The Aylmer Case pits one bible against another, and the new one doesn't work!The July 22nd issue of The Report newsmagazine,
under the above caption, published the following column by Ted Byfield,
arguably today Canada's pre-eminent English-language journalist. As
mentioned here last time out, fundamental human rights are on trial
this summer in two court cases. In one of them, discussed in my last
column, the Supreme Court of Canada must decide whether people who believe
in God, and therefore derive their moral principles from a Divine authority,
are unfit to serve as school trustees in British Columbia. In the other,
an Ontario court must decide whether the state has the right to seize
any children whose parents spank them with an "object," meaning
a stick, a strap or anything else. In the "spanking case,"
the Children's Aid Society, acting on the report of a caseworker, led
police to a home near Aylmer, Ont., and removed the seven children of
a Christian couple. One youngster, clinging to her father, had to be
actually pried away and was carted off screaming, while he held his
hands aloft to show he was not "obstructing justice" by hanging
on to his little daughter. But that was only the beginning. The trial
judge next imposed a gag order forbidding any reporting whatsoever of
the evidence. Otherwise, she said, the children would suffer "emotional
harm." The logical inference, as columnist Christie Blatchford
observed in the National Post, was that "the youngsters" treatment
at the hands of their parents was so outrageous that merely having the
ghastly details repeated in the public domain would cause them pain
or subject them to ridicule." However, she wrote, "nothing
could be farther from the truth." It was based on the report of a 27-year-old freshman caseworker, whose recent acquisition of a Master of Social Work degree both qualified her as an expert at raising children and imbued her with a philosophical dogma. Spanking a child is intolerable, she had been taught. Her obvious duty as a "professional" was to eradicate the practice from every home. Consulting the society's manual -- Risk Assessment Model 2000, which outlines six degrees of "child abuse" -- she deemed the Aylmer case a No. 3, and recommended seizure. For the childcare industry, the incident occurs at an especially sensitive time. The Ontario Appeal Court has decided that the use of any object to spank a child should not be tolerated." If the Supreme Court of Canada can be persuaded
to endorse this proscription, then the war will have been won. True,
something between one-third and one-half of Canadian parents would automatically
become criminals. Nevertheless, with enough caseworkers to enforce the
new law (to whip the country, so to speak, into prohibiting all whipping),
the vision of a New Canada would be greatly enhanced, thus hastening
the shining day when trained professionals will raise all children,
and the hopeless fumbling of mere mothers and fathers becomes just an
evil memory. Two other points should be noted. First, those
Aylmer parents have definite beliefs about child-raising -- beliefs
grounded in the Bible, and observed for millenniums by parents everywhere.
The Children's Aid Society has novel and different beliefs about child-raising
-- beliefs grounded in another bible, currently entitled Risk Assessment
Model 2000. COMMENT: Having lived and observed more than three score years of adulthood under both of Mr. Byfield's bibles, we do indeed agree with him and much prefer the "old one." As a matter of fact, the question that comes to our mind is simply this: Unless we DO get back to the "old one," is civility in our social order, or even civilization itself long possible? Who's supplying the arms? The Globe and Mail, June 24, 2002, under the
caption, "Arms sales undercut war on terrorism study says,"
published the following report from the Guardian New Service in London:
Incidently, the Toronto Sun's foreign affairs columnist Eric Margolis, in his July 28th column, noted that former American President, General Eisenhower, as he was leaving office, "warned his people that the gravest threat they faced was not from abroad but from their own military-industrial complex." Rule by fear The Toronto Sun, August 23, under the above caption,
published the following column by Peter Worthington. Bennett and others like him have won the trust of blacks they deal with, and want to be rid of a tyrant whose role model resembles nothing so much as Stalin -- unprincipled, cruel, bureaucratic and seemingly without conscience. Bennett is a member of the MDC -- Morgan Tsvangiria's Movement for Democratic Change, which would surely have won the recent election had it been fair. Our beloved Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, whose personal knowledge of Africa and things African approaches zero, threw his lot in with Mugabe when Commonwealth leaders meeting in Australia sought to impose sanctions to curb his excesses. Last week, Bennett met with Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham -- a cordial but unproductive exchange. Left on his own, doubtless Graham would find everything about Mugabe offensive, but he's not going to do anything that upsets Chretien. On the surface, Zimbabwe looks hopeless. Once black Africa's most productive and harmonious society, it now faces starvation, poverty, desperation, lawlessness, thuggery by hooligans of Mugabe, many pretending to be "veterans." Only those paying homage to Mugabe are assured enough to eat. Again, this is how Stalin ruled. Fear and favours. Contradictory as it may sound, there is hope. Mugabe is 78 and, like Castro in Cuba, won't be around indefinitely. Remove him, and the dynamics change. Because of Mugabe's tyranny, a curious unity has evolved among those who want better for their country. It could be argued there is less anti-white racism in Zimbabwe today than anywhere else in Africa. Oppressed whites and blacks are allied against despotism. And the courage of the MDC is astonishing. Judges, too, have shown spurts of integrity and nerve. Bennett and the MDC, who will have to reassemble the pieces after Mugabe, bode well for the future. If they survive. This is what should concern Canada -- not catering to the aging, brutish Mugabe. If only we had a PM who could inspire as well as intimidate, who could make Canadians feel proud. But we don't. Our PM won't even shake hands with the Dalai Lama for fear of offending China, much less challenge someone like Mugabe by meeting an elected representative of the Zimbabwean people. Small wonder most Canadians want Jean Chretien gone. (End of Mr. Worthington's column) COMMENT: Well, our PM, of course, has in mind
a quite different course for Canada. But then, he has another objective
in mind when he plays his African card! After all, this past while,
our PM has been touring the world for photo-ops, at our expense of course.
