Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
1 May 1987. Thought for the Week: "Anzac Day has become less relevant in the eyes of the average Australian in the past 20 to 30years - and that's a great pity. Australian society has become flabby - but in another 30 to 50 years we'll be in danger again because we'll be the resource bowl for a huge area and we'll have to defend ourselves to maintain our standards. The concept of Anzac Day can give us the strength to do this effectively"
Professor Geoffrey Blainey, as quoted in Sunday Telegraph April 26th


In an attempt to minimise the political fallout from the coming Premiers' Conference and Loan Council meeting on May 25th, Prime Minister Hawke invited the four State Labor Premiers for a preliminary talk at the Lodge last Friday. Mr. Hawke seeks the cooperation of the Labor Premiers in advancing the Hawke-Keating strategy of "economic restraint". Judging from their reported comments the Labor premiers left Canberra far from happy. They warn that the proposed financial restrictions will result in a slowing of economic activity and higher unemployment. But Treasurer Paul Keating insists that the States must share the burden of "restraint" which the Hawke Government is now preparing public opinion to accept.

Australians are now being told that they have "lived beyond their means", and that the time for "restraint" is upon the nation. All this will have a familiar ring to older Australians who recall the same theme being preached in the beginning of the Great Depression in the early 'thirties, when the infamous Premiers Plan was imposed, making the Depression conditions worse. The basic situation 50 years ago was the same as today; there was nothing wrong with the production system, which was easily capable of producing all the requirements for civilised living for all the Australian people.

The Reality - The Truth - is that in spite of an enormous amount of economic sabotage, the growth of an enormous army of parasitic bureaucracy, Australia is not threatened with any actual or potential shortage, of essential production. Australia's primary producers in particular have - mainly under the whip of rising financial costs inflation - increased all forms of production enormously, and, whether measured in terms of production per acre, per animal or man hours worked, have become highly efficient. Surely it is a manifestation of some type of insanity to suggest, as many do, that still greater efficiency will solve the problems of Australia's primary producers.

A large and growing percentage of Australian families are being forced to restrict consumption - they have inadequate purchasing power. Recently released figures show Australian home building at perhaps the lowest level since the end of the Second World War. The housing shortage is a major factor contributing to Australia's growing social problems. There are no physical problems associated with the adequate housing of the Australian people - once again the problem is finance, especially astronomical interest rates and rising building costs.

The Anzac spirit, dramatically demonstrated in two World Wars, in the generally forgotten wars against Communist insurgents in Malaya, Korea and Vietnam, was a manifestation of the resourcefulness and initiative of the Australian people. The establishment of the original Commonwealth Bank, by the Fisher Labor Government, a genuinely patriotic government free of the alien taint of Marxism, enabled the Bank to be used to finance Australia's primary producers during the First World War at less than one percent. Australia's Second World War Prime Minister John Curtin, had been an early supporter of Social Credit - a fact which Mr. Hawke and the new breed of "Labor" politicians never mention - and knew enough about finance to stress that the only limiting factor to Australia's war effort should be productive capacity, not finance. The Curtin Government did not go as far as many, including some of its own members, had hoped. But the Central Bank of the nation was used to make available hundreds of millions of pounds, new money, which enabled typical Australian resourcefulness to find expression.

Australians produced things they had never produced before. Those Australians who served in the early stages of the New Guinea campaign will recall their great relief when a submachine gun became available which was reliable in the mud and slush. The Owen was an all-Australian invention by an Australian and was soon being manufactured in thousands in Australian factories. The creation of hundreds of millions of new financial credits to finance a nation at war, created a rising price level, in spite of strict government controls. Wages had to rise to offset the price rises. The Curtin Government solved this problem by introducing a wide range of consumer price subsidies - on all the basic items used to adjust wages. Australia enjoyed complete price stability for the next five years until the Chifley Government, advised by Fabian Socialist Dr. Coombs, started to abolish the system of Consumer Price subsidies.

Australia's growing crisis is only going to be solved by the Anzac spirit - by daring to be different, to try something new, to "have a go." The "Opposition" parties offer little more than a variant of what Labor is implementing. The common cry is for more "restraint", which is akin to urging a man dying of thirst to restrict his water consumption while boating on a huge fresh water lake. It is only in a state of military war that the financial dictatorship has to be eased to meet realities. Australia is today faced with a greater danger than during the darkest days of the Pacific War. Survival depends upon breaking a treacherous financial dictatorship, worse now than during the Great Depression of the thirties, because it has been highly internationalised.

Australians can solve their own problems in Australia by restoring the spirit, which developed the nation. This requires a major change in financial policy, permitting TOTAL taxation to be reduced dramatically, interest rates cut, and financial credit to be made available to make financially possible what is physically possible and desirable.

Even the Anzacs, for all their alleged rejection of authority and discipline, did have basic training. Those who would emulate the Anzac spirit in the war to save Australia must undertake some basic training concerning finance. For our many younger as well as older readers, we can make no better recommendation than the following, to be read as listed: A Licence to Live, by Doris Phelps. Written by a farmer's daughter and a farmer's wife, and with the simple commonsense of a woman, this is an excellent introduction to the money factor $4.00. A Small Farmer Replies, also by Doris Phelps. This book had a tremendous impact during the Rural Crisis of the early seventies, and has just been brought back into print. A brilliant answer to a Former Federal Treasurer, which is even more relevant today, $4.00. The Money Trick, an Institute of Economic Democracy publication. An authoritative book on how the debt system works, with all the necessary and irrefutable documentation $6.00. We can offer these three basic books at a packet price of $10.00 posted.

