Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
11 February 1966. Thought for the Week: "A communist war which lasts ten years may be surprising to other countries, but for us this is only the preface. Historical experience is written in blood and iron."
Mao Tse-tung.


Owner of the world's largest food-selling empire, Mr. Garfield Weston, a Canadian with extensive business interests in many parts of the world, has openly declared his confidence in Rhodesia's ability to survive. On January 29, Mr. Weston said "Sanctions or no sanctions, I'm investing in Rhodesia now, I have sufficient faith in Rhodesia. As a business man, I am very anxious there should be good stable government in this country." Mr. Weston is investing a quarter of a million pounds sterling in Rhodesia. It would be instructive to learn what Socialist Harold Wilson thinks of this act of faith by a business leader of Mr. Weston's standing.

Mr. Weston obviously does not believe the propaganda about international economic warfare bringing the Smith Government to its knees. The investment by Mr. Weston will be used to develop Rhodesian beef, cotton and other industries. Mr. Weston stated "as a Canadian I am very sorry Canada is taking so active a part in something she knows so little about." He also said that he always made his investments on the merits of the people in the country rather than on the prevailing economic situation, and that he was going into Rhodesia because "this is a great country with a united, great- hearted people."

Mr. Weston believes that the African people are more interested in full stomachs than in votes. The world's press, which moralises about press censorship in Rhodesia, has not featured the story about the Weston investment. Most completely suppressed it.


The League of Rights rally on Rhodesia, to have been held in Melbourne last Tuesday evening, had to be postponed until next Monday evening, February 14, because of the Victorian strike. The rally will take place in the Assembly Hall, Collins Street and will be addressed by Mr. Eric Butler. Not only the poster advertising the Assembly Hall meeting, but also the poster board itself, was removed from outside the Hall in Collins Street last week. This was reported to the police. Because of this incident, and indications of possible disturbances at the rally next Monday, arrangements have been made for maximum security. All Melbourne supporters are requested to attend early.


Every matured student of psycho-political warfare is warning of the danger signals about South Vietnam. The pattern of events closely follows those of the past when the West has retreated in the face of the pressure of the International Communist conspiracy. Reports from the Honululu conference between President Johnson and South Vietnam's Premier, Marshal Ky, reveal that the South Vietnam leader is under heavy pressure to accept a compromise arrangement with the Viet Cong, in exchange for mass American economic aid. The world's press is starting to carry stories that bombing in North Vietnam cannot win the war, and that the "moderate" Soviet Union must be brought in to an agreement. A high-pressure campaign is being run in the U.S.A. and is now spilling over into Australia, designed to create the widespread fear that strong action against North Vietnam may precipitate Chinese intervention, Shades of Korea!

Top American expert on International Communism, Mr. John Stormer, author of the famous best-seller, "None Dare Call It Treason", (8/- post free) has recently made a first hand survey of the South Vietnam situation. He writes in a special report: "I knew before I went to Vietnam that Russia and her satellites were supplying the weapons the Viet Cong uses to kill Americans...I was also well aware that our government is giving aid to the very communist countries which are supplying the bullets used against our boys. It was a young marine...he was just 19 years old… who asked the key question. He bitterly pointed out that the Viet Cong uses Polish trucks to haul their supplies. He wanted to know what was wrong in Washington...he wanted to know why the United States continues to send aid to Poland." Stormer goes on to show how in spite of the "mellowing" of the Soviet Union, and the Sino-Soviet "split", it is the Soviet Union and its satellites which are supplying, through China, the most important military equipment for the Communists in Vietnam.

The fact that there are powerful individuals and groups in Washington who, in spite of the irrefutable evidence that the Soviet Empire is supplying massive support for the Viet Cong, persist in claiming that a deal can be made with the "moderate" leaders of this Empire only provides further evidence of the deep penetration of the Communist conspiracy and its dupes in Washington.

The situation is really desperate, and it is madness to attempt to suggest otherwise. Australians and New Zealanders can only hope, and pray, that American patriots can push forward with their mounting campaign to hold the American people in a united and firm stand against the subversive drive which seeks to confuse and paralyse them. But Australians themselves have got to play their part, and intensify their contribution to the overall campaign. Time is fast running out.

What contribution can Australians make? They can urge that their Government give a lead in imposing a complete economic boycott against the Communist Empire until, for a start, Communist aggression in South Vietnam ceases. Instead of joining in the economic war against Mr. Ian Smith's peaceful, anti-Communist Government, the Australian Government could suggest that the British socialist Government remove a British aircraft carrier outside the port of Beira and place it outside the port of Haiphong to stop Russian oil from reaching North Vietnam.