Especially in Africa, promising them he'll raise billions for them in
financial aid from the G8 countries. Already he claims to have set aside
$500-million of our taxpayers' money for African governments -- and
that's just a beginning. For, didn't we already realize that Africa's
to be a key building stone in his legacy! That's why he couldn't risk
offending Comrade Mugabe. After all, there are quite a number of Mugabes
in Africa today. But our PM may be pretty shrewd in his sub-Saharan
calculations -- that he could buy more legacy per tax-dollar from leftist
African rulers than he can buy in Canada where he's known. After all,
for decades he's been ladling out billions of our taxdollars, especially
in certain regions of our fair land; but all his pork-barrel politics
and generosity with our dollars in Canada has bought him a legacy of
shady dealing and corruption. And it's perhaps finally beginning to
dawn on our pathetic Prime Minister that time's running out. An idea for our PM A CP item dated June 18 and captioned "Army
raids budget to pay for aid," was received by us three months ago
by e-mail. Here it is: ON TARGET SECTION Our Australian counterpart speaks out The following series of items are reprinted from the August 2nd issue of the On Target newsletter of the Australian League of Rights, published in Melbourne. Thought For The Week "The Grand Madam of Babylon was drunk and in maudlin mood. She sat on her throne beside the meeting-place of the abundant waters from many rivers. All peoples, all nations of every language congregated here in submissive obeisance to her. All the kings and rulers of the world had come to her and committed fornication with her. ... Clad in purple and scarlet and glittering with every kind of fine jewelry and precious ornament she ventured forth, holding up a wine cup filled to the brim with the filth of her abominations and her harlotry's ministrations. ... "Why were her dreams now plagued with visions of impending doom, of disease and death, of sadness and mourning, of famine and fire? ... Had not every kind and ruler of the earth sought her dalliance and enjoyed the favours of her prostitution? Were not all the merchants in the world's marketplaces delighted with their riches obtained through her debaucheries? ... in her nightmare, she was being doubly repaid in her own coin for all that she had exacted unjustly from others ... She was being made to drink a double dose of her own poisonous mixture." -- From The Book of Revelation, paraphrased by Peter Lock in "The Great Harlot," 2002 Staring Into The Abyss Events in the financial world over the last two
or three weeks have grabbed governments and industries by the throat,
shaken them, and gradually increased pressure on the economic windpipe.
Robert Gottliebsen (The Weekend Australian, 20,21/7/02) started his
article: Pardon me? Two million US workers have been laid
off in less than two years, and more are losing their jobs every day.