Armed with the knowledge provided in these books, the reader is equipped to start entering the Battle for Australia, which will be fought, not on some distant shores, but right here in Australia. Order from all League addresses.


Speaking recently at the University of Washington, D.C., Mr. Larry Abraham, co-author with Gary Allen of the best seller None Dare Call it Conspiracy, and a recognised authority on subversion said, "This exercise ("necklacing" in South Africa) is dramatic brilliance, is a classic and horrible example of what Lenin called 'strategic terror'.... Over 600 blacks have been murdered in South Africa in this unspeakable fashion. Murdered not by the government or white vigilantes, but by black terrorists and revolutionaries. Maybe that's why you hear almost nothing about it in this country. Incidentally, one of your heroines, Winnie Mandela, told an audience in May of this year, with our boxes of matches we can liberate this country. Winnie Mandela, praised by Melbourne Anglican Archbishop, David Penman, and other Church leaders, is on record as saying that the Soviet was "the torchbearer of all our hopes and aspirations." Lenin spoke about exploiting the "useful innocents".

Students of Communist dialectics, which teach that Marxists must often take one step backward to take two steps forward, will not be surprised to see that Mr. Joe Slovo, Jewish leader of the South African Communist Party, has announced that he is resigning his position as chief of staff of the African National Congress's military wing. This is designed to improve the public image of the ANC in its campaign, headed by Malcolm Fraser's good friend, Oliver Tambo, to obtain acceptance in Western nations. Slovo remains a member of the national executive committee of the ANC, and a member of the political military council. The ANC is now about to become more "conservative".

A March 19th report in The Calgary Herald, Canada, states that secret papers now being made available reveal that the Roosevelt government had intercepted Japanese diplomatic messages forewarning of the coming attack on Pearl Harbour. We were making available authoritative books on this matter not long after the Second World War. The truth, now being revealed, is that the Roosevelt government provoked Japan into aggression in order to bring the reluctant American people into the Second World War. One of Roosevelt's objectives was to have the British Empire dissolved. The Soviet strategists had the same objective.

It is the "little people" who are going to save Australia. A woman supporter writes from Warwick, Queensland, who lost her husband last month, and who has a big family, apologised for her delay in sending $10 towards the Basic Fund. She writes, "We were honoured in Warwick to have Jeremy (Lee) come and speak to us last month and he got a standing ovation - a big crowd for Warwick ... It's not often you see Warwick people stand and clap."
Our supporter concludes, "I still have a large family at home, which is a blessing.... I am an incurably happy person who loves life and learning and understanding and having my eyes opened. On Target sure opens your eyes." No comment necessary.


This information given in an article in the Sunday Mail (Adelaide), March 15th (page 41):
The Government authority in charge of the Australia Card has suggested expanding the cards uses once it has passed through Parliament. In a confidential document, the Health Insurance Commission proposed that the card begin with strict limits on its use and the accompanying database. But when it had been accepted by the public the H.I.C. suggested extra more controversial, data and uses could be introduced. The document also reveals how the H.I.C. planned to gain public support for the card by emphasising only the benefits and choosing a harmless name. The starting revelations are contained in a H.I.C. submission to the interdepartmental working party on the I.D. Card, which has been obtained by the Shadow Minister for Health, Mr. James Porter. The submission contains the H.I.C.'s preliminary report or outline plan on how it would establish and operate the I.D. system.
Since the submission in May 1985, the Government has given the H.I.C., which runs Medicare, responsibility for the Australia Card proposal. Under the heading "policy issues" the H.I.C. suggested how to overcome public fears about an identification scheme. "It will be important to minimise in advance public reaction to implementation of the system", it stated. "One possibility would be to use a staged approach for implementation, whereby only less sensitive data is held in the system initially, with the facility to input additional data at a later stage when public acceptance may be forthcoming more readily." The outline plan said that choosing the right name was vital to give the system a positive public image.

Prime Concern
"An issue of prime concern is the selection of a name by which the system will be known", the plan said. "Labels or acronyms selected even at this early stage tend to become entrenched and it is for this reason the commission has not used the acronym NINS (National Identification Numbering System) - which has unfortunate connotations. "A positive name that helps to emphasise the beneficial nature for the purposes of the public is needed. "If the system objectives could be defined (for the public) so as to emphasise the benefits entitlements (for example, Medicare and Social Security) a suitable name might be the Australian Benefits Card - it's as easy at A.B.C.".

Mr. Porter said yesterday the document revealed the Government's intention to mislead the community about the nature and real purpose of the card. "It's all part of a strategy to soft sell the thing as being of benefit to the public", Mr. Porter said. "The idea that the I.D. Card bill was only a first stage has been worrying thousands of Australians concerned with the erosion of our democratic society. "To have these concerns confirmed in writing by a Government authority puts a question mark over the Government's real intention for future uses of the card," he added. Mr. Porter said that without strict limits the I.D. Card could become an "internal passport and a way of regulating the life of every Australian."

Federal Cabinet has decided to re-introduce the Australia Card Bill unamended in this session of Parliament, possibly as early as this week. If it is rejected again by the Senate it will provide the Government with a technical excuse to call an early election of both Houses of Parliament. (end of SUNDAY MAIL article).

Our note
The re-introduction of the Australia Card Bill was once again rejected by the Senate, thus providing Mr. Hawke with a technical excuse for calling an election of both Houses if so desired. He soon after issued a public statement that an early election would not be held.