The Covid Narrative and Propaganda Overdrive By James Reed

I came across this great article from The Daily which gives an overview of the Covid propaganda narrative, ranging from how the medical authorities changed the definition of “vaccine” to suit the mRNA gene therapies, to the declining effectiveness of the vaccines, as evidenced by the need for booster shots (as seen in Israel), while simultaneously holding that the vaccines are the best thing since sliced bread, maybe even better.


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Once Again Soros Behind Afghan Immigration Push By Chris Knight (Florida)

It goes like clockwork; whenever there is an immigration crisis, Soros is there to splash money around to bring them in. He has now got together his own A-team of former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to serve as Honorary Co-Chairs of an organization to support the welcoming of Afghan migrants into the United States of America. How the elites must laugh as they bury white America, who have thrown their lot in with losers, or controlled opposition like Trump. While it is too late to save this country, I am hoping for a type of Samson scenario, as the whole rotten temple falls down, not by our side doing anything, but rather under the weight of its own corruption.

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Lo, the Covid Predators By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, discusses the views and book by Dr. Peter Breggin, author of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, available on There has developed a collective insanity, a psychopathy over Covid, he argues: “How does it make sense that they're absolutely ignoring the fact that, in America, we now have over 14,000 reports of deaths from the [COVID] ‘vaccine’ and no one is investigating it? No one's doing anything. In the years before this, if a vaccine had more than 20 or 30 [deaths], and certainly over 100, it would be a catastrophe.

Now we have a vaccine that has more deaths than all the other vaccines put together. How can we ignore that? On the other hand, we get all these huge [falsely inflated] numbers of deaths from COVID-19 … So, we're looking at this situation and [asking] is that crazy?

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The Short and the Long, on Long Covid By Brian Simpson

Long Covid, the alleged ill health effects from unvaccinated people having Covid, then recovering, has become one argument against those advocating natural immunity, since the Israeli study showing the superiority of natural immunity over the vaccines. However, while long Covid appear to exist, the number of sufferers is much less than previously thought. As well, the laundry list of symptoms is much less severe than the adverse effects possible from vaccines. Clearly, there are risks with every course of action.   

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Feminist Gun-slinging Actress, Against Guns By John Steele

Many of the films of actress Angelina Jolie involve her using guns and other weapons, like in the film Tomb Raider. However, while having that screen persona, she is now busy lobbying Congress on gun control. It is the typical hypocrisy that the acting New Class have. Many want guns banned, but employ armed security guards to protect their loot. The Australian New Class are less vocal, but no different. Unfortunately, they have enjoyed considerable success in eliminating firearms, and other passive measures, such as over-the-top security measures, make it difficult for young people to own firearms at all in this socialist New World Order republic.

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Demography is Destiny By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Bret Stevens has his take on the recent US Census findings that white American population numbers are rapidly declining, something which surveys indicate they do not care about. But, when America descends to South African levels of anarchy, and the 2020 riots were a taste of what is to come,  don’t care be made to care, perhaps, if the race suicide level is not too deep.

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The Usual US Weekly Covid Vax Misery Report By Brian Simson

As I do each time weekly, I consult Childrens’ Health, for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data on US deaths and adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines. Between December 14, 2020 and September 10, 2021, a total of 701,561 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported with the data including a total of 14,925 reports of deaths.  This is an increase of 419 over last week. There were 91,523 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period. This is an increase of 3,352 compared with last week. The numbers indicate a steady rise in deaths and injuries, with no sign of stopping.

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On Eating mRNA Vaccines! By Mrs Vera West

The bright idea has dawned on scientists to move beyond needles for the Great Vax Reset, and to just put it directly into vegetables! People could grow their own vaccine-genetically modified lettuces in their own gardens, and consume vaccines with every burger. When I first saw this at a particular site, I thought it was a joke, but a bit more checking revealed that these scientists are deadly serious. Deadly. Serious. It will put a whole new argument for little Johnnie not wanting to eat his veges. Of course, all the more reason to grow vegetables at home, as is done in Russia, which I will cover below.

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England’s Surprising Covid Vax Death Toll By Richard Miller (London)

Here is material Aussies, and I suppose most people in the UK, are not seeing; 30,305 people have died within twenty-one days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first 6 months of 2021! The Expose.UK makes a case for this using official Office for National Statistics data. Public Health Scotland  in their ‘Covid-19 Statistical Report,’ stated that 5,522 people had died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine between December 8th 2020 and June 11th 2021 in Scotland. And, for the UK, for August 2021, 80 percent of the people who allegedly died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the disease. The UK experience is thus another nail in the coffin of the Australian approach.

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There Goes New Zealand! By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi, Now in Prison Planet Sydney)

Radicals want to turn back the clock making New Zealand into what it once was, a Maori land. The name will be changed to “Aotearoa,” which somehow makes me think of the heart and heart by-pass operations, I don’t know why. And I guess that the socialist feminist who runs the communist cesspool will be happy to do so. Who cares anymore? New Zealand has fallen into the CCP orbit, and I imagine that the new overlords are not going to put up with nonsense from the locals; look at how things are run in China. That will mean that these radicals would be better spending their time learning Mandarin, which reminds me of a small citrus fruit, instead of dreaming of imagined communities and the long, lost past.

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The CDC and Natural Covid Immunity By Chris Knight (Florida)

A surprising one, where the vaccine-obsessed CDC admits that natural immunity offers better protection than the Covid vaccines. If so, then it raises the issue of why those who have had Covid, are still expected to get vaccinated. Because it is part of the dark New World Order conspiracy to control every body, and every mind.