The stock market crash has swept past America into Europe, and is starting
to crunch Asian economies. And Australia, which saw $15-billion wiped
off savings in 24 hours. All sorts of 'bogeymen' are being blamed --
accountants, pessimists, over-investment during the Nineties, etc. We
haven't yet got to the excuse offered by one economist during the Great
Depression, who believed that sun-spots had something to do with it! Rushing back home from -- of all places -- Kyrgyzstan -- on July 24th, the US Secretary to the Treasury, Mr. Paul O'Neill, immediately went into a huddle with a number of bankers, including Abbey Cohen of Goldman Sachs, John Lipsky of Morgan Stanley, Bruce Steinberg of Merrill Lynch, and William McDonough of the New York Federal Reserve. He refused to comment on emerging, except to say they'd had a good lunch. One former economic official, Harald Malmgren, commented: "The Administration has no strategy to deal with this. They're improvising." While they were meeting it was revealed that another two trillion dollars had been wiped from values. It's the Debt-System, Stupid: Those now panicking under the financial meltdown are looking everywhere for the cause other than the right direction. Greed, corruption and gambling are symptoms of a deeper cause, and however great the surveillance and regulation, dealing with symptoms can provide no solution. The cause lies in the way the nations of the world are financed -- solely through the extension of interest-bearing debt. Borrowing our way into the future may stimulate growth, efficiency and all the other buzz-words. The moment of crisis can be put off by getting leaner and meaner and undercutting markets to extend sales. The marvels of technology, which mean more production for less effort, can prolong the agony for a considerable period. The casualties thrown out by the system burgeon. But sooner or later reality must catch up. The latest figures show that the world is groaning under a total debt burden of $400-trillion, while the combined GDP of all nations is one-tenth of that figure -- some $40-trillion. How to make the 40 catch up with the 400? Under the existing arrangements by borrowing more; and debt is expanding faster than the means to repay. Such a cut-throat system means that only the most vicious and corrupt can survive. The vicious and corrupt are themselves now toppling over. The 'gurus' who provide the theology for this madness can only manoeuver the world between the extremes of boom-and-bust. When things are steaming they restrict borrowing. When things are stagnant they entice and beseech us to borrow more. But what do they do when interest rates and other restrictions are at historic lows and people are still too scared to borrow? Or have already borrowed so much they can go no further? They have no other answers. US interest rates have been below 2% for four years. They can try zero interest rates as Japan did. But what if that doesn't work? The real picture in the US The June Aida Parker Newsletter gives this stark oversight: " With zero savings, householders hold $7.6-trillion in debt. Such debt is at its highest level in US history, with consumers holding $1-trillion more in debt than they earn in disposable income. All told, householders hold $5.3-trillion in mortgage debt, with $1-trillion in new home mortgages acquired in the last year. Personal bankruptcies last year were more than double those in 1990/91. 2002 will be even worse .... "Morgan Stanley projects that the US trade deficit could reach 6% by next year, which means a deficit of $2-billion a day. Net real investment in the US is now nil .... "Much of corporate America is in deep trouble. There have been five consecutive quarters of declining corporate profit. US companies now owe a record $4.7-trillion to banks, venture capitalists, bondholders, money funds and other institutions. The Fed says the debt is growing almost three times faster than GDP.... "In 2001, more than 40,000 businesses filed for bankruptcy. Estimates are that 652 big companies will have a tough time surviving another year. Xerox has $162-billion in debt, exponentially more than it has in assets. Nextel has $16.7-billion of debt, only $4.2-billion in cash reserves. Both could fall into bankruptcy. Del Monte, General Mills, Trump Hotels and Casinos, Ford, Kellogg, Campbell Soup, 7-Eleven, all are in trouble .... "As hundreds of thousands of home owners are laid off, so the recent real estate bubble bursts. Sales of existing homes dropped 8.3% in March, and continued down in April and May. There's overcapacity and dwindling demand for new office space and shopping malls ... "On top of all else, it is a banking catastrophe. A reported 4,913 banks suffered an increase in bad loans in the first nine months of 2001 ... "The final nail in the banks' coffin is derivatives: high-risk bets on stocks, bonds and foreign currencies that now stand at truly staggering levels. In 1998 US banks held about $27-trillion in derivative contracts. Today, according to the US General Accounting Office (GAO), US banks are exposed to more than $40.5trillion in derivatives "Prospects are that the position will continue to get worse, not better. In the face of worldwide economic recession,
escalating geopolitical tensions, with Israel on the boil and Mr. Bush
threatening war against Iraq's Saddam Hussein and the US market now
in its 35th month of bear market decline, US recovery prospects appear
nil ... "To quote Bill Buckley of The Privateer newsletter: Yes, there will be the odd spike, accompanied by frenzied claims that "the market has bottomed"; "the corner has been turned"; and that "there's a light at the end of the tunnel." We can expect more genial smiles from our beloved Treasurer as the cracks deepen. But the future is bleak indeed. (End of the Australian O.T. article) Further 'Down-Under' Perspectives The same Australian On Target Supplementary Bulletin (Aug. 2), published the following rather challenging perspective by Betty Luks, national director of the Australian League of Rights, under the caption, "Calling down the 'wrath' of God" I don't like the implied threat in Pastor Wedrat's
(Chinchilla, Queensland) letter to those who would dare criticize modern
Israel's treatment of the subjected peoples of Palestine (The Chronicle,
July 25th, 2002 - "Israel God's chosen nation") and I can
only say, with spokesmen such as this man, no wonder organized Christianity
is in such a schizophrenic state. People who try to live by the 'golden
rule,' quite apart from any church organization, must shake their heads
in disbelief at the double standards applied by such people as the good
pastor. He warns his readers (no matter how the leaders of modern Israel
behave, no matter how they treat the subjected peoples of Palestine),
"The nations of the world need to be very careful how they treat
Israel as a nation, simply because 'the law of the harvest' applies:
'Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.' (Gal. 6:7)."
