Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
30 September 1966. Thought for the Week: "... brainwashing is sheer evil. The fight against it is the culminating issue of all time, in which every human being is a protagonist...The mother, teacher, and pastor are in the front lines of this ideological conflict, and every word they say to their sons and daughters is important to the struggle, for character more than anything else will determine the outcome."
Edward Hunter in "Brainwashing".


Mr. Robert Resha, an active African Communist leader, is at present lecturing extensively throughout Australia. If press reports are correct, Mr. Resha's Australian tour is being sponsored by the "South African Defence and Aid Fund" Sydney, "The Committee for Human Rights in South Africa" Canberra, and "South Africa Protest" Melbourne. Mr. Resha is receiving considerable favourable press publicity, but we have seen no reference to his Communist background. The suppression of Mr. Resha's background enables him to reach and to influence a much wider Australian audience. And, of course, it enables him to collect more funds for the "victims" of South Africa's "oppressive" apartheid policies.
When the former South African Communist Mr. Solly Sachs visited Australia on a mission similar to that of Mr. Resha's, The Australian League of Rights so effectively exposed Mr. Sachs in a nation-wide campaign, that Mr. Sachs was comparatively unsuccessful in his mission.

We suggest that the widest possible circulation of the following background information on Mr. Resha will also help to ensure that this Communist's mission is a failure: Born in the Cape Province, South Africa, in 1928, Robert Resha has been a member of the Communist-controlled African National Congress since 1950 and was one of the leaders of its militant Youth League. Mr. Resha is a very fluent and persuasive speaker. Before he left South Africa, Mr. Resha addressed many meetings of the African National Congress and its Youth League, the Transvaal Peace Council, the South African Society for Peace and Friendship with the U.S.S.R., and the Congress of Democrats. The last organisation was the illegal South African Communist Party in disguise.
In a broadcast over the B.B.C. television in 1959, Mr. Resha said: "Our aim as Communists is to gain freedom without bloodshed but it is difficult to prognosticate what is going to happen in the future."
Mr. Resha left South Africa in 1961 and visited the following countries: Britain, the U.S.A., Chili, Ghana, Italy and the Soviet Union. He has consistently furthered the Communist cause under the guise of fighting apartheid in South Africa. Mr. Resha was representative for the African National Congress in Algeria for a number of years.
In 1965 he was promoted to the position of Director of International Affairs of the African National Congress. It was in this capacity that Mr. Resha attended the important Communist Tri-Continental Conference held at Havana, Cuba, early in 1966.
In an address he gave there, he said:
"We consider this Tri-Continental Conference as a significant step forward in the further consolidation of militant unity of all anti-imperialists, anti-colonialist and anti-neo-colonialist forces. In this epoch of national liberation and socialist revolution, we meet here to prepare for the defeat of the world-wide offensive of imperialism, with its cruelest aggression in evidence in Vietnam and with its blatant intervention in Santo Domingo.
The very fact that this conference is being held at this time is an expression of the vital historical need for militant positive action of all revolutionary forces. The 'African National Congress' and the people of South Africa are under no illusion about how bitter and grim the struggle for the overthrow of the fascist and imperialist forces in our country is going to be. In that resolve to fight until victory is achieved, we are inspired by the Great October Revolution, the Cuban and Algerian Revolutions.
Comrades, in conclusion, on behalf of the African National Congress I wish this first unique Tri-Continental Conference every success in its noble and all important efforts for cementing the militant unity of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America together with those of the socialist countries and the democratic peoples of the rest of the world against imperialist military pacts and bases, and for the world peace."
From the 2nd to the 4th of February 1966, Resha attended a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R in Moscow.

No doubt while here Mr. Resha was well-briefed on how to continue with greater effectiveness his activities on behalf of the Communist International conspiracy. We have devoted a comparatively large amount of space to the Resha case because it is a classical current example of how top Communist agents operate with the support in many cases of influential people who are not Communists. We will be reporting further on this matter next week.


