10 June 1994. Thought for the Week: "As humanism
rose in the West, the impulse to elevate man inevitably compelled a
depreciation of God. Man became all, God nothing, and the human will
'triumphed' as the master of all. So man was left with his reason and
will, but his only end was death, his only legacy, meaningless. Perceiving
this, humanism turned nasty and rancorous, birthing art such as Munch's
parody Madonna and Duchamp's Urinal, and Karl Marx's politics. It has
destroyed all, including itself."
Charles Pinwill in Humanism and The Future |
WHAT DOES 'RECOVERY' REALLY MEAN?by Eric D. Butler The reality is that under present finance-economic policies, what is described, as "unemployment" must stay permanently high. While in the United Kingdom recently, the writer was given access to a confidential report now before the E.E.C. policy makers. The essence of the report is that there are no prospects whatever of the present high level of unemployment throughout the Common Market countries being reduced. High unemployment is placing great strains on social stability, one feature of which is misleadingly described as an upsurge of neo-Nazism. The young unemployed in Germany are protesting against what they see as a wave of non-German refugees taking their jobs. Man is faced with a new situation, predicted by the Social Credit movement, which has constantly pointed out that if the true purpose of production is consumption, and that is the production system is to serve the genuine requirements of the consumer, every advance in technology should be welcomed as a means of reducing the amount of human labour required in the production system. Increased investment in capital production, which, under orthodox finance means an increase in debt, only makes sense if it is required to produce more consumer goods. If a man has invented a wheelbarrow as a result of discovering certain truths concerning the wheel, which enables him to reduce the time it has taken him to produce, he can either use the time he has saved for other pursuits, or he can allow himself to be brainwashed by economic "experts" into believing that he must concentrate upon producing more wheelbarrows. Acceptance of the view of the "experts" means economic slavery, particularly if he is persuaded that more wheelbarrows are required to produce more to send out of his country in an attempt to achieve a "favourable balance of trade". Much is made of the fact that the current "recovery"
can continue without a return to higher inflation. Only a few years
back it was generally agreed that an inflation rate of even two percent
was disastrous. Now people are being conditioned to believe that the
present inflation rate is some type of an outstanding achievement. Where there is a massive expansion of capital development, as in China and other Asian nations, the inflation rate escalates. It is reported that soaring inflation is one of the major problems now confronting the managers of the "booming" Chinese economy. It can be predicted with certainty that, in
the absence of a change in financial policy, the current "economic recovery"
in Australia must result in continuing inflation, with all its social
consequences. Present high unemployment must continue, even though it
is clear that there is an enormous amount of hidden unemployment. |
HOSTILITIES COMMENCE ON RACIAL VILIFICATIONby David Thompson Some editorials contend that unacceptable examples of racial vilification - whatever this eventually means can already be dealt with by applying the existing State-based laws. The Courier-Mail (31/5/94) makes the following editorial comment: "It is becoming impossible to make a contrary point in this country (on all sorts of things from smoking - a legal pastime, however ill-advised - to social discrimination) because the meddlers, and their bureaucratic enforcers, aided and abetted by politicians who really should find more useful things to do, have usurped individual freedom . In relation to the Racial Vilification Bill, the people must be shown why yet another legislative barrier to freedom of expression - and thence, dangerously, to freedom of thought - is deemed necessary . A far greater risk than outbreaks of racial vilification from a morally bankrupt and mentally defective minority is the increasing imposition of unnecessary laws " THE FOREIGN TREATY TYRANNY The Courier-Mail points out that such legislation is a product of the raft of international treaties signed by the Commonwealth; more than 2,000, without counting the International Labour Organisation agreements! Hardly any of these agreements have been presented to the Australian people, or even the Parliaments, for approval. The journalist Padraic McGuinnness, who also serves on the Constitutional Centenary Foundation, warns that all new treaties effectively change the law with no reference to Parliament. Further, he claims it also changes the Constitution, since the courts' broad interpretation of the external affairs power allows the Government to do as it likes under the terms of some treaty. This message is now beginning to penetrate to the public's consciousness, and even politicians are now warning of the constitutional dangers. Mr. John Howard has warned about appealing to
the International Labour Organisation concerning industrial matters.