But then, is this man referring to the Golden Rule of Jesus Christ,
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," or is
he referring to those ancient 'laws' of cursing and revenge legislated
and imposed upon a people by the leaders of that tiny province of Yehud
three thousand years ago? Another example: John Chuckman gives another
example of this philosophy: "Disturbing the planet and blaming
the mess on others" -- March lst, 2002, -- Canada.
A 'do unto others' approach: Rector Jonathan
Holland (Queensland Anglican newspaper Focus, July 2002) presents a
more balanced approach to a grave problem "The war on terrorism,"
he writes, "is really an attempt to address the symptom, rather
than the causes. In hindsight the response to the attack on the World
Trade Centre should have been to treat it as a crime needing investigation,
rather than a decision to declare all-out war on terrorism. The question
that should have been asked and addressed is 'What is it that gives
rise to terrorism?' " COMMENT: Australians have a reputation of addressing problems forthrightly and pretty straight from the shoulder. Jeremy Lee and Betty Luks certainly uphold that reputation. And, needless to say, we in Canada face basically the same problems in Canada that confront our kinsfolk 'Down Under.' There is just one thought that I'd like to inject into what otherwise does indeed presently appear that we're facing a rather bleak and hopeless future: A wise and distinguished British Christian writer, philosopher and historian, noting the precarious and almost hopeless situation facing his country at that critical time, suggested that perhaps the most hopeful possibility was offered by the very gravity of the situation itself. So often individuals, communities and nations, simply refuse to face up to reality and address a problem until their very future is threatened and it seems almost too late. But it is at that critical moment, when all we cherish and life and future itself are threatened and there's no escape from Reality, that there is the possibility of conscious realization and constructive action which almost miraculously turns the tide. Of course, at that critical moment, it's essential that there is a 'dedicated minority' with understanding and Faith to lend a hand and give hope and direction. And I feel confident that Jeremy Lee and Betty Luks, in Australia, are most actively engaged in preparing for that Critical Moment. -R.G. Enterprise Section Killing Americans for Oil and Israel We recently received by e-mail from the United States, an article under the above caption by Edward W. Miller, an American journalist. Here it is, in full. The media is full these days of accusations,
recriminations, congressional hearings and much political jazz, aimed
at either deflecting criticism from Washington's failure to warn us
of September 11th or suggestions regarding revamping our so-called Intelligence
Establishment. While the embarrassed CIA and FBI sit as humbly as possible
through endless "hearings" our bubble-head President is erecting
a Department of "National Security" which will, he promises,
bind together over 100 Federal offices with their personnel and expertise
thus guaranteeing that in the future, every bit of intelligence information
which may drift into this monolith will receive its proper scrutiny
and dispatch. The Department will have a budget of $37.5-billion, and
employ some 169,000 employees. Washington has not explained why the
CIA and FBI are excluded, but Bush will perhaps straighten this out
once the two cease their infighting. Since her 1967 war of aggression, Israel experienced at her borders and recently at home, violent responses from neighbours she invaded and tried to subjugate: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza. Here in the United States, until that memorable September 11th, we had been punished for our criminal behaviour toward both the Iraqis and Palestinians only at the periphery of our so-called field of interest, first in Lebanon, then Africa, and Yemen. Israel negotiated safe borders for herself with both Egypt and Jordan, under prime ministers less addicted to violence than Sharon. The hate and distrust she created in Lebanon, however, made it too expensive in terms of Jewish lives, and despite the Israeli farmers' interest in stealing Litani River water for irrigation, she withdrew. The Jews, though, are still carting away truckloads of rich Lebanese topsoil from border areas Israel pretends to dispute. The reluctance to make peace with Syria has to do with the avarice of Israel's Russian immigrant farmers (kibbutzim) who, having displaced 120,000 Syrian