A Primer on Fats By Mrs Vera West

Most of us do not know much about the biology of fats. We have been told how bad fats are for us, but the fact is that without fats, we die. Dr Mercola has given a very good outline of the nature of the different fats, and his take on what to eat. As I understand it, he is against consuming too much Omega-6 fats from seed oils, and instead, Omega 6 from oily fish and plants like flaxseed. Anyway, this is for information purposes, not health or medical advice from Alor.org, and the Mercola article has probably been deleted from his site; I am not sure why he deletes his material after 48 hours (isn’t that time enough to get up the snouts of the medical technocrats?), so it is good to preserve it here.


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Vaxxes Killing the Young, SADS Indeed By Mrs Vera West

Most of the leading Covid vax critics have now written about SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. To a critic they hold the vaxxes responsible, since, this phenomenon did not occur before the vaccine rollout, and there is no competing explanation for it, and all of the dead have been vaccinated. There have been no autopsies done by grieving families though so conclusive empirical proof is presently lacking. Dr Mercola also holds to the vaxxes as being the scientifically best explanation, satisfying the criterion of comprehensiveness of explanation, and parsimony, the simplest explanation. Otherwise be will be getting into cosmic coincidence of black magic!


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Did Magnetic Rifts Kill the Cows? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Earlier in the week Mike Adams wrote a piece that I at first dismissed, not being a great science type; Aussie Alor.org blogger Brian Simpson should be writing this one. But, for what it is worth, it seems that there is scientific evidence that there has been rifts, or holes in the opening in the magnetosphere and ozone layer, allowing intense, deadly solar radiation to strike the Earth, at least in the distant past. This is thought to occur when there is impending reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles. It has been hypothesised that the disappearance of the Neanderthals was due to these unlucky blokes being in the path of such radiation when a rift opened. Same thing for the cattle.


It is an interesting hypothesis, but I doubt it. First, it is a “just so” story that the Neanderthals just happened to be unlucky enough to be under such a hole when the sky opened  up. Intelligent people would take shelter. Further, there is no evidence that such a rift did cause the cattle deaths; it is speculation. And, finally, the existence of the poles shifting a bit is not proof of pole reversal as the magnetic field is in a state of flux and thee is no proof that this is happening now. If the cattle did die from holes in the magneto sphere, then watch out, people are next! Holes in the sky could open up at any time.

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The Crumbling of the Green Energy Machine By James Reed

While the present global energy crisis is a misery for many, at least it has shown the so-called “Green energy” cannot sustain a modern society, and is simply a dream of the New Class Chatterers at universities. Germany is firing up its coal plants and good on them. And here we are in gas-rich Australia, facing our own gas crisis while the “logic” of globalism says to export and die. David Ricardo (1772-1823) did you ever think of this in your free trade, comparative advantage ravings?


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Dr Nick Coatsworth Strikes Out at the Draconian Covid Mandate Rules By Brian Simpson

Nick Coatsworth has been a strong critic of the Covid lockdowns, one of the few high-profile medical professionals to take a stand. It is remarkable how little courage medicos have had about this, not only being fearful of being deregistered, as is the move against Covid medical critics in the US, but probably because most garden grub variety GPs just accept anything for a quiet life. So, how about this tweet from Dr Coatsworth to make up for the utter failure of nerve of his colleagues: “We locked down our society, stopped children attending school, closed playgrounds, fined the least fortunate, separated families, created a mental illness, all in the name of protecting our most vulnerable, yet for some it will never be enough. When will the moralising stop?”  


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Covid Vaxxes Poisoning Human Genetics! By Brian Simpson

Dr. Jane Ruby on her  Show, interviews Canadian physician and molecular biologist,

Dr. Daniel Nagase. He details how the bioweapon mRNA shots from all of the

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Why Would NATO Want Nuclear Annihilation? By James Reed

Mike Adams makes the case that NATO, in moves such as the railway blockage of Kaliningrad, is obviously trying to prompt Russia into attacking a NATO country, namely Lithuania, so World War III with Russia, something the Democrats desperately want, can get underway. Yet Putin is clear that nuclear attacks are on the table, and the Russians and Chinese do not hold to the mutually assured destruction (MAD) idea, but instead escalate to deescalate, maybe launching one devastating attack to show that they mean business. As documented below, NATO has vastly under-estimated Russia’s nuclear capacity and is most likely out-gunned. And, for this folly, civilisation may end in deathly mushroom clouds.


