Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
17 October 1980. Thought for the Week: "Men are tired to death with money politics. They hope for salvation from somewhere or other, for some real thing of honour, of inward nobility, or unselfishness and duty".
Oswald Spengler.


By the time this week's "On Target" is delivered the basic features of the election results will be known, although a close contest may result in Australians having to wait for some days before the final results in both the House of Representatives and Senate are finalised. As we have often said, merely changing one set of politicians for another does not mean a change in real government. The Federal bureaucracy, the permanent army of occupation, remains, implementing basically policies of increasing centralisation of power. This development will continue until sufficient electors challenge the false gods dominating all nations.
Neither Mr. Fraser nor Mr. Hayden so much as hinted at challenging these gods during the election campaign. Both accepted the god of "full employment", "growth", tying the domestic economy to exporting - "the favourable balance of trade" - while the money god remained supreme.

Like a cracked record, Mr. Fraser asked, "Where was the money to come from?" while Mr. Hayden argued that he would find ways and means of obtaining more taxation. No one stressed that money was a man made system of symbols, and that in a nation of abundance, both actual and potential, to suggest there was any problem about symbols was like suggesting that it was impossible to produce a book because there were insufficient numbers for all the pages.

In what was perhaps the most impressive television performance by the political leaders, Senator Don Chipp did raise the far reaching implications of the computer revolution, which over the next ten years was going to displace millions of those now engaged in industry, and briefly suggested the sane policy of reducing the retiring age to 60, with full pension rights, to enable more young people to be employed. Responding to a similar proposal put forward by the Australasian Society of Engineers, Senator Guilfoyle objected to the proposal on the grounds that "the cost would be significant". Senator Guilfoyle admitted that the Society's proposal, of reducing the retiring age to 55, would result in a release of jobs for young people.

Worship of the Money god prevents an acceptance of the reality that, thanks to accumulated knowledge, the cultural heritage, applied to the vast resources of the Universe; it is PHYSICALLY possible for the basic requirements for all individuals to be provided with much less human labour. Instead of challenging the false gods, the election campaign during the final stages was progressively dominated by sickening gimmickry and name-calling. Shocked by the discovery that a campaign built around the "strong leadership" of Malcolm Fraser and his "responsible management", was being rejected by a large number of Australians, Liberal Party strategists decided that had to "humanise" Mr. Fraser and get him out into the streets where there would be more "action" - even if some of this had to be "created" for television!

As C.H. Douglas so brilliantly put it, all policies are rooted in philosophies and history is not a series of episodes, dominated by the creating of "personalities", but crystallised politics. Different policies are not going to emerge until there is a fundamental change in philosophies. This was made clear by The Christian Alternative, completely ignored by the city media during the election campaign, this further demonstrating that the media are so concerned with superficial gimmickry that they have missed what history will reveal to be the major development of the 1980 election campaign - the emergence of a group determined to make all aspects of politics subservient to Christian values.


General Shazli is organising resistance to President Sadat of Egypt who could put that nation back on an anti-Israel platform. General Shazli is soliciting help from Syria, and due to Israeli intransigence at Camp David, could be successful. At the Congress of the Liberal International in Berlin, the British Liberal Party moved a motion blaming Israel entirely for the failure of the peace talks. Meanwhile, Mr. Begin disclosed that Israel has been waging virtual war against Iraq, using the dissident Kurds as proxies. This revelation makes plausible Iraqi claims that Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor.
Alarming reports ("Economist", London) indicate that Israel's nuclear programme has now outstripped that of West Europe, and now comes directly behind those of the two superpowers. A reasonable question would be: where does the money come from?" This Israeli nuclear programme represents at least $40 Billion in capital investment if we use U.S. cost structures for the same programmes. One source of cash is drying up. The German Foreign Ministry is tiring of Israeli blackmail now running at $80 million yearly; and there are growing signs that the era of guilt is ending. Meanwhile, that pillar of pro-Israeli "conservatism", Ronald Reagan, says he will stop U.S. cash to the United Nations if the U.N. votes against Israel: and Jimmy Carter went one further by suggesting that the U.S.A. might withdraw from the U.N. entirely, if the U.N. expelled Israel. Sam Lipski, writing in the "Australian Jewish News" observed that Reagan has "some nice Jewish boys" who may influence Reagan after the Presidential elections. At a recent seminar, Aharon Yariv (former chief of Israeli military intelligence and former Minister of Information) said that Israel had plans to start another war in order to expel the whole Palestinian population of the West Bank.)


Generally speaking, the political leaders were not subjected to questioning on any fundamental issues by the media during the election campaign. There was, for example, the much-billed "confrontation" to take place between Prime Minister Fraser and the compare of a well-known Melbourne radio talkback programme. It was a complete "fizzer", with Malcolm Fraser using the opportunity to resort to one of his usual sloganising monologues.