farming families from their rich turf in the Golan, have the political strength in the Knesset to keep Israel from returning the Golan. The West Bank and Gaza are targets of the Jewish Religious Right with their dreams of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel). Their almost daily thefts of Palestinian land by Jews from Detroit, New York and southern California who receive cheap loans, low mortgage rates and tax relief on their stolen property will continue so long as American Jewry dictates to Washington. Since the early days of Israel's fascist expansionism, Washington's tacit and often active support of the Jewish State has been costing American lives. During Sharon's bloody 1982 invasion of Lebanon our Ronald Reagan killed the citizens of Beirut with shells from our USS New Jersey, stampeding some 600,000 into the mountains east of their city. As a punishment for this criminal act, we lost some 241 US Marines, plus an uncounted (by Washington) number of sailors from Reagan's Battleship, as the Lebanese retaliated, bombing our military barracks in Lebanon as well as the French military barracks at the Beirut National Airport. Our lack of consideration for their religion, when our military failed to leave the Saudi Kingdom after the Gulf War as promised, resulted in a bomb which in 1996 killed six American soldiers bivouacked in the Saudi city of Khobar, and injuring some 400, mostly Saudis. Washington has always been a slow learner. On May 28th, 1998, reporter John Miller interviewed
Osama Bin Laden in his mountain headquarters in Afghanistan. In this
detailed exchange available to the world via ABC News, Osama threw down
the Muslim gauntlet to Washington, saying: "Your situation with
the Muslims in Palestine is shameful ... and ... by testimony of relief
workers in Iraq, the American-led sanctions have resulted in the death
of over a million Iraqi children. All of this was done in the name of
American interests. We believe that the biggest thieves in the world
and the terrorists are the Americans. The only ways for us to fend off
these assaults is to use similar means ... It is a punishment that fits
the crime. Americans accuse our children in Palestine of being terrorists,
children who have no weapons and have not even reached maturity. At
the same time they (Israelis) defend a country with airplanes and tanks."
The US carefully-designated embargo against Iraq arranged at the UN still forbade some 600 items Saddam's people required to provide potable water for their children dying daily of water-borne diseases from sewage poured into their Euphrates River; and, with Washington's tacit OK Israel continued its violent harassment of the Palestinians, stealing their land with illegal settlements. Over 2,000 Palestinian families had by this time been turned out homeless into the streets, their houses bulldozed, often on a few moments notice. On the 13th of October our USS Cole, quietly moored in Yemen's port, experienced a sudden explosion killing some 18 of its crew and blowing a huge hole in its port side. Again, no sign that Washington cared one iota for the lives of even its own citizens as our media daily demonized Osama Bin Laden while our FBI sent its investigating teams into Yemen. Our mistreatment of Iraqis and Palestinians continued unabated. ... (Last) September 11th as New York's citizens were enjoying clear skies and a warm autumn breeze, their famous Twin Towers suddenly exploded in a volcano of smoke and debris, while in Washington our Pentagon staff watched in awe as a third passenger jet slammed into their concrete fortress, killing some 200. With three thousand dead in Manhattan plus some 220 in Washington, there was still no move by our President, Congress or State Department to re-examine a foreign policy that was killing more and more Americans. Targeting Osama Bin Laden, the US now demanded Afghanistan's Mohammed Mar, head of the Taliban, deliver Osama to a US court. The Taliban government, however, remembering Washington's corrupt "Star Chamber" trials afforded Noriega and then, Sheik Abdel Omar Rahman, demurred, offering Osama instead to an International court. As the Bush-UNOCAL negotiations over oil-pipeline access in Afghanistan had become frustratingly slow, our President seized on this moment, and casting aside any more efforts at diplomacy, declared the Taliban to be supporters of Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda. Without significant Congressional debate, and with a hastily-constructed "War Powers Act," Bush was given the go-ahead to begin military actions against Afghanistan's Taliban and, essentially, against the Afghan people. By