by James Reed
On Target, Vol.41 No.9 March 2005, contained a chilling article by Paul
Fromm of Canada about the plight of political prisoner Ernst Zundel.
Zundel has been a publisher of so-called "race hate" literature
questioning the figure of six million Jews allegedly killed in the Holocaust.
He was held in gaol in Canada, without trial or charge, being classified
as a "terrorist" by a Canadian judge and a threat to the "national
security of Canada".
Zundel has now been deported to Germany where the penalties for Holocaust
denial are even more severe than in Canada. He was whisked away during
the early hours of the morning and bundled into a chartered plane to
his fate in Germany. He now faces charges of Holocaust denial before
German judges in the city of Mannheim.
If you think that such treatment is reserved
only for those who dare to tackle the Jewish question, think again.
In the United States, Senator Bill First has entered a Bill into Congress
that would classify any extreme manifestation of "political dissent"
a mental illness. Opponents of US policies and the US government would
then be confined to mental institutions where they would face mandatory
drug therapy. Anyone questioning government violations of civil rights
could be classified as suffering from "political paranoia"
and subjected to drug treatment.
This proposal must be viewed alongside
George Bush's "New Freedom Initiative in Mental Health" which
aims to screen the entire US population for mental health problems and
treat the "mentally ill" with psychotropic drugs - or in other
words, chemical mind control.
"The New Freedom Commission's proposed treatment
programmes are based on the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP).
was first used in Texas in 1996 and has expanded to other
states," reports The Wanderer "An Irrational Plan",
School children will be the first to be screened, and then the rest
of the population right through to senior citizens. In other words,
there will be a systematic attempt to search for and chemically destroy
political critics of the US: much like the gardener searches for pests
to be eradicated by a blast of pesticide.
The intent of the proposed law is to silence
the Bush government's political opponents. The Bill is modelled on laws
still existing in Communist China and which existed in Soviet Russia.
G.M. Shimanov in a very rare pamphlet, Notes
From the Red House 1971, gives a frightening description of this
most intimate invasion of personal freedom by the State: The invasion
of your mind. Better known are some of the works of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
which dealt with the same theme, such as Cancer Ward 1968 and
The First Circle 1968.
Nevertheless, the human soul's longing for freedom cannot be extinguished
by mere drugs. Shimanov concludes his little book with these moving
"So it was that wicked people put me, a defenceless person,
into a madhouse, thinking to frighten me in this way, and to stop the
preaching of Christianity
Naturally the question arises: Are they
all-powerful? It seems at first glance that they are
they did not succeed in frightening me
On the contrary, they disgraced
themselves once again before everyone who reads this account
tiny example will not explain the infinite mystery of everything, but
it gives me a transparent hint about the relation of human freedom to
the Divine Purpose. Every activity gives birth to a mysterious counter-activity,
which one may not understand, may not even notice, but which nevertheless
balances and directs the course of things so that everything goes along
the mysterious path pre-ordained by God."
by James Reed
In this time of rapid Asianisation of Australia it is important to consider
the long-term consequences of Asian immigration. If the likes of Malcolm
Fraser and Richard Pratt have their way, Australia will have a population
of 50 million, mostly Asian. The population will not stay at that figure
for long, of course. Chain migration will quickly expand population
numbers to the hundreds of millions. The Frasers and Pratts would long
be drowned in a rising tide of colour - lost in the immigration tsunami.
Richard E. Nisbett has written a fascinating
book entitled The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners
Think Differently
And Why (Free Press, New York, 2003). The
book put forward the hypothesis that "Western people" - meaning
White Europeans, primarily, think differently from Asians (e.g., Chinese,
Koreans and Japanese). European thought is based upon the idea that
the behaviour of objects can be understood in terms of rules. Objects
can be categorised and formal logic is a tool for reasoning with these
categories. The Asian mind is dialectical rather than logical, seeing
contradictions as inherent in reality and where such a dialectic produces
a "circular" view of history.
Nisbett presents psychological evidence to show
that there are major differences between the European and Asian mind,
not only in reasoning but in:
(1) Organisation of knowledge (European infants learn nouns much more
rapidly than verbs, Asians vice versa)
(2) Causal inference (East Asians are more susceptible to "hindsight
bias" believing that they "knew it all along") and
(3) Science and mathematics (although East Asians have high mathematical
IQs they produce less revolutionary science than Europeans).
The author presents enough evidence to conclude
that the European and Asian minds are radically different. If interbreeding
was not possible then they would constitute different species on the
cognitive evidence alone. Yet so typical of politically correct science,
Nisbett says that these differences which have existed for thousands
of years are cultural not racial and genetic.
