Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
4 August 2000. Thought for the Week: "The only revolution advocated by Social Credit is the monetary revolution. No social upheaval is called for, no class warfare is desired, and to no class is relegated the right to dominate others, not even to the class of financiers and bankers who are sharply rebuked for having become the masters and dictators of the country, whereas they should have remained its servants.
The Social Credit system believes, as does Catholic Sociology, that there are social inequalities that are inevitable and admits the differentiation of groups and professions. But it also desires all to respect one another and to work in harmony for the common welfare."
"Social Credit and Catholicism" by George-Henri Levesque, O.P. 1936


by Jeremy Lee
The report by the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Electoral Matters, set up two years ago to investigate the fairness or otherwise of Australia's electoral system, has finally been tabled. Every member of the Committee was from one of the major political parties. It received hundreds of submissions, many concerned with the unfairness of compulsory preferential voting. Its Report noted that in many submissions there was a strong belief that: " .... something is radically wrong and unfair .... with the current system of full preferential voting. It is argued that: .... the present system is specifically designed to favour the major parties ...."

Despite the obvious coercion inherent in a system which forces voters to allocate preferences to unwanted alternatives, no recommendation was made to return to genuine choice. One of the issues leading to the inquiry was that of Albert Langer, briefly jailed for recommending voters give the same number to unwanted candidates, thus obviating preference (i.e. allocating numbers like 1,2,3 3 3 ). With a stroke of machiavellian genius the Report recommended that the Act be changed so that Langer's recommendation no longer be a crime - but that votes cast this way should be null and void!
It is quite clear that the Committee's Report was not concerned with increasing free choice for voters.


Those attending the Inverell Forum a few years ago will remember a paper by Dr. Amy McGrath, giving evidence of electoral rorts in Australia. As a result of her pioneering a new society has been formed to counter the abuse of the electoral system. In its brochure it says: "Dr. Amy McGrath, O.A.M., a Sydney historian published The Frauding of Votes in Feb. 1996 after her account of union election corruption, The Forging of Votes in 1994. It deals with the evolution of our electoral system, the manifold and manifest opportunities for fraud, and the evidence of fraud.

Following these initiatives, a number of people decided to form a Society to gain wider public awareness of what we see to be the greatest threat to our democracy, evident corruption of our electoral system. The Society is determined to be independent of any political party and without patronage. It is named after the Victorian politician who created the world's first 'limited' secret ballot law, designed to achieve an effective scrutiny to detect fraud after elections. Unfortunately in Australia it was later replaced by an 'absolute' secret ballot system in which fraud is effectively untraceable. It is our belief that this 'absolute' system has been abused increasingly, rendering it corrupt, both potentially and in practice.

The Society, the H.S. Chapman Society offers Forum and Video speakers, including parliamentarians and councillors, lawyers and academics, former electoral commissioners, journalists and unionists. It is launching a nation-wide petition asking for an electoral ombudsman, and an amendment to the Electoral Act providing for more effective access to courts on disputed returns.
The address: The H.S. Chapman Society, Box 2391, G.P.O., Sydney, N.S.W., 2001.


As this article is being written (Friday, 28/7) Health Ministers from Australia and New Zealand are meeting to decide the details of labelling genetically-modified food. The most recent survey shows over 95% of Australians in favour of labelling of ALL foods that contain ANY G.M. products. It seems that Prime Minister Howard has been under enough pressure to intervene personally. He has written to all concerned Ministers in Australia and New Zealand suggesting that foodstuffs containing one percent of G.M. product or less should not require labelling. This suggestion is strongly opposed by a lot of groups and individuals who believe that this would be impossible to police.

The issue is now an international one, having produced deep division at the recent G-8 conference in Japan. The Australian (24/7/2000) reported: " .... acrimony developed with the U.S. and Canada in one camp and European nations in the other. Europe harbours deep suspicions over what it has billed as 'Frankenstein food' .... but the U.S. has a $US4 billion ($A7 billion)-a-year G.M. food industry and is wary of Europe using safety fears to create a trade barrier by stealth ...."