late June 2002, Bush's Afghan War had degenerated into skirmishes with invisible Al Qaeda who could strike at any moment. Though US and British "Special Forces" had been bombing one cave after another, some containing ammunition left over from the Soviet years, few Al Qaeda had been found though the killing of civilians had hopefully lessened. Afghans naturally protect their own, so Talibans and Al Qaeda, like their Pashtuns and Tajiks, just disappear into the Afghan crowd. The fact that US command headquarters remains in Florida continues to create blunders killing Afghans as well as some of our Canadian buddies. Washington wants to forget that though the Soviets conquered Kabul in 24 hours and controlled most Afghan cities within the following three days, they never had a moment of peace, and after nine long years, with some 19,000 dead and the loss of 425 expensive helicopters, they left. As for the Mideast, Sharon's wanton killing of civilians plus his physical destruction of West Bank cities, including the Jenin Refugee Camp, the pathetic and demeaning imprisonment of Arafat in his Ramallah headquarters, the mindless and unnecessary stand-off in the Church of the Nativity by a Jewish military openly contemptuous of the Christian World, plus the successful effort by an Israeli-controlled media in this country to portray the essentially-unarmed Palestinians, backed against the wall by the world's fifth largest military, as "THE TERRORISTS," is provoking more and more anti-Israeli, and so anti-Semitic, feeling across the intelligent world, as well as anti-Sharon sentiment in Israel itself. ... The ongoing campaign against Saddam Hussein, led in this country by such Zionist Jews as Bill Kristol, William Saffire, Jeffrey Kent, Richard Perle and Senator Lieberman, and reinforced by Presidential-hopeful Senator McCain, may sidetrack any efforts at Mideast peace. The President of Iraq's impoverished country, despite our media's almost daily onslaught, presents no danger to anybody. The UN's international atomic inspection team recently gave Saddam a clean slate; and Scott Ritter, former UN Chief Inspector, says Saddam is no threat. Not a single Arab neighbour approves of Bush's proposed strike against Saddam, while our Washington Chiefs of Staff argue strongly against it. Again, it is only Israel and our Jewish lobby that are urging that Americans continue to die for Zionism. Charlie Reese, once columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, recently described Bush as a ventriloquist's dummy, sitting on the lap of Israel's Sharon. In reality, our President's focus on the Mideast, including both Iraq and the Palestinians, is distorted -- first, by his abysmal ignorance of history, by his emotional bonding with a Religious Right which supports Sharon's expansionist dreams, and finally, by the awesome power of Jewish money, best exemplified by AIPAC with tentacles which reach into both the political and media spheres. Just how Bush will circumnavigate these dangerous waters is anyone's guess. Speaking to a sold-out Berkeley audience on June 20th, world-famous columnist Robert Fisk said it clearly: "The safety of America depends on its behaviour overseas." (End of Mr. Miller's article) COMMENT: Edward Miller's article stands on its own merits, and it is encouraging for at least two reasons: first, that more and more American journalists are beginning to perceive and reveal the terrible danger of present U.S. foreign policy; and second, that re-examination and change of both policy and strategy are crucial for both peace and the survival of mankind. Limited disclosure More should be known about judges before Supreme
Court appointments The Calgary Herald, August 11, under the above heading
and sub-heading, published the following editorial. Descharmes is a person who is not easily swayed by government lawyers, she is tough on organized crime but she has a mixed record of judgments on other serious crimes, she seems to favour rehabilitation over restitution, she is somewhat ambivalent toward the value of personal responsibility and she appears to have a soft spot for the weak and disadvantaged. This may give Canadians an idea of how Descharmes will adjudicate the law now that she is one of the most important lawmakers in the land, but it's an incomplete picture. Since Supreme Court justices have tremendous power to shape Canada's social and cultural policies, much more should be known about potential candidates before they are appointed. But the way things work now, only the Prime Minister gets to know for sure. (End of the Calgary Herald editorial) COMMENT: Indeed, the Herald makes a valid point.
