World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty: National Sovereignty, Going, Going … Gone! By James Reed

Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin have done a fine critique of the fast-approaching WHO pandemic treaty, which will give the WHO power to say what goes in nations when the next plandemic comes. Although the material is focused upon the US, the same issues arise for Australia, where there has been little debate, or even mention of this issue, even among the anti-vaxxers. It is thus creeping up to stab us in the back.


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Zany Electoral Musings By Michael Ferguson

First up, to keep the AEC happy, all electoral comment here, written and authorised by Ken W. Grundy,
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, South Australia
. And any other exotic, materially relevant legal requirements in accordance with Part XXA of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, especially section 321D (4) (d), Schedule 2 of the Broadcasting Service Act 1992 and associated legislative instruments, as well as any  requirements  created by the Electoral and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2017. Free speech is wonderful, isn’t it? Anyway, down to business.

Here is Rod Lampard making the good comparison between Albo and Joe Bide; a top comment by Rod about Albo? Reminds me of something found in uncooked eggs, but I digress. Well, neither eggs nor Albo seem to know the Australian unemployment rate.

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The Snake Venom Hypothesis Defanged! By Brian Simpson

James Lyons-Weiler puts the final nail in the coffin of the hypothesis, floated a few weeks back, that Covid is just snake venom poisoning. I am surprised that so much attention from the vaccine critique movement was devoted to this. A false flag? I think so.

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Non-Vaccinated Healthier than Vaccinated? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2011 commissioned a study conducted by Harvard-Pilgrim Healthcare to determine how accurately the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had been keeping an accounting of the vaccine injuries and deaths. It was found that vaccine adverse events are common, and that “less than one percent (1 percent) of vaccine side-effects are ever reported,” which gives an under-reporting factor for VAERS of 100. While the media continue to suppress information relating to vaccine adverse effects, especially from the Covid vaxxes, there is still evidence available indicating that many vaccines, even other than the mRNA vaxxes, have higher than expected adverse effects. In many respects, the unvaccinated are “healthier” than the vaccinated.

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The Shanghai Hellscape; There Today; Here Tomorrow! By James Reed

The Shanghai Covid lockdowns continue, making the city into a hellscape. Videos manage to be leaked of people screaming from high-rise buildings, being locked in by the CCP authorities, without food. Mass suicides are occurring as people go crazy. As Mike Adams says, this is really another communist genocide, done because that is really how the communist system operates, social control through fear and state violence. We must indeed fear the CCP, because if they are willing to genocide their own people, guess what lies in store for the rest of Asia … and Australia? I am sure most people in Japan would agree with me.

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A New Generation of Trans Teens By Mrs Vera West

Strange times indeed. Erica Anderson, 71, who is herself transgender, told the LA Times that she is "horrified" that children as young 13-years are now getting hormone treatments, without even meeting with psychologists first. "I think it’s gone too far," said Anderson. "For a while, we were all happy that society was becoming more accepting and more families than ever were embracing children that were gender variant.

"Now it’s got to the point where there are kids presenting at clinics whose parents say, 'This just doesn’t make sense,'" she said.

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The Archbishop of Canterbury Tries to Out-Woke the Pope! By Richard Miller (London)

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said that “The government's plan to send some asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda is "the opposite of the nature of God.” Once upon a time, genuine refugees would have been happy to have had any dry and safe land to flee to, since the idea of a refugee was that of a displaced person. Today it simply means people who are want to use resources, such as welfare of the West, before the West collapses itself. But if this happens, don’t expect anywhere in the world to take in refugees FROM the West.

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Dr Li Meng Yan: China Deliberately Released Covid! By James Reed

Here is a simple and clear message from former China bio-researcher Dr Li Meng Yan, who at the time presented evidence of the lab release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan lab. She has now claimed that this was no accident but was deliberate, and done under orders from the CCP, as part of a biological war on the West. On this scenario, the West may not have been part of this conspiracy, but made the most of it once it happened to bring in their own totalitarian measures, since in spirit most Western governments are in unity with the CCP, despite  superficial economic differences.

