Does Afghanistan Even Exist? By Richard Miller (London)

Daniel Greenfield has an interesting argument that Afghanistan as a country did not exist before the West politically constructed it, and what here has been there, as in Africa, are groups of tribes, and commitment to the tribal order comes before any notion of nation. The United States could not grasp, that being brainwashed by modernist concepts such as equality, that there are no racial differences and the like. As well, Greenfield argues, they could not understand the social dynamics of the region. Worse, the West wants to make everyone on the planet like themselves, when in fact this is not possible, that the ideas and modes of living of the West in many respects cannot be maintained in places like Afghanistan. Things will go back to how they were before the Americans intervened. It is just the natural order.

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An Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Apocalypse? By Brian Simpson

“Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), is the hypothesis that of vaccines priming the immune system for a hyper-inflammatory response to future infections. Thus, the immune system goes into overload, and somehow self-destructs. Mike Adams presents the case for this below. The caveat is made that this is hypothesis as yet, but it is scientific, having some background evidence, and is capable of verification and falsification, if only speculative at present. But, since the consequences could be the deaths of millions, and a crash of civilisation, at least, we should at least hear this out. That does not imply endorsement, only an open mind.   

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Uncovering Vaccine Injuries By Chris Knight (Florida)

Natural is doing a good job on Covid vaccine injury reporting, and this article extracted below deals with Moderna, which has got less critical attention than the other vaccines.  The article discusses a leaked report that alleges that the number of vaccine injuries from this vaccine is much greater than recorded in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).


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Is it a False Comparison between BLM Protests and Anti-Lockdown Protests? By James Reed

The material below from July 26 from, where the case is attempted to be made that the Leftist antifa/BLM protests were peaceful, like being at church, but with masks and social distancing. Well, for America, there may have been masks, but that was solely a disguise, not Covid related. And it is a joke to say that these were not the most violent confrontations yet seen in America; YouTube stuff is still up. As for Australia, much less violence that is sure, but the two events are completely different, as the Covid protesters are actually the victims, while BLM are not imprisoned. As well, across the world the Leftist protests were permitted, even being super-spreader events, but the anti-lockdown protests, suppressed. And, Google images does show many BLM protesters with Covid-style masks, but I dare say most back in 2020 did not have them, or at least a sizeable percentage.

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The Tragedy of Covid Lockdown Suicides: The Case Against Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

Australia has a mental health crisis, especially suicides, which itself has been described by some authorities as a “pandemic,” which is a suggestive term. That is not a matter of debate. It is a reasonable hypothesis that the so-called Covid pandemic, and mainly the attempt to deal with it by lockdowns, are the most probable causes. The main demographic affected is the young, especially young woman, who suffer acutely from the isolation effects of being locked down in their cages. This is especially problematic given the failure of lockdowns to control the spread of the virus, as argued in extract two and three below. Presented is a comprehensive summary of the health ill-effects of lockdowns.


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Antifa Getting Down and Dirty at Covid Rallies Now By James Reed

I thought just for a moment, that antifa, supposedly being against the Big Capitalist system, including Big Pharma, would be against Covid lockdowns and all that, as there is a racial bow to draw, and it seems to be a Leftist thing to do. But no, here they were in LA opposing Trumpers, and stabbing one. So, antifa are beyond hope. But, not beyond dope, I suppose. Beyond baths though.

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Knocking on Paedo’s Door? By James Reed

It is a toss-up who I dislike from the 1960s pop culture more, the Beatles of Dylan. Anyway, leaving that aside, Dylan is being sued for allegedly abusing a 12-year-old girl. I wonder why the woman who is 68-years-old, left this so long, and why she did not go to the police decades ago, if it is true? But, innocent until proven guilty, and this case is a civil one where damages are being sought. The threshold of evidence is lower, the balance of probabilities, rather than beyond reasonable doubt. So, we suspend judgement and see how it goes. The answer my friend, will not be blowing in the wind, but in a civil trial by jury. Maybe Dylan, if he wins, could write a song about it, like his support for the Hurricane Carter (1975), which seems to have been the wrong horse to back:


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Umar Haque on the Rise of the Taliban After the Fall of Libtard US Regime By Chris Knight (Florida)

Let’s get right down to it, and review the case made by a respectable thinker from the left, Umar Haque, who I take on in this article. He writes with passion about how the Taliban will punish people who adopted US liberal practices, especially women, and that is true.  I let him put his case.


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The CCP Sees the Lessons from US Humiliation in Afghanistan By Charles Taylor (Florida, former US Marine)


Beijing Biden was slow of the mark, as is usual for someone with dementia, to comment on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and he took no questions at the press conference. And he said that a Taliban take over was not inevitable, even as it happened!  That should be enough to have Biden removed from office and placed in an old folks home where he can eat ice-cream all day.

