League history was made when on Wednesday, March
23rd, Mr. Eric Butler opened a League exhibition at the Adelaide
Constitutional Museum. The exhibition consists of 15 panels, each
one dealing with some aspect of the League's history, starting
with the formation of the League in Adelaide in 1946, and League
activities. A large attendance, including Members of the South
Australian Parliament, was present to hear Mr. Butler provide
a capsule picture of the League's history. Later Mr. Jeremy Lee
gave a brief commentary on each of the panels. The whole event
has been video taped and later will be available as a major piece
of League history.
Sections of the media, including the morning paper, "The Advertiser"
and the evening "News" carried reports of attacks on the
exhibition by local Zionist spokesmen and apologists. Radio and
TV programs carried attacks, some critics even demanding that
the State Government step in and stop the exhibition. As the Communist
Party, the homosexuals and other similar groups have had exhibitions
without the type of attacks directed against the League of Rights,
many are asking why the League has been singled out. The media
featured only one of the fifteen panels of display material that
concerning the literature made available by the League concerning
the propaganda claiming that 6 million Jews were gassed during
the Second World War. As Mr. Butler pointed out to the media critic,
this propaganda has been sustained to mask the savage policies
of the Israel Zionists, to attempt to keep the rank and file of
the Jews in a state of tension, and to induce a guilt complex
in Christians. |
One of Australia's most distinguished jurists,
a man with an international reputation, Dr. Walter Henderson
of Adelaide, has recently made available the following opinion
concerning the High Court's decision last year that the Federal
Government can use its External Powers to enter into international
agreements and conventions which can then be used to legislate
at the expense of the States:
Gibbs C.J. Stephen, Mason, Murphy, Aitkin, Wilson and Brennan
J.J. Koowarta Plaintiff Bjelke-Petersen and Others.
Defendants And The Commonwealth of Australia v. The State
of Queensland.
"This is a case decided by the High Court of Australia on
May 11, 1982, in which every Australian citizen who is concerned
with the preservation of the present federal method of government
of country should have a practical interest. It turned on
the question of whether or not the Racial Discrimination Act
of the Commonwealth Parliament was within the power of that
Parliament or whether it was within the powers of the States.
Four of the judges led by Stephen J. decided that it was within
Commonwealth powers, and three of the judges led by the Chief
Justice decided that the subject matter of the Statute was
within State power.
"I propose in this paper to set out and criticise the judgment
of Stephen J. who has since left the High Court to become,
as Sir Ninian Stephen, the Governor General of Australia.
"The case arose in this way. An aborigine in Queensland took
legal proceedings against the Premier of Queensland pleading
the latter was acting contrary to the Racial Discrimination
Act of the Commonwealth in denying him, as an aborigine, a
certain right to take an interest in land. The Commonwealth
Government intervened in the case, which then became the Commonwealth
against the State of Queensland.
"The gist of the case turned on the content of the expression,
'External Affairs', in the Commonwealth Constitution, the
Commonwealth Parliament being given the power to legislate
on 'External Affairs'. I shall examine the judgement of Stephen
"The kernel of the case presented by Stephen J. in the Racial
Discrimination case is that when the U.N. deliberated on a
matter it ipso facto becomes a subject within the External
Affairs powers of the Constitution of the Commonwealth, and
thus may be legislated on by the Commonwealth Parliament with
certainty that it will not be ultra vires. He buttressed
his argument by reference to a number of writers on international
law. He says: 'This growth reflects the new global concern
for human rights and the international acknowledgement of
the need for universally recognised norms of conduct'. "Such
a course of reasoning would lead him to accept as qualifying
for entry into our 'External Affairs' the International Covenants
on Human Rights which include an International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. All these would be particularised
and not lost in a general expression.
Nearly all the matters out in this Covenant are at present
within the powers of the States. The view of Stephen J. is
that, included in 'External Affairs' a Commonwealth Statute
in respect of any one of more of them would over ride State
legislation. This, of course, would lead to the demise of
the States and transform Australia from a federal system into
a unitary system. And this would be done legally and quietly.
"The faith of Stephen J. in the 'global concern' for human
rights is not supported by facts. The countries of the Communist
world and the African countries have no such concern. The
Communist countries by reason of the mental perversion that
afflicts them. The African countries by the fact that the
last thing they want is to be having any respect for human
rights. Also, none of such countries have judiciaries capable
of enforcing the provisions of such Covenants. I have a list
of the member countries of the U.N. up to the end of 1980,
with the inclusion of Zimbabwe. There are 151 (one hundred
and fifty one) of them. Of these, only a dozen are Rule of
Law countries with judiciaries independent of the Executive.
So the adoption and ratification of these U.N. Human Rights
Covenants would result in nothing else than a hilarious international
paper chase.
"There is an extremely objectionable clause in the International
Covenant on Civil and Cultural Rights and that is that countries
accepting it have a duty to spy on other countries that are
not carrying out its provisions and to report the results
of that spying to the U.N. It is likely that African countries
would prefer to spy on countries, their neighbours, who are
carrying out their undertakings.
