16 February 2001. Thought for the Week:
"Socialism, or to give it its correct name, Monopoly, is not
a production system, which is exactly what one would expect
from its origins. That this is a simple statement of fact
is being demonstrated in this country at the moment. It is
a legalistic system based on a power complex supported by
a set of abstract slogans which its policies and results contradict,
where these have any concrete meaning...
Socialism is a restriction system, as any examination of Socialistic practice in the Trade Unions will confirm, and it has two well defined fundamental principles - centralisation of power, both economic and political, and espionage. That is to say, every advance towards Socialism is an advance towards the Police State..." "The Big Idea" by C.H. Douglas, 1941 |
CENTRALISATION THROUGH REGIONAL GOVERNMENTby Jeremy Lee Representative government along these lines has been distorted enormously, with power shifting as is its wont to central government. There are a host of reasons, chief of which are (a) central control of tax revenue and borrowing requirements; and (b) the party system. In 1972 the Whitlam government re-vamped an old fabian policy first outlined at the beginning of the century by the economist G.D.H. Cole, for the replacement of smaller elected governments by "regional governments". It was sold under the inducement that this would decentralise power, but in reality it aimed to replace elected representatives with appointment of 'experts' at regional level, who would simply administrate a centrally-devised policy. The federal idea would disappear. Earlier members of the Liberal and Country parties opposed and exposed this programme. In more recent times the regional government idea has been fostered whichever major party government has been in power. The idea gained added strength with the development of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) which has now been given a place in the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), even though ALGA has no constitutional validity. The programme has been graphically exposed by former Mayor of Narrabri, Councillor Bevan O'Regan, in two videos - "Your Council The Target" and "Councils At The Crossroads" (available from Pickford Productions, Box 1234, Toowoomba, 4350, $20 each or $35 the two including postage). During the Keating era former ACTU Secretary
was commissioned to produce a "regional survey" of Australia
with a future regional government scenario in mind. The concept
has now re-surfaced with what is called the "Hurford Model",
the brainchild of former Hawke government minister Chris Hurford.
A full page in The Advertiser (Adelaide, 20/1/2001)
under the heading ADVANCE AUSTRALIA WHERE? gave details of
the proposal: South Australian Attorney-General Trevor Griffin, commenting on the proposal, said there was no hope of such an idea being passed in the constitutional referendum necessary for such a change. Quite true. But, as with so many fabian ideas, by-passing the Constitution is quite acceptable. Once central control of money has been achieved, the States can be starved, and their finance simply passed to the regions, to be spent in carrying out the central government's policy. There is some highly creative kite-flying to support the idea: " ....eliminating State governments in favour of a series of regional governments under the umbrella of a national government would save about $25 billion annually, while more effectively delivering services. .... Under the Hurford 'Australian Peoples' New Commonwealth' model, States and the NT government would be replaced by a federation of 51 regions, as well as one territory around Canberra. Each region would represent a 'community of interest', in which economic interests would be tied to specific geographical areas ...." Apart from anything else. If such a proposal succeeded it would place local government firmly under the International Treaty on Local Government, linked to the United Nations, which ALGA and Paul Keating were pushing before Howard's arrival. Since then, the gradual movement towards regional government has not abated. |
WHAT SEATTLE ACHIEVEDWhatever else is said, the protests in Seattle and at subsequent international forums has forced a sea-change into current events. At the end of January the World Economic Forum again met at Davos in Switzerland. The usual high-fliers from all over the world attended, from Bill Gates to Oprah Winfrey, from Yasser Arafat to George Soros. From Australia were Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and NSW Premier Bob Carr, and corporate chiefs John Ellice-Flint from SANTOS, Telstra's Ziggy Switkowski, Western Mining Corporation's Hugh Morgan and JB Were's Terry Campbell. Also attending was the ACTU's Sharan Burrow, one of 12 labour leaders from Australia. Absent, however, were any representatives from President Bush's new administration. As usual, huge security measures had to be taken: " .... WEF organisers have also endeavoured to be seen to be listening to the critics of globalisation at the same time as 300 Swiss Police and up to 600 soldiers have sealed off the ski resort against demonstrators with barbed wire, car searches and machine guns ...." (Australian Financial Review, 29/1/2001) Among the anxious topics discussed at this year's sombre gathering was the almost complete standstill in the programme of the World Trade Organization. "The backlash against globalism is central to this year's conference theme ...." (AFR, 29/1/2001). |
INDEBTED STUDENTS IN NEW ZEALANDA recent article sent to us by a New Zealand reader pointed out that the total debt incurred by tertiary students to the government for their university courses was now almost $NZ4 billion. That's over $1,000 for every person in the country! The article added: "The loan scheme is forecast to grow to $15.5 billion by the year 2015, and is described in the report as a 'significant government asset' ...." There's creative accounting for you! The indebtedness of young New Zealanders regarded as a government asset! Unfortunately, many young graduates are heading overseas, leaving their debts behind them. Some asset! |
GENETICALLY-MODIFIED FOODSAn alliance of scientists and religious leaders in the United States is now suing the Food and Drug Administration for covering up scientific concern about the safety of genetically modified food. The Australian Financial Review (6/2/2001) reported: "As part of the group's legal case against the FDA, the regulator has handed over 44,000 pages of documents, some of which are available at www.biointegrity.org which reveal serious scientific disquiet about the new technology. 'The documents uncovered by the legal case show some scientists and officials questioning the view that GM foods are essentially the same as conventional foods, an assumption strongly promoted by industry which has underpinned the regulatory response in Australia and the US. One FDA microbiology expert wrote: 'There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering.' In a 1992 memo, the FDA's Director for Veterinary Medicine said his department 'believes that animal feeds derived from genetically modified plants present unique animal and food safety concerns' and that residues of toxic substances in 'meat and milk products may pose human food safety problems ...." Sounds like a case of mad foot-in-mouth disease from genetically modified bureaucrats! |
AUTOMATION IN TRANSPORTWe have drawn attention more than once to the implications behind Chris Corrigan's move to replace human labour with automated robotics on the wharves. A few operators sitting at home will direct by computer the unloading, sorting and stacking of shipping containers. Three years ago Chris Corrigan confronted
the Maritime Union, resulting in the wharf strikes which hit
the news. In 1998 the corporation headed by Corrigan - Lang
Corp. - lost $65 million and its shares were worth $1.17.