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The Libtard Mind in a Nutshell By Charles Taylor

You just have to see the before and after pictures of CNN reporter Clarissa Ward to see the mindset of the libtard. Before, normal female Western dress. After, the fall of Afghanistan, she is all in black clothing, just a bit of face showing. Then she says that the background Taliban rabble, who were chanting “Death to America,” were strangely friendly. Another video has her questioning the Taliban about women’s rights, while she is all-robed up! Yep, senile Beijing Biden is their kind of president in their world of liberal-Left delusion.


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Taiwan is Going to Fall Quickly Now and the CCP March Begins By James Reed

China is getting ready to attack Taiwan now. Any day now. Get ready for the end times.

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Surely We are Not a TOTAL Police State? Maybe Tomorrow By James Reed

Look, it might sound bad when police pepper spray teenage girls. Ok, fair suck of the sav! What about the Taliban, where the same teenage girls would be farmed off to Taliban fighters? Or the woman shot for not wearing a mask, sorry, burqa. See, we do have freedom!  Stop picking on Australia, you American bullies! At least we did not just lose an entire country like your senile leader did!


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Stand and Resist the Great Reset! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have met Rand Paul, and he strikes me as far better, and sincerer than Trump. I agree that the Great Reset must be resisted, but his claim of going the way of the Left, through mass civil disobedience, is one that I don’t see as relevant yet. There are far better, totally legal ways of attacking the Great Reset, and the Great Replacement by mass immigration, such as a general strike especially by truckers, electrical power station workers, and water supply. It can be done legally and peacefully, and much more effectively, really hurting the system at its weak points.

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Should Those Who Disagree with the Mainstream Covid Ideology be Executed? Some Think So! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a telling example of the real extremism that the Covid plandemic is producing, but it is seen on the establishment side, irony or no irony. Not much else to say, but read on, and take note, friend, of the attitude and its significance.

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Covid Vaccinations and Viral Evolution By Brian Simpson

The present cult of vaccination is ignoring some basis facts about evolution. The present mRNA vaccines target the spike proteins, but in highly mutating viruses like SARS-CoV-2, changing these protein sequences by mutation is likely, so the virus will evolve to defeat the vaccine. One opinion is that natural immunity gives much wider protection: A Sette and S. Crotty, “Cross-Reactive Memory T Cells and Herd Immunity to SARS-CoV-2,” Nature Reviews Immunology, October, 2020.


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The More Educated, the More Vaccine Hesitant, So Ban Education! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Well, surprise, surprise, a new study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant. This indicates that these people are doing some research and basic thinking and making up their own minds. I am surprised in one way, given the way the system has worked pro-vax as a woke issue, but I guess with the Covid plandemic, the old boundaries are no longer applicable, and saving one’s skin transcends wokeness. That too, is an interesting result, as there is the potential for members of the new class to break ranks.

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Lockdowns No Longer Justified, if They Ever Were By Brian Simpson

With most of Australia in lockdown mode, maybe until the end of time, or until the governments collapse under the weight of their own stupidity, it is worth considering some contrary international opinions, such as that of Professor Andrew Hayward, a University College London epidemiologist, a top SAGE adviser to the UK government, who has said that lockdowns can no longer be justified, and that there should be a targeted approach to the most vulnerable, which is what Sweden and Japan have done. That way, there may be something of an economy left.


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Justice for Ashli Babbitt By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The murder of ex-service woman Ashli Babbitt is symbol of all that is evil in the present once United States of America. This killing of an unarmed woman, literally shot while being pushed by others, was a show execution, just like the arrests, and torture of the January 6 peaceful protesters, while violent Leftist antifa/BLM arsonist and urban terrorists, were released, uncharged. Trump has finally said something about Ashli’s brutal, possibly racist assassination, which is about time. I lobbied hard here in the US for the supporters of the fat man to take a stand, and maybe it had some impact, I don’t know. I was going to go to Trump rallies with a sign and risk getting attacked by the great brain-dead Trump worshipers. I will write to the family expressing my sorrow.

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Laura Laughs at Australia’s Covid Freak-Out! By Brian Simson

Whoa! The US press is laughing at Australia’s Covid restrictions, including quasi-martial law in Sydney, which will almost certainly doom the Liberals in the next election. Still, America does not seem much better, as today’s blog posts from our friends in Florida, show.

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If it is Ok to Self-Identify as a Pizza, then it is Ok to Self-Identify as a Vaxed Person, If Not Vaxed! By Mrs Vera West

The gender agenda holds that sex is a social construct, that binary distinctions are totally arbitrary, and that there can be an infinite number of sexes, genders, whatever, and that a person can define their sex to be whatever. So, does that mean that I can, if not vaccinated, define myself as vaccinated, because   I self-identify as a vaccinated person? I can’t see what is wrong with that, so maybe this is how I will go. It makes more sense that thinking you are a pizza!


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