Aerosolized Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles and Other Bioweapons! Coming to Your Favourite US City! By chris Knight (Florida)

Covered in a previous article was the story about how there was a planned release   of aerosolized, skin-penetrating spike protein nanoparticles into wild bat populations in China to immediately leap to humans, a real story right out of fiction like On Her Majesties Secret Service. DRASTIC has confirmed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) created 180 strains of coronavirus bioweapons and put them under the control of the communist Chinese. It has been alleged that CCP-run bioweapons deployment teams have crossed the US border, carrying MERS-augmented biological weapons with at least a 30 percent fatality rate. These teams will be on the ready to release the disease into US cities. I suppose the Democrats who are still alive will blame white supremacists, the punching bags of today.

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The Covid Conspiracy Theorists were Pretty Much Right about Everything! By James “Conspiracy” Reed

Mike Whitney, at Unz Review gives a neat summary of all the controversial points in the present great Covid debate. In short, almost all the points made previously by the so-called conspiracy theorists, like Alex Jones, have come true, an important one being the lab origin of Covid, and the dark backstory of gain of function research that generated Covid as well as far more lethal viruses that will also be released when convenient. Covid was simply a test-run, a warm up for the main event, yet to come. We have not seen anything yet.

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The Conspiracy to Suppress Data about Covid Vax Adverse Reactions By Brian Simpson

Whistle-blowers from the US Department of Health and Human Services,  have claimed there is a federal conspiracy to suppress widespread injury and death caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. This is done by the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) creating a set of  coding rules that hospitals are required to adhere to. The result of the application of these rules is that doctors routinely mis-classify severe illness and death in the recently vaccinated, coding it instead as an unvaccinated Covid case or an unvaccinated Covid death. Bingo, instant inflated Covid figures, and more fuel for vaccine hysteria. And, other whistle-blower insiders are reporting that hospitals are downplaying, of simply not reporting adverse effects from the Covid vaccines.

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Fear, Covid-Like Penetrating Nanoparticles! By Brian Simpson

When I first read about penetrating nanoparticles that the Wuhan lab had intended to work on and release, I thought it was a fringe dwelling right-wing racist conspiracy, but, not so. Recently leaked documents reveal that researchers working at and connected to to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were trying to obtain grant money for genetically engineered (GMO) bat coronaviruses that are capable of infecting humans, “skin-penetrating nanoparticles” containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” were to be used for transforming otherwise bat-only coronaviruses into highly infectious coronaviruses that could infect humans. And, there were other deadly viruses also in the research requests, with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance behind them. Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was also in the scheme, for gain of function research. And, we all know where that ended.

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The Great Covid Replacement of Workers is On! By Chris Knight (Florida)

In other posts we will cover the next stage of the Covid plandemic, how even health care workers are resigning rather than get the mandatory Covid vax jab. So, how will, and in fact is, the tyrannical system deal with this? Why, as usual, by turning to their beloved migration, to bring in replacement workers. This, though, is a bit more difficult than replacing manual labourers such as fruit pickers. But, they will try, because THEY never give up, never rest, never even close an eye.

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SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Poised to Acquire Complete Resistance” to the Existing Vaccines: Japanese Study By Brian Simpson

Japanese research is indicating that SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant “is poised to acquire complete resistance” to the existing vaccines. So, what does that mean for the Australian position? Well it is back to the drawing boards, as the country is locked down until the new vaccine, which will also soon be useless because of mutations. Thus, either Australia goes the way of natural immunity, or faces economic collapse. If the ICUs get overwhelmed, that is just the cost we should face. Build more, using all those vacant buildings from businesses that have gone bankrupt from the lockdowns.

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The Nuclear Pot Calling the Kettle, Black! By James Reed

North Korea has lashed out at the AUKUS strategic alliance, saying that it could launch a nuclear arms race. As I covered in another article about China’s nuclear arms build-up, this is is already occurring. Australia stand defenceless against nuclear attacks, and we either get weapons or perish. It is a “deep” as that.

“North Korea responded to the announcement of the AUKUS strategic alliance on Monday by calling it “irresponsible” and warning it could launch a “nuclear arms race.”