At the end of January Lang's shares touched $13.03 and have
settled now at $12.66. A recent share float has been oversubscribed,
with interest coming from overseas. Why? Because Lang is now
poised to expand its "workerless" handling operations into
shipping wharves round Australia - plus its aim to acquire
National Rail and Freightcorp. |
THE COLD LOGIC OF SHARON from (c) - www.MiddleEast.OrgMany Israelis just stayed home. Others cast a blank vote. But a considerable minority thrust Ariel Sharon into the greatest electoral landslide in that country's history - obviously as well as an overwhelming majority of those who did vote. And the "Israel Arabs" turned their backs on both of the Zionist parties and managed a near complete "boycott" of the election, also for the first time and interestingly the exact opposite of what Arafat and the "Authority" advocated. Now the soothing songs and tailored campaign slogans give way to ideological, political, and military realities. The major media primarily trumpet the politicians and spin-masters from hither and yon. But behind the scenes preparations for a spasm of intensified low-level conflict and stepped-up repression are in motion; and any spark could now bring about a cataclysmic eruption. From "Tehran to Aswan", as Sharon's own henchmen warned even during the campaign, those in charge of military plans and preparations are indeed sharpening their knives, not their pencils and television persona.- (from Neil Baird's website). |
WHERE THE PUSH IS COMING FROMby Betty Luks At the time, the Anti-Defamation Commission's "executive director, Mr. Danny Ben-Moshe, said the measures were necessary to combat an increase in racist attacks in Victoria..." Of course, he didn't think "the criminal sanction proposal" was a "knee-jerk reaction to the rise of One Nation and denied it would undermine civil liberties". The Age reported, "The previous Federal Labor Government tried to introduce the Racial Hatred Bill in 1995 but it was opposed by the coalition, which promised an anti-racism campaign if it won office. That campaign has yet to be implemented." The then Premier, Jeff Kennett, "has previously ruled out introducing tougher racial vilification laws but Mr. Ben-Moshe said Mr. Kennett had done much to promote multiculturalism in Victoria..." |
MPs MUST BE TARGETED ON RACIAL VILIFICATION LEGISLATIONThere are three Independents in the Lower House in Victoria and the Liberals are strong in the Upper House - pressure must be applied to them. All hands are needed to take part in a concerted letter-writing campaign - along with the submissions to 'nip this bill in the bud'. Write to:Ms. Susan Davies, MP, Independent,
1 Murray Street, Wonthaggi, 3995 (P0 Box 406, Wonthaggi, 3995)
Tel: 5672 3799 Fax: 5672 3794 Pager: 016 370 040 E-mail: susan.davies@parliament.vic.gov.
