June 9 1978. Thought for the Week: "Belloc's
sense of history gave him what most men now lack. He had a sense of
the tangible results of Christendom, of a Europe united in creed and
purpose, of a Western World that had been an entity in creed and culture.
Because of this he had a feeling for discipline, for order (a living
organic order) for life integral and harmonious. Today when youths without
any living sense of the past, or any conception of tradition that is
the soul of living order, shout for they know not what in terms of the
hasty, the extempore, the random, we most need the fundamental sense
of an Hilaire Belloc. We need his intuition of the soul of history."
American poet E. Merrill Root in essay on Hilaire Belloc, the famous English historian. |
AN ANTI-SALES TAX REVOLT?Six months after the last Federal Elections,
events have confirmed all our warnings concerning what would happen
if the Fraser Government adhered to its restrictive finance economic
policy. The promised economic recovery has not taken place. Business
organisations are currently forecasting that conditions are going to
worsen, not improve. There has been a marginal decrease in inflation,
the price being continuing high unemployment, business bankruptcies,
drastically reduced profit margins for smaller and medium sized business
organisations, and a rural crisis, which continues to drive farmers,
and graziers off their properties and to reduce those surviving to serf
like conditions. In recent weeks there has been a campaign by the Fraser Government to condition taxpayers for a "tough" Budget. Typical of the statements being made is that of Mr. Robinson, Minister for Finance. In an address read on his behalf (Mr. Robinson has been temporarily relieved of his duties because of the Royal Commission examining charges that he influenced electoral redistribution) to the 20th anniversary dinner of the Australian Finance Convention in Canberra on May 29th, Mr. Robinson claimed that the Government's "strategy" was proving correct. "It has been a long, hard grind to restore responsibility to government spending", he said. "But we still have some way to go. Now is not the time to let go .... The clear priority is to continue maximum restraint on government spending." The restraint policy is designed, amongst other objectives, to reduce the Federal deficit. But even on this issue the Government is failing. The deficit is running at a much higher figure than projected. Looked at in terms of holding onto office, the Fraser Government's strategy is to impose a hard budget for 1978-79, based upon the belief that there is no fear of any effective opposition, this to be followed by an easier budget for 1979-80 as a preliminary to the next Federal Elections. Senator Sir Reginald Wright has demonstrated to all Australians just how cynical and hypocritical the Fraser Government is aided, of course, by the ALP, whose Members also agreed to vote themselves pension handouts at the expense of the taxpayers. The philosophy underlying the Government's policies is, in spite of clichés about freedom, to treat electors like docile tax serfs. If democracy is to be brought to life in Australia, then electors must unite to tell their elected, paid representatives that they are determined to have some say in the type of Federal Budget being prepared. A number of steps are urgently essential to halt the increasing disasters being experienced by the Australian people. But a major first step must be taken. For reasons clearly outlined in the League of Rights' anti-Sales Tax brochure, the abolition, or major reduction in Sales Tax would bring a wide range of prices down immediately, the first effect being to increase purchasing power without at the same time stimulating bigger wage increases and more inflation. Every section of the Australian community, all types of producers as well as consumers would benefit. Increased business activity would start to reduce the number of unemployed. A number of business leaders have called for such a policy. Trade Union President Bob Hawke has advocated this policy. Any survey reveals that it has the support of the majority of the Australian taxpayers. But modern Governments blatantly disregard what taxpayers feel - so long as the taxpayers merely mutter amongst themselves and take no action. The Australian League of Rights is therefore sponsoring and encouraging a nationwide campaign on one single issue - Sales Tax. We urge all On Target readers to obtain and effectively distribute the Anti- Sales Tax brochure issued last week. Action groups should take the issue up immediately. Letters should be sent to Members of Parliament, stating simply that it is the will of the elector to have Sales Tax abolished. Businessmen should be approached to participate. This campaign will be one of top priority for the League up until the Federal Budget in August. If enough electoral pressure can be applied to defeat the destructive and inflationary Sales Tax, not only will a major step have been taken towards proper economic recovery, but the electors will have demonstrated that they do not need to go on being treated as serfs by those who should be their servants. |
THE STATE OF THE WORLDMelbourne and near Melbourne supporters are urged to make every effort to attend, with their friends, Mr. Eric Butler's meeting at the Loyal Orange Institute, 524 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, on next Tuesday, June 13th at 7.45 p.m., to hear a report on the recent World Anti-Communist Conference in Washington, and an up to the minute assessment of the global situation as it affects Australia. The League's coming campaigns will be outlined. There will be a big display of literature, with many new books available. Open to the public. |
BRIEF COMNENTSLast weekend in Melbourne saw the establishment
of one more political party, the National Front. Linked with the much-publicised
British National Front, the Australian National Front presents some
laudable objectives. But so do a number of other parties, including
the Liberal and National-Country parties. As longtime observers of party
politics, we note that modern parties all desert even their own stated
objectives when they obtain office. We are of course, familiar with
the pleas of the founders of new parties, "We will be different". But
why should they be different when they are concerned primarily with
obtaining power? Prime Minister Fraser may not have been successful
in seeing U.S. President Jimmy Carter last weekend in the U.S.A. But
like his Foreign Minister, Mr. Andrew Peacock, who has stayed with Mr.
David Rockefeller, Mr. Fraser was able to associate with those who exercise
real power in the United States. He was the houseguest of Mr. Nelson
Rockefeller. After applying the same destructive policies used by the Fraser Government, the American Government was not able - without risking an open revolution - to reduce the inflation rate below 7%. It is now rising again, one factor being an increase in beef following the destruction of American herds. Australia is following the same pattern. Those beef producers who have managed to survive will gain a little respite, but inflation will be the end result. |