Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
16 September 1988. Thought for the Week: "Most of our political evils may be traced to our commercial ones."
James Madison, one of the Fathers of the U.S.A. Constitution


Last week the media generally demonstrated how it has double standards. The reaction - or lack of reaction - to the outrageous performance of Mr. Charles Perkins, Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal Affairs, who led a protest march to the National RSL headquarters, demonstrates that apparently any Australian public servant who can claim he is of part Aboriginal background, is not bound by the same constraints which apply to other public servants. How would Prime Minister Hawke react if a senior official of the Treasury Department led a protest of irate taxpayers against an organisation to protest against a taxation measure?

There have been three occasions over the past year when Charles Perkins has blatantly violated the tradition that Civil Servants do not engage publicly in politics; they are there primarily for the purpose of implementing the policies of the elected representatives of the people. If they wish to engage publicly in politics, they should resign from the Public Service. They are not compelled to stay there.

In September of last year Mr. Charles Perkins publicly criticised the leader of the Federal Opposition, Mr. John Howard, stating that "He has no policy on Aboriginal affairs and he is largely an irrelevant politician with an irrelevant political party."
Early this year Perkins said that the Liberal and National parties were renowned for their racism." Prime Minister Hawke took no action. We happen to agree with some of the views of Charles Perkins concerning Asian immigration, but we do not agree that he has the right as a senior Public Servant to express them publicly.

Mr. Charles Perkins heads a Public Service Department funded by the Australian taxpayers. Its funding was substantially increased by the last Budget. The RSL reflects the views of large numbers of Australians, including some of Aboriginal background, in calling for an end to a policy, which permits anyone who claims to be an Aborigine getting benefits ahead of other Australians. A genuine Aborigine, the Rev. Cedric Jacobs, is one of those highly critical of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and its parasitic activities and recommends that it be abolished, and that any funds be allocated to Local Councils who can co-operate with local communities of Aborigines to implement programmes of genuine benefit.

The new National President of the RSL, Brigadier Alf Garland, who has already made it clear that he is going to play a different role on immigration and associated matters than did his predecessor, Sir William Keys, has become a target of abuse by the media hatchet men, who invented the story that the Brigadier was calling for blood tests to ascertain which Australians should receive the special benefits allocated to people calling themselves Aborigines. Such are the low standards of much of the media in Australia today.


The Hayden Papers reveal Prime Minister Hawke's dedicated support for Zionist Israel. Even former Labor Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, was forced by Hawke to make a humiliating back down on a resolution concerning Israel at UNESCO. Whitlam was the Australian representative at UNESCO. Mr. Whitlam had voted in favour of a relatively moderate resolution concerning Israeli policies in occupied Arab territories. Mr. Whitlam pointed out that the resolution was not one, which could prejudice "central Israeli interests." But Whitlam was forced to back down, even though operating within the guidelines established by Foreign Minister Hayden. Zionist leaders have demonstrated time and time again their tremendous influence on Western governments.

Now that the Australian electors have severely rebuffed those Municipal Councillors advocating a YES vote on the Local Government question at the September 3rd referendums, it is to be hoped that Councillors will realise that they have to be more constructive; that they must reject the Fabian strategy as consistently advanced by Mr. Gough Whitlam. In 1974 the Whitlam Government held a referendum asking for the constitutional power to make direct grants to Local Government. Almost a lone voice, the League of Rights warned of the Fabian strategy. Although Whitlam obtained a YES vote in NSW and Victoria, the other States rejected the proposal and the total national support only reached 47 percent. But Gough Whitlam persevered and, speaking as a member of the Constitutional Commission, told the Australian Council of Local Government associated in Adelaide on November 12th 1986, that it was State governments, which were preventing Local Government from being properly recognised. Local Government could bring tremendous power to bear on both State and Federal Governments if united to advance constructive alternative financial policies to those being imposed today.

It now emerges that the late Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev was kept in office for six years after a stroke left him clinically dead. He was led around, "dead on his feet" by officials and relatives who wallowed in corruption. But the Soviet does not have a monopoly of faking the truth about political leaders. It was revealed after the Second World War that American President Roosevelt was virtually a dying man during 1944. Running for a third term amidst widespread rumours about his health, official statements were issued that there was nothing wrong with his health. To demonstrate how robust the President was, he was driven in an open vehicle through a snowstorm. What the public did not see were the heaters under the rugs. The sick and dying Roosevelt went to the infamous Yalta Conference shortly after his inauguration early in 1945. Yalta was a major victory for Stalin. Shortly after his return to the USA, Roosevelt was dead.