These are some of the questions, which might have been put to Mr. Malcolm Fraser:
Do you not consider it hypocritical for you to be drawing attention to the Soviet threat while at the same time you are encouraging Australian exports to the Soviet Union?
As Australia is exporting at least 50 times more production to the Soviet Union than it is importing from the Soviet, how is Australia being paid?
In your anti-Soviet rhetoric, why have you never condemned the policy of the international banks in providing massive, long term, low interest credits for the Soviet Union?
As the Federal Government has the constitutional power, through the Reserve Bank, to fix interest rates, why has your government never instructed that new credits should be made available at the cost of administration, which could be as low as 2 percent?
Why do you keep talking about "printing press" money when the great bulk of Australia's money is created in the form of bank credit?
Do you consider it proper to be working towards committing Australia to the New International Economic Order, with its serious threat to Australian sovereignty, without informing and consulting the Australian people?
How can you morally charge the Labor Party with being a high taxation party when over the past five years your Government has increased total taxation with the result that taxation as a percentage of the GNP is higher than it was under the Whitlam government?
In view of the growing tribal violence in Zimbabwe, and the growing exodus of the whites, how do you justify your role in bringing the Marxist terrorist killer Mugabe to power?

And these questions to Mr. Hayden:
In view of the failures of the Whitlam Government, in which you were a Cabinet Minister, what changes in policies are you suggesting will produce better results under a Hayden Government?
As your programme for re-stimulating the economy is based upon a greater rate of credit expansion, and as all new money comes into existence as a debt under present financial rules, this debt carrying high interest charges, how can you halt continued high inflation?
For over seventy years the Labor Party and its leaders, men like Ben Chifley and Arthur Calwell, strongly supported an immigration policy designed to maintain Australia as a homogeneous European nation. Was your party a "racist" party over all those years and why do you tacitly support the Fraser Government in refusing Australians the opportunity to have a direct vote on immigration?


Based upon long years of studying "anti-Semitism", we caution against accepting at face value the alleged outbreak of "neo-Fascist anti-Semitism" in France. Previous outbreaks of swastika daubing and similar "anti-Semitic" activities were ultimately exposed as having been promoted by either Communists or Zionist agents provocateurs. Fanatical Political Zionists are prepared to sacrifice hundreds of Jews, as exposed by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal in his great classic, "The Zionist Connection".

Sir Keith Joseph, Prime Minister Thatcher's principal financial expert, a devotee of Ayn Rand, told the recent annual conference of the British Conservative Party that "temporary unemployment" was "the price" to be paid for promised recovery which will result from the Government's financial policies. The Marxists are delighted.

A Colac actionist (Vic.) with strong Local Government links sends official statistics on Personal Income Tax and Total Taxation over the past six years:

  1975-6 1976-7 1977-8 1978-9 1979-80 1980-81
  $M $M $M $M $M $M
Personal Income Tax 9,219 10,877 11,804 12,671 15,040 17,070
Total Taxation 16,843 19,642 21,346 23,288 27,305 31,796
Local Government Shareof Personal Income Tax 140.0 165.3 179.4 221.7 300.8


A Hobart Actionist (Tas.) has had an effective letter published in principal Tasmanian newspaper:
…" International bankers (lent) Poland $(U.S.) 640 million. The international bankers have already lent the Polish Government more than $19 million, and have advanced loans to the Soviets totalling $60 Billion, enabling the import of Western technology without which the Soviet manufacturing industry would have remained primitive and also being unable to build the largest navy in the world. "

Although these raw figures are a stark indication of the generous treatment given to the Communists, they are exclusive of the billions written off against money extorted from the taxpayers of the West. Compare this treatment to many small businessmen who are not only paying twice the interest rate imposed on the Communists, but many of whom have gone bankrupt because of crippling taxation, inflation, and the policies of the Central Banks of the West.
"Lenin certainly knew what he was talking about when predicting the West would provide the rope to hang themselves in their feverish anxiety to export their surplus goods to the Bolshevists."


Sunday September 12th Sheep Sales to the Soviet Union Senator Walsh asked the Minister representing the Minister for Primary Industry upon notice on August 20th, 1980:
1. What are the names of the vendors of (a) Merino and (b) other stud sheep sold for shipment to the Soviet Union at sales since January 1980 and to whom (1) export permits were granted and (2) export permits were not granted?
2. What was the name of the Agent in each case?

Reply from Senator Dame Margaret Guilfoyle. The Minister for Primary Industry has provided the following answer to the Hon. Senators question: A single consignment of breeding sheep made up: 135 merino rams, 40 Corriedale rams and 47 Corriedale ewes and 7 lambs has been exported to the Soviet Union during 1980 calendar year. A consignment went by charter aircraft from Tullamarine on August 18th, 1980. Earlier, on January 5th permission to export some 40 Merino lambs and 100 Corriedale sheep was withheld, but any sheep from that consignment resubmitted for export in accordance with established procedures were included in the August 18th consignment.
1. The Vendors of Merino rams, which were exported to the Soviet Union, were the following studs: Boonoke, Bundemar, Coonong, Gunwah, Merrill, McDonald-Cobran, Old-Cobran, One-Oak, Pooginook, Roseville No. 1, Roseville No. 2, Silver-Pines, Uardry, Wanganella, Willandra, Wonga.

The company, which exported all of the above breeding sheep, was Commercial Bureau (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. Dalgety (Aust.) Ltd. - Export Trading Division actually bid at auction for the Merino rams on behalf of Commercial Bureau.