In a letter dated 18th August, the Hon. Paul Hasluck, Minister for External Affairs, makes comment on Communist strategy, which is most disturbing. Mr. Hasluck is commenting on a letter from an elector questioning Australia's anti-Rhodesian policy. Mr. Hasluck writes that
"We have restricted our dealing with Rhodesia at the request of Britain, the country responsible for Rhodesian affairs, in an effort to have constitutional government restored there and conditions established in which there can be in the future political stability and peaceful development."
It is highly probable that this piece of double-talk was in fact written by one of Mr. Hasluck's Departmental officials.

Rhodesia is one of the few countries left in Africa where there is political stability and peaceful development. But Mr. Hasluck's Government does the bidding of the fanatical Fabian Socialist, Mr. Harold Wilson, and thus aligns itself with a policy designed to destroy the Rhodesian economy. It is difficult to see how peaceful development can be fostered by economic war.

The international campaign against Rhodesia, and South Africa, has the enthusiastic support of the Communists everywhere. And yet Mr. Hasluck writes:
"I do not agree with Mr....'s outline of Communist strategy to overrun Southern Africa and thus isolate Australia. I would have thought that Southern Africa occupies at this time a minor place in Communist thinking, which is more directed to what they regard as more promising regions, notably South East Asia and the Middle East. Besides, even if Southern Africa were overrun, Australia would by no means be left helpless. For one thing, Mr. Rusk recently left no doubt in anyone's mind about what the U.S. reaction would be if Australia were attacked."
Mr. Hasluck is either badly informed or badly advised if be believes that Southern Africa occupies a "minor place" in Communist thinking. Communist global strategy has been clearly outlined by the Communists on many occasions.

We suggest that Mr. Hasluck might study with profit the address on current Communist global strategy given early in September of last year by Lin Piao, Red China's Minister for Defence, and Mao Tse-tung's successor.
Lin Piao summarised his strategic concept by saying, "In the final analysis, the whole cause of world revolution hinges on the revolutionary struggles of the Asians, African and Latin American peoples..."

The Communists, both in Moscow and Peking, have welcomed the retreat of the European in Africa, claiming that this was a development of the greatest importance from their point of view. The Communists are not so much concerned at present about "overrunning" Southern Africa as they are in forcing the Europeans out under the pretext of introducing "majority rule". The introduction of "majority rule" in Africa has produced chaos, bloodshed, and increasing Communist penetration.
If Mr. Hasluck is a logical man, he must know that forcing Rhodesia to introduce at this time "majority rule" can only result in further bloodshed and more Communist penetration. Is this what he and his Government wants?

It is true that the Communists are exerting great pressure in South-East Asia and elsewhere. But to say that the Southern part of Africa does not vitally concern the Communists at present is one more frightening example of the appalling deficiency of understanding of Communist global strategy by Western politicians.
The loss of the whole of Africa, its great resources and strategic bases, would be a death blow for Western Europe, or force it into a position of defeatist neutrality. In these circumstances the U.S. would be in no position to worry unduly about protecting Australia.


"The Age", Melbourne, of 24th September, reports that the expelled ALP MP. Captain Benson, has written a letter to Mr. Cyril Windham, General Secretary of the ALP, asking for an explanation of what he called a "clear inconsistency". "I was expelled from the party for my association with the 'Defend Australia Committee', and with what the ALP Federal executive judged - without hearing the other side of the case - was an extreme DLP and Liberal party element operating through the committee. But a member of the ALP Federal executive and other ALP members were free to associate with Communists in the 'Queensland conference on South-East Asia and Australia'."

Regarding this conference, Captain Benson pointed out that "24 of the conference's sponsors are Communists, and a member of the central committee of the Communist Party of Australia has been announced as a featured speaker."

As far as we know, no comment has yet been obtained from Mr. Windham concerning Captain Benson's difficult question.