18 March 1966. Thought for the Week: "Because
Freedom is for everybody or nobody. Because every man is entitled to
hold an opinion and voice it. Or soon nobody is. Because they cannot
intimidate one man without making all men a little bit afraid!"
Henry Denker - A Case of Libel. |
THE CONSCRIPTION ISSUEMuch is being made of the decision of the Commonwealth Government to send National Service Trainees to Vietnam with re-enforcements releasing regular troops, as well as augmenting those that are already serving there. Those forces of perversion and subversion which have made such great inroads into Church and Education on behalf of the Communist conspiracy has resulted in the deepest political division ever to exist in Australia. The same can be said for all Western nations. In this country the issue of conscription, already existing in America, can be counted as a turning point in Government policy. It means that there is a great possibility that this country may be counted upon to so organise itself to take a more vigorous part in the fight against Communism. The Communists know this and they can be counted upon to use all their front organisations to fight this issue out to the finish. As well as any other body of opinion we know
the value of freedom of choice, and the dangers of dictatorial action.
But above all we know also there comes times of crisis when these cherished
rights have to be temporarily set aside. There is a time and place for
everything, and now is the time for strength and leadership. In every
society, leadership must be provided by those who have maturity and
experience in commensurate measure with responsibility. If government
leadership fails in this regard the whole country suffers. The youth
of our country are still fundamentally loyal and patriotic, and will
follow when correct leadership is given. This has been demonstrated
by the almost unanimous acceptance by Trainees of the Government's decision.
The grave responsibility, which the rest of us have, is to ensure that
those who fight in the physical war against Communism for their country,
are not let down by those who stay at home enjoying the freedom of a
country not torn asunder by the anti-Christian conspiracy of Communism.
Such policies still being pursued by our Government, such as trade with
China, which aid the enemy must be fought until they are reversed. |
PRINCE SIHANOUK'S "NEUTRALITY"According to a report from "The Times" special correspondent, Prince Sihanouk in a recent address on Cambodian "neutrality" listed Red China, France, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia as his "nearest and dearest". "Another Country following not far behind would be Australia." On the face of it we seem to be in undesirable company. |
THE "INNOCENT" RUSSIAN POETWe are being favoured by yet another emissary of cloud cuckoo-land where all that is wonderful is born or invented. In this case it is the Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko who is visiting Australia to take part in the Adelaide Festival of Arts. Mr. Yevtushenko comes from a closed state. No man likely to cause embarrassment to the Red dictatorship is ever granted an exit visa. With this in mind the statements in the press that he is an "outspoken critic" of the Soviet regime cannot be attributed to naivety on the part of the papers. The recent arrest of several Soviet writers and their savage punishment for what was regarded by the Soviet courts as subversive statements adds further ridicule to this blatant hypocrisy. When the fact is considered that the most violent
statements of the convicted writers pale to insignificance before even
our most subtle subversionists like Lippmann and Wilkie, let alone the
more outspoken Dr. Cairns, we are not led to expect any comments from
Yevtushenko this side of neutral. Even this would be a refreshing surprise.
THE QUEEN'S JAMAICAN SPEECHIt has become traditional that any Speech from
the Throne in any country of which the Queen is Head of State is written
by those representing the State and is not necessarily the views of
the Monarch. Nevertheless it must be disturbing for the people of Rhodesia
battling for survival against the double talk used on the race question
to inflame revolutionary activity against them, to read the speech given
at the opening of parliament in Jamaica by Her Majesty. If reported
correctly there is no doubt that these remarks were specifically designed
to embarrass the Rhodesian Government. The relevant passage was as follows. In the final analysis the Queen is a responsible
individual. We don't know what pressure is operated against her. We
don't know how much she is "protected" from direct contact with her
people. We do know that on the Rhodesian question the British Government
has ensured that she is cut off from any direct communication with her
loyal subjects in Rhodesia and that all statements issued in her name
have been in fact those of the Labour Government. |
THE "CORRUPTION" OF CHAING KAI SHEKTaiwan, the Chinese name for the island of Formosa
which houses the central government of free Nationalist China, stands
as a stable and prosperous object lesson in a vast area of Communist
and near Communist chaos and misery. Its 12.5 million people by means
of a system of private enterprise have been able to convert an undeveloped
and dependent economy into a flourishing and self-reliant one in the
16 years from 1949 until June 30th 1965 when U.S. aid was discontinued
as unnecessary. Economics Minister, Mr. K. T. Li, cites the fact that "between 1952 and 1964 the output of private industry from factories and mines increased seven times at an annual rate of 18.8%, against only 7.6% registered by state enterprises." Those enterprises, which are still under government control, sugar, petroleum refining, power production, fertiliser and aluminum manufacture, are destined by government policy for eventual private ownership. V. K. Wellington Koo, Formosan Ambassador to
the U.S.A. said in a letter to the U.S. State Department in 1949, We are indebted to Keyes Beech and Clarence
W. Hall for the above figures. |
THE KENNEDY BROTHERSRecent press reports throughout the world tell us that Senator Edward Kennedy has joined with his brother Robert in advocating recognition of the Viet Cong at any conference on the future of South Vietnam. This of course is tantamount to giving the Communists what they want. Experience has shown that they will only come to the conference table for that purpose. Any western leader who does not recognise this basic principle of Communist tactics is either a fool or a traitor. Bearing this in mind, there is a strong possibility that Robert will be the Democratic Party's nomination for the presidential election in either 1968 or 1972 according to overseas reports. Should he be successful, judging on past performances of the Kennedy clan, Edward will move into a more influential position. By that time we may well be witnessing the mopping up operations of the Communists conspiracy's bid for complete world domination and such acceptable negotiators will make the job much easier. While this may be classified as idle speculation,
there is no doubt that the present disastrous position in Vietnam can
be traced to elder brother John Kennedy the Late President of U.S.A.
When he deserted President Diem at a time when Diem was beating the
Communists, President Kennedy gave the green light to Diem's assassins.
The position in Vietnam deteriorated disastrously from that time. |
TARGET FOR THE WEEKLetters to the press supporting the Government's
stand on Vietnam, stressing the need to support our troops by every
possible means. The speech in the house by Mr. Calwell on the 15th March and reported in the following days press contains some valuable figures of Australian exports to China and Russia. It would be useful to ask our parliamentarians whether these figures of Mr. Calwell's are authentic, and if so, what are we receiving in exchange for the goods sent. Would this be a continuous one-way traffic, increasing all the time, and in effect were we being turned into a work force simply to prop up the inefficient Communist economies while they made war on us. |