"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke
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The Cross Roads
Veritas Books
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Newtimes Survey
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Actionist Corner
Brighteon Video Channel
BitChute Video Channel
Rumble Video Channel
Animation Video Channel
home of ... Douglas Social Credit
YouTube Video Channel
Actionist Corner
Australian League of Rights
Commonwealth Bank History
Write to the League
On Target Australia Archives
Australian Heritage Series
Amos DJ
Art of War - Sun Tzu
League Objectives
NewTimes Survey
Social Dynamics
Australias Balance Sheet
Conscience Voting 1980
NewTimes Survey Archives
Social Credit Text Book
The Commonwealth Stories 1
Faith Power and Action
Brief History
The New Times Archives
Social Credit Intro Lesson 1
The Commonwealth Stories 2
Our Policy
The Fig Tree Archives
Social Credit Intro Lesson 2
The Story of the Commonwealth Bank
The Grand Design
League Prayer
The Social Crediter Archives
Social Credit Intro Lesson 3
Faulkner CC
Illegitimate Power
Tour Flyer Inverted
Social Credit Intro Lesson 4
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Impact Voting 1990
Tour Flyer Normal
Economic Democracy
Social Credit Intro Lesson 5
O'Malley K
Liberal Party-We Believe 1949
Amazing Carbon Christine Jones
Economic Democracy Archives
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 1
Big Battle
Labor Policy (circa-1940s)
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 2
Commonwealth Bank - Facts and Its Creation
Labors Federal Rural Policy - 1971
Heritage Archives
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 3
Letter Templates
Our Sham Democracy or The Majority Vote Racket
JONES 'Nitrogen' (21July14)
Intelligence Service from Canada
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 4
Council Candidate
Pyramid of Power
JONES-Carbon Friendly Beef (27April10)
Intelligence Service from Canada Archives
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 5
Legislative Council Omnibus Act
Rule of Law
JONES-Light Farming FINAL (2018)
On Target New Zealand
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 6
Responsible Government in a Free Society
JONES-Our Soils Our Future (8July08)
On Target New Zealand Archives
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 7
Ten Advantages of a Federal Constitution
JONES-Soil Sequestration Inquiry (17Dec09)
OnTarget Britain
Social Credit Intermediate Lesson 8
Foreign Investment Review Board
The Left The Right and The Truth
Organic Farming
OnTarget Britain Archives
Advanced Social Credit Lecture 1 1978 - Butler
MP George Christensen
VPA Handbook
Agricultural Testament - A Howard
Political Democracy
Advanced Social Credit Lecture 2 1978 - Butler
Raising Federal Funds thru RBA
World Control
Farming and Gardening - A Howard
Political Democracy Archives
Advanced Social Credit Lecture 3 1978 - Butler
Waste Products of Agriculture - A Howard
Triumph of The Past
Elements of Social Credit - Tudor Jones
Vic To The Governor
Declarations and Agreements
The Living Soil - EB Balfour
Triumph of The Past Archives
Voting and Electoral Strategies
Vic To the MLC
Atlantic Charter
Life and Work - W Berry
Club of Rome
Conscience Voting 1980
Vic To The MLA
Balfour Declaration
Life is a Miracle - W Berry
The First Global Revolution
How to Get What You Want
Bank of England Charter 1694
Unsettling of America - W Berry
Club of Rome - Climate Emergency Plan
Impact Voting
Brandt Commission North-South Report
Why I am Not Going To Buy a Computer - W Berry
Limits to Growth
VPA Handbook
Morrison centralising emergency powers from States
Brandt Commission
Humus and the Earth Worm - C Darwin
ENCYCLICALS - referenced
National Cabinet expanding to State Control to Senators
Brandt Equation
Vegetable Mould & Earthworms - C Darwin
Apostolico Seggio
Tour Flyer Inverted
Carruthers Rev GS
Bretton Woods Agreement
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - WA Price
Athanasian Creed
Tour Flyer Normal
Tasmania Select Committee Report on the Monetary System 1935
Federal Reserve Act
Organic Gardening for Dummies
Divini Redemptoris
Training Flyer
Banking Royal Commission 1937 Findings
IPCC Summary of Policymakers
The Art of Composting
Evangalium Vitae
Voice Flyer
Royal Commission Report into Australian Monetary and Banking Systems 1937.pdf
Kyoto Protocol
On-Farm Composting Methods
Humanum Genus
Other Interesting Documents
Royal Commission Report into Australian Monetary and Banking Systems 1937 - Chifley Dissent.pdf
Kyoto Protocol Reference Manual
Water Supply Including Bradfield JJC
Inscrutabili Dei Consilio
Antecedents of Communism
Deutsche Bundesbank
Lima Declaration
Praeclara Gratulationis
Complete Art of War
Deutsche Bundesbank
Monthly Report April 2017
Limits to Growth
Rerum Novarum
Dialogue in Hell
The role of banks, non-banks and the central bank in the money creation process
Limits to Growth - Short Version
Communism at Work
Quadragesimo Anno
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked
Queensland State Bank
Montreal Agreement
Communism From The Inside
Health - Vaccines
Prince of Wales BiCentenary Speech 1988
The Case for a Queensland State Bank
Our Common Future
Theory of Subversive Action
A critical analysis of the Australian government's rationale for its vaccination policy
Censored Economics
Paris Agreement
Psychological Manipulation
Analysis of Health Outcomes - April 2020
SAS Survival Handbook
Consumer Price Discounts
Russia's Chechen Wars
Behavioural Science
Béchamp or Pasteur?
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Treasury - Servant or Master?
The First Global Revolution 1991
Bidermans Chart of Coersion
Emerging Viruses - LG Horowitz
The Elite - Rhodesian SAS
Bank of NSW Report
The Limits to Growth
Brainwashing - The Ultimate Weapon
Immunisation Information System - EU 2018
Central Bank Digital Currency
Money and the Banking System
The Annotated Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep 2010
Fight For Truth
Protection from Polio - Mira Louise
Ready for Central Bank Digital Currencies?
The IMF Seems to Think So
Sigurjonsson F
The Real Deal - Copenagen
Public Private Cooperation for Pandemic - 2019
Church of Scotland
A Better Monetary System For Iceland
Treaty of Versailles
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
State of Vaccine Confidence - EU 2018
Wealth - A Christian View
High Court of Australia
UN Agenda 2030
The Human Condition
Open Letter to TGA December 2021
Bank of England Reports
Commonweaslth v Tasmania - Franklin Dam
UN Cap and Trade
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Money Creation in the Modern Economy
Mabo v Queensland [No 2]
WHO Pandemic Treaty
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Government Payments
Bank of England Q1_2014
Wik Peoples v Queenssland
Yalta Agreement
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Caring For Children
Bank of England Working Paper 529
Bank of England Staff Working Paper 605
Age Pension