TheCross-Roads Broadcast / Podcast
TCR 2025 - Episode 7 (February 19th 2025)
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TCR 2025 - Episode 8 (February 26th 2025)
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TCR 2025 - Episode 9 (March 5th 2025)
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Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom - Judy Wilyman Ph.D. $30.00 plus postage from Head Office
This book documents the false information provided by the Australian government that ultimately led to the mandating of vaccines for social services and education (early childhood and university) in Australia in 2016. It also led to forced vaccination being included in the Public Health Act in the event of a ‘severe public health incident’ and also in the Biosecurity Act 2015. This ‘severe public health event’ is not defined in the 2016 Act and no public consultation was sought regarding the removal of Australians bodily autonomy in 2015.
Haemophilia Holocaust - by Richard Davis MBBS, FFARACS, FANZCA, CF - $20.00 posted within Australia from ALOR Head Office
“This event (Australia's tainted blood supply) is the greatest single tragedy in the history
of the Australian Health Service. People receiving a life-saving treatment have been infected with a
life-taking virus. Governments normally step in on occasions of disaster. Not so this time.” — Mrs.
Jenny Ross, Chair Australian Haemophilia Foundation from a letter to Health Minister Blewett, March
Lives of Our Own - Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. approx. $40.00 posted from Barnes & Noble
The general purpose of Lives of Our Own is to introduce Social Credit economics to Distributists. There are a number of points of contact as well as important differences between these two schools of alternative economic thinking. Whereas Distributism tends to look toward the past, the economics of the British engineer, C.H. Douglas, is future-oriented while seeking to conserve the best from the pre-capitalist economic tradition. In general, Social Credit may be described as a species of archaeo-futurism, a re-interpretation and application of certain Distributist principles to the modern, industrial world.
Social Credit Economics - Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. approx. $27.50 posted from Barnes && Noble
By presenting the key economic ideas of Major Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952) in a clear, systematic, and comprehensive fashion, this work constitutes an academic standard of reference for those who wish to obtain a more advanced understanding of Social Credit economics. It is divided into three parts covering Douglas' diagnosis regarding the nature and cause of economic dysfunction in the modern, industrialized world, his prognosis, including an evaluation of the conventional methods of macroeconomic management, and, finally, his remedial principles and proposals. Just as Douglas analysis goes to the very heart of what is structurally wrong with the financial and economic systems of contemporary civilization, "Social Credit Economics" effectively captures and distills the essence of his economic thought, rendering it more easily accessible to the broadly educated and reflective reader.
The Economics of Social Credit and Catholic Social Teaching - Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. approx. $9.50 posted from Barnes & Noble
Dr. Oliver Heydorn argues that it is high time that all Catholics take seriously and examine closely the economic ideas of Major Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952). By surveying the key principles contained within the Church's social doctrine in conjunction with Douglas' Social Credit proposals and their underlying philosophy, the author demonstrates that (in stark contrast to the dead-ends of Austrian economics and the 'Christian socialism' of 'liberation theology' et al. and the half-way houses of classical distributism and economic personalism) it is Social Credit which most fully merits the support of Catholics as the best alternative to the economic status quo.
Social Credit Philosophy - Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. approx. $18.00 posted from Barnes & Noble
'Social Credit Philosophy' is, above all, a reference text for serious students of the thoughts of Major Clifford Hugh Douglas. Based on a close reading of the source material, it is a reconstruction of Douglas' general philosophical orientation and, more specifically, of his important contributions to the field of social philosophy. Understanding the philosophy behind Social Credit is a prerequisite for obtaining a proper and complete comprehension of Douglas' economic and political ideas.
WHO CALLED THE COOK A BASTARD? by C. Stanton Hicks - $8.00 posted within Australia
from: ALOR Head Office, P.O. Box 27, Happy Valley, South Australia 5159. Phone: 08 8322 8923
This little light-hearted account of the neglected importance of the army cook, aims to alert the man in
the street to the fact that Food is Life, and that the preparation of foodstuffs with the least wastage of
essential nutrients is fundamental to national health and to the national economy.
Food production has
been all too long an item of financial calculation.
It is an integrated biological process calling for
a totally different mode of thinking.
INFERNO - The Day Victoria Burned
On February 7, 2009, 173 Victorians perished, most burned to death, in a state that makes an ostentatious
fetish of protecting public safety. Victorians accept stiff fines for driving just a few ticks over the
speed limit. They cannot ride bicycles without approved mandatory helmets, or can tradesmen go about their
business unless they are wearing iridescent vests. In restaurants, requests for bags are likely to be
rejected because of concerns about legal liability.
Cutting the road toll, preventing head injuries,
reducing the incidence of food poisoning : all the above measures, we are told, are for the common good. But
protection from bushfires? These massive and regular destroyers of life and property have avoided the sort
of attention lavished on day-old sushi. When the day that has come to be called Black Saturday finally
ended, the Victorian government, government agencies and emergency protocols, came under the most intense
scrutiny, a scrutiny that saw Justice Bernard Teague's Royal Commission make 51 recommendations for change,
with one guiding direction, 'to enhance the protection of human lives'. The rote response from those in
authority was about looking forward, not looking back; February 7 was, they said, a unique event, nobody
could have foreseen it. But none of these words rang with the faintest echo of common sense and
ALOR Head Office,
P.O. Box 27, Happy Valley,
South Australia 5159.
Phone: 08 8322 8923
M 0415 527 121
Annual Subscription to the ‘On Target Booklet’ $75.00 p.a -
which includes an Insert, the On Target and the NewTimes Survey journals -
printed and posted monthly.
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