He criticises The Bell Curve by Richard Herrnstein and Charles
Murray which argued for such a genetic basis. Worse, he concludes his
book on a multiracial theme, hoping for a "blended world"
of European and Asian thought patterns, and by implication, people.
On the contrary, there is good reason to believe
that European and Asian thought processes are incommensurable.
The two worldviews both can't be correct and can't be blended. Society
cannot be founded on both principles; conflict and a battle for supremacy
and survival is inevitable. The choice before us is: do we wish for
the European racial mind to survive?
by Angus Roxburgh, BBC News, Riga, Latvia
What a surprise! Latvians and Russians "don't mix"! A BBC
report claims those Russians who formed part of the occupying Soviet
forces, and stayed on in Latvia after the break-up of the Soviet Empire,
are upset at being treated as 'non-citizens' and are now appealing to
the EU for help.
So, what's the problem?
More than 450,000 Russians and native Russian-speakers - out of a total
Latvian population of 2.3m - are classed as "non-citizens"
because they have failed (or refused) to take a test in Latvian language
and history, which would allow them to have citizenship.
During a local election day, they were protesting
about the fact that as "aliens", despite having lived in Latvia
all their lives, they had no right to take part in the elections - whereas
citizens of other EU countries could vote if they had lived there for
a mere six months.
"I was born here"" said one young man. "I pay the
same taxes as Latvians. Yet I'm not allowed to vote for the politicians
who spend those taxes."
"I'm here to protest against the government's policy of dividing
society along ethnic lines," said another. The fate of the "non-citizens"
- who account for 20% of the entire population of Latvia - is a complex
Soviet "migrants"
When Latvia gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, it granted
automatic citizenship to those who had lived in the first independent
Latvian state - between 1918 and 1940 - but not to those who immigrated
here after WWII, when Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union.
Latvia suffered
hugely under Soviet rule
Thousands of Latvians were arrested and sent to Siberian labour camps,
or executed, during the Stalin years. Later, hundreds of thousands of
Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians flooded into the republic under
a deliberate policy of Russification. The Latvian language was squeezed
out of official use.
Latvians were resentful citizens of the USSR. By 1991, they comprised
only half of the population of their own country, while in Riga only
a third were Latvian. Even today, Russian is heard as commonly as Latvian
on the streets of Riga.
But the government is determined to revive the
Latvian identity
It says its policy towards Russians who immigrated here during the Soviet
period is aimed not at punishing them for the sins of the Soviet regime
(as some suspect) but at ensuring that they learn Latvian and integrate
fully into society. In order to naturalise, Russians must take a test
in Latvian, and pass an exam about Latvian history - in which they must
"correctly" answer that the country was occupied and colonised,
not liberated, by the Soviet Union in 1945.
Many of the Russians said they found that psychologically difficult.
They said they wanted to integrate (and many could speak Latvian), but
they found the idea of applying for citizenship humiliating.
Russians see themselves as citizens of the USSR
- not Latvia
"I lived here - same as them - and I was a citizen of the USSR,"
said a middle-aged woman. "They deprived me of my citizenship,
and now I must apply to become one! I just won't do it."
Separate, but together: Tatjana Zdanoka is Latvia's only Russian member
of the European Parliament and uses her position to publicise the position
of the Russian minority. She says her mother, who has lived in Latvia
for 60 years and worked here for 45 years as a schoolteacher, has no
right to vote. "She is 83 and has bad eyes. Of course she's not
capable of taking any kind of exam." (Obviously the lady in question
never bothered to "assimilate" into Latvian culture. It looks
like for 45 years or more she saw herself as part of the "occupying
Facts about Latvia
Latvia was under the rule of German barons for well over five hundred
years only gaining their freedom after WWI and remaining free till 1939
when the Soviets invaded their country. After a year of Soviet tyranny
the Latvians first saw Hitler's invading forces as 'liberators'. And
older Latvians will not have forgotten it was the Western World who
"sold them off" to the Russian Bear at Yalta, only regaining
a form of 'independence' from Communist tyranny in 1991.
Those readers who have relatives in Latvia know
the Latvians resent the fact the Russians choose not to learn about
Latvian culture and history, nor to speak the Latvian language.
While the BBC report 'played down' the tension between the two groups,
it did admit the head of the Latvian parliament's foreign affairs committee,
Aleksandrs Kirsteins, has described the non-citizens as "civilian
occupiers", and "has called for an agreement with the Russian
government under which all the unwanted foreigners would be herded on
to trains and shipped back to their "ethnic homeland" - with
a brass band playing on the platform to see them off."