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Why isn’t Abortion a Social Construction, Too? By James Reed

I was going to say it, but Mike Adams got in first, so priority, please! As we have been covering, the gender agenda with transgenders, as in sports, has been taking the line that sex and gender are social constructions. So, why not apply this to abortion, and the whole idea of “a woman’s right”? What is a “woman”? And what is an “abortion” in the world of pure sociology? Surely if the right to abortion, whatever that is, is said not to exist, then in the world of sociology, it does not?


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Covid Vax Complications 40 Times Higher than Previously Reported By Richard Miller (London)

A German study by Berlin Charité, a university hospital, interviewed 40,000 vaccine takers at various times after they had taken their Covid-19 shots as part of a long-term observational study. It was found that “the number of serious complications after vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute [a Germany federal agency].” So much then for vax side effects and adverse effects being exceedingly rare, as the totalitarian medico-crats proclaim.

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Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 From Facebook By Jill Netbrooke

This Bill is now had its second reading in parliament, and seeks new powers for what is said to be “biosecurity,” but sets out to give wide-ranging powers to the government. There was an excellent anonymous posting on Facebook which is hard to beat by a summary. It does seem possible that the power will be created to prevent you from growing your own food, at least in principle something argued yesterday in presentation at Ice Age Farmer who has a very good coverage of the war on food:


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The World Health Organization, the Pandemic Treaty, and the Erosion of National Sovereignty By James Reed

Dr Mercola at a now deleted post, details how the new World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty will erode national sovereignty, or what is left of it. Here are, from the material below, the main points of concern:

  • Calls for ‘human security centric’ not just ‘health security centric’. Apparently, they don’t just want to control your body but every aspect of your life.
  • Fast approval of emergency diagnostics – and unified regulatory registration for diagnostics. In other words, more control.
  • Equitable access to vaccines and ‘a mechanism to hold violators accountable’. So if a nation concludes a vaccine is not safe – as has happened in this last pandemic – the WHO would have the power to override that and jab their population anyway.
  • Vaccines should be developed within 100 days. This is absurd. Safe drugs take ten years to be adequately tested and declared safe. There are more than 3.5 million people on the WHO database who have been harmed by Covid vaccines and this may be the tip of the iceberg. Given how WHO supported communist China throughout the plandemic, we can see where this will go next time round.

We should all be deeply concerned about it, and urge the anti-vax rally folk to take up this issue after they have “sacked the lot of them.” Don’t forget to check out the rally details for your state.

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German Interior Minister Goes Full Prepper By John Steele

You know that people in Europe are entering hard and dangerous times, when the authorities welcome the ordinary people to become preppers, as this report from Germany indicates. In fact, having a food and medical supply stockpile as far as possible, is sensible for everyone.

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The Ukrainian Bioweapons Program By Richard Miller (London)

In a war that involves misinformation at levels never before seen in previous wars, due to the magic of IT, we need to take reports with a bag of salt. That said, the Russians are claiming United States government is directly involved in “military biological activities” in Ukraine, including “representatives of the U.S. Department of Defense and American companies with ties to it.” All to the tune of at least a quarter of a billion dollars. If this is so then the question needs to be asked how exactly did the “good guys” with the red, white and blue hats intend to use these bioweapons without destroying their people as well?

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Sex Strike as a Leftist Fightback By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, a play written in the year 411 B.C.E., in women stage a sex strike to force men to stop the Peloponnesian War. The Left has nothing original and now some feminists are proposing the same to undermine the decision by the supreme court of the United States to over-turn Roe v Wade. The problem here is that the sex ban would only impact upon liberal soy boy types, not red-blooded conservative men and women, who would never entertain such nonsense.