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Cancer and the Covid Vaxes By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet another Covid vax adverse effect that we are not finding reported in the mainstream: a possible increase in cancer in vaccinated patients. I have not found any scientific articles about this, but here is one observational report by an American board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of a diagnostics lab.

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Living the Life of a Hobbit By James Reed

At long last, something to write about which is not depressing! I have always thought that it would be a grand life to live as a Hobbit, in the world of The Lord of the Rings. Now some people in Italy have done just that. It would be a much better life than the one I know, a delightful way of dropping out.

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Resignation about the Great Resignation By Chris Knight (Florida)

To now go alongside the Great Replacement comes the Great Resignation, a vast exodus from the work force. The US figures are the most dramatic. “According to the U.S. Department of Labor, during the months of April, May, and June 2021, a total of 11.5 million workers quit their jobs. Recent studies indicate that it's likely not over. A survey of over 30,000 workers conducted by Microsoft found that 41 percent are considering quitting; that number jumps to 54 percent when Gen-Z is considered alone. Gallup found that 48 percent of employees are actively searching for new opportunities. And Persio reported that 38 percent of those they surveyed planned to make a change in the next six months.” The causes of this fleeing from the workforce, which could be permanent, the lockdowns and working from home has led to the majority of those fleeing, rethinking their life and work, and deciding that the job was not worth it anyway. Apart from this phenomenon, there is the issue of the economic costs of the Covid lockdowns, which have pushed even more workers out the work force. Finally, other workers will not return to the workforce, because they cannot, as the system moves to marginalise those who choose not to have the Covid vax. So, again, these forces will ensure that things will be getting mighty desperate in the future.

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Over-Eating, Not the Cause of Obesity By Mrs Vera West

Common-sense, bless it, would suggest that over-eating causes obesity, for after all, if more energy by way of food is put into the human body, then it will be stored as fat for a rainy day, or more accurately, when food supplies are low. But, a recently published paper shows that this model is simplistic, because while being right about the thermodynamic fundamentals, socially the causes of obesity lie in low quality foods based around processed carbohydrates, such as sugar. In other words, it is the nutrient quality of foods which is the key. One could eat many sweets, but less so steamed vegetables.

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Social Stress and Population Decline By James Reed

Alexander Suvorov, associate professor in the UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences, has published a paper in the journal Endocrinology, proposing that the projected decline in world population beginning in 2064, is due to social stress. Stress from social media and social interactions may be contributing to changes in reproductive behavior and reproductive physiology. "Rising population numbers contribute to less meaningful social interactions, social withdrawal and chronic stress, which subsequently suppresses reproduction.” No doubt that is a factor, but it is unlikely to be the full truth, since there are other factors at work. One, covered at this blog by Mrs Vera West, is the coming crash in sperm quantity and quality, which could doom the human race long before 2064. While stress does decrease sperm quantity as Suvorov admits, the adverse effects are too great to be due to stress alone, and are occurring right across the planet, so it is more likely that hormone disrupting chemicals are involved. This is but one factor in a series of converging catastrophes, racing up to destroy us.

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Home-Schooling Explodes (No-one Injured, All Doing Well) By Mrs Vera West

I did not find anything as interesting going through Australian material, but for the US, home-schooling is expanding rapidly. The lockdowns from Covid have been the driving force for this, with parents moving into home schooling in the lockdowns, and finding that the education results were far better than sending children to schools which have come to resemble war zones. No doubt, as the social chaos continues to engulf America, and indeed the West, parents will feel that it is safer to home-school their children than send them into the white board jungle. For one thing, things like Cortical, sorry, Critical Race Theory can be ignored, and educational material in the sciences mathematics and classical literature undertaken. And, they will not have to suffer ill health from obsessive compulsive mask wearing.

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US On Track to Default on the National Debt By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am not an economist, and no doubt there are much better scholars to comment upon this than me, but since I am here, my plain man’s take of the US defaulting on the national debt, is that there is the potential for disaster, and widespread conflict. The Treasury for one thing would run out of money if the House and Congress are unable to get the debt limit raised. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said that this will "cause irreparable damage to the U.S. economy and global financial markets." That might be significant, even true.

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Hollywood Sells Out to China By James Reed

As detailed below, as China is of 2020, a bigger market for film than North America, Hollywood has swiftly moved to make sure that films do not offend the communist regime, at least those set to be released there to meet the CCP quota. This has involved careful handling of Chinese issues, and characters. Should we care? I do not believe so, since Hollywood is a highly decadent force. In fact, woke movies are going to perform poorly, which will create a massive problem for the Hollywood agenda. As well, China is developing an internal film industry to compete with, and hopefully eclipse Hollywood. I would love to see them go broke one day.

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Let a Thousand Law Suits Bloom! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As we have reported, Joe Biden has issued a vaccine mandate, requiring that all businesses with over 100 workers have employees vaccinated against Covid-19. Unlike more socialist countries like the UK and Australia, America has the remnant of a libertarian system, where individual freedom is highly valued, and Biden is trampling over the remains of that tradition. Consequently, about 26 US states are set to challenge the mandate. As detailed in the discussion below citing legal scholars, all bets are off how this will pan out in the Supreme Court of the United States. There are complexities such as the role of religious exemptions, which will carry more weight in American jurisprudence than they do in more secular societies such as Australia. Overall, we are not going to get bored, at least, as turbulent times are ahead.

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