Supplementary Section A report on the assault on our traditional social order Canada becoming anti-religious A recent issue of The Edmonton Sun published the following article by the widely respected national columnist, Ted Byfield. If Canadian Christians, particularly Catholics,
are becoming somewhat paranoid these days and forming the impression
that the direction of Canadian public policy is the enfeeblement, if
not the outright eradication, of the serious practice of their religion,
that's because they're being given so much evidence of it. The federal
prohibition on any mention of God at the Sept. 11 memorial service was
merely a minor instance. There are several major ones. The problem is portrayed as one of pedophilia among priests, which has cost the American church an estimated $1.5-billion in out-of-court settlements. However, it's now evident that almost all the victims were not children but boys in their teens. Philip Jenkins, in a recent book, Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis, points out that the term Pedophilia refers to sex with pre-pubescent children. It's extremely rare among Catholic clergy, writed Jenkins (who is not a Catholic), occurs slightly more often in Protestant clergy, and is more likely still to occur among laymen than clergy. The victims in the American cases are almost all boys who are sexually mature but under the age of consent. It's technically called "ephebophilia." Leon Podles, writing on the same subject in Touchstone magazine, writes: "Homosexuals are often attracted to very young men because they combine the charm of boyishness with sexual maturity." In the period of 1960 to 1980, when the abuse cases now being prosecuted occurred, says Jenkins, there were an average of 150,000 Catholic priests in the U.S., and about 500 reported (not proved) cases of sexual involvement with minors, a rate of around one-third of one percent. Most of the cases involved boys 15 to 17 years old. This means that what the church faces is not a pedophile problem, but a gay problem, and there the evidence against the church is serious. There are no statistics on the percentage of Catholic priests that are gay. Podles quotes the head of one seminary as citing a figure of anywhere from 20% to 80% depending on the seminary. Jenkins favours the 20% figure, but even this is nearly eight times the population average. In this circumstance, the Vatican is pressuring the North American Catholic Church to screen out gays from the ministry. But if that's against the law, the church would be prohibited from cleaning up its most pressing problem. Put all these pieces together and you see why Christians have a growing sense of alienation from Canada itself. It's not becoming a non-religious country but an anti-religious one, a very different phenomenon. (End of Mr. Byfield's article) However, the attack upon freedom of speech is not confined to Catholic personnel or activities, but is international in scope and particularly pointed at the so-called 'free world.' The June 2002 issue of Free Speech Monitor, published
by the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Inc., in Etobicoke,
Ontario, published the following relevant item: "Bill C-415 is a private member's bill introduced in Parliament by NDP MP Svend Robinson on November 22, 2001. On May 29 the bill passed second reading. Astonishingly, the debate collapsed within the first hour because none of the parties put up enough speakers to keep it going. "You are probably wondering what Bill C-415 is. After all, it has been given no attention in the mainstream media. In fact, its journey through the House is more akin to backdoor shenanigans than open and free democracy. "Still, we're not totally in the dark. Gwendolyn Landolt, national vice-president of the lobby group REAL Women, has shed some light: 'The bill,' she explains, 'purports to expand the Criminal Code definition of "identifiable groups" relating to genocide (Section 318) and hate propaganda (Section 319) by including "sexual orientation" as an identifiable group.' "This means that homosexuality will be elevated to the class of colour, race and religion as a characteristic specially protected from 'hate propaganda' in our Criminal Code. "In fact, Bill C-415 is another example of how sexual deviants are seeking to reorder Canada's criminal law to suit their own objectives. The bill exposes to criminal prosecution anyone who makes statements that could he construed as 'promoting hatred' against homosexuals: a nebulous and ill-defined crime if ever there were. Mrs. Landholt predicts it will 'close down public debate on the homosexual issue.' "Activists and media pundits will probably deny this by insisting that the law will contain safeguards against vexatious private prosecutions, and will allow for legitimate dissent and freedom of religious expression. But if recent Human Rights Commission rulings are anything to go by, such optimists should know better. "We could start with the Canadian Alliance party. CA Justice critic Vic Toews explained to Mrs. Landolt that the caucus hoped to make amendments in committee or at the time of the third reading and therefore determined not to prolong the debate at the second reading. For the record, Mr. Toews opposes this bill, but only because it is not comprehensive enough. It excludes 'a number of vulnerable groups in our society that are routinely subject to discrimination,' he says, and therefore it needs to be 'broadened' to include other groups; this is the political way of saying, 'we're not going to raise a moral objection to "sexual orientation."' "Why not? Well, to avoid being attacked by the media for 'homophobic' rejection of the bill, of course. This might have diverted media attention from the Liberals' ongoing corruption scandals. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired of political games especially when there is so much at stake. I'm especially tired of political cowardice when it comes to matters of morality. "The Alliance doesn't pretend to be a Christian party, I realize that; but it does tout itself as Canada's only conservative hope. And this is what grates me. If the Alliance truly wants to work for a better Canada, then surely they could have used some of their political savvy to either stop or delay this bill at least until more Canadians were made aware of it. "Their general strategy of downplaying 'moral issues' is debatable, but their handling of this bill is downright pathetic. It's a little like the anxiety-ridden white man who idly stands by while his home is invaded, his wife is raped and his children are murdered, only to prove he's not a racist. "No, come to think of it, it is a lot like that.