au |
PROPOSED RELIGIOUS AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE LEGISLATIONWe urge our supporters to make every effort to put in a submission - even a one-page letter - to the Bracks Government. Submissions and correspondence to be addressed to: Victorian Office of Multicultural Affairs, Department of Premier and Cabinet, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne, Victoria, 3002. 'Thought Control' Bill In a July 2nd, 1994, editorial News Weekly revealed, "...it is not the Arab or Islamic communities which are the strongest proponents of the (then Keating) racial vilification bill...The concept of incitement to racial violence or hatred ...is an extremely difficult one to enshrine in law. Unlike clear-cut anti-social acts like destruction or defacement of property, or creating a public nuisance in the streets (all of which are already illegal, and rightly so), the concept of incitement relies 'as much on intention and attitudes' as on spoken words. In other words, what is to be outlawed under this legislation is certain kinds of ideas. It is a thought control bill..." At the time (1994), former Labor Cabinet Minister, Peter Walsh, spoke out against the push for such legislation as reported in the News Weekly editorial and his warning is worth repeating: "The bill is aimed at limiting what is permissible to think rather than what is permissible to do." It was not coincidental that when Keating chose to "re-ignite debate on the bill, he did so at a conference of the Zionist Federation of Australia". At the time the "Liberal's Deputy Leader, Peter Costello" was "in attendance at the conference" and "refrained from distancing his party from Keating's bill". Just as the purpose of the Keating legislation was 'thought control' so is the Bracks' legislation. The methods, although more subtle than those used by the Soviets, have the same objectives - to legislate for what you will think and what you will speak. Other names for what they are about are 'mind conditioning' or 'brainwashing'. The mass propaganda is aimed at the 'internal enemies of the State'; to arouse the fear of being publicly identified as a 're-actionary, red-necked racist' and/or instill a sense of shame when labelled a 'grievous transgressor' against the multicultural, new-world-order State. Under the proposed legislation you the
racist vilifier, in order to publicly renounce, or repent
of, your transgressions may be brought before: If any of these two bodies think you are beyond 'redemption', that is, "beyond the reach of effective conciliation" then you could be charged with a criminal offence. But, (remember we are dealing with psychopolitical warfare here) the State, most likely, would only proceed along this path if you proved "beyond the reach of effective conciliation". Just to make sure you have got the picture
you are informed in the "Racial and Religious Tolerance Legislation"
proposal: Under the heading of "Division 2 - Other
Prohibited Conduct, No. 14" is the following warning: The craft guilds, etc., were situated in the temple precinct and, in effect, their signing of that declaration also opened a way to a job - no declaration, no job! How many employers are going to 'buck the State' to defend the right of an 'unrepentant racist' to his job? The employer's anger and fear has been aroused - he has been conditioned by the mass propaganda - anger at the 'unrepentant racist' and fear for his own well-being. Under this legislation truth is no defence and the accused has to 'prove' his/her 'innocence'. Last year, that very brave lady Olga Scully of Launceston, Tasmania, was found by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to have "breached the Federal Anti-Discrimination Act" by distributing 'racist' literature, reported The Mercury, January 31st, 2001. She is now expected to be brought before the Federal Court for enforcement of the HREOC's ruling. The Commissioner of the HREOC had ordered Mrs. Scully to stop distributing the literature and to apologise to the Jewish community, but his ruling was not legally binding. In fact, Olga has stepped up her letter-boxing. I am sure Olga knows just what Christ meant when he said "You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free". This lady has said NO! to the mind controllers, has chosen NOT to be intimidated and chosen to speak out. We encourage our readers to write offering their moral and financial support to Olga - Mrs. Olga Scully, 14 Thelma Street, Launceston, Tas., 7250. |
BASIC FUNDEver so slowly the fund is going ahead. As at 9th February the fund stands at $17,266.80. We appeal to those who have not made a donation to consider whether they think the work of the League is worthwhile and should be supported. To those who have given so generously and sacrificially we say a humble "thank you". |
POLITICAL PARTY FUNDS"Total receipts - which include funding other than declared donations - show the Labor Party received $29.5 million last financial year, the Liberals $18.5 million and the National Party $4.9 million....Australia's second wealthiest man long has been known as a patron of the arts. But he is also a major recipient of government funds. His "privately owned paper and cardboard company received a $40 million grant to help him build a state-of-the art pulp and paper mill at Tumut in the Snowy Mountains..." Sydney Morning Herald, February 2nd, 2001. Now, how many dairy farmers and small businesses have been forced off their properties and out of business because of government policies? And these politicians wonder why they are so detested! |
SYDNEY CONSERVATIVE SPEAKERS' CLUB 2001The Sydney Conservative Speakers' Club request the pleasure of your company at the Tuesday Evening, February 27th, 2001, meeting. Guest speaker - Mr. Jeremy Lee. Subject - "Australia's Unique Position to Challenge the Menace of Globalisation". The venue is as usual: The Estonian Club, 141 Campbell Street, Sydney. Meeting commences at 7.30pm. The usual excellent supper will be provided. Entrance is $4 per person. Date for your diary: Tuesday Evening, March 27th, 2001. Guest speaker - Mr. Welf Herfurt. Subject - "The Threat to Freedom & Democracy in Germany Today". |
2001 INVERELL FORUM COMING UP - March 23rd-26thWe are pleased to 'give a plug' for the 2001 Inverell Forum. Over the years this annual event has gained the reputation of providing a platform for speakers of all shades of political opinion - from the most conservative to the most controversial. The organisers of the event aim to attract those who are genuinely concerned as to why Australia is going in the present direction. The speakers are lined up for the purpose of answer-ing the question, WHY, and what to do about it. For further details contact Inverell Forum, PO Box 987, Inverell, NSW, 2360. Phone (02) 6723 2351, Fax (02) 6723 2364. E-mail: rnb@northnet.com.au |
BOOK"Help Yourself to Health by Dr. Ziema McDonnell": This book is a real gem. It was described by the father of one of our readers (a retired medical doctor) as one of the best books for the layman to understand the human body that he had read in his 55 years of medical practice. Great praise indeed! It explains many of the biological functions in such simple terms. It explains the importance of a clean and healthy blood system - and what you can do to ensure this. Much, much more for the reader. Special price: $25 retail, $30 posted. |