Blame it on the Racists and Russians, the Usual Suspects! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Just in case you thought the Russia hoax had gone away, think again. The New Class are now spinning a complex web, blaming anti-vaxism upon Russian false news and misinformation, and as well white supremacism, racism, all the present day boogies of the Beijing Biden regime! It is all a strategy to get the military and the rest of the commo team that runs America, ready for the killing fields that all Left wing regimes eventually have. Maybe that might get the conservatives to be a wee bit less conservative?


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Now Even Peer-Reviews Studies are Fake News! By Brian Simpson

The cancel culture of big tech, which is censoring everything on Covid that is not mouthing World Health Organization print-off, now censors even a peer-reviewed scientific study discussing the dangers of wearing a face mask! Clearly, this enforcement of medical fascism will have adverse health effects in itself. What if, as is likely the case, that mask wearing does produce ill-health? Why should these acts be suppressed? The classic example was suppression of the Wuhan lab release origins hypothesis for Covid, which conveniently allowed the Chinese to cover up.

We really are in clown world, with the clowns running the show, but not the nice clown of the circus, but more like the ones seen in Hollywood movies that give people clown fear.

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The Tribe that Lost its Mind By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A great article from American - which always gives me a pang of sadness, when I instantly reflect that any such greatness has gone, perhaps never to return due to civilizational burnout - on how the US has gone mad in a matter of months. As shown by the South Africa example, collapse can come just as quickly. The often-cited case of the fall of the Roman empire, which was a somewhat long-drawn out affair, is not so relevant to what we are seeing in our hyper-manic globalised cesspool. Social madness comes before the Great Fall, acting to dissolve the normal structures that secured social order.


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Spyware, Everywhere By Tom North

Pegasus spyware licensed by Israel-based NSO Group, was used in attempted and successful hacks of 37 smartphones of journalists, government officials and human rights activists. This news has been greeted with shock! horror! But really in a globalised technocratic society, where power is now decided by IT adventures, what else would one expect? I imagine that the Pegasus controversy is only a very small part of what is going on. If one does not want to be spied on, don’t use their goodies. Easy. Well, maybe not, since most people are now so ingrained with the IT framework, that they have become humanware appendices to the all-ruling computers.

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South Africa; Diverse One Day, Gone the Next By Michael Ferguson

I was the lucky ducky to draw the short straw to write on this depressing one on the collapse of South Africa. So, here goes. As I see it, all that has happened is not the result of poverty, which has always been there, set off by the spark of a corrupt former president getting arrested, or as the racists are proclaiming, an explicitly African problem. Rather, it was the inevitable product of the failure of diversity, that the tribes of Africa simply do not like each other, and once the trappings of the white man’s Enlightenment are removed, the natural order returns. There is nothing wrong with the natural order that existed before whites had the dream of uniting everyone in a so-called happy human family, as it produced sustainable societies, not liberal, but so what? It is what it is.


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Vaccination Tyranny, UK Style By Richard Miller (London)


Well, it has happened, but it was totally predictable; mandatory vaccine passports for big crowd events, here in merry, no dreary, old UK. And old Boris the boomer announced this on so-called “Freedom Day,” which really takes the cake and makes this place into George Orwell’s 1984, or beyond, to medical apartheid. At least Orwell’s dystopia did not have that.

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If North Korea Rejects it, then it Must be Good? By Brian Simpson

This event can be taken a number of ways, but North Korea has rejected shipments of the AstraZeneca vaccine because of concerns about side effects. The regime is also sceptical about the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine, so it is not an anti-vax nation as such. What is interesting is that this is another country raising doubts about AstraZeneca. Those doubts are not just for the under 40 year olds, but, everyone.

So, is there a problem here when entire nations raise objections, or can they be written off just as easily as individual critics?

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Lucky Duckies to Get WHO Covid Vax Digital Wallets (and a Jelly Bean Too)! By Brian Simpson

Here is more scary news. The World Health Organization is going to give people a digital wallet where they can store their Covid-19 vaccine certificates. “Countries will soon have the ability to opt in to the international program, which will function in a 1930s “papers, please” format, but this time on a global scale.” Well, if that image from the 1930s does not set off a warning, given what happened during that era, nothing will.


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Save the Animals with Vaccines! By Brian Simpson

If Coviddy jumped species, then we had better get down and vaccinate every creature crawling over the surface of the earth. Wait …what about sea creatures? It is going to be a bit of a logistic problem getting a syringe into them, few will keep still long enough. But with the aid of Moby Dick, I am sure they will do it. Nothing must stop the Covid New World order, not even, Nature.

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The CDC on Covid Vax Side-Effects By Brian Simpson

CDC deputy director Jay Butler has said that Pfizer’s Covid-19 booster shot may lead to a higher prevalence of serious adverse reactions. Butler also “reiterated data suggesting local reactions and rare side effects occur more frequently after the second dose in two-dose regimens.” That all sounds like more “good” news. I notice that Mrs West at this blog has not been saying much about her 16 shots a day.