Goodbye Canada, hello Rome. "The party that should be driving this point home in the House debates and in the mainstream press is the Canadian Alliance. But then, let's not stop at Steve Harper and crew. They may be feeble, but they are in good company. The attorney general of Alberta, David Hancock, has stated, 'I support ... hate-crime legislation which prohibits people from spewing hate against anybody for any reason.' Likewise, Mike Harris, former premier of Ontario and hero to thousands of Ontario conservatives, wrote a joint letter with Howard Hampton, leader of the Ontario NDP, calling for the federal government 'to move ahead on' this type of legislation. "It's not as though Conservatives are totally devoid of principles. It's just that their principles are focused on pocket-book issues, and not everything that matters in life is about money." (End of Mr. Emmanuel's article) Truth is no defence! The July 1998 issue of this Service (Supp. Sect. #2), under the above caption, published the following report: "A few weeks ago, Ernst Zundel of Toronto was hauled up before a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, to face complaints from Sabina Citron and the Toronto Mayor's Committee on Community and Race Relations, that the California website known as the Zundelsite was disseminating 'anti-Semitic' statements via the internet. "On May 27, the following report was carried on the internet: " 'On May 25, 1998, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal rendered a written decision that "Truth is not a defence" -- in other words, that the truth of any material on the Zundelsite is "irrelevant" to CHRC (Canadian Human Rights Commission) proceedings. " 'The Canadian Human Rights Commission lawyers and the intervenors's lawyers were on their feet and objected over 30 times when they thought truth was becoming an issue in the cross-examination of Dr. Schweitzer. " 'Says Ernst Zundel: "This leaves us in a very difficult position. Frankly, what is there to do or say if truth is not relevant -- or (one is) even 'forbidden' to raise it in one's defense? Truth in history is thus outlawed?" " 'Here is a telling excerpt from this nine-page CHRT ruling: " ' "...consistent with a focus effect rather than intent, it is the effect of the message on the recipient, and ultimately on the person or group vilified, that is the focus of the analysis. The truth in some absolute sense really plays no role. Rather, it is the social context in which the message is delivered and heard which will determine the effect that the communication will have on the listener. It is not the truth or falsity per se that will evoke the emotion but rather how it is understood by the recipient. The objective truth of the statement is ultimately of no consequence if the subjective interpretation, by virtue of tone, social context and medium is one which 'arouses unusually strong and deep-felt emotions of detestation, calumny and vilification.' " ' "Therefore, in our view, whether the message is true or not is immaterial. Whether it is perceived to be true is outside the scope of this inquiry." ' " COMMENT by Ron Gostick at the end of the foregoing 1998 CIS item: "This Truth Is No Defence Human Rights Tribunal ruling is the most obscene and deadly attack on freedom ever made in the English-speaking world. Indeed, it's the most treacherous and dastardly assault on English and Canadian Common Law since the infamous Star Chamber 'courts' of four or five centuries ago in England. "Consider what this ruling means. An accused is assumed to be guilty before the kangaroo hearing even starts -- not on evidence or fact, but simply on someone's 'perception,' feeling, dislike or outright lies, with Truth irrelevant and accused stripped of all Common-Law and court-rights protections. A 'justice' system where Truth is no defence -- not even relevant!" A good question, but no answer! When this 'truth is no defence, not even relevant' question came up at a subsequent hearing, Doug Christie, Mr. Zundel's legal counsel, asked the judge why, if truth is irrelevant and no defence, does the court swear in each witness to tell the truth and nothing but the truth! ... There was deafening silence, ... but no answer. May I suggest that no judge worthy of his estate would consent to preside over a judicial function in which truth were mocked and justice betrayed. Just ponder the direction of Canadian society
the past half-century: Rising anti-war sentiment in U.S.? Following, are excerpts from an August 17th issue of the National Post: "George W. Bush, the U.S. President, yesterday defended his Iraq policy from criticism within his own Republican Party "Mr. Bush has made ousting Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi President, one of his top priorities, but dissent from within his own political ranks had persisted. Brent Scowcroft, national security advisor during the presidency of Mr. Bush's father, said this week an attack on Iraq could alienate U.S. allies "Mr. Scowcroft, a key member of the previous Bush administration who helped build a coalition for the Gulf War against Iraq, reiterated his concerns in an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. 'An attack on Iraq at this time would seriously jeopardize, if not destroy, the global counter-terrorist campaign we have undertaken,' Mr. Scowcroft wrote. 'There is a virtual consensus in the world against an attack on Iraq at this time ' he said. "Other key Republicans have also voiced concern, warning Mr. Bush has failed to make a strong case for an attack on Iraq and that a war could undermine the U.S. fight against global terrorism and destabilize the Middle East even further. " Thank God, there may be an awakening. |
© Published by the Australian League of Rights, P.O. Box 27 Happy Valley, SA 5159 |