is very early days yet, and as well, the Covid vax mania continues unabated.

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Monday Articles The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data showing a total of 1,307,928 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and June 24, 2022. There was a total of 29,162 reports of deaths, an increase of 131 over last week, and 241,226 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — an increase of 1,004 compared with last week. Of the 29,162 reported deaths, 18,885 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,673 cases to Moderna and 2,537 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J).


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The Responsibility for the Covid Plandemic By Brian Simpson

A Mid-Western Doctor always has insightful posts that the authorities seem to follow and attack, turning their fact checking, false news hounds upon him. They especially did not like his piece, extracted at blog a month or so ago [search engine can be used] on how the smallpox vax, the previous poster child of the vaccine cult, was not primarily responsible for the reduction in smallpox cases, and that numbers were in decline prior to the so-called magic vax.

Here he gives his account of the issue of responsibility for the Covid pandemic, bearing in mind that he is not a conspiracy theorist like many of us, and the role of the virus as a planned weapon to create a One World government, or at least put in place some planks of the Great Reset, is not discussed. Instead, the focus is upon the level of corruption in medicine, something he is close to as a doctor. At the end of the day, Big Pharma can get away with its crimes because of complicity of the doctors. And the massively over-regulated medical system, while seemingly a good idea for patient protection, can also be used for patient destruction, where an experiment vax is pushed without critical appraisal due to medical board censorship. This is one reason why doctors have been so quiet on Covid vax adverse effects. The other is that many are simply corrupt, servants of Big Pharma. My previous doctor fits into that category.

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The Philosophical Significance of the Over-Turning of Roe v. Wade By Mrs Vera West

Over-turning the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade is more than just a constitutional argument, as the 1973 case was a cumulation of the 1960s cultural revolution. To maintain the feminist revolution, women need to have the ultimate backup if and when the pill failed, or they forgot to take it. Men particularly benefitted, at least in the beginning from the sexual freedom that the pill and the 1960s undermining of traditional Christian morality about sexual relations and the family. And, things have gone beyond even that written about in the 1960s, with the trans agenda challenging the very definition of a woman. Still, Dobbs serves a symbolic purpose of hitting back against one of the core planks of the cultural Marxism of the 1960s sexual libertarianism, and although there are light years to go, it is a great start.

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Another Embalmer Speaks Up on the Fibrous Clot Issue By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural has covered in detail the shocking blood clots that have been found by embalmers in bodies, all of whom have been Covid vaxxed. There was at first only one embalmer who came forward on this issue, Richard Hirschman, but others are anonymously coming forward and confirming the same finding. Needless to say, there is no record of this phenomenon before the Covid vaccine rollouts, and most likely is one adverse effects of an experimental vaccine. It indicates that the vaxxes are producing the sort of damage that is described in another article at this site today dealing with the issue of reproductive harms of the vaxxes.

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The Dangers of the Covid Vaxxes to Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

Marc Girardot puts the case, something being made more frequently, that the Covid vaccines can be dangerous to pregnant women, babies and a threat to human reproduction. The material below is his hypothesis of how this would operate as a general theory. In summary, the idea is that injected vaccine material, whether mRNA or otherwise, will not stay at the deltoid muscle injection site, as has been shown by the early biodistribution studiers done by Pfizer, and demanded by the Japanese government.  Circulating biomaterial will disrupt the local endothelial ecosystem. Repair may not be possible and if as is occurring frequently, damage occurs in the heart, this will be to the aorta or the large arteries, leading to endothelial wall destruction, coagulation, progressive destruction of smooth muscle cells, subsequent arterial rupture, haemorrhage, as well as blood clots. The same sort of destructive process could operate in the reproductive system as well.

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BMJ: Covid-19 Vaccine Trials Cannot Tell Us if They Will Save Lives By Richard Miller (London)

Take it from The British Medical Journal, one of Britain’s leading general medical journals.None of the current trials are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care use, or deaths.” This is according to the associate editor of that journal Professor Peter Doshi co-author of an article on the subject. “None of the trials currently underway are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospitalisations, intensive care use, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus,” he wrote. “Hospitalisations and deaths from covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30,000 people,” he adds. “The same is true regarding whether it can save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out.” 

