Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
17 February 1989. Thought for the Week: "But I said that we live as parts of a nation, and that there was no fate so wretched as to be without a country of one's own - what else was exile which so many noble men have thought worse than death, and which all have feared? I also told him that armies fighting in a just cause were the happiest places for living, and that a good battle for justice was the beginning of all great songs; and that as for property, a man on his own land was the nearest to God."
Hilaire Belloc


The Weekend Australian of February 11th-12th, carried the following provocative headline on its front page: WHY WE NEED JAPANESE MONEY. Journalist Lim Say Boon opens by asserting, "Australia's reliance on Japanese investors has become so critical that their withdrawal from the market would have devastating effects for the domestic economy". Boon summarises the extent of Japanese investment in Australia and asserts, "Whatever the merits of the criticism against the Japanese, it is clear from even a casual study of trade, investment and industry figures that Australia faced economic chaos without Japanese money".

Lim Say Boon is brutally frank about Australia's plight: It has no alternative but to surrender to the progressive takeover of Australia by the policy makers of Japan. There is the threat of "economic chaos" without Japanese investors. If Australians are prepared to submit to this type of blackmail, and to politicians like Prime Minister Hawke who claim that traditional Australia, including its immigration policies, must be conditional upon Asian trade, their sun as an independent European nation is setting. Acceptance of this defeatist view not only conflicts with reality, but casts a slur on what the Australian people achieved during the Pacific War.

While Australia could not have survived without American assistance, the present situation demands that Australians, particularly younger Australians and those who have migrated here, recall what took place during the crisis years when the stress was on keeping the Japanese out, not inviting them in. In spite of the hindrances of inevitable wartime bureaucracy, Australia's contribution to the Pacific War was relatively greater than that of the U.S.A.

There was no suggestion that the floating of massive international credits was essential to finance the nation. The truth is that the Curtin Government, whose leading members had more understanding of the black magic of financial orthodoxy than the Hawkes and Keatings, demonstrated that internal credit expansion made it possible for Australia to use its vast productive capacity to the maximum. During the critical 1940 Federal Elections, which paved the way for the Curtin Government to come to office, was heard from one end of Australia to the other the slogan that what was "physically possible must be made financially possible".

With approximately one million out of a total population of not much over six million, withdrawn from the production system to serve in the forces or with the Allied Works Council, Australian primary producers not only ensured that all Australians were provided with sufficient food, but also made a major contribution towards feeding American forces in the South Pacific campaign. The loss of one of Australia's most important export markets, for wool, did not result in the type of "economic chaos" mentioned by Lim Say Boon. Sheep continue to grow wool even with a war on. There was an innovative policy, which saw all the wool purchased at a profitable price to the growers and stored as an asset to be used later. No "financial expert" suggested that the wool should be exported to, say, Germany, so that money could be imported. That suggestion would have been described as treachery.

Australians who served in the New Guinea campaign against the Japanese will recall how pleased they were when the Owen machine gun turned up, a gun which would work satisfactorily in the prevailing conditions, The product of the type of Australian resourcefulness which developed Australia, the Owen was manufactured from Australian steel in Australian factories. Australia went on to make a wide range of sophisticated military equipment, including aeroplanes.

The suggestion that, if Japan sank beneath the sea tomorrow Australia would collapse into chaos is the most dangerous nonsense. It was this type of nonsense, which persuaded British Socialist Prime Minister Harold Wilson that complete sanctions against Rhodesia now Zimbabwe, would bring that little country to its knees in a few short weeks. Foreign investments into Rhodesia virtually stopped. But so far from the Rhodesian economy collapsing, the resourceful Rhodesians set about developing a whole range of new industries. Japan produces nothing that Australia cannot make itself, or do without.

The reality is that Japan needs Australia much more than Australia needs Japan. The Japanese drive for exports is to a great extent the result of the same type of financial black magic so prevalent in Australia. If Australians are to save themselves, they must challenge this black magic, stop all further international borrowing, finance all necessary production domestically, and offer to start paying off the huge international debt by offering whatever production is required by those who have created the debts. There is no reason why an independent Australia cannot trade with Japan on a basis genuinely beneficial to both nations. But the growing kowtow has got to be stopped - while there is still time.
(Essential reading: The Money Trick, $6 posted from all League addresses)