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Covid Vax Menstrual Blues By Mrs Vera West

Australian Left feminist singer Robyn Archer once sang a song about the menstruation blues. I looked at the song on YouTube and was too alarmed to post a link; I spare the reader, I suffered for you! Anyway, maybe that might be relevant today in a new post-feminist context with Covid allegedly causing changes to periods as well as unusual vaginal bleeding. The standard view is that this is nothing to worry about, and will not affect fertility. Oh, since this is a new experimental vaccine, how do they know? There has not been time to adequately test it, the vaccines being developed at “warp speed,” recommended by that silly fellow, Donny Crumpet, no Trumpet.

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The Great Covid Vax Booster Controversy By Brian Simpson

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) advisory committee on September 17 overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to distribute booster shots of Pfizer and Covid vaccine to the general public. However, that has not stopped lobbying for the boosters to be delivered, and the word on the street is that it is only a matter of time, because what Big Pharma wants, Big Pharma gets. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins believes that  COVID booster shots will  be recommended for  Americans in the upcoming weeks. This too will be the pattern for Australia, where even getting one, or two jabs will still mean that without endless booster shots, one remains “unvaccinated.” Covid is forever.

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Another Warning of Impending French Civil War By Richard Miller (London)

A little while ago there were a group of French generals warning of an impending civil war. Now conservative presidential candidate Xavier Bertrand is also warning that France faces the risk of a “civil war” due its problems with gang violence and uncontrolled mass immigration. Well, an election is coming so I suppose these sorts of noises will be made. Really though, when are the French going to put down their wine and hot snail-filled croissants, and get down to the nitty gritty of civil war? Personally, from what I have seen of France, the place will fall apart sooner than that. It is almost as bad as my dump, Not-Great Britain.

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Importing Diverse Diversities By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Afghan migrants that the West are so eagerly importing bring with them cultural enrichment beyond the wildest conception of deracinated, decultured whites. Each migrant comes with their own beatific halo, if the dream team financed by George Soros is correct. If only the entire country of Afghanistan could be towed back to the United States and transplanted here! Then we will know true happiness. I don’t see why we should worry about diseases coming along for the ride, as we have diseases enough in this country here to share. Isn’t that on the Statute of Liberty, or is it Statute of Mass Migration?


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No Right of Self-Defence By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mark and Patricia McCloskey are St. Louis   lawyer couple who took up guns to defend themselves and home from a crazed mob of BLKM protesters who were threatening them. While they faced having almost every charge in the book laid against them, ultimately they accepted, foolishly I believe, guilty pleas to misdemeanours stemming from the incident. And what is happening now is that Missouri’s chief disciplinary counsel is asking the Missouri Supreme Court to suspend their law licenses! So, the moral of the story is to fight everything through to the bitter end, otherwise you lose.

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Jim Goad on the Absence of White Guys at University By James Reed

Jim Goad in his weekly agony column, discusses the decline of males at universities, a trend seen across the West. This is especially so for white males. Personally, I welcome this trend, since the universities have become horrible politically correct cesspools. Men are far better off getting practical skills from trades, or doing technical studies. Later, after systems collapse, these places can be retaken, in a totally reformed format. It is only a strategic retreat.


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Covid Jabs: Going Straight to the Heart By Brian Simpson

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, is a condition can cause symptoms similar to a heart attack, including chest pain, shortness of breath, abnormal heartbeat and fatigue. Once again, the nation of Israel, one of the most highly vaxed nations on Earth, supplies a study of the relationship of myocarditis and the Covid vax. One study from Israel showed that the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA jab is associated with a threefold increased risk of myocarditis, leading to the condition at a rate of one to five excess events per 100,000 persons. There are other  elevated risks such as  lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), appendicitis and herpes zoster infection. It is interesting to speculate why a herpes infection would occur: where does that come from?

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The Biggest Medical Experiment in Human History By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, the essence preserved here for future generations, says that Pfizer admits it’s treating Israel as a unique “laboratory” to assess Covid vaccination effects, and whatever happens in Israel can be expected to happen in other populations some time later. This makes Israel the “biggest medical experiment in human history,” as Dr Mercola puts it. And the results of this “experiment” are coming in, and they are not supportive of the magic bullet view of the vaccines held by the Australian elites.  For example, on August 5, 2021, Dr. Kobi Haviv, director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, appeared on Channel 13 News, stating that 95 percent of severely ill COVID-19 patients were fully vaccinated. They made up 85 percent to 90 percent of Covid-related hospitalizations. Later, on August 20, 2021, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that the Israeli data “suggest increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early.” So, the grand Covid experiment may not be going the way Big Pharma had hoped. Or, is it?