Louise Sylvan, of the Australian Consumers Association (Australian Financial Review,13/7/2000), wrote of the one-per-cent proposal: " ....The Australian Consumers' Association estimates that about three-quarters of processed foods in Australia would remain unlabelled for G.M. under these broad exemptions, undermining the right of consumers in a free market to be able to know what they are buying.
The Australian Medical Association, the Public Health Association and A.C.A. were so concerned about this proposal that they jointly expressed their reservations to the Prime Minister, Mr. Howard ....."


A feature story in The Courier-Mail (Queensland, 23/7/2000) carried what must be inexplicable news to unsuspecting Australians. A busload of Afghan illegal immigrants arrived in Brisbane from the Curtin Detention Centre in Western Australia. On arrival, they were met with loudly-expressed hostility - not from any other racial group, but by Afghans who have been living in southern Queensland for a number of years. One quoted reaction: "We don't know what kind of people they are or whether they came for humanitarian reasons. We came to Australia as official refugees. We are angry because they came here illegally by paying smugglers $US8,000 ($11,800). Where do they get that sort of money? They must be wealthy ...."

As we have said before, the Australian Government is playing with fire, attempting to fight a street fighter by Marquis of Queensberry rules which nobody but Mr. Ruddock understands.


Have you been invited to a Government-convened seminar or conference lately? Possibly a Local Government 'Community Forum'? Please read on. The following is part of a report which came from the American groups Environmental Perspectives, Inc. and Sovereignty International Incorporated, 1229 Broadway, Suite 313, Bangor, Maine 04401


The age of environmentalism started in 1967 with the publishing of the "Iron Mountain Report" (named after its first meeting place, Iron Mountain, N.Y.) by a group of intellectual elitists from various disciplines in the U.S. The purpose of the report was to define a mechanism to switch from the threat of war as a means to control society to something that would work in peace. They chose environmental holocausts.

Foreign Affairs began to promote environmental holocausts in 1970. The major foundations began to fund environmental activism in the early 1970s. Maurice Strong, a Canadian industrialist with dirt poor childhood, was a security guard at the UN at age 18, was put on the fast track by David Rockefeller and associates, became vice president of Dome Petrochemical at age 25 and has had a dazzling career since then.

In 1972 Strong was Secretary General of the first Earth Summit in Stockholm. This led to the creation of the United Nations Environmental Program (U.N.E.P.) in 1972. Strong was U.N.E.P's. first Executive Director. At the same time Strong served as the Director of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (I.U.C.N.). The I.U.C.N. was accredited by the U.N. in 1946 to become its "scientific advisor" and was made up of various government scientists. It has done some fairly good work.

In the early 1970s Strong expanded the I.U.C.N. to include Non-Governmental Organizations (N.G.O's.). There are now 74 governments, 104 government agencies and over 700 N.G.O. organizations as members. Because of their overwhelming majority, these N.G.O's. now control the I.U.C.N's. agenda. The I.U.C.N's. official mission "is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable."

The I.U.C.N., "promotes alternative models for sustainable communities and lifestyles, based in ecospiritual practice and accelerate our transition to a just and sustainable future.... The problems that face the world today, humanity must undergo a radical change in its attitudes, values, and behaviour....

In response to this situation, a new global ethics is taking form, and it is finding expression in international law." This new global ethic is cantered on what is called biocentrism. "In a biocentric approach," states the I.U.C.N., "the rights of nature are defended first and foremost on the grounds of the intrinsic value of animals, plants, rivers, mountains, and ecosystems rather than simply on the basis of their utilitarian value or benefit to humans." This biocentric world view is at the heart of the I.U.C.N's. pantheistic/new age definition of sustainable development."
Sustainable by definition, means not only indefinitely prolonged, but nourishing, as the earth is nourishing to life and the self-actualizing of persons and communities.
The word development need not be restricted to economic activity, but can mean the evolution, unfolding growth and fulfilment of any and all aspects of life. Thus sustainable development may be defined as the kind of human activity that nourishes and perpetuates the fulfilment of the whole community of life on earth. This definition is at the heart of almost all U.N. treaties and agreements.