"There is a peculiarly insolent provision in the International
Covenant in Civil and Political Rights. It is Article 50,
which says: 'The provisions of the present Covenant shall
extend to all parts of federal states without any limitations
or exceptions.' One supposes that the academic bureaucrats
of the U.N. are so used to seeing governments grovel before
them that they can say whatever they wish to say.
"Stephen J. appears to have arrived at the opinion he did
by permitting his indwelling personal views of what has been
called immanent justice to come before the strict requirements
of the positive law. This is a besetting sin that often awaits
judges to trip them up. But what is disturbing in this racial
discrimination case is that he induced three other judges
to follow him. The High Court is obedient to its own decisions
and will be obliged to accept the view that the Commonwealth
Constitution can be amended in a manner not provided for in
the Constitution itself.
Former Australian Test cricket captain,
Mr. Richie Benaud, has opposed sending a young Australian
cricket team to Zimbabwe, drawing attention to the deteriorating
security situation, with white farmers being murdered, and
escalating tribal tensions. The tour is going ahead, primarily
because of assurances from Australia's diplomatic representatives
in Zimbabwe. Mr. Benaud claims that young Australian cricketers
are being put at risk to further Australia's diplomacy concerning
the "Third World". Writing in "The Herald", Melbourne,
of March 22nd, Mr. Benaud asked, "Why on earth should they
(young Australian cricketers) be condemned to undertake the
tour to a strike-torn country just because it happens to be
a good thing to do - and that to decline the tour would upset
the Zimbabwean Government?" The Hawke Government has, like
the Fraser Government, urged that the tour go ahead. We sincerely
hope that Australia's young cricketers return safely.
Addressing a series of post election
meetings, Mr. Eric Butler has been predicting that Mr. Hawke's
long-term strategy is, if possible, to stage an early election
next year, using a double dissolution not merely to consolidate
his position for a further three years, but also to gain control
of the Senate. Mr. Butler's predictions have now been supported
by Canberra reports that Mr. Hawke will stage an election
for the House of Representatives at the same time as the required
Senate elections.
The Franklin Dam issue is moving inexorably
towards escalation into a full Constitutional issue on States
Rights. Council elections in Strahan (Tasmania) in the last
few days amount to yet another endorsement, by Tasmanians,
of the building of the Franklin Dam. The three sitting councillors
were all beaten by Dam supporters. The Chairman of the Organisation
for Tasmanian Development (Mr. Kelvin McCoy) said: "It should
now be clearly understood by the Prime Minister that the majority
of Tasmanians have again clearly demonstrated their support
of the Gordon power development stage two.
"Premier Gray now has the strongest mandate of any Premier
in the history of this nation to proceed with a development,
which is clearly the wish of the majority of the Tasmanian
people. "Tasmanians at federal, state, and now local government
have clearly voiced their wish. "Quite obviously, the people
of Strahan have had enough of the Conservation Movement. We
would like to see more letters supporting the Tasmanian Government,
and the key underlying issue - support of decentralised government
- (State Government) in the press. There are not enough appearing
at the present time, and we have the strongest case: viz.
support of decentralised government of democracy against the
Big Government of the Socialists, Communists, and One Worlders.
We again remind supporters that governments can only increase
their powers at the expense of the individual. The more power
a government acquires, then the less power has the individual.
The Socialist ideologues (there are plenty of them at Canberra)
want Big Government, by faith! It is like a religion with
them: they have been sold the Big Government faith, which
they believe must have the power to cure all ills. They are
misled. Big Government can only mean small individuals, without
the power to defend themselves against the continuous encroachments
of the 'Power State'.
The ideologue editorialists of The
Age (Melbourne), commonly known as "The Spencer Street
Soviet", because of its consistent Left-wing views, have gone
right off this planet. In the Editorial of March 24th, we
read this: "On March 5 the majority of Australians voted to
have the Franklin saved. The fact that Tasmanians voted against
the national tide is not the point. The southwest wilderness
area belongs to the nation and the world. By insisting otherwise,
Mr. Gray is out of step and out of touch".
We remind supporters, also, that office-bearers of the Australian
Conservation Foundation are monitoring the metropolitan and
regional press, and responding to pro-Dam letters - as is
their democratic right. Supporters should know that the League
of Rights is generally quite sympathetic to the Conservation
Movement so long as vital constitutional and political principles
are not endangered.
Commonwealth intervention over the Franklin Dam issue does
endanger such a vital principle: that of decentralised government.
As a matter of fact the Deputy Director of the Australian
Conservation Foundation, Mr. Doug Hill, is to address the
Melbourne Conservative Speakers' Club on Thursday, May 5th.
This arrangement was made well before the Dams issue escalated
to the stage, which it has now reached. This issue has naturally
been discussed since with Mr. Hill, whom, we felt, might be
embarrassed by speaking from our platform (more pro-Tasmanian
Government than pro-Dam itself) but the mutual assessment
was that the Dam was one issue only, and that there was much
of interest in the other activities of the Australian Conservation
Foundation about which we should be acquainted. Mr. Doug Hill
will be assured of a polite, courteous, reception by his audience
made up, generally, of League of Rights supporters.