The occupying Soviet-time migrants and their
children - 700,000 of them - became "non-citizens" in the
1991 independence.
By the time Latvia joined the EU in 2004, this figure had dropped to
around 450,000. Latvia's total population is 2,3m (including the "non-citizens").
From Paul Fromm, Canada
Zundel's Prison Conditions Better in Germany
Dear Free Speech Supporter:
The Zundel case continues, albeit at a slower pace in Canada and the
U.S., and is heating up in Germany. What follows is a report from Gunter
Deckert translated by historian David Irving and a letter from prison
to French Revisionist writer and linguist Professor Robert Faurisson.
We still need your support. The Zundel case will continue in Germany.
Please send contributions to help Ernst Zundel's defence to CAFÉ,
Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada or e-mail us your VISA number
and expiry date.
News of and from Ernst Zundel
1. "I have received a telephone report on a visit to Ernst, which
took place yesterday, in fact. The two ladies who visited him say Ernst
is in very good shape, considering the circumstances, in fact better
than in Canada. He has already settled in. He has a cell to himself,
and is permitted to go outside for fresh air for an hour every day in
the hard. He also has free periods. A Protestant clergyman has already
paid a visit.
He feels well looked after and the meals are good
German cooking.
An official is present during the visit. Yesterday's visit was very
nice and friendly. One is not permitted to speak about any possible
trial. Attorney Rieger has not yet been to see him.
Ernst needs German postage stamps
What Ernst needs are German postage stamps particularly for letters
to send abroad. For foreigners, it is best to send him international
postage coupons for airmail. These can be bought in every country's
post office. He is permitted to receive three in any one letter. Meanwhile,
he has already received painting brushes. [denied to him in Canada -
We can now also transfer money to his bank, particularly from a German
bank account. The bank details are: JVA Mannheim/Ernst Zundel (24.4.39)
Account No. 4384755, Postbank Karlsruhe, BLZ 660 100 75. Gunter Deckert
(translated by David Irving)
A Letter From Prison - Easter Greetings from Ernst!
Ernst Zündel, JVA Mannheim, Herzogenriedstr. 111 68169 MANNHEIM,
[In red pencil :] Happy Easter! 20-21.3.05
Dear Yvonne, René, Robert and Jean!
I am still suffering from a shortage of stamps! I can only purchase
ten 55 cents internal European stamps every two weeks. But one letter
to Ingrid or my Canadian or U.S. lawyers takes two stamps to make sure
the letters are sent Air Mail - otherwise they take 6-8 weeks by regular
mail. In Canada I sent up to 55-60 letters a week - so you can imagine
my shock and frustration with this arrangement. Friends are now sending
me some stamps, and so far the judge who has to censor my mail has let
them through. Thus I have been able to spare a few stamps for special
people like you!
Would you please tell Jean, your brother, that I got his letter, and
thank him for the offer to pay me a visit?
Here is my dilemma: [In a month], I am allowed only two 30-minutes visitors
(up to three can come into the room), no gifts, no money, nothing can
be given to me and vice-versa. An official listener, a person in uniform,
sits within 1-2 yards and listens to all, interjects with suggestions,
advice, etc. in a jovial, friendly and civilized way - but it gives
you an idea of the ambiance of the
So, as much as I would love to see and get to know Jean, I think I'd
better reserve my visiting hours for potential witnesses. After my conviction,
I can use up my meagre visitors' quota for private visits. But for now
I am still " on duty, " and must once more sacrifice my private
desires on the altar of the cause of Freedom and Truth in History.
As you can see, I have a real pen!
I have already used up to three ball-point pens, which last exactly
between 40-45 pages, but they cost only 35 cents. I have bought 10 ball-point
pens; we are allowed to shop in a kind of self-serve store in the prison
for our personal needs every two weeks.
This is needed, because the German system is odd! There is only one
warm meal a day at noon. Then at night there are about five pieces of
dark or rye bread - boy, do I love and cherish that German bread! -
and some two slices of cheese or sausage. That has to last for the evening
meal and the next morning's breakfast. We make our own tea or coffee,
in a one litre stainless-steel tea/coffee-pot using an electric immersion
heater, which each inmate has to buy for ¤ 9.95.
The coffee we have to buy at the prison store. I have been given some
tea bags by the staff. That's an arrangement which really suits me fine,
because I hated the supersweetened slop, like coloured dish water, served
in Canada and the U.S.A. as beverage - lukewarm, and often one could
not tell, was it tea or coffee? Disgusting stuff!