Logically, one or two postulates are necessary to vindicate the picture of Rhodesia as painted by the editorial writers of most of the Australian daily press:
(a) The Rhodesian citizens are actuated by an ill will and low morality which differentiates them from the residents of the rest of the English-speaking members of the British Commonwealth, or
(b) They have no knowledge of their own local problems.

In considering the first postulate, it would seem peculiar if it were correct, because the Rhodesians derive from the same stock as, for example, the Australians, and have in addition, due to smaller numbers, a somewhat more effective control of their Government spokesman. We can visualise no factor, which would attract to Rhodesia 80 per cent of the worst type of British migrant.

Postulate (b) presents an even greater problem, for one would naturally assume that those who have to bear the consequence of any decision would normally give the most thought to that decision. Thus they are more likely to arrive at a workable solution. They have, so to speak, a vested interest in a workable solution.

It is an odd reflection on the trend of modern affairs to observe that those people who allegedly reflect "world opinion" are in the main at variance with those who, by their proximity, we would expect to have a clearer grasp on the type of problem to be faced in Rhodesia. Thus wherever we have "world opinion" supporting policies, which have produced chaos and shocking suffering everywhere they have been imposed in opposition to the policies of people on the spot. The Australian editor or academic who pontificates on the wrongness of the Rhodesian approach to the natives, has in the main no firsthand knowledge of the situation and certainly would not have to directly bear the responsibility for the implementation of his second-hand theories. He has, moreover, the full weight of the recent experience in other African countries against him. A reasoning man of goodwill does not continue to advocate a course, which consistently results in disaster for the people he purports to benefit. The Gadarene swine plunging to their death were hardly intended by Christ to be emulated.


We are reliably informed that a branch of the Bank of Communist China has been operating in Sydney for some time. Right throughout Asia the Bank of China has been a major instrument of subversion and espionage. Even the neutralist Indians demanded that the Indian branch be closed. The branch in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, was also closed because of the financing of subversive activities. It would be instructive to learn who was responsible for a branch being established in Australia. Was it Dr. H. C. Coombs?
When this matter is raised in Parliament, we have no doubt that some specious reply will be given about the Chinese requiring banking facilities in Australia because of large exports to Communist China. We recall Lenin's prediction that Communist espionage and other agents would freely enter the "capitalist" nations disguised as trade representatives. We understand that the staff of the Bank of China in Sydney is larger than might be reasonably expected.


A Federal Member has stated that he has had more correspondence on Rhodesia than he has had on South Vietnam. The pressure is building up. But it must be intensified. Let us all make a major effort before Parliament meets next month, when the Rhodesian issue will be raised. Some good letters have been published in the press. But many more letters to papers can be sent.

The weakness of the official Government "line" at Canberra is revealed in a letter by the Minister for External Affairs, Mr. Paul Hasluck, to a Queensland actionist:
"No comparison can be made between trade with communist China and sanctions applied against Rhodesia, a British Colony. All the actions taken by Australia and a great many other countries on Rhodesia in introducing sanctions are to support Britain in its efforts to enable Rhodesia to return to constitutional ways."

Mr. Hasluck, and other Government apologists, should be told that Rhodesia has never been a British Colony. Rhodesia has been a self-governing nation since 1923, Britain only looking after external affairs and guaranteeing international loans, Rhodesia has never departed from "constitutional ways". It continues to be governed by a Government freely elected under the very constitution accepted by a British Government. Law and order continues. An independent judiciary still protects the rights of individuals.

Government Members should be told that Mr. Wilson's policy of economic warfare is to produce such hardship that there will be a revolt against the Government. And Mr. Wilson has also indicated that should economic warfare produce chaos and bloodshed, this would enable him to send in military forces.

Mr. Hasluck and his colleagues must be forced to face the clear-cut issue: they are joining with the Communist nations in economic warfare against peaceful and anti-Communist Rhodesia while at the same time they are economically assisting the very Communist nations with whom they are in conflict. Why should Rhodesia suffer an oil blockade while Russian oil pours into North Vietnam through the port of Haiphong? Mr. Hasluck and his colleagues should also be asked did they approve of the imposition of Communist Governments upon countries like Hungary? Why do they recognise these countries, and trade with them, while they decline to recognise Rhodesia? Is Rhodesia a bigger threat to the world than the Communist nations? These and other questions should be relentlessly put up to Government Members.