Experts Support Covid Lab Origins Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

Again, another great article by Dr Mercola on material that you will not see in Australia on the Covid origins issue.  He summarises the testimony of two US scientists who were called as witnesses at the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing, held June 29, 2021. They both support the lab leak hypothesis. There are many points of evidence discussed below, but the most important argument is that the actual virus itself shows clear evidence of genetic manipulation. SARS-CoV-2 has a unique trigger on the surface called a furin cleavage site. There is a unique code in the genes for that site called a CGG-CGG dimer. The furin site is what enables the virus to be so readily transmissible. In general, while furin sites are found in viruses like HIV, coronaviruses do not have them, and the coronaviruses to which SARS-CoV-2 belongs does not contain a single example of a furin cleavage site or CGG-CGG code. This is a key reason for believing that Covid-19 was cooked up in a lab. Read on.

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Any Opposition to the Beijing Biden Regime is Now defined as Terrorism, National Security Threat By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Miles Taylor a former Department of Homeland Security official went on MSNBC and said that the Republican Party is now a more serious national security threat than either Al-Qaeda or ISIS. That is but one opinion, but it does seem to represent the line taken by most Democrats from Biden to Pelosi to AOC. It is a total war against opponents, with a scorched earth policy. The persecution of the January 6 peaceful protesters was just a warm up for full-on USSR tyranny.

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China and Russia Unite for World War III By James Reed

American Military has reported on the comments by Japan’s number two defence official, that there could be a Pearl Harbor type of attack by China and Russia, to set off world War III. I have tended to the view that Russia under Vlad the Impaler would sit back and let America and China destroy each other, but, you never know. Japan is trembling because once Taiwan is taken down, which is generally accepted as a certainty under the Beijing Biden CCP friendly regime, Japan will be next, and already the CCP through its mouthpiece media outlets has threated to nuke bomb Japan into the stone age, if not oblivion, if it defends Taiwan. I would not be surprised if the Japanese, clever people that they are, have got their own nuclear bombs, developed underground in a secret facility. They look like they will need them. If only Australia did the same, but then, we are cucks. If one disagrees, tell me how we will deal with china with a crumbling US, except outright surrender? I imagine our elites will do just that, drawing the new “Brisbane line” somewhere down Antarctica!

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Meat, Not So Environmentally Problematic! By James Reed

I have been covering, as has Mrs Vera West, the attack upon meat by the fanatical climate change lobby. The idea is that the carbon footprint of cows, from farting methane, is so high that people would be better off eating bugs, or just dying, to make room quicker for the Great Replacement. However, there is some contrary evidence to the bad-meat ideology.

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Environmental Racism … Everywhere! By James Reed

The next Big Thing, following on from the climate change apocalypse, is eco-racism, or environmental racism, and it is already here, with the academics getting into writing about it. The idea here is that because of structural racism, the minorities, already victims, become environmental victims, hence double victims, or what I will call, in an original burst of creativity, hyper-victims. Thus, the Third World get disproportionately affected by say droughts and heat waves, all supposedly caused by climate change, which is all the West’s fault. So, abandon affluence, dismantle the West, de-growth, and rollup into a ball of eternal guilt. Makes sense. Anyway, here is some coverage of this topic by

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Trust Me, I am from WHO, and I am Here to Change My Mind! By Brian Simpson

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has recently said that the hypothesis of Covid-19 arising from a lab leak, could not yet be ruled out. He has asked China to cooperate, but for some odd reason the usually friendly and cuddly giant panda CCP has been less than helpful. Did he remember to say:  pretty please? In any case this present position is contrary to the earlier WHO position which ruled out the lab leak hypothesis, when Trump proposed it. Strange how that happened, with the international media going along for the ride, giving China oodles of time to conduct the mother of all mop up operations. I suspect that not even Sherlock Holmes could find direct clues now, although there are plenty of indirect evidence pointing the Wuhan virology lab way. This has been extensively covered at this blog, and our magnificent search engine will show you the way.

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Gender Change, an International Human Right Now! By Mrs Vera West

It is amazing how everything that the globalists want in their agenda becomes a fundamental human right. Who would have thought say even 20 years ago that changing one’s sex and/or gender based upon self-identification was a fundamental human right? Yes, while say, there is no right to  shelter, and housing or many other things that working people struggle to obtain. I know many young people who are facing difficulties getting accommodation. Some sleep at uni, working all night so that they can dose at their desks in all night computer centres. Security lets them sleep provided that they do not get too comfortable and lay on the floor, which makes the place untidy. Sleeping at desks is tolerated. I imagine if they were transitioning, life could be easier.

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Good News! Good News! Secessions Back on the Menu Boys! By Charles Taylor

Apologises to The Dukes of Hazard and The Lord of the Rings, but I am excited. Both Chris and myself have been putting the case that things are so bad now in the US, which is slightly ahead of the curve that Australia too is on, that secession, the breakup of America, is the only answer now. It is as if our fellow southerners have heard us, or were thinking along the same lines because of the circumstances, because two thirds of Republicans in the southern states want to secede. For other reasons, almost half of West coast Democrats want to go their own way to, and I say, good riddance. They will be South Africa in a few years, if not months’ time. Some say that Democrat states already are, or worse, since the proportionate death rate of Chicago and Baltimore is greater already.


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Weekly Covid US Misery Report: Deaths and Adverse Effects Go On and On … By Brian Simpson

Each week I bring an update on official records of deaths and adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines in the US, conveniently summarised by Children Health Without fail, each week the numbers keep rising. Thus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 463,457 injuries and deaths, across all age groups after COVID vaccines, which is an increase of over 25,000 compared with the last week. There are now almost 11,000 deaths.