Last week the Deputy Leader of the National Party, Mr. John Anderson,
had letters published in many papers calling for a halt to the signing
of treaties. Anderson is warning of the dangers of the proposed Convention
on Desertification, of which little has yet been revealed. AMALGAMATION WARNING FROM QUEENSLAND Following compulsory local council amalgamations in Southern Queensland around Warwick, and around Gympie north of Brisbane, other councils in the State are preparing to oppose regionalisation. It has been suggested that the Shire of Moreton should amalgamate with the City of Ipswich, and the Mayor of Moreton Shire is already campaigning against this. Mayor Nugent has distributed a letter to all residents of Moreton Shire, warning them that the Minister for Local Government, Mr. Mackenroth, has asked the Boundaries Commissioner, Mr. Hoffman, to make recommendations on the issue, which he proposes to automatically accept. Hoffman, the State Government bureaucrat, has publicly stated, "even if eighty percent of the electors of Moreton Shire and Ipswich City demonstrate to him that they are against his final recommendations, it won't make any difference". Mayor Nugent confirms that the Goss Government has refused ratepayers the right to a poll or referendum on the issue. |
THE THINGS ONE READS!!Casually glancing through the "Travel" pages of The Age (Melbourne), June 4th, we read an article "Million Dollar Graveyard", which informs of the wreck of the US.S. President Coolidge, which went down when it entered a "friendly" American minefield near the Island of Santo, Vanuatu. The U.S.S. President Coolidge was a troop carrier, its fate sealed by the minefield in October 1942. The author tells of a spiky mass of machinery, there, covering a hectare. We well remember the newsreels, just after World War II was over, displaying the jettisoning from aircraft carriers, of aeroplanes, jeeps, tanks, trucks; you name it. The cost of military equipment dumped into the sea from American vessels would have been astronomical: billions of dollars (1945 dollars!). The article asserts that by an Act of Congress, none of the machinery shipped from America for the war effort was to be re-imported because that would wreck post-war industrial reconstruction. Santo, as a big operations base, held a huge stockpile. "At the end of hostilities, the Americans offered to sell their hardware to the local government for 10 cents in the dollar. The Government stalled because it expected to get it for nothing." The Americans bulldozed the lot into the ocean, and flew away. The citizens back in the U.S.A. were forced to purchase new machinery (cars, truck, planes, jeeps, etc., etc.): much of the jettisoned machinery would have served great numbers of citizens well for many years. How many billions of dollars (1945 dollars) were written off will never be known. The ordinary citizens of the U.S.A. of the day would have been pursued for the last dollar, by the Internal Revenue Department (taxation). Crazy? Sure. But that's sound finance! |
STATEMENT FROM GRAEME CAMPBELL, M.H.R. (KALGOORLIE), W.A. (A.L.P.) 24/5/94"I am pleased to visit Gympie and to take an active part in promoting a push to make governments more accountable to the people they are supposed to represent. It is high time that all elected people, whether they be in Federal Parliament, State Governments, or at Local Council level, remembered that all are elected to be servants of the electors, and not just of their own or their Party's agenda. Gympie's C.I.R. lobby should be congratulated for what it has done in coming up with a system that every politician should support, and I encourage people to watch the video they have made. I'm sure it will help them understand it better. I am more than happy to be part of this promotion, and video, along with any who are dedicated to making our Parliament more representative of the voter's wishes and more open to common sense. All too often, Governments, and the High Courts, are seen to be ignoring the common sense and the wishes of the majority of Australians. It is good to see politicians from all sides of the fence starting to wake up to this in growing numbers, and are supporting this push for C.I.R. On this issue, I support the stand taken by Peter Reith, Professor Walker, Bryce Courtenay, and many others. The video shows that support. Through the Gympie Group's system of Direct Democracy, all Australians will have the opportunity for a direct say into the laws and issues they feel strongly about. Not only will it make for more stable and less controversial government, but in the end it will be much more democratic, and be a handy tool for Members of Parliament. I urge all Australians to take a long hard look at how this C.I.R. system can help Australia and its Governments. There is no doubt that a change to more democracy is long overdue." |