The food here is very German - Hallelujah!
Like my mother's cooking - better quality and larger quantities than
in Canada. The portions in the U.S.A. were criminally small. Imagine
that! The U.S. prisoners were always hungry - it was a constant refrain.
And the food was of no nutritional value. Such things like super-sweet
cereals, cornflakes, hot dogs, hamburgers half as [large] as at McDonald's.
So definitely this is an improvement! A vast improvement!
But the drawbacks are only two visits a month, with permission from
the judge needed, and details to be given in advance as to name, address,
etc. - and the most disgusting thing is only one phone call of five
minutes a month allowed. Poor Ingrid must be frantic! I do not know
how she will cope with that for the next five years or more! While I
am in investigative custody - which could be for many months - I am
allowed no phone calls whatsoever, not even to the lawyer, which on
the face of it would seem to be illegal by international norms?
I am investigating that.
The staff here are cordial and efficient - genuinely nice, humane Germans
- one more reason not to believe in those horror stories of nasty behaviour
by these people's fathers and grandfathers. They simply could not be
that evil - it is not in their nature. I was right in my instincts,
even as a young man - the Germans are innocent!
My cell was occupied before - so other inmates told me - by the father
of tennis star Stefie Graf who allegedly cheated on his income taxes.
It's a nice cell! I have my own internal light-switch. I can completely
turn the light off. I have my own large window to get fresh air, open
24 hours a day. I have my own white, modern, porcelain toilet and a
very large and modern wash-basin. There is an intercom where I can call
central control in case of an emergency.
And I have a built-in, two-station radio - the programs of which are
so disgusting (white, i.e. German rap music) that I turned it on for
less than five minutes and never again.
I could rent or buy a colour T.V. There are provisions for it in my
cell. Udo Walendy offered to cover the cost - I could hardly believe
his generosity. I gratefully declined, because I have gotten used to
my " Martin Luther at the Wartburg "-like existence in blissful
solitude. I can hear crows in the morning, sea-gulls (the Neckar river
is appr. 200 metres away) and then hear the purring and cooing of doves
outside. Nice, idyllic!
So when the times come for my reparations from Canada - as they will,
when the current rotten, corrupt system will have collapsed - my grievances
will be pursued by me against my tormentors on both sides of the Atlantic
with typically un-Schwabian vengeance and passion. I aim to be compensated
in exactly the same generous style, and quantity, as the Jews were compensated
by Germany - not one cent and not one apology less! That much prison
has accomplished in me - it has given me the steely resolve I lacked
As Savitri Devi said of A.H. - he was too much Sun and not enough Lightning.
Well, I suffered from the same typically German shortcoming. My enemies
have cured me of that, and I am still being hammered on the anvil of
history into that rare, fine steel necessary for victory.
Nietzsche correctly said " Was mich nicht umbringt macht mich stärker
". [Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger] Prison certainly
has had this effect on me
So let me know what you would do if you were faced by my situation
Now is the time to stick together, to share news, not to panic, not
to overreact.
I had two years to reflect on my life's path and on my life's work -
I made only one major mistake and that was [a previous brief marriage]!
However, I learned painful lessons from that, which I will not forget
for the rest of my life. The rest? Given the chance, I would travel
the same road again, only more wisely in the choice of associates, less
liberal, less naive. This time I would be tougher, less forgiving to
friend and foe - and expect even higher standards of them and of myself.
One word of caution:
Do not contemplate [coming] anywhere near Germany, for the fever is
still raging. It must first run its course. It makes no sense for Robert
to even contemplate to come and testify! The German authorities do not
lack knowledge of the truth in history - they only lack the courage
and the intestinal fortitude. In other words, collectively they lack
the courage, the will and, above all, the character to step forward
and say " Bis hierher und nicht weiter ". [To here and no
Thus your contribution of one more testimony to the truth will not cure
them of their lack of courage, will and character - in fact, it will
convince them only of the power of their enemies, who have been able
to defend a historical chimera for over 60 years so ruthlessly!
Please tell all our friends, Ingrid please, too, and Jacqueline B.,
that all is well, and that I will write to each in turn as postage permits.
That's a promise!
I am thinking about you! And I want to thank all of you for the many,
many kindnesses and material, intellectual, and physical help to me
in my arduous life's path - especially the last 20-25 years.
All the very best, my friends! Steadfast in loyalty. E.Zündel (Sub-headings