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The Wages of the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

How are things going for the magic Covid vaccines in Europe? There have been more deaths and injuries than in the United States, where almost 20,00 people have died from covid-19 vaccines, and a staggering (approximately) two million people seriously injured.


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Hey, Let’s Nuke Japan …That Will be Fun! By James Reed

Japan has said that it will fight with the US to prevent the CCP invasion of Taiwan. Commo China did not like this one bit, and a CCP-backed social media channel called for “continuously” striking Japan with nuclear weapons should it continue supporting Taiwan's independence. Thus, not even fighting, just supporting Taiwan, is enough to get bombed to radioactive dust. It shows how cucked Australia was not developing nuclear weapons in the post World War II period, instead of the Great Anglo Saxon Replacement by mass migration. I dream of a radical change, where Australia might get some guts and national survival instinct, and begin a nuke bomb program. Or, buy some from China!


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South Africa: From Civil War to Total Social Chaos By John Steele

South Africa continues its spiral into utter chaos. Rioters are not stopping with mere looting, but are now destroying infrastructure as well, burning down farms and crops. This goes beyond a revolt of the so-called poor, since destroying the very things needed for their existence is suicidal nihilism. Really, any whites still foolish enough to still be in the country will have to face their fate; it is not as if they did not see this coming. Almost every one of them could have got out to some less hostile country, like Russia, where they could easily have rebuilt, even with just the clothes on their backs. In any case those who are sticking it out, better have embraced survivalism long ago, and have a few years’ supply of food on hand. Cops were running out of ammunition, so hopefully the civilian Boers will have stashed plenty of that. Or, they perish too.

Mike Adams and others see this chaos as possible in America, and maybe Australia, certainly Europe. It is likely in any highly diverse and multicult country, when the uneasy peace of consumer materialism, unravels, and there is no social glue to hold everything together.

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Election Fraud, Arizona and Georgia Style By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an update on what is happening in Arizona and Georgia re the uncovering of electoral fraud. In short, evidence has emerged of ballot batches altered from Trump to favour Biden, double-counting and even falsified audit tally sheets. All this in what the Democrats called the fairest election of all time, that purportedly delivered a record number of votes to Biden, proportionately more that even Obama at his peak. Tucker Carlson on his TV program covered this and described it all as “criminal fraud.” No wonder the evil ones want to get Tucker removed; they do not want their crimes exposed in the faint chance the sheeple might develop canine teeth and claws!

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The Covid New World Order in a Nutshell By James Reed

Dr Mercola has done a fantastic job stitching together all the pieces of the Covid New World Order, from the Great Reset, to transhumanism. All these phenomena are different parts of a common tyranny, to create a One World government. This was written and spoken about long ago, such as by Eric Butler from the League over 50 years ago, but the agenda now has embraced the strategic use of disease to push things along much quicker than fear tactics involving say, climate change. There have been decades of Fabian tyranny crammed into the last 12 months, and the Dark Lords are only just getting warmed up, before going for the “kill.”

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Is Your Job on the Great IT Extinction List? It Sure Is! By Brian Simpson


This site flashed up in the corner of my computer screen, and I read it. It gives a shopping list of all the jobs set to disappear due to advances in IT in the near future. In a nutshell, everything except being a Dark Lord of the New World Order …  but, with transhumanism, I wonder if even that will disappear? Perhaps the thinking AI will have no time for the bs games that our elites play. Even if they attempt to upload their consciousness into the AI, perhaps there will be an over-ride that will reject the corrupt minds, like organ rejection occurs today, tossing them into oblivion, like so much cyber waste? I hope so.

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UK Failure of the Rule of Law By Richard Miller (London)

The Crown Prosecution Service is no longer going to prosecute illegal migrants. Instead, they will be given lavish parties, expensive cars, and their choice of luxury homes, provided that they undertake endless chain migration to do their all for the Great White Replacement. Well no, not exactly, that would be false news wouldn’t it? It really would make The Camp of the Saints, a reality.


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Is President Joe Biden a Crook? By Charles Taylor

The infinitely corrupt mainstream media, who jump at every opportunity to smear Donald Trump, are ignoring evidence of crimes on Hunter Biden’s laptop. It has been alleged that there is proof President Joe Biden “was a direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s shonky financial deals with foreign interests, as well as numerous crimes committed by Hunter, including child pornography. If Trump, in office, was in a parallel situation he would be run from office by the utter gutter press, but not a pip from the MSM.

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Punishing the Australian Covid Medical Critics By Mrs Vera West

If the great Dr Mercola, who we rely upon for medical updates on the latest Covid craziness, was in Australia, he would be in hot water. Basically medical critics are going to be silenced. Sure, the claim is spreading “false or deceptive” information, but that was what the Wuhan lab release hypothesis was last year when Trump expounded it. Today’s conspiracy, is tomorrow’s truth. Gag or no gag, the truth will out, but it may take its sweet time.


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Covid Tyranny Invades your SMS! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Who would have thought that all of this could happen in the so-called land of the free? Well, not very free anymore, if it ever was. Now the Biden administration and other hangers-on intend to engage fact-checkers to work with SMS carriers to attack what they classify as misinformation about vaccines sent over social media and text messages. Over Text messages, say to my mom? So, these are all under surveillance are they? So much for privacy. Let a million law suits flow!


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Updating the Debate on the Covid Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

The following material gives a comprehensive summary of all the twists and turns in the hypothesis that covid-19 escaped from the Wuhan virology lab. There are no new revelations, but it is useful to have one essay that ties all the pieces to date together. The real issue is what can be done with this cold case, as China has had plenty of time to hide all of the direct evidence.


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