Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
17 June 1992. Thought for the Week: "It is true that 'real Christianity' is the only one answer, but what that answer means is best summed up in the words of the old hymn: Onward Christian Soldiers. Faith may move mountains - through individuals utilising high explosives and bulldozers. If God is to save the world, it must be through saviours, their faith and works."
Dr. Bryan Monahan, The Social Crediter, July 17th, 1965


Pamela Bone, well-known pro-Zionist-Jewish journalist, provides a profile of Zionist leader Mark Leibler in The Age, Melbourne, of June 13th. Pamela Bone quotes Mark Leibler as saying that a "warm relationship with the Labor Government is based on shared values and is a reflection of the way we have conducted ourselves in public and in private meetings with government". But Mark Leibler is emphatic that there is "no hidden, improper influence on government by a so-called Jewish lobby". Leibler claims that any influence has been the result of "the force of our arguments". This is a typical example of the breathtaking effrontery of Zionist leaders like Mark Leibler.

Years after the Second World War had finished, an international campaign was orchestrated on the necessity for War Crime trials. Both in Canada and Australia, the trials, which were eventually held, were disastrous failures, expensive farces. Do Mark Leibler and his fellow Zionists really expect Australian taxpayers to believe they had nothing to do with promoting trials, which were an affront to traditional Christian values and the Common Law?

There has been the campaign to keep British historian David Irving out of Australia. Can the Zionist leaders refer to any other organised group, which has campaigned to ban Irving? Mark Leibler and other Zionist leaders openly demanded that David Irving be denied a visa to enter Australia. And only last weekend a Zionist promoted Melbourne conference on "racism" and "anti-Semitism" with a number of international guests, was used by Mr. Mark Leibler and his fellow Zionists to promote the campaign to have Federal legislation on "racial vilification" with criminal sanctions, introduced as soon as possible.

The Zionists have been openly spearheading the campaign for the introduction of legislation, which would be a major threat to the free society. Mr. John Bennett, President of the Australian Civil Liberties Union, commenting on the Melbourne conference, said that the unstated aim of the proposed vilification legislation was to inhibit discussion about important issues. One of the unstated aims is to inhibit discussion on issues like multiculturalism, immigration and the "holocaust". Zionist leaders have clearly stated that David Irving should be denied free speech because he has raised doubts about the "holocaust". Unless Australians take a firm and united stand against what the Zionist-Jewish leaders are demanding, there will be a further major retreat from the type of free society Australia once was.


Last week, Councillor Bevan O'Regan, prominent New South Wales authority on the subject of Council Amalgamations, made some disturbing revelations at both Gippsland and Murray Regional Dinners of the League of Rights. He documented how the roots of the amalgamation programme go back many years, to the days of Fabian Socialist Dr. H.V. Evatt and his colleagues. The recent Kelty plan for regional development is an up-date on the tactics tried by the Whitlam Government, these designed to create regions crossing State boundaries. Most amazing is the virtual endorsement of the Kelty plan by the National Party.
The explosive material presented by Cr. Bevan O'Regan is being brought together for a special presentation. One of the few who appear to have grasped the national implications of the push for regionalisation, as part of the programme to destroy the Federal Constitution, thus preparing the ground for the establishment of a Republic, is Premier Richard Court of Western Australia. Premier Court must be given every possible support as he battles the centralist drive.

Two years ago, in 1992, an American Publication, Bankruptcy 1995, outlined some startling figures concerning the debt situation of the U.S.A. Projections showed that by next year, 1995, America would be "bankrupt" because it would be unable to meet the interest bill on its national debt. The authors of the publication argue that at this point the U.S.A. will completely collapse. Such projections ignore the fact that the debt merchants can always write off enormous amounts of debt. And there are examples of further debt being created just to pay the interest bills on existing debt. The real threat to Western nations like the U.S.A. is not debt as such, but that the policies being adopted in a desperate effort to service the debt, and to prevent a complete collapse in the economy, will result in growing political and social instability. The end result could be anarchy.

A new book, by the last British Governor of Spandau Prison, Tony LeTissier, adds a new chapter to the story of German National Socialist Leader Rudolf Hess, who made a dramatic flight to the United Kingdom in 1941 with a peace proposal. Some have claimed that Hess was murdered in Spandau, but LeTissier dismisses such claims, stating that Hess found a way to commit suicide, shamed by his own deteriorating physical condition. The treatment of Hess is one of the most shameful events of a Western Civilisation, which has been in retreat from its basic values during most of this century. There was a time when a military opponent approaching his enemies with the offer of a negotiated peace, was treated in a civilised manner. The Soviet criminals were those who sat in judgment on Hess at the infamous Nuremberg Trials, increasingly seen as a travesty of traditional Western justice.

If Paul Keating believed that by raising the Republic issue in France he was advancing the Republican cause, he was making a major mistake. Keating has wisely dropped the flag issue, under pressure from his colleagues, realising that he was fighting a losing battle on this question. However, there is a long-term pro-Republican strategy, which Australian Monarchists ignore at their peril. They must continue with an education programme designed to reach and influence younger Australians.

Although the latest conflict between the U.S.A. and Japan concerning trade appears to have been settled, the basic cause of the trade conflict remains, as pointed out by a leading American academic, Dr. Walter Goldstein, who believes the two countries are headed for more bitter trade disputes. The last conflict seriously affected the price of Australian beef exports. The beef industry has been one of the only industries providing reasonably profitable prices for rural producers.


