Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
11 October 1968. Thought for the Week: "It is elementary that only an informed conscience is a dependable guide of right conduct. Misguided conscience has wrought some of the greatest evils inflicted on human society. The idea that society should allow a man to do what he thinks is right, without any restraint of law, is a principle not of morality but of anarchy"
Thomas A. Lane, Major General, U.S.A. (Retired).


"Hard-line student leaders, aided by local politicians planned a communist-style takeover of Mexico, a Government witness claimed here. Socrates Amado Campos Lemus, 24-year-old economics student and member of the 210-man strike council behind the recent bloody anti-Government student riots, made the charge at a meeting with local reporters called by the Interior Ministry" - The Age, Melbourne, October 8.

Students of the history of the "Student Power" movement stress that some of the more sophisticated tactics being used by this movement originated in Latin America, where they have been tried in the Universities over many years, Australians have had their first taste of "Student Power" and they can look forward to more.

The Communist Tribune of September 25 started a series of articles, "Looking at student power". The first article was contributed by Terry Irving, lecturer in Government at the University of Sydney, who claims that students are at present dissipating too many of their energies on "intangible" targets outside the University "whereas real power is at hand on campus".

Delivering the second Alfred Deakin Memorial lecture of the Melbourne University on October 1, the Vice-Chancellor of the Monash University, Dr. J.A.L. Matheson, warned that student action could destroy Australia's Universities. Dr. Matheson said "The Universities must distinguish between sound criticism and mere insult; between free speech and slander; between legitimate demonstration and riot. If we fail, our academic freedom stands in danger of being destroyed". (Vide The Age, October 2)

If Dr. Matheson was reported correctly, he expressed the remarkable view that 'The danger (to the Universities) is not so much in revolutionary activities themselves as in the reaction they may provoke. Hostility to the universities - always latent in our somewhat anti-intellectual society - could grow to an extent that might force Governments to enact repressive legislation or to limit their financial support".

Those who have taken the trouble to study the "Student Power" movement know that the "revolutionary activities" are designed to provide the student with experiences which fit him to take part in the wider revolutionary movement against the whole of society. The end result of the activities of the "Student Power" movement is bloody violence, as witnessed in Mexico City.


"Having heard him (Wallace) in action, I'm sure he has a certain earthy appeal that apparently does impress a great many simple Americans who are afraid to walk the streets at night. He showed nerve, carrying his campaign into the Press Club yesterday. As I recall, this was the way Hitler started his march to power. It seems incredible that a man like Wallace could even be considered a possibility for the White House in democratic America in 1968... From all accounts Wallace is gaining momentum as the campaign drags on, especially from middle class voters…This is a remarkable country" - E.W. Tipping, correspondent covering the American elections for The Herald (Melbourne) and associated papers, in a lengthy report in The Herald, October 8.

Mr. Tipping is the same man who covered the Democratic Convention at Chicago, and filed stories about the "shocking police brutality". Apparently he was unable to discover the well-known facts about the Communist-backed guerrilla campaign to reduce Chicago to chaos. And judging by his reference to the "simple Americans who are afraid to walk the streets at night", he obviously believes that Presidential candidate Wallace has created a myth in order to gain votes. Apparently it has not occurred to Mr. Tipping that all those middle-class Americans supporting Wallace might know a little more about the American situation than he does.

Mr. Tipping has insulted his Australian readers by comparing Wallace to Hitler. But the treatment being handed out to Wallace is the same type of treatment Barry Goldwater had to suffer in the 1964 campaign. The only difference is that the smear campaign being directed against Wallace is much more vicious for the simple reason that Wallace is a much abler political leader than Goldwater. He is now supported by the famous former Air Force General Curtis Le May, who has already been projected as a monster just itching to start dropping nuclear bombs. What the General actually said was that he would be prepared to use nuclear weapons if this was necessary for America to survive.
He made the obvious point that the nuclear weapon was of no use whatever if America kept on telling the Communist enemy it would never be used.
Both Wallace and Le May believe that the war in Vietnam can be won with conventional weapons. Both have criticised the present no-win policy. This is in direct contradiction to the policies of both Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey.