by Chas. Pinwill
"In the district in which I was brought up, most of my school mates were third and fourth generation Australians. "Apart from those of European racial background, there were families of Chinese, Arab, Aboriginal and other racial derivations. "We all played cricket, ate meat pies, and neither spoke nor understood anything but a rural Queensland drawl. I cannot bring to mind, amongst my school friends, any single vestige of multiculturalism, yet perhaps the majority of our great grandparents could not have said two words to each other.
"Such is the destiny of infatuations with our multicultural future. Sure, there will be a Pizza Parlour on the corner, but who in another two generations will recognise it as of Italian inspiration? What Australian knows, or for that matter, what Italian, that spaghetti is actually Chinese and was introduced to Italy by Marco Polo? And if they did, what would it alter?
"After three generations, given the great tidal wave of mainstream cultural wash, all that will or can remain shall be the nostalgic, symbolic, tokens, not of a multiculturalism lost, but of the permanent enduring legacy... multiracialism. "The argument that an Aboriginal teenager should scorn the transistor radio, modern plumbing, T.V. and football, because 'bush-tucker and the gunya were good enough for my old man (all 40,000 years of him)', shall be no less impotent than all other 'King Canutian' capers.
"No matter how many billions of dollars are expended in encouraging multiculturalism to the country, the generation following will learn English, the ones thereafter will think English, and this will be followed by the disuse of the languages of the non-English. "Nobody can inherit English as a mother tongue without being heir to the Western thought patterns incarnate in the literary tradition of Shakespeare, Chaucer, Donald Duck - and those of a thousand years between. ''Those who abhor 'racism' seem to be the foremost popular propagandists for multiculturalism. They are leading their following into an ambush, and a warning is needed.
"Multiculturalism is a fizzer. Multiracialism is a certainty, since God does not permit us, like the leopard, to change those spots. "The search for identity, part of man' s inclination towards dignity, will no longer centre upon an implausible, and observably false claim to a dissimilar cultural background. Rather, the one indisputable, unchangeable act of divergent origins; the only one identifiable in the search for identity, will be race. "The remainder will evaporate into fallacies, and disappear.
"There will be Buddhist Asians living in Australia; European Christians living in Australia, and Turkish Moslems living in Australia. "There will be no 'Australians', once that particular term signifies nothing but a geographic location at which one breathes and votes. "The legend of prior multiculturalism will be maintained and nurtured only as a source of symbolic heraldry in the eternal rally of each to his own racial or racial/religious identity." (Chas Pinwill is League of Rights State Director for Queensland.)


We are not surprised to see that it is being suggested that the opening of Parliament each day with the Lord's Prayer undermines the concept of a multicultural society. This prayer has been traditionally used in institutions rooted in the Christian heritage. Those who have come to Australia as their new home, but are not prepared to respect the heritage of those who created that home, have no place in Australia. It is time there was more straight talking from Australians who have a pride in their Christian heritage.

The National Director of the Marriage Guidance Council, Dr. Warwick Hartin, warns that the number of couples seeking guidance because of the housing crisis was putting a strain on the Council's resources. Most marriages have their problems, but these can be worked through. The housing crisis is not the result of the inability of Australians to build themselves sufficient houses. There are no physical problems, only artificial financial limitations. Crushing interest rates are the result of the type of monetary policies being imposed by Treasurer Keating and the Reserve Bank.


The Australian Jewish News of February 3rd confidently informs its readers "Racism inquiry is about to start". The inquiry will be by the Human Rights Commission, currently headed by Zionist Mr. Justice Einfeld. Irene Moss is to direct investigations. Public hearings are to start in April with a prominent Melbourne Q.C. being approached to assist Irene Moss. Mr. Alan Griffiths, Chairman of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, expresses great pleasure that the inquiry under the Human Rights Commission will expose to "public scrutiny" the alleged "racist basis of League of Rights ideology". But, significantly, the Jewish News reports that Mr. Griffiths has told Zionist Federation of Australia President, Mark Leibler, that a parliamentary inquiry into the League of Rights 'might yet be' considered by his committee. Mr. Griffiths is passing to Human Rights inquiry information his committee has about the League of Rights. Mr. Mark Leibler says it is "reassuring to know that something was to be done to 'stop the cancer of racism from festering in Australia'".


Representatives - September 29th: Mr. Keith Wright (A.L.P. - Capricornia)
: "…The League has also targeted the Fabian Society. I am not a member of the Fabian Society, but the League has been telling total lies, just as Hitler did. It has raced around, promoting a book, a copy of which I have in my office, that says the emblem of the Fabian Society is a wolf in sheep's clothing. As I said, I am not a member of the Society, but I rang one of its heads and asked about its emblem. He said it was a tortoise. But people do not bother to check; they just simply believe these things. The League just picks an enemy, targets someone, and in this instance it has targeted the Fabian Society - a group that has linked politicians from all sides of the political arena (our emphasis). The League adds this to its anti-semitic (sic!) strategy.
It is quite frightening because good, caring, people are getting caught up in the League's net. ."