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US Majority Believe Abortion Should be Illegal By Mrs Vera West

It is said that for Australians opinion polls show that attitudes to abortion are matters of personal choice, which is probably correct given that Australia has ceased to be a Christian country and is in the grip of secular liberalism and materialism. But, the US has a different perspective, with most Americans believe abortion should be either “mostly” or “always” illegal, and support banning abortion after 15 weeks, a Fox News poll, released this week revealed. It was found that 54 percent favour banning abortion in their respective state after 15 weeks of pregnancy, compared to 41 percent who oppose, and more favour banning abortion in their state after just six weeks than oppose, 50 percent to 46 percent. Thus, the stage is set for major social unrest.

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Moderna’s mRNA Vax and Repeated Infections By Chris Knight (Florida)

Much of the critiques of mRNA Covid vaxxes has been directed to Pfizer, but, let us not forget about Moderna. The authors of “Anti-nucleocapsid antibodies following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the blinded phase of the mRNA-1273 Covid-19 vaccine efficacy clinical trial”wrote: “Among participants with PCR-confirmed Covid-19 illness, seroconversion to anti-N Abs at a median follow up of 53 days post diagnosis occurred in 21/52 (40%) of the mRNA-1273 vaccine recipients vs. 605/648 (93%) of the placebo recipients (p < 0.001).” What this translate too is that recipients of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely. So, the mRNA vaxxes definitely have something for everybody.


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The Abortion Ruling Leak is an Act of Intimidation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As far as I am aware even has not run a grand conspiracy theory about the leaking of the judgment over-turning Roe v Wade, the abortion case. So, here it goes. Many have said that the unintended effects of the release will be to give a focus point to the Left, who will now be fighting an election written in blood, since nothing comes close to the religious value of Roe v Wade. I think this was all deliberate, that the leak was not by some unimportant law clerk, but came from a liberal judge. Who, I have no idea, but it could be anyone. It is easy to see that releasing the judgment would set up the forces leading to pressure being put on the conservative judges, who will buckle under the stress. And, there will be the added benefit of the Democrats getting a record turnout in November, armed with high levels of electoral fraud, which will give them the right to be dictators. Nasty how it all goes together.

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The Collapse of Russia and the Beginning of the End of the West By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Alexander Maistrovoy is the author of Agony of Hercules or a Farewell to Democracy (Notes of a Stranger), and he puts the case that the West using the Ukraine conflict to cripple Russia, if not lead to its collapse, will have the effect of driving Russia firmly into china’s orbit, which is already occurring now. Russia will thus cease to be a buffer between the West and Asia, especially the Islamic sphere. As Maistrovoy says: “There are large Muslim enclaves in Russia itself, including Chechnya, other Caucasian republics and the Volga republics: Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and others. Islamic radical groups, branches of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis operate everywhere here. In the event of a losing or weakening of control from the Kremlin, they inevitably (as in other failed states) try to create a series of “caliphates,” like the Islamic State. With the support of the gigantic Muslim communities in Russia’s major cities, they will get a base for further advances to the West. In such a case, they will get assistance from Turkey, which regards significant parts of Ukraine and Russia as a natural part of the new Ottoman Caliphate. Crimea, the historical vassal of Turkey, will be drawn into the orbit of the new “Sublime Porte” too.

The regimes of Central Asia are to a large extent supported by Russian bayonets. If Moscow withdraws from the region, the Afghan Taliban, successfully brought back to power by President Biden and his team, will immediately fill the resulting vacuum. The huge territories of largely artificial states, such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and others, will turn into a single “caliphate” and a natural reserve for terrorist groups. At the same time, masses of refugees from these countries will rush to the West in search of salvation. Compared to these unrestrained flows, the migration of 2015 will be child’s play.”

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SACK THEM ALL! By John Reed (Adelaide)

Saturday 14 May, Adelaide, there will be a rally to organise a political backlash against the shocking Covid mandates we have had forced upon us. I think there will be similar protests across the country, so check it out.