In order to try to enlist the support of those protesting against continuing the war in Vietnam. Mr. Humphrey is prepared to try a complete cessation of bombing. Now in his first definite statement on Vietnam, as reported in The Herald, (Melbourne) October 8, Mr. Nixon, said he would seek a war settlement of "honor and generosity". He would not increase the bombing of North Vietnam, and he would "broaden the peace negotiations".
He also said "there should have been greater efforts to enlist the Soviet Union on the side of peace".

The suggestion that the Soviet Union can be enlisted on the side of peace - unless it is the type of "peace" imposed by the Soviet in Czechoslovakia - provides further confirmation for the view of those Americans, who distrust Mr. Nixon. (See last week's On Target.) Australians cannot influence the American elections, but if by some miracle George Wallace becomes the next President, they should completely disregard the views of Mr. E.W. Tipping and his like, and not believe that the end of the world has come.


"It is worth a dollar just to read the brilliant introduction by Sir Raphael Cilento"…
"This book should be presented to every student before attending University" …
"A brilliant, compact history of these critical times"…
"Can we not get this masterpiece into the hands of every responsible Australian?"

Mr. Eric Butler's up-dated and expanded Red Pattern of World Conquest, with a lengthy Introduction by Sir Raphael Cilento, is the book of the moment at the present critical time. No better introductory work is available. Every reader should have at least one copy. But why not keep a small supply on hand to loan or sell to others? Prices: $1.13 per copy, post free; $5.00 for 6 copies, post free; $9.00 for 12 copies, post free. Order from Box 1052J GPO. Melbourne. Victoria. 3001.


"While press reports dealing with the invasion of Czechoslovakia have emphasised Soviet ruthlessness and Czech misery and despair, the real meaning of the occupation may have been escaped by both news media commentators and the general public. It is increasingly clear that the massive Soviet troop movement should be seen as a far-ranging and daring scheme to further alter the power balance in Europe and to intimidate and demoralise West Germany" - Washington Report, U.S.A. September 16.

Sufficient well-established facts are now available to prove that by one bold strategic move the Soviet leaders have used the Czechoslovakian situation to alter the balance of power in Europe. They have moved a massive military presence on to West Germany's borders; firmly secured the gate-way to the Balkans; demonstrated to the whole world that the NATO powers were unable or unwilling to do more than make a futile protest; and created a feeling amongst the West Germans that perhaps they should attempt some agreement with the Soviet rather than rely upon those who had demonstrated their helplessness in the face of the Soviet massed military invasion of Czechoslovakia.

If the Soviet had been concerned only with dealing with dangerous "liberalism" inside Czechoslovakia, this objective could have been achieved by a very modest display of armed force. But the Soviet moved an estimated 650,000 troops, approximately one third of the total Soviet Red Army. Soviet troops stationed in other Eastern European Communist countries like East Germany, and used for the invasion of Czechoslovakia were replaced with reserves from the Soviet. This whole operation was impossible without months of preparation.
Some authorities conclude that the operation had its inception back in 1966, when Warsaw Pact exercises were used by the Red Army to practise long-range troop deployments from the Soviet heartland.

Western spokesmen have claimed they were taken by surprise. But as far back as May British and French intelligence services had informed their Governments of the possibility of a Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia. The West German Government took the exceptional step of telling the press that they had reliable evidence that the Soviet was planning to put troops into Czechoslovakia. It is reported that the reason for this was that the CIA had passed the information on to the American Government, but described it as "hardly credible".

The American Ambassador in Moscow, scorned the West German warning, charging that it was "A disturbing maneuver against the American-Soviet policy of detente". No doubt Mr. Thompson was merely faithfully reflecting the wishful thinking of the American Administration about "peaceful co-existence" with the Soviet.
Even in the face of further intelligence reports concerning big troop movements by the Soviet, Mr. Thompson insisted that these were simple preparations for further maneuvers.