Agenda 21 is the United Nation's blue print for the complete restructuring of nations to fit into the proper environmental mould. As listed below, Agenda 21 outlines, in detail, the U.N's. vision for a completely managed society, dictating the processes to be used for industry, agriculture, housing development and even education. The White House's new drive for massive acquisition of private property is necessary for the full implementation of Agenda 21.


Excerpts from the Preamble to

"Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfillment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable development.

"Agenda 21 addresses the pressing problems of today and also aims at preparing the world for the challenges of the next century. It reflects a global consensus and political commitment at the highest level on development and environment co-operation. Its successful implementation is first and foremost the responsibility of Governments. National strategies, plans, policies and processes are crucial in achieving this. International co-operation should support and supplement such national efforts. In this context, the United Nations system has a key role to play. Other international, regional and sub-regional organizations are also called upon to contribute to this effort. The broadest public participation and the active involvement of the non-governmental organizations and other groups should also be encouraged."

List of All of the Subjects Covered Under Agenda 21's All Encompassing 'Hooks':
Management of Solid Waste,
Management of Radioactive Wastes,
Strengthening the Role of Major Groups,
Global Action for Women,
Children and Youth in Sustainable Development,
Indigenous People.

NGO Partners,
Local Authorities Initiatives in support of Agenda 21
Strengthening Workers and Trade Unions,
The Role of Business Industry,
Scientific Technological communities,
The Role of Farmers,
Financial Resources Mechanisms,
Transfer of Technology,
Science for Sustainable Development,
Promoting Education Training,
National Mechanisms International Cooperation,
International Institutional Arrangements,
International Legal Mechanisms,
International Cooperation,
Combating Poverty,
Changing Consumption Patterns,
Demographics & sustainability,
Protecting Human Health,
Human Settlements,
Integrating Environment and development in decision-making,
Protection of the Atmosphere,
Planning and Management of Land Resources,
Combating Deforestation,
Desertification Drought,
Sustainable Mountain Development,
Sustainable Agriculture,
Conservation of Biological Diversity,
Management of Biotechnology,
Protection of the Oceans,
Management and use of Water Resources,
Management of Toxic Chemicals,
Management of Hazardous Wastes


Sir, Pick up the paper today, whether it is a daily, weekly or any frequency in between, newspaper or magazine, it is almost certain you will read something about some project wanting more taxpayer funds. This is not to condemn those organisations for trying. The fact is, however, that there is a severe artificial shortage of money.
The R.A.C.V. and the R.A.C.Q. have an equally valid case for more funding for roads in their states of Victoria and Queensland. The Diabetics sufferers, the Heart Foundation, multiple sclerosis et al all have equally valid claims for more funding for research. Nevertheless, while we continue to fight amongst ourselves for the crumbs, this artificial shortage will remain.
Economists should be condemned for their failure to accommodate into the system the advances that machinery and technology has given us. They are trying to operate a jet-plane economy within a horse-and-buggy framework. Ever since the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago, machines, including the most advanced electronic devises, have been designed to reduce the level of human input to the production and distributive system. That is, to cut the number of jobs. Economists' orthodox answer is to increase taxation by whatever means to pay people to be idle. This means does not make one extra dollar available - it merely redistributes what is already in short supply. Until we demand that our economists rewrite their rulebook there will continue to be a shortage of funds for essential work. - Ron Fischer, Talbot, Vic.


