24 November 1978. Thought for the Week: "The
educational programmes of Psychopolitics must, at every hand, seek out
the level of youth who will become the leaders in the country's future,
and educate them into the belief of the animalistic nature of Man. This
must be made fashionable. They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon
individual endeavour. They must be taught, above all things that the
salvation of Man is to be found only by his adjusting thoroughly to
his environment.
"Brainwashing" - A Synthesis of The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics. |
AUSTRALIA'S TRENDY FOREIGN MINISTER IN ACTION"The Sunday Press, Melbourne, of November 19th,
reports aides of the American entertainer, Miss Shirley Maclaine, as
saying they did not know if she would be escorted this week by Foreign
Minister Andrew Peacock. Mr. Peacock escorted Miss Maclaine at the Melbourne
Cup. "The Sunday Press" report comments that "In Canada it is almost
certain she will be entertained by another of her big time political
admirers, Prime Minister Trudeau." While Miss Maclaine would obviously have a political rapport with Prime Minister Trudeau, what about Mr. Andrew Peacock, Foreign Minister in an allegedly anti-Communist Government? Mr. Peacock is a vain man who likes to demonstrate that he "is moving with the times". He has sought to present a "fashionable" image and at present is the chief political spokesman in Australia for the "New International Economic Order". It is the "in" thing now to reject nationalism and to espouse internationalism although the "New International Economic Order" is in fact a programme for supra-nationalism. This is the programme being promoted by Mr. Peacock's friend, Mr. David Rockefeller. Speaking at a Melbourne press club last week (November 17th), Mr. Peacock returned once again to the underlying theme of the "New International Economic Order". Mr. Peacock said, according to "The Age" of November 18th that "Australia was seen by many other countries as a large, resource-rich, under populated and seemingly racist society." Mr. Peacock did not name these "many other countries", but indicated who they are when he said, "The Third World wants a more equal distribution of the world's resources between the rich and the poor." This is one of the dominant features of the proposals of the "New International Economic Order". It is not an original theme, having being advanced by the Marxist-Leninists over many years. It is an extension of the false view that the poor are poor because of the rich. Mr. Peacock said that while Australia should not necessarily concede all the Third World's demands, "Australia should recognise them as an important new dimension of the world scene." The only influence the "Third World" nations, many of them the quite artificial African States, have internationally is through the United Nations, where they generally vote with the Communist bloc. In his Melbourne Press Club address Mr. Peacock strongly defended the United Nations against its critics, claiming that it was a valuable international forum. He failed to state that it is not only a forum, which serves the cause of the Marxists-Leninists, but is progressively taking on the attributes of an embryonic World Government. The "New International Economic Order" is designed to strengthen this World Government. Like all such programmes, the initial stages
have to be presented in such a way that there will be the minimum of
resistance. Any suggestion that the programme must lead to a world monopoly
of power is treated as the product of the over-heated imaginations of
"right-wing extremists." It was the Peacock's of the British Conservative
Party, the "progressives", who assured the British electors that there
was no question of the European Economic Community developing towards
a Federalised Western Europe in which the United Kingdom would be but
a Province. Now it is admitted that a common monetary policy and a European
Parliament are essential to maintain the "dynamic" of the European Economic
Community. Once the momentum towards centralised power reaches a certain stage, it automatically increases. The political Peacocks only strut the stage for a short period, but centralised power becomes a permanent reality. The lesson of history teaches that the only place for power is in the hands of the many, not the few. If a challenge to the present leadership of the Liberal Party emerges next year, and we will not be surprised if it does, then it would be another major disaster for Australians if Mr. Andrew Peacock moves to the top. He and his "New International Economic Order" must be strongly opposed by all freedom loving Australians. |
VICTORIAN LIBERAL PARTY TROUBLESNon-partisan political observers are agreed that
only the more rabid revolutionary Socialists can save the Victorian
Hamer Government from a massive electoral backlash when it goes to the
polls in June of next year. Premier Hamer has indicated his own nervousness
by deciding to hold the poll at the latest possible date. Now Mr. Hamer is faced with another "gut issue": the Liberal Party Council's decision to re-introduce capital punishment. This decision was a personal blow to Mr. Hamer, as he was responsible in 1975 for introducing a private Member's Bill to abolish capital punishment, a Bill that only narrowly passed both Houses of Parliament with solid Labor support. The call for the death penalty for certain crimes like terrorism, although it has divided the Liberal Party, with senior Federal Liberal Members opposing the proposal, reflects beyond doubt the views of the majority of the electors. In her address to the Liberal Party Council meeting,
Mrs. Joy Mien, President of the Liberal Party's Victorian Branch, did
little to serve the cause of party unity when she urged that the Liberals
get rid of parisites operating within the party." This was a shaft at
those critics who in the main have taken a more conservative stance
than that of Premier Hamer. Clearly if Mrs. Mien and those who think
as she does have their way, there will have to be many more expulsions
similar to those of Members Francis and Jennings. Prime Minister Fraser made his contribution to
the Council meeting by urging all to "get behind Dick" and presenting
more of the tired old clichés that have become so monotonous. Mr. Fraser
knows that his own future could be tied to the results of the next Victorian
State Elections. After their disastrous performance in the N.S.W. State
Elections, the Liberals' major base in Australia is Victoria. If this
base collapses at the State Elections, the long-simmering back bench
concern in the Federal Liberal Party could erupt in an open challenge
to Malcolm Fraser. Much of the relatively successful political progress of Premier J. Bjelke-Petersen stems from his anti-Canberra stand, creating the image of a man who is independent enough to oppose not only a Labor Federal Government, but also a Liberal Government. If the Hamer Government is to survive, it must dissociate itself from the Fraser Government's policies as the first essential. Compulsory fluoridation should be dropped, and all Liberal candidates assured that they would have a free vote on the death penalty issue. But right now the Hamer Government, and with it, Prime Minister Fraser, are in deep trouble. |
RHODESIAN REALITIESMost of the comment concerning the Rhodesian crisis has ignored the fact that before the postponed elections can be held, the present Rhodesian electorate must at a referendum agree to a new Constitution. We are not surprised to receive reports that the white population in Rhodesia is hardening its opposition to the Ian Smith proposals. At the same time Prime Minister Smith is faced with a revolt in Parliament, where he requires two-thirds of the Members to pass race and land tenure laws. Rhodesians residing in Australia who desire to vote in the referendum on January 30 next year are advised that to obtain a postal ballot vote, they must write to The Registrar General, Box 7734, Causeway, Salisbury, Rhodesia. |