Mr. John Anderson, Deputy Leader of the National Party and M.P. for Gwydir, has written to the press urging that no more foreign treaties be signed. Apparently alarmed by the proposed Treaty on Desertification, on which we reported, Anderson notes that Australia has signed over 2,000 international treaties, while the U.S.A. signed only around 400. Anderson is correctly noting that the adoption of such "treaties, and imposing them upon the States through the external affairs power, is an abuse of the Constitution. This is a key issue concerning Australian sovereignty versus global government, and Anderson's letter has drawn a response from Keith Suter, from Sydney. Suter, known for his left wing views and campaigning on nuclear weapons, population control, etc., is one of Australia's four members of the Club of Rome.

Suter argues: "He (Anderson) overlooks that the world is becoming increasingly interdependent and that national sovereignty really does not count for very much nowadays... International treaties are a way of coping with global interdependence... The response, then, is not to try to hide behind national walls - since they are getting weaker - but to work harder at creating treaties to manage the new era of global interdependence..." (The Australian, 8/6/94).

This, then, is the Club of Rome "line" if there was ever any doubt. We shall perhaps be accused of harbouring "conspiracy theories" about world government, but Keith Suter speaks for himself. Does he seriously suggest that by sending a representative from the Western Lands Division to Geneva to negotiate the Desertification Treaty, the N.S.W. Farmers Association will be able to protect Australian farmers from the international bureaucrats? Yes, he probably does, as Suter is a utopian idealist. The reality is that the centralisation of power on a global scale is a form of madness, from which such people suffer.


While it is known that there were voting irregularities in the recent South African all-race elections, this was always expected. In fact, the proportional representation system was designed to provide the outcome it did, which was known well in advance. It was a foregone conclusion that Mr. Mandela would be President. But readers will no doubt remember the press performance over the first black South African to vote - in New Zealand, because of international time zones.

Ms. Nomanu Paintin, Mr. Mandela's niece, was televised internationally, in a euphoric state as she cast her vote. Now a Television New Zealand documentary has unearthed the story that Ms. Paintin is not entirely what she seems. At best, Ms. Paintin is Mr. Mandela's cousin once removed, was born in Zimbabwe, not South Africa, may have never lived in South Africa and was almost certainly ineligible to vote!

Judge Kriegler, the head of the South African Independent Electoral Commission, was alerted to the 'problem' in advance of the vote being cast, and ruled that it was such good "public relations", and would encourage so many others to vote that she should be permitted to go ahead, and then would simply be counted in the ballot. It transpires that Ms. Paintin's claims to being a qualified doctor, a former diplomat, and former head of a WHO programme in Mozambique are also a little shaky. But otherwise, everything is perfectly above board! Honest!


from The Australian, June 3rd
Judging by his comments (The Australian, 20/5), the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Robert Tickner, needs to talk to Aboriginal people. "Instead he is talking to people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission who are Aboriginal in name only. We never see these people at law meetings.

"We are a tribal people and we are represented by Don McLeod because he is strong and he has assisted us for 50 years to maintain our culture. "If Robert Tickner doesn't like Don McLeod, he should come and see us before he says the sort of stupid things that were reported in The Australian. "In The Australian's report, Mr. Tickner threatened to investigate the Nomads. He is being misled by A.T.S.I.C., which has been investigating the Nomads for the past year.

"It is A.T.S.I.C. in Port Hedland and Perth who should be investigated. A.T.S.I.C. has always known about the funding of Nomads Management Pty. Ltd., which was approved by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs as an efficient and economical way of administering our communities. "The so-called 'possible serious breaches' of government funding conditions were never brought to the attention of the Nomads and still have not been identified. All grant conditions have been met and audited accounts acquitted.

"A.T.S.I.C. has said it is concerned about the 'low level of Aboriginal participation in and knowledge of projects operating in the communities'. "We make the decisions in our communities after consulting all our people. Then we tell Don McLeod what we want. "A.T.S.I.C. is supposed to be helping us. I dread it is running us down and trying to kill us off.

"In a year or two, Robert Tickner will get another portfolio or his Government will be thrown out. A.T.S.I.C. also will be chucked out. "But the Nomads will struggle on. We seek an agreement with the Government that we should be paid our dues beyond the reach of people like Robert Tickner and A.T.S.I.C." (Snowy Judamia and 32 others, Port Hedland, W.A.)


from The Australian, May 18th
It is tremendously disappointing that your reporter, Bruce Montgomery, is so selective about the information he passes on to readers of The Australian. "He talks about unanimous condemnation of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, but makes no attempt to tell readers about the 'farce' behind the decision.

"Firstly, 148 nations signed the Covenant on Human Rights which, by the way, does not include sexual rights. "Only 40 nations signed the Protocol which homosexuals used for their claim. Four of the nations, which comprised the 18-member committee, have not signed the Protocol and seven of the nations on the committee have similar laws to Tasmania.

"Add to that the following facts: "As a Member of Parliament, I applied to be allowed to send a written submission to present an alternative view to the homosexual submission, but I was told the Tasmanian Justice Department would prepare the Tasmanian response. "I asked to see a copy of that submission, but I was told I could not see it because it was confidential between Tasmania and the Commonwealth. Despite that confidentiality the Federal Government gave a copy of the submission to the homosexual lobby.

"Tasmania is not recognised by the United Nations so naturally the Federal submission was all the Committee needed to make its decision. "Where is the justice in this fiasco? "When challenged on national television the homosexual lobby said: 'The United Nations Committee doesn't represent their countries. They are individual human rights experts.' "Why haven't they forced their own countries to comply before they try to cower Tasmania?

"I wonder also how much Montgomery has told his readers about the huge setback the homosexual lobby received in Hawaii on April 25? Perhaps he doesn't want people to learn how other nations are reacting to the continual demands of homosexuals."
(Hon. H.G. Brookes, M.L.C., Tasmania)