Our Comment
First of all, the Tortoise "was" the original emblem of the Fabian Society; signifying "gradualness" (The Hare and the Tortoise). The "head" that Mr. Wright said he rang doesn't know the history of his own Society. It was changed (the emblem) to the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, as can be clearly and unmistakably seen, in the special centenary issue of the history of the Fabian Society (an official production of the Fabian Society, and bought by us from the International Bookshop, 17 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
We well know that Fabianism has infected other political parties. We know only too well that some so-called Liberals are really Fabians, and should not be in the Liberal Party at all. We note Mr. Wright's comment about the Fabians and other political parties, but we don't think he really understands the issue very well. He is trying to erode the League credibility by making an issue of our supposed mendacity over the matter of the Tortoise; whereas all he does is to highlight his own ignorance of the issue and also that of a "head" of the Fabian Society. Perhaps some actionists may like to put him right, if they consider it important enough.

Mr. Ralph Hunt (Nat. - Gwydir):
"…Elements of the League of Rights have been active in my electorate for nearly 20 years, for practically the whole time that I have been in Federal Parliament. In fact, in 1972 there was an attempt to defeat me in the electorate of Gwydir when the appetite of the movement was whetted because its supporters believed that they were successful in defeating Mr. Gordon Freeth in Western Australia simply because he spoke out against their activities at that time.

Our comment
Mr. Gordon Freeth was Foreign Minister in the Gorton Government. The League certainly did have a role in the defeat of this politician, because he made an official pronouncement welcoming the Soviet Union into the Indian Ocean area. The Soviet Ambassador at that time was delighted: Gordon Freeth was praised for his "farseeing", "realistic", initiative.


Senate Estimates Committee, October 1988, Household Expenditure Survey. Mr. W. McLennan (Acting Australian Statistician) Mr. Skinner, a senior officer of the Australian Bureau of Statistics: October 11th, 1988:

"Senator Shirley Walters (Lib, - Tas):
"I have a number of questions. First of all, Mr. McLennan, are you going to prosecute any householders who have refused to comply with the request to do the household expenditure survey?"

Mr. Skinner:
"I can respond to that, if I may. We have looked at a number of cases, but at this point we have no plans to prosecute those who have refused to respond to the survey."

Senator Walters:
"Under any circumstances, do you intend in the future to prosecute those who have refused to do the household expenditure survey?"

Mr. Skinner:
"We see it as an option that is open to us, but we consider each case on its merits and make a decision on each case. So I really could not speculate in the past as to whether we will. The only comment I would make is that we conducted a 1984 survey and throughout that period we found no need to proceed to prosecution."

Senator Walters:
"I am not referring to that survey. I am referring to the 1988 one. So you are saying that as it stands you do not intend to, but that does not cut off your options in the future."

Mr. Skinner:
"That is correct. We have no plans at this stage to prosecute, in the sense that we have certainly issued no notices of direction under Section 11(2) of the Act. As to the future, we will look at each case on its merits and make a decision."

Senator Walters:
"And if someone decides definitely not to answer the survey and if there are no extenuating circumstances, are you going to prosecute?"

Mr. Skinner:
"I could not answer that explicitly. As I say, we will look at it on a case by case basis."

Senator Walters:
"Obviously when you say that you will look at it on a case by case basis, that means there may be extenuating circumstances. The recipient of the request has absolutely no excuse for not answering but has decided that he or she will just not answer it. In that situation what action do you intend to take?"

Mr. Skinner:
"I think I can respond only in terms of what our past practice has been. There have been situations in the past where the circumstances you have described have occurred and we have not proceeded to prosecute in this survey. As I said, in 1984 we did not proceed to prosecute or indeed to direct any person to answer."

Senator Walters:
"That was not actually what you said. You said there was no need."

Mr. Skinner:
"We found no need to; correct."

Senator Walters:
"That is right. That is not exactly that you found a need but you did not do it. You inferred that you had co-operation and that there was no need for you to prosecute."

Mr. Skinner:
"I am sorry, that distinction was lost on me."

Senator Walters:
"That was how I took it. What you are saying now is that you are conducting a survey on a voluntary basis."

Senator Peter Walsh (A.L.P. - W.A.):
"If the odd eccentric refuses to comply it does not substantially upset the statistical reliability of the survey. However, if large numbers of people, in response to a campaign of subversion and non-compliance with the law, decided not to co-operate that would upset the statistical reliability of any survey. I think that is the critical determinant."

Senator Walters:
"Let me pick up what the Minister has said about the large number of people. I do not accept the rest of your statement, Minister."

Senator Walsh:
"What about a response to a campaign of subversion and non-compliance with the law?"

Senator Walters:
If there are a number of people who refuse to comply with your demand that a survey form be filled in, do you intend to prosecute?"


The enquiry went on for some time. Senator Shirley Walters was (as you've read) attempting to pin down the A.B.S. heads to admit that their huffing and puffing is mainly bluff. She is on the side of the people against the outrageous invasions of privacy being forced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Good on her!