WHO Chief Believes in Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

It came as a surprise to me, given the past buddy relationship the World Health Organization has had with the CCP. But head of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has said about the issue of the origins of Covid-19, that “We do not yet have the answers as to where it came from or how it entered the human population. Understanding the origins of the virus is very important scientifically to prevent future epidemics and pandemics. But morally, we also owe it to all those who have suffered and died and their families. The longer it takes, the harder it becomes. We need to speed up and act with a sense of urgency.” But, WHO, in delaying the early investigation of Wuhan, allowed this to become a cold case, and only indirect evidence now seems available, unless here is some yet unknown breakthrough. Don’t expect the Wuhan origin of Covid as a bioweapon to ever be accepted by the Western establishments.


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Migration Replaces Us Quicker than Thought By James Reed

Francesco Billari has published recently a paper in Population and Development Review, challenging the idea that migration trends are slow. On the contrary, recent migration trends, especially mass movements of populations from the Ukraine, are now fast. "In general, we can conclude that the currently prevalent 'slow demography' perspective is misleading when applied as a general approach to the study of population change … By devoting more resources to gathering and analyzing data on population flows, scholars can contribute to our knowledge of demographic trends in a fast-changing population environment … At the same time, greater attention to the coevolution of socio-economic factors and demography can help policymakers to make more informed choices." While that may be informative for academic demographers, on the ground the real effects are that the Great Replacement is being fuelled by mass migration that will reduce once majority white populations to minority status in only a couple of decades, or less.


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People Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media, and Can You Blame Them! By James Reed

An annual Reuters study of 46 countries of people’s receptiveness of the mainstream media found that 38 percent were avoiding the coverage of various topics because after the Covid-19 onslaught the coverage had become repetitive and depressing. Around 43 percent of respondents thought that there was too much focus upon the Covid pandemic. Almost three in ten (29 percent) global respondents complained that the information they received was biased or untrustworthy. This is a good sign, since the mainstream media, and Big Pharma are owned by the same super-corporations, and work together for achieving their version of the New World Order, which is getting pretty old by now. Breaking the ties comes from turning off their mind waves.


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Canadian Covid Deaths, 80 Percent Fully Vaccinated By Brian Simpson

Who remembers the time when the health authorities were boldly proclaiming that the “lifesaving” Covid shots will prevent one getting Covid? Then, when the fully vaccinated got Covid, the line pushed was, well it could be worse if I was not vaccinated. And now, when people die, and in Canada for example, 80 percent of Covid deaths are in the fully vaccinated, it is, well, if they were not vaccinated, their deaths would be even more horrible!


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The Great Covid Freak-Out, a Media Creation By James Reed

Michael Betrus at Brownstone.org, which as produced outstanding social criticism of all aspects of the Covid plandemic, gives a detailed account of the role the media played in the US in creating Covid moral panic, and thus allowing the longest lockdowns in human history, for a virus which had a survival rate of greater than 99 percent for most healthy people who were not elderly. The same points can be made about the media in Australia who also created a climate of fear, vilified critics and thus encouraged people to be vaxxed and vaxxed some more. The situation now is that little critical material gets out from the mainstream, that there is no brave investigative journalism, and that most of the critical material comes from US sources, hence why there is a lot of US content here, as few Australian academic critics in STEM want to endanger their Big pHARMA research funding. And, the obvious point is that the media, and Big PHARMa  are owned by the same class of super-elites, so no wonder they protect their nest.


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SCOTUS Needs to Overturn Roe v. Wade ASAP By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Pro-abortion activists have protested outside the private residence of Supreme Court judge, Amy Coney Barrett, a little while after an armed California man was arrested at the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, seeking to murder him. The protests were peaceful, but still involved intimidation, the feminists being covered in blood and carrying dolls.
From what I see, the dolls, which are baby-like, either represent babies women would prefer to have exterminated, or unwanted pregnancies, or maybe just abortions, who knows. While they have a right to protest, clearly these protests outside SCOTUS private residents are meant to intimidate. Even if I was not strongly anti-abortion, this angers me so much that I am even more anti-abortion, if that is possible.


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Dr Clare Crag on the Pfizer Clinical Trials for Children By Mrs Vera West

We have quoted Covid critics who have been criticising the Pfizer trial data for children. Here is a brief video which summarises the issue, showing that the original data was flawed, so that there should not be vaccination of children, from their own data.


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The Cupboard is Bare By James Reed

As far as I am aware, this shortage has not yet hit Australia, but in the US, there as a baby food shortage, and now a tampon/lady’s hygiene product shortage. I know little about such things, having never married, but I expect it would be highly frustrating.  My hypothesis on the shortages, the death of livestock, and burning down of food processing plants, is that it is all done by the coordinated action of the elite’s agents, to soften up the population for the even more severe levels of chaos that they are set to unleash, for their end goal of the Great Reset New World Order.


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Nightmare: The Covid Grim Reaper Claims Youth in Troubled Sleep By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch comments upon the cases of fully vaxxed young people just dying in their sleep. Dying in one’s sleep is something which every old person usually wants. But, it was unheard of for young healthy people to just suddenly die in this way. There are many high-profile cases detailed below, but the numbers are growing, and thanks to the vax, what was once very rare has become a new normal.


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BNT162c(2): Self-Amplifying RNA (saRNA); the Next Horror By Brian Simpson

Just in case you thought the Dr Frankensteins could not top mRNA vaxxes, here comes the next invention, self-amplifying RNA, which as Dr Rose argues, will open a whole new bag of horrors. Big pHARMA can’t wait to get this into new vaxxes, and into deltoid muscles.


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Who, or What is Destroying Animal Life? By Richard Miller (London)

The US correspondents for the blog have reported on the tens of thousands of cattle that have died, the authorities say from the heat, and the heat is caused by climate change, of course. But, as has been argued, cows have experienced heat before, and do not die in a mass, as some cows are stronger than others. However, mass deaths have also been observed in birds in Spain, and these birds are quite capable of flight away from hot zones or seeking shade. Could it be that these animals are being killed to generate a new climate change hysteria? After Covid, that certainly seems to be the next Big Thing, now.


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Covid vax Causes Reinfections, so it’s Covid Forever! By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov makes the argument today that Pfizer’s own official randomised control trial data submitted to the FDA, with the vaccination of young children, shows that vaccination itself causes repeat Covid infections. There was a total of 12 child-participants who had two Covid-19 infections within the time frame of the trial, and 11 of them were vaccine recipients and only one received no vaccine. The cause of the vaccinated children to developing a disproportionate amount of repeat infections, must be due to the vaccine, of course. The major concern here is that over 70 percent of the population is vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that reduces, if not breaks down immunity, allowing reinfections, so it is Covid forever.


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Leading the Green Lemmings By Viv Forbes

Australia’s new ALP/Green/Teal government has a Zero Emissions plan, putting them on track to be world leader of the Green Lemmings.

John Kerry of USA was a strong contender to win the Green Lemming race. But he was given a stiff handicap by UN organisers because America has access to coal, oil, gas, hydro and nuclear power, plus cross-border pipelines and power lines. Biden is trying to close these loopholes.

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Triple Vaxxed Justin Trudeau has Covid, but Saved by the Vaxxes! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a tweet from Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, who when he is not busy b banning guns and taking away freedoms for the Great Reset, of which he is a part, is busy getting Covid.

Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

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Masks Wrecking the Immune System of Children By Mrs Vera West

The mask fetish is still, unfortunately with us, with masks still being required in certain medical contexts, and usually in places like public transport. Masks however have done their damage to children. At present children’s immune systems have been degraded so much that they are getting three viruses at once, where in normal times, their immune system would take care of it. The vaxxes have played their part too, and we have not seen anything yet.


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Racist Monkeypox: Who? Why, WHO! By James Reed

The World Health Organization is set to rename Monkeypox because the name is … wait for it … drum roll … racist! Apparently, it offends some African countries. That would be fair enough if an African country was called by such a name, but none are, and the name does not mention place of origin at all. It is not like the Wuhan flu, or even the CCP flu. However, WHO want to move away from using animal names, even if the name is relevant to the disease, such as with zoonotic diseases where there is a jump from humans to animals. And, as most animal rights crazies regard monkeys as persons, I suppose that said monkeys would be sensitive to racism too. Monkeys have woke feelings, too. Overall, who cares now at this late stage of the game; let them call it what they want.


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Anthony Fauci has Covid after, Many, Many Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Of course, the vax is working; it does not stop transmission, but, hey kiddo, your Covid would be worse without it! Does that sound like science to you? Dr Fauci, the Covid king, is fully vaxxed and has received two boosters, but still got Covid. Surely, he needs even more vaxxes, because if three or four are good, five, six and seven are terrific! Ho, ho, Fauci, vax away, today!


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Pro-Abortion Arsonist Terrorists; People Who Play with Fire, Often Get their Fingers Burnt By Chris Knight (Florida)

Left-wing terrorist groups are firebombing pro-life pregnancy centres across the USA. Unlike 2020, which was just a warm up temper tantrum, this one is to use violence to intimidate SCOTUS judges not to over-rule the abortion on demand case of Roe v. Wade. Will it work? Maybe, the SCOTUS judges showed themselves to be gutless over the electoral fraud cases, rejecting the state of Texas as having standing. I am surprised the anti-abortion decision even got this far.


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It’s Back: New Vax Resistant Omicron Covid Variant By Brian Simpson

And so it goes on, and on. There is now a new Covid sub-variant, Omicron BA.5 sub-variant. This one defeats the vaxxes, and apparently natural immunity as well, but that just means, get it and endure it, as was done with Omicron. We have not received much information about how this will pan out, so we speculate. It could well be that this leads to yet another round of Covid-19, maybe even lockdowns, since the authorities know that they just have to say “Covid’ and they can do anything.


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Trump and the Missing $250 Million By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter seems to accept that 2020 election fraud did not occur, and she bases this on a critique of one movie, ignoring that the state of Texas had put a case to SCOTUS, where, incredibly they found that a US state did not have standing, meaning, no-one does. There are masses of other evidence that she does not seem to be aware of. But she does make a good point in a recent article where she states that Trump “used his "STOP THE STEAL" fundraising appeals to grift his supporters out of $250 million, none of which was, in fact, used to fight election fraud.” Well, election fraud aside, this is fraud, and trump needs to be prosecuted. I don’t care if the Democrats put this traitor behind bars. I have hopes that De Santis will do what Trump should have done; certainly, he has more guts.


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