THE COERCIVE UTOPIANSEditorial Herald-Sun (Melbourne) May 31st "The Prime Minister, Mr. Paul Keating, chose the Australian Zionist Federation's Melbourne conference at the weekend to confirm that the Government will go ahead with the legislation. But he has yet to convince the rest of Australians that existing laws are not adequate to deal with problems that arise. "The new legislation is only the most recent example of a litany of instances where Labor has sought to regulate social behaviour through legislation. "Business leader, Sir Arvi Parbo, himself a migrant, calls this trend 'coercive utopianism'. In this newspaper last week he expressed great concern that freedom of speech had become increasingly difficult to exercise. He added: 'In many ways we are moving from being a liberal and tolerant democracy, where a plurality of opinion is valued and people are encouraged to speak their minds, to a climate of intimidation.' "Most Australians rightly despise those who attack others because of race or religion. Nor do we have time for those who incite violence against others. "But as the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Sir Frank Little, noted before a change of government put an end to plans for similar laws in Victoria: 'The unfortunate social phenomena of racial and religious vilification are better dealt with by means of dialogue, conciliation and education. These are better, more human, more dignified means of persuasion than coercion will ever be.' "Australia is demonstrably one of the most tolerant democracies on earth. We do not need an authoritarian Big Brother in Canberra to dictate how we should behave to each other." |
HALT THE SIGNING OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIESfrom The Australian, June 1st "It seems that the courts have already accepted some of these international agreements as being as legally binding as laws legislated in the Australian Parliament. "Do we really want countries like Cuba influencing our industrial relations practices, the Europeans our farm management practices or the African nations how we manage our arid land? "The time has arrived for Australians to consider changing the constitution to prevent the government from signing treaties without first consulting the Parliament. "The next agreement to be signed will be the proposed United Nations Convention of Desertification, which has potentially huge ramifications for Australian land managers, particularly farmers. "It has been suggested that this convention might be used to control crop types and rotations, the type and number of stock permitted, tree clearing, water use and even fencing. "In the United States, the Constitution provides that treaties entered into by the President must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, yet in Australia, the Government of the day can do what it likes. "It is absurd that any government can sign treaties on behalf of all Australians without such documents having to stand even the most basic of scrutiny by the Parliament or the public. "Even more disturbing is that having done this, the Government, often with reference to supportive High Court judgments, uses these unauthorised 'international treaty obligations' to over-ride Australian laws. "This type of constitutional exploitation must be stopped. "It's time this backdoor means of further centralising power in Canberra was halted." (John Anderson, M.P., Deputy Leader, National Party of Australia, Canberra) |
TYRANNY OR DEMOCRACYfrom The Sun-Herald (Sydney), May 29th "Unless Australia is going to descend to the rule of men, rather than uphold the rule of law, the law is what people determine through their democratic procedures and institutions. The operative principle is called the will of the people, or the consent of the governed. It is a principle that apparently needs to be defended from time to time from the marauders who would attempt to impose top down authoritarianism on the people. What will it be - democracy or tyranny?" (Stan Stanfield, Palm Beach, Sydney, N.S.W.) |
RACISM BILL RACISTfrom The Australian, June 2nd "Already any reasoned discussion on immigration is treated with cries of facist, designed to shout down freedom of expression. "If the racial vilification laws are simply to apply to racial violence, regardless of where it is directed, and already has laws to deal with it. "Racism is a perception, not a crime. Is the term Pommy Bastard any less insulting than Black Bastard, or is it just perceived to be so? Who then is to be the arbiter on perception? Any ruling on racism will of itself cause further prejudice and anger. "Already the workplace has become a dangerous minefield of oppression. Men are afraid to speak to women in other than a very formal manner because they may be accused of sexual harassment. Chivalry is considered to be sexist. Our language has even been changed to mollify the militant few who feel threatened by it. 'Political correctness' has become the buzzword of the day, and we are forced to abide by ridiculous versions of this philosophy. "Perhaps by the time Australians come to the realisation that they have no freedom at all, this letters page will no longer exist, for freedom of speech is the only weapon against the social engineering we are being subjected to." (Patricia M. Smith, Mt.Eliza, Vic.) |