The President of the Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia, Mr. Ted Crane, the former Labor voter who led the successful anti-gun control legislation threatened by the Victorian Cain Government, has now entered the political arena at the Victorian State Elections. Ted Crane says that if re-elected, the Cain Government would re-introduce the gun control legislation. At the recent conference entitled "Gun Control Australia", held at the Melbourne University, Crane directed a few well aimed shots against media, charging that since the Queen and Hoddle street shootings, the media had censored pro-gun news, distorted facts, selectively published violence involving guns, and depicted shooters as "Rambos". Premier John Cain will not be happy to have the gun control issue raised during the State elections. He must remember what happened to NSW Labor Premier Unsworth. Cain's biggest asset is Liberal Opposition leader Jeff Kennett, who has been wishy-washy on most basic issues, including the Local Government referendum question.


From a "Symposium On Constitutionalism", by Professor Geoffrey Walker:
"In Australia it is sometimes objected that the direct legislation system would not work in Australia because a majority always votes 'no' in referendums. People who advance that view should, of course, be asked how they reconcile it with any notion of popular government. But in any case it is a misconception. If one looks at the referendums held at the state level since federation, one finds that two thirds of them have been approved. "It is true that of the 38 proposals to alter the Commonwealth Constitution that have been put to referendum, only 8 have been carried. However, all the rejected measures were calculated to increase the power of the Commonwealth legislature or executive government in Canberra. One can be for or against such a policy, but to say that the people do not want to give any more power to Canberra is not the same thing as saying that they always vote NO in referendums.
Serving politicians sometimes object that direct legislation is inconsistent with the Westminster of government. But we have never closely followed the Westminster model in this country; in fact we have led Westminster in introducing democratic reforms. We were well ahead of Westminster (and the United States for that matter) in the adoption of universal manhood suffrage and the vote for women; we pioneered the secret ballot, and indeed the idea is so closely associated with Australia that Americans still call it 'the Australian ballot'; if we had been content to tag along behind Westminster, we would not have a written constitution at all.
History suggests that if we adopt the initiative and referendum system, Westminster will follow us …We must ensure that 1988 is remembered, not just as a bicentennial of a beginning, but as a beginning in itself the beginning of the Australian people's struggle for independence from the rule of the rigidly disciplined parties, from a tunnel visioned bureaucracy and from the courtier class of political intellectuals that has waxed fat on the pickings of usurped power. Politicians should note that next year, too, is a bicentennial - and of a more momentous event than that of 1788. For Paris in July, 1789, wrote an eternal lesson for all those elitists, in all countries and all times, who believe that some people are born to rule over others..."
Electoral comment authorised by E.D. Butler, 145 Russell St., Melbourne.


(Geelong, Vic.): This letter ("Echo", 23/8) published over the name of an "H.Pfiefer, Belmont (Geelong suburb):
"Opinions of a Migrant
"Migrants must accept the Australian way of life; accept the laws and customs and life styles: many foreign customs have enhanced the Australian way of life, but they must never contravene existing customs or laws. "The greatest single obstacle to integration is the language (and here I speak as a non-English speaking migrant 30 years ago). "Without communication there can be no understanding of customs, without understanding and adopting the customs of a country there can be no acceptance of a migrant into the community. "I am sure, most of you are aware of the customs of Arabs, to loudly burp at the dinner table to please their host. "Can anyone imagine accepting this as appropriate behaviour at a formal dinner in Australia? "There are thousands of these 'dos and don'ts' one has to know and understand, and the only way to learn them: know the language.
"Migrants must make a total commitment to their adopted new country. Naturalisation must be considered a privilege and the ultimate goal. "Those that are not prepared to become naturalised should not be entitled to the privileges of a citizen, e.g. Medicare, social benefits or pensions. "I know of no other country in the world that pays its visitors any of the above; we have become the laughing stock of the world in this regard with visitors travelling the countryside on unemployment benefits. "Try entering any other country illegally and see if they provide you with legal aid to defend yourself. Legal aid defends many illegal immigrants and thereby depletes its limited funds to the detriment of the citizen.
"Let us have a full commitment or go home, and if you feel home is Australia, then behave here, and treat Australia the way you would expect a migrant to behave in the country of his birth. "This country has to be seen as our home and the citizens as the members of a big family.
"Would any of us, knowingly, admit known and convicted criminals into our home? Our Government does. "It has admitted thousands of convicted criminals from various countries, who are now continuing their criminal activities here and giving law abiding migrants from those countries a bad reputation; this has to stop. "The Government should also expel anyone who within five years of his arrival commits an indictable offence.
"A referendum must be held to decide who we allow into this country; it's not up to Mr. Hawke or anyone else. "We decide who enters our house and who we associate with, we decide who sits at our table (I am also sick and tired of being told by politicians what to like and dislike). "The same rules apply in every country in the world and if it is called discrimination, racism, or whatever, so be it. "I am proud to be an Australian..."