In response to West German expression of fears about further Soviet intentions, the U.S. State Department stated on September 17 that any Soviet action against West Germany would bring an "immediate response". This has not proved very encouraging to the Germans, who realise that the conventional forces of NATO are now completely inadequate to meet any challenge by the Soviet.
Unless the West is prepared to give West Germany a firm assurance that she will be supported with tactical nuclear weapons if necessary, the Germans may well decide upon neutralisation. This would be a disastrous blow to the West's entire defence strategy in Western Europe.

The cold truth is that the Soviet move into Czechoslovakia was a major forward strategic move which achieved its major objective. And it demonstrated the dangerous lack of will in the West to meet such a move. Unless this will can be developed amongst the peoples of the Free World, including Australia, the steady shift in the balance of power in favour of the Communists will continue. Only the intensified efforts of grass-roots organisations like the League of Rights, and their effective co-ordination internationally, can avert a final and complete disaster.


The Communist Tribune, October 2, quoted extensively from the 12-page document issued against Rhodesia to every member of Government parties by Liberal MP, Mr. Edward St. John
… On October 1 the Victorian Parliamentary Liberal Party passed a unanimous resolution condemning the continual centralisation of political and economic power in Canberra. The resolution stated in part that "We believe that decentralisation of authority through States and local government is the best guarantee of democracy... We re-assert that restoration of the financial responsibility of the States will in no way conflict with the national interest, but on the contrary, will promote it"
…But the same Liberal Party was divided at its meeting on October 1 on whether or nor it should apply its own principles on the fluoridation issue, and permit individual freedom of choice. There is a stalemate at present on the issue...

On October 8 The Sun (Melbourne) reported the encouraging news that three South African warships sailed out of Simonstown base on a cruise to Australian ports. All Australian realists will hope that this visit leads eventually to closer relations between South Africa and Australia…
.......... British troops could be brought to South-East Asia from Europe in four days after the British withdrawal in 1971, the British Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Geoffrey Baker, said on October 7. But this would be for a limited-war situation only and would be carried out by air transport.


Restoring the Federal System

The excellent resolution carried by the Victorian Parliamentary Liberal Party on October 1 (part of it quoted in this week's On Target) is one of the most encouraging political developments seen in Australia for many a long day. The resolution went right back to basic fundamentals when it stated: "The Federation was designed and accepted as an agreement by independent States to combine in handing over to a central national authority specified areas of government, while retaining effective control of the remaining fields close to the daily lives of the people".
It cannot be stressed too often that originally the Federal Government was the creation of independent, sovereign States; that limited powers were granted from these States to the Federal Government.

The Victorian Liberal Party resolution made the important point that "We reject the assumptions in Canberra that Commonwealth requirements should always receive priority over State needs, and that Federal Ministers and Commonwealth public servants have greater wisdom and knowledge than State Ministers in State affairs".
True national unity, which politicians at Canberra talk so much about, will not come by increasing centralisation, and the inevitable friction and dissatisfaction it generates, but by a true Federation of independent States.

The States cannot be sovereign and independent unless they are financially independent. But one of the first essentials is for a re-statement of the principles of Federalism in Australia, and an insistence that the Federal Government cease extending its activities into fields, which should come within the scope of the States.

] A "dog fight" between the Federal Government and the States on how to divide finances does not touch the real issues. It is axiomatic that all power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely; also that the tendency of all Governments, but more specially central Governments, is to increase their power. Irrespective of their label, all Federal Governments have pursued policies of undermining the Federal system.
We have the example of a Liberal Federal M.P., Dr. Gibbs, talking sense on Rhodesia and the UN, and then urging Federal control of all hospitals.

Finance is an "order" system, enabling those controlling finance to decide how the economic system is to be used. In a genuine economic democracy it is essential that control of the economic system is decided by individuals. Where decisions are required about public services - roads, water systems, education, hospitals, and similar matters - individuals can only exercise effective control through Local and State Governments.

One of the first essentials for a restoration of the Federal system is that Federal Members of Parliament be asked to state clearly where they draw the line - if they do - against progressive encroachment of the Federal Government into spheres originally the exclusive responsibility of the States.