After a lifetime of service, the M.E.A. Tapes' Librarian is 'calling it a day'. He is offering this 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to League actionists to make these tapes known to those who do not read "On Target". It is a unique body of scholarship which must be disseminated to our fellow Australians. A comprehensive catalogue of 20 years of League speakers is available. This catalogue of tapes will be available in brackets of 24 tapes - one list each week. Each list will be available in bulk order lots. 1,000 for $20 - Distributors invited.

Come on actionists - let's get behind this letter-boxing initiative. M.E.A. TAPES, Box 184, The Basin, Vic., 3154

Melbourne Letter Writers' Club

Notice from the 'Steering' Committee: The influence of the work of the Letter Writers' Club is gradually being noticed. This work can and must be greatly expanded if we are to have an effect on the voting pattern of the next election.


As we come up to 'exercise number two', we make an appeal for the support of On Target readers all over Australia. The brochure included in this week's On Target sets out the 'germ' of an idea that can be developed in many ways. This idea came about because of the failure of the recent petition to the Governor General to annul the G.S.T. New and regular letter writers are invited to submit their letters on this subject, to the above address for possible wider circulation.
In retrospect, we can see that the 'petition' was too little too late. Also, it could be said that we were attempting to fix the problem "from the top down". This will never work.

All 'Social Credit' political activity must work from the grassroots - and this is what the 'G.S.T. Sorry Day Coupon' sets out to do. But it will only work if a sufficient number of coupons are actually signed and posted to the Member of Parliament. And that depends on the reader of this newsletter. For further detailed information write for the tape: "Where Have All The Social Creditors Gone?".


The Annual General Meeting is to be held on August 29th, 2000 - make every effort to attend. Guest speaker will be Mr. John Stafford and his subject will be "Ireland Today". No meeting in September: Due to the anticipated Sydney Olympics' congestion there will be no meeting in September.


Supporters are asked to mark the dates of Saturday, 19th, and Sunday, August 20th, in their diaries. "Are We Choosing the Paths to Quality of Life?" Dr. Ziema McDonell, Ph.D., will speak to the following: "G.M.O. Foods; Effects on Our Cells and Health; Latest Research; What We Can Do About It". Dr. McDonell has degrees in Medicine, Forensic Science, Biochemistry and Nutrition as well as practicing Natural Therapies. Dr. Kate Clinch-Jones: Dr. Clinch-Jones has a general practice at McLaren Vale. She will speak to the following: "Mechanics of HOW the crops are modified and WHY they do so...Danger of G.M.O's. to effect and modify weeds" Geoff Kurtin Agr. Sc.: After graduating from Massey University in Agriculture he went on to further studies on bovine nutrition in the U.S.A. He is an Accredited Agricultural Consultant, Australasian Institute Agricultural Science & Technology. "Genetic Modification: from the Agriculturalist's Point of View: Is It All Bad?" Saturday seminar: $10.00 admission.

"Frank Bawden Memorial Dinner" will be held on Saturday, August 19th. $22.00 per person - 3 course meal; B.Y.O. drinks. Sunday Action Conference: August 20th...10.00 a.m.. $10.00 admission. Venue to be announced. A short Divine Service to open the Sunday Action Conference. Then the meeting will be opened up for Dr. McDonell who has agreed to stay on for the Sunday morning. She will speak on the following: "Looking at Cancer; Probable Causes; Treatments; Hormones & Menopause Problems; Men's Prostate and Cancer - How to Treat It; What To Do To Avoid It" Action reports will follow. Recipients of the "Response Slip" for South Australia's State Weekend please note: The Post Office Box number on this Slip is incorrect - please return to P.O. Box 208, Ingle Farm, S.A., 5098.


West Australian supporters please note your State Weekend has been put back till later in the year. Due to changes of administration it is not possible to organise the event till later.