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The Pile of Corpses at the Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

When I first saw reference to the allegations of Donald Trump that there were dead bodies dumped outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and of the former US director of ­national intelligence that the first Chinese scientists to fall sick with Covid-19 are now missing, I felt that I needed to get a super-reliable source. And there it is, The, reporting this, so we know that the story is good and nutritious. Thus, it seems that the body dumping event took place in early as July or August 2019 which is five months before China admitted to the World Health Organisation there was an outbreak. It makes the lab leak hypothesise even more plausible.

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The Fear to Talk/Think at the Universities By James Reed

While this discussion relates to the US university, I am sure that the situation is the same for Australia, since right across the West the Left absolutely dominate the university sectors. Students are afraid of expressing their opinions on social and political issues because of the woke environment that has been created. Any student who is offended can immediately lodge a discipline complaint. So, people are silent. I heard of one case of an older Right-wing guy at a particular Australian university, who was doing law, with a typical feminist lecturer. He expressed a traditionalist view of women. This infuriated the lecturer so much that she asked for an apology. When he did not give it, saying it was what he believed, she called security to have him removed. There were some other incidents that led to him being suspended, all for holding to conservative views, such as on the influx of foreign students, the university’s breads and butter, which were not tolerated. I say he was wasting his time at university. He had small computer repair business, and should have stuck to that; let the universities crumble under the weight of their own rottenness.

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China’s Nuclear Build Up: Why Australia Needs Nukes! By James Reed

Whenever I can, I advocate that Australia needs to acquire nuclear missiles. If these are US missiles, moved to the Northern coast, or carried in subs, it does not matter. Yes, China has said that the new AUKUS alliance makes Australia a nuclear target. But, Australia has always been a target. Nothing much has changed, except an attack upon a nuclear-armed Australia will have consequences for the communist China. Here are details about China’s rapid nuclear build-up.

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The Evils of Wokeness By Chris Knight (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson has given a great discussion of the evils of wokeness, or political correctness, as it used to be called before it got even crazier. Wokeness had existed in many other revolutions which were supposed to be establishing social justice, but ended up with tyranny, such as the French revolution, and the Russian revolution. And, all regimes of wokeness come with their own mythology, that the present social order is inequitable and in need of radical change, and the new class will save the day. The present BLM/antifa wokeness is perhaps the most radical deconstruction we have seen, since it holds that all the institutions of America, and indeed the West, are cursed by white privilege, that needs to be disassembled, in favour of some form of communism. All the cultural elements seen in movements like Mao’s cultural revolution are now being assembled, with the endgame no doubt being to ensure the mastery of communist China. Wokeness is a political weapon against the West and its traditions.

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Most Covid Deaths in England Now in Vaccinated: Shows Vaccines are “Working”! Really? By Brian Simpson

An article in The, a high quality Left blog that discusses the big issues, admits that in the UK more vaccinated people are dying from Covid than unvaccinated. According to a report from Public Health England (PHE), 163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the Delta variant within 28 days of a positive Covid test between February 1 and June 21, had received at least one dose of the vaccine. It is claimed that this is to be expected, and is explained by the age differential: “The risk of dying from COVID doubles roughly every seven years older a patient is. The 35-year difference between a 35-year-old and a 70-year-old means the risk of death between the two patients has doubled five times – equivalently it has increased by a factor of 32. An unvaccinated 70-year-old might be 32 times more likely to die of COVID than an unvaccinated 35-year-old. This dramatic variation of the risk profile with age means that even excellent vaccines don’t reduce the risk of death for older people to below the risk for some younger demographics. … the 20-fold decrease in risk afforded by the vaccine isn’t enough to offset the 32-fold increase in underlying risk of death of a 70-year-old over a 35-year-old. Given the same risk of infection, we would still expect to see more double-vaccinated 70-year-olds die from COVID than unvaccinated 35-year-olds.”

That may be so, but it does not explain one obvious thing: that there are still substantial numbers of young vaccinated, even double vaccinated, still getting Covid, as the example of Israel dramatically shows. Whether the vaccines reduce deaths or not, the question is one of their efficiency, for one gets vaccinated to get immunity, not get the very disease one has got the vax for. If this was a tetanus vaccine, and people were getting the same results, one would be really careful not to step on a rusty nail from the soil. The case of Israel, covered at this blog indicates that vaccine efficiency, if it existed, is falling off. Hence the boosters. And more boosters.

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