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They Fear Revolt and Sheeple Rebellion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is ironic that Beijing Biden, the false president, has mocked Republicans for attempting to pass voter integrity legislation. Given that the Democrats have said that the 2020 election was the fairest in US history, what is there to hide or fear from this safety net? Well, there is plenty to fear, as the Arizona and Georgia audits are revealing mountains of electoral fraud. It would be nice to think that these rotters will be exposed, but the corruption of the US is deep now, so deep that most of the continent is a swamp, a political equivalent of the Everglades down here in Florida.

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Coming to Australia, the Great Replacement; So, Why Not Surrender to the CCP Now? By James Reed

Here is the demographic future for Australia, as I have been warning about for over 15 years at It is forecasted that over 75 percent of Australia’s population growth will be by immigration. It is well known that almost all of the migrants are Asians, so that is the Great Replacement for Australia. It is uncertain when Australia will have a non-white majority, but my guess is certainly not as soon as the US, but before Britain. If the Big Australia elites get their way, the replacement may be as soon as 20 years. But there are intervening factors, with global disease being a problem for the immigration wing of the elites. The Covid New World order division is in some conflict here, as national lockdowns have slowed down migration. Maybe a naturally caused pandemic, not produced in a lab, many times deadlier than Covid may evolve, which would be a real fly in the yoghurt of demographic replacement.

Then there is the possibility of invasion, recently raised by the second top Japanese defence minister, covered in another article at this blog. That will mean the Asianisation of Australia alright, but local elites will be replaced, irony of irony. Maybe global nuclear war will change the entire paradigm. I would like to see them try surviving that!

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Was the Lightening from God? By Chris Knight (Florida)

If God chooses to intervene and throw lightening from the Heavens, as in the Old Testament, I will not complain. Of course, it is un-Christian to pray for the destruction of our enemies, but if it happens, well, let us pray for them. God has sorted things out, and who am I to question?

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Biden; from Nuclear Threats, to Civil War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is hard to think of a head political leader in the modern West, who characterised his opponents as terrorists and national security threats, but senile Beijing Biden has done this, saying that Republicans are a greater threat to the United States than the Confederate soldiers of the Civil War. And the top monster has cheek to proclaim that Republicans are a threat to fair elections, when the corruption of the stolen election is slowly being revealed. I do not know why conservatives have not split up this cesspool of a pseudo nation, and still cling to the vain hope of turning this all around. We cannot, and should not, live with these people. It is like being in an abusive marriage, one requiring, the Great Divorce of secession. 


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Covid Vaccination Winter Time Blues By Brian Simpson

If I was Bob Dylan, maybe I would write a song about the negative reactions that the Covid vaccinated have experienced. But I am not, so I will keep the singing to the shower, under lockdown, but the title is inspired by Dylan, which does not mean much.  Anyway, enough waffle, let’s get down to serious matters, deadly serious, like death and negative reactions.

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The War Over Sewage! By James Reed

I found this item interesting, in a smelly kind of way. It seems that China is dumping so much raw sewage into the south China Sea, that it is visible from space. That is not a good sign. It may become too smelly to use the South China Sea as a trade route, with raw sewage polluting ships, corroding them away, rapidly. Worst of all, there could be sea monsters feeding on faeces, growing to Godzilla proportions, getting ready to attack Tokyo, as all the movies depict. Then after Tokyo is flattened, Sewage Godzilla might make a quick trip to Beijing, looking for more sewage. Sorry, lockdown has led to me drinking more than usual. The world seems more absurd than usual.

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The US Military Flying in Illegals in the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Beijing Biden is using the US military to fly illegals into the US interior. It is hard to think of a regime which has set out to deconstruct and replace itself like present day US. In many respects, the US has surpassed even Sweden in the national suicide stakes. Canada may be more woke, but the US is pathological. Tucker Carlson, who exposed this,  states that we are witnessing a demographic transformation, done in open contempt of the American people.

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Nationalism, the Great Threat to the Great Reset By James Reed

Nationalism is a threat to the Great Reset, or what we have for some time called, the New World Order. I add in now Covid New World Order, to recognise the significance of the plandemic. But, don’t take my word for it, Great Reset guru Klaus Schwab, who has been described as a James Bond-like villain, has said this in a viral video. These globalist elites are not pulling any punches now; it is all out in the open for endgame. The good thing will be, if they lose this time, they lose for ever and can be swept away into the dustbin of history. If they win, then the end point will be a burnt-out planet, meaninglessly circling the sun, until the sun expands and swallows the earth up in nuclear fire.

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French Anti-Vax Anger By Richard Miller (London)

This is not going to help the anti-vax cause, but it does show the level of anger building up in France, as vaccination centres get destroyed. One naturally wonders where this will go next, since the potential here for violence is surely much greater than the yellow vest protests. There is certainly French unrest, with nearly  114,000 people demonstrating in France recently against vaccination and the health pass, which will be required in many places from August 2021. In many respects, French president macron is creating a medical apartheid society:

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Cancel Culture Modern Day Witch Burning By James Reed

These sorts of cancel events by the Left are becoming more deranged. We covered one star whose career is set to be destroyed merely by talking to Trump. Now actress Megan Fox is being cancelled merely for noting how Trump was enthusiastically greeted when he walked into the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. That is merely an expression of fact, and says nothing about whether Trump is good or bad. Apparently the only thing tolerated when speaking about Trump is “orange man bad, racist.”

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