This is revealing coming from a mainstream source and certainly undermines the established narrative.

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The Police and the Raped Rotherham Children By Richard Miller (London)

Proof that the police do not serve and protect us, the “little people,” including, literal little people, children, comes from the Rotherham travesty where police knowingly allowed gangs of migrants to groom and rape children, turning a blind eye because of fear of “racism,” or so they say. Although officers were found by official investigations to have failed in their duty, apparently none have been sacked. It sounds a bit conspiratorial to me.

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The End of Japan By James Reed

Many of us lament about the decline of the white race, the dispossessed majority, with declining birth rates and the destruction of tradition. But, this is not merely a problem for whites, for exactly the same threat faces places like Japan, even though migration is not yet acting as a social weapon of mass destruction. Perhaps there is no need,  for the young Japanese are rejecting marriage, with 25.4 percent of women in their 30s and 26.5 percent of men in the same age group saying they do not want to get married. Slightly more than 19 percent of men in their 20s and 14 percent of women also no plans to wed. The current fertility rate for Japan in 2022 is 1.368 births per woman, which if unchanged will lead to extinction. Of course, as in the West, the elites will enforce mass migration to keep the system afloat a bit longer, but in the end, collapse is inevitable so long as the Liberal left feminist world view is accepted.


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Guns in Nigeria By John Steele

The classic gun control argument is that civilian do not need a gun for self-defence, since the police are there to protect one. No jurisdiction in Australia accepts self defence as a legitimate reason for owning a gun, which is contrary to most thinking across the world. The police have no legal right to protect one, and as the recent Uvalde Texas Robb Elementary School shooting showed, may be too scared to act anyway. So much for the police protection argument. This is recognised in places like Brazil and now Nigeria, where the level of violence and social disintegration has got so bad that the police cannot cope and it is every man for himself, so getting a gun for self-protection becomes recognised. So much then for the classical anti-gun argument; presumably in this situation of anarchy, the ordinary person is supposed to be prey, according to the Left.

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A Majority of Covid Deaths in NSW Among the Triple Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Trial Site puts a strong case that even though Australia now has over 95 percent of people Covid vaccinated, Covid-19 fatalities in the first 14 weeks of 2022 were double that of 2020 and 2021 combined. With the in B.4 and B.5 Omicron subvariants the death toll continues to rise, regardless of the vax. I suppose the argument would be made that without the vax those dying may have died sooner, or had a more painful death, so be thankful, sheep!

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The Revenge of the Socialists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With Roe v. Wade being overturned by SCOTUS, the world is being given a look at the mind and actions of socialists and the Left. The narrative is that abortion is now illegal, that women’s rights have been denied, but in reality, the constitutional right to abortion has gone, and the power to decide goes back to the states. Nothing prevents blue states from keeping their pro-abortion laws. But the Left demands that all must conform to them or be destroyed. Thus, acts of revenge against the Supreme Court justices, even after the decision, which serves no political point but can only be revenge. These are a nasty bunch of people, and really conservatives have lived with them in an abusive relationship for far too along. Time for the Great Divorce of secession, the breakup of nations. Let these urban creatures learn the art of feeding themselves.

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The US Covid Vax Death and Adverse Effects Toll By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid establishment has vastly over-played the number of Covid-19 cases, especially before the vax rollout, to get a panicked population taking the jab, again and again … However, the numbers of Covid dead and injured has been vastly under-reported. VAERS might have an under-reporting factor of 41 to 100. To get a better idea of the Covid vax harms, Covid critic Steve Kirsch came up with the idea of doing his own survey. The results are stunning, with at least five million fully vaccinated Americans unable to work due to debilitation from the vaxxes, and 750,00 dead. It is likely that similar numbers, relative to the respective population sizes of various countries also holds. It is a heavy toll. That makes the claim that the vaxxes are safe, highly suspect to say the least.

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