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Why We Really Should Hate Not the Greens, but Green Ideology By Paul Walker

It is no doubt un-Christian to hate people, but what about ideologies? Like communism? Or, Greenism? Sure, hate away, I cannot see anything morally wrong in hating evil doctrines, as doctrines, unlike people cannot be “saved” or have souls. It seems to me that so many anti-life/tradition things come from the Left, and the Greens across the West are just one version of this, because, not the people, but the doctrines, tend to intrinsically corrupt. We can see this with the US abortion debate where Leftists are engaging in urban terrorism, and not being condemned by the president, and indeed encouraged in some ways by some members of the US Senate, all for an ideology. In Australia there are much less radical examples, with the US aspects of violence and neo-Marxist revolution fortunately missing, but these still fit in with a general Leftist philosophy of denigrating and deconstructing tradition, and wanting the Great Cultural Replacement. They see this as “progressive,” but never confront the basic foundational questions.


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The Uvalde School Shooting Conspiracy, Updated By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The likelihood of the Uvalde Texas school shooting being a conspiracy to allow public outrage by the Democrats over guns, gets even more plausible. We heard last week that the police waited for up to 60 minutes before going in to confront the lone gun man. But now that time period has gone up to 77 minutes. The police previous said that they lacked the weapons and equipment to deal with the shooter, but now, as shown below, even the mainstream media is reporting that the police did have this equipment, but still waited. Waited for what? Surely for the killings to occur, what other possible reason could there be? Add that to restraining and pepper spraying desperate parents who wanted to save their children, and we can see this police force as agents of the Deep State anti-gun agenda. Those who disagree will have quite a job explaining all of these inconvenient facts.


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Fed Wolves Amongst the Jan 6 Sheep By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been some good old investigative reporting by the Epoch Times.com, which has given presented some great pieces on the US 2020 election fraud issue. Associated with this is the January 6 peaceful protests, leading to the Democrats going on a USSR/Maoist rampage, denying prisoners basic human rights, and engaging in torture, at least by their Deep State thugs. The system is a heartbeat away from assassination of dissents, and of course, the CIA were intending to do that to Assange, just for reporting on their corruption. Now it has been shown that Deep State agents were in the January 6 crowd, egging them on to go into the Capitol ant hill. So, these agents were also breaking the law, as they were not acting as police, but as protesters, and thus should be prosecuted too!


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The New Normal: Young People Dying in Their Sleep By Chris Knight (Florida)

Some more consideration, this time by Steve Kirsch, who always has an interesting take on things, regarding SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. He gives more recent examples of young people simply dying in their sleep, all of them vaxxed. I have no doubt that the vax is the cause, as otherwise healthy young people did not, pre-Covid vax roll-out just drop dead. What I find also needing explanation, is why are they dying in their sleep? Certainly, we have seen vaxxed pilots and sports stars dying on the job, but this phenomena is unusual even for our weird Covid times.


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Woke Madness Unlimited: ANIMAL Privilege, Inequality and Intergenerational Wealth! By James Reed

In our crazy, politically correct world, academics need to keep out doing themselves. I got exhausted long ago reporting on the woke nonsense from the universities, having given them up as beyond saving, and thus I came to my present “close them all down” position. I once held some hope that STEM would escape the rot of the Humanities and so-called social sciences, but, as the recent example of privilege and inequality in the animal kingdom goes, I now give up on that too. I know that once the collapse comes, the natural order of things will return, just like water escaping from an unnatural dam.


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Steve Kirsch: Severe Reactions to the Covid Vaccines are Not Rare By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has been doing original work, something which in a saner age academics should have done, to test the idea of the CDC that severe reactions to the Covid vaxxes are rare. To do this he basically conducted a survey, as an example that can be replicated following his same methodology, looking at 500 people randomly selected. Using statistical inference principles, which is what all social science research does, he inferred that at least 2 million Americans over 18 were injured by the Covid vaccine such that they are unable to hold a job!  Greater than 1 percent of vaccinated respondents reported they were so severely vaccine injured that they can’t hold a job, and greater than 1 percent reported that they believe their injuries have shortened their lives. All this shocking and directly in conflict with the bubble and squeak pushed by health authorities in the West. The survey desperately needs to be conducted in Australia as well.