Genetic Engineering: Food & Our Environment (A Brief Guide) by Luke Anderson: A reading must for everyone! Author Luke Anderson has presented a clear picture of all aspects of the debate concerning genetically engineered foods. The question is answered as to who is making the crucial decisions about the future of our food supply. Why are living organisms being patented? What are the implications to our health, the impact upon farming and the environment? Unsustainable chemical/industrial farming practices have already turned much arable land into desert, yet the Federal Government is pouring approximately $80 million this year into gene technology! Order from: Australian Heritage Society, P.O. Box 163, Chidlow, W.A., 6556, or any of the League Book Services. Soft cover - $22.00 posted.


The book "Vaccination: The Right Choice" by Maureen Hickman ($28.50 posted) is available from the Heritage Book Service, P.O. Box 6086, Lake Munmorah, N.S.W., 2259.


September 29th-30th, 1st October. Plans are under way for the National Weekend to be held from Friday, September 29th (Dinner); Saturday, September 30th (Seminar); through to Sunday, October 1st (Divine Service and Action Conference). Please mark your diaries NOW. Guest speakers include Mr. Jeremy Lee and Dr. Ziema McDonell. Dinner and Seminar to be held at The Victoria, Little Collins Street, Melbourne. Divine Service & Action Conference to be held at 'Runnymede', Panton Hills, in the C.H. Douglas Memorial Hall.


by Betty Luks
The news continues to 'trickle in' of first-hand reports of the real situation on the continent of Africa. Mr. David O'Callaghan of the Australian Churches of Christ Overseas Mission Board (O.M.B.) recently spent some time in Zimbabwe and although he was told by people on the ground that the situation was not as bad as was being perceived in Australia, his team discovered it was in fact far worse! (Ballarat Courier, 7/2000).
With Mugabe handing out rifles to his youthful supporters, travel a major obstacle with limited access to many places, and road blocks common. "Road blocks, political unrest and the quiet dispersion of the armed forces throughout the country were a constant reminder ... of the dangerous situation" he said.

But what about the AIDS nightmare? Upon visiting a cemetery his team observed the numbers of bodies brought there. He reported that "At least every hour a body was brought" to the cemetery, "some were simply pushed through the gates ... The bodies were piling up. "Aids is ravaging Zimbabwe, it's rampant," said Mr. O'Callaghan... "Entire families are dying out." Sadly, many women as young as 15 are pregnant, with children being born with full-blown AIDS who live for just a few short years. The traditional family system has broken down and orphans and beggars are a common sight on the streets. Inflation is running at 70 percent and he warned that "People will starve in the coming months and years - many are dying now."


It was in 1988 that Dr. John West published his highly provocative book The AIDS Time Bomb tracing the probable roots of the AIDS epidemic to the administration of human vaccines unknowingly contaminated with AIDS-like viruses. He made the awful disclosure that the African Green Monkey deadly S.V.40 pre-AIDS virus had been found in polio and other vaccines. A colleague, Dr. Ian Brighthope M.B.B.S., wrote at the time, "In my opinion, the predict of John West's book will help to herald the rewriting of our text books of Microbiology, Immunology, Nutrition and Medicine."

Dr. West wrote that just before his book went to press the London Times (11/5/1987) carried the headlines "Smallpox vaccine 'triggered' AIDS virus" and the article accused the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) of 'squelching' the story. W.H.O. had conducted a 13-year campaign in third world countries in an effort to eradicate smallpox.

The science editor of the London Times, Pierce Wright, thought: "The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African states which top the league table of most affected countries; why Brazil became the most affected Latin American country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of AIDS to the U.S."

The article then delivered this bombshell
"After a meeting of 50 experts near Geneva this month (May, 1987) it was revealed that up to 75 million, one third the population of Southern Africa, could have the disease within the next five years." In his book The AIDS Fighters Dr. Ian Brighthope held out great hope for the treatment of AIDS with a regimen that includes high-dose Vitamin C and other immunity-building nutrients. But orthodox circles do not accept or promote it.

If what these men say is true, then God help the western-world leaders for the evil they have imposed and inflicted on the peoples of Africa and the other Third World nations.