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Metaverse: A Transhuman Digital Dystopia By James Reed

Charles Eisenstein puts the case that the recently celebrated AI universe of the metaverse, which will incorporate the internet of things and beyond, making essentially a virtual reality for people to work in, and live in, is the endgame of technological dystopias. For example, one thing being pushed is to reduce actual population levels, in the West of course, and amongst whites, by having “virtual families,” which are computer generated babies who grow up in real time. It is bad enough to have to use the internet typing out material let alone live through one’s computer! It shows the extreme level of alienation and dehumanisation that the technology cult has produced, but the seeds were sown with the computer games which overtook the minds of boys and young men. The techno-cult has been out of control for a long time, and now threatens to engulf and destroy all that used to be human. And, it is amazing how these radical programs simply get up and running.


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Pfizer; See No, Hear No, Feel No, Adverse Vax Events By Chris Knight (Florida)

An amazing article at Childrenshealthdefense.com, detailing how with the latest release of 80,000 pages of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine documents, that instances of participants who sustained severe adverse events during Phase 3 trials, including severe vax injuries, and for some, death. But, as documented below, the basic trend in the documents was to classifying almost all adverse events, including severe adverse events (SAEs), as being “not related” to the vaccine, so thath te vax comes out as safe as toast. The FDA had a duty of care to address this issue, but all were under pressure from Trump’s Operation Warp speed, to get an experimental vaccine out into the population. Trump does not get the criticism he deserves for all of this, and the buffoon is still singing the praises of Big pHARMa, and denying that there is any problem here.


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Oooops! Another Medical Mistake! By Mr Vera West

Doctor-caused disease is so common it even has a name of its own: iatrogenic disease. Dr Mercola at a now deleted post gives us insights into how big this problem is, using the US example, but it is much the same throughout the West. A 2011 Health Grades report, the incidence rate of medical harm occurring in the U.S. is estimated to be over 40,000 harmful and/or lethal errors daily. An estimated 250,000 Americans die from medical mistakes each year, which is about 1 in 10 patients. This makes iatrogenic disease it the third leading cause of death, with cancer and heart disease being numbers one and two. Thus, more people die from doctor’s mistakes, than by Covid, by a long shot, or is it jab?


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Climate Change Fibs and Cover-Ups By James Reed

A whole range of radical projects are being forced upon the general public from energy restrictions, to the attack on meat-eating and its replacement by insects, all in the name of “saving the planet.” Yet, how real is this climate change threat? Not very according to information which the climate change elites attempted to suppress. The World’s temperature has not risen for 15 years, and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is advancing ad hoc hypotheses to deal with it. But, the philosophy of Karl Popper of falsificationism should be applied, and the conclusion made that the climate change catastrophe hypothesis, used to justify the attack upon our standards of living, is not a scientific hypothesis, but pure politics in motion.  


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Harris to Lead Ministry of Truth, Eh, Lies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In a far from surprise move, the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board, straight out of George Orwell’s 1984, will now be headed by Vice President Kamala Harris. Not much is known at present, including what the name will now be, but given Harris’ uncanny ability to foul up anything she is involved in, it may well be the kiss of death for this Orwellian organisation. Sweet child of irony.


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US Funding Bio-Research in China: Digging its Own Grave By Chris Knight (Florida)

Now it has been admitted that the US funded bio-research in China, some say bioweapons research. That being so, the US National Institute of Health is still funding bio-research in China, to the tune of $ 8.3 million since 2020, even though the Intelligence Community’s 2022 Annual Threat Assessment, stated that the CCP is one of the top threats to the United States. Covid king, Dr Fauci said that the funding cannot be turned off. U.S. federal agencies “had very productive peer-reviewed highly regarded research projects with our Chinese colleagues that have led to some major advances in biomedical research.”

“So I don’t think I’d be able to tell you that we are going to stop funding Chinese,” Fauci said, like a good CCP subject.

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Reconquest in Italy By Richard Miller (London)

The race riots in Italy, and the rest of Europe, a mere five years ago would have attracted media attention, but now this violent Great Replacement gets no attention. It is the summer of “cultural enrichment,” depending on how you define it. Sometimes a video says more than a thousand words:
