20 June 2007
Thought for the Week: Before the advent
of multiculturalism in Australia, it was not felt necessary to impose draconian
legislation to prevent 'racial vilification', with the threat of imprisonment.
The people who pioneered the development of Australia, predominantly of Anglo-Celtic
background and reflecting in one sense the Christian Law of Love - this was the
basic meaning of the Australian slogan of a "Fair Go for all" - have
been generally tolerant and easy going. This traditional tolerance is being strained
by the programme of multiculturalism, and the manipulation of ethnic minorities
against the Anglo-Celtic majority
Those manipulating the minorities
have no genuine interest in the long-term welfare of the minorities. But they
make clear their dislike of any Christian based Anglo-Celtic culture.
- - Eric D. Butler in The New Times, June 1995 |
seems an Anglican Bishop's scathing attack on 'liberal' values touched a nerve
with Sydney's Radio-2GB personality Alan Jones. Alan's comments are worth
repeating: "There was an interesting story published at the end of last
month in London's Daily Mail newspaper. It was called a lacerating attack
on liberal values, by the Right Reverend Michael Nazir Ali, the Anglican Bishop
of Rochester. Dr Nazir Ali was born into a Roman Catholic family in Pakistan.
He converted to Anglicanism at the age of 20. He suffered, as a young man, from
rough treatment handed out to Christians in a country, Pakistan, where failing
to follow the official religion can sometimes end in murder. The
story reported that he was educated at Cambridge University and had served as
an assistant to the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie. And many
thought he was a candidate for the post of Archbishop of Canterbury. He's 58,
and he's been in Rochester for nearly 14 years. Well,
the Bishop argued that England was mired in a doctrine of endless self-indulgence
that had brought on an explosion in public violence and binge drinking. And
he said that the collapse of Christianity had wrecked British society. And he
dated the downfall of Christianity from what he called the social and sexual revolution
of the 1960s. And he said the newfangled and insecurely founded, his words,
doctrine of multiculturalism had left immigrant communities "segregated, living
parallel lives". And he said Christian values
of human dignity, equality and freedom could be lost as the way is left open for
the advance of brands of Islam that do not respect Western values. As
an immigrant from Pakistan the Bishop said that he might be thought to be least
qualified to discuss British identity. But he quoted Kipling: "What should they
know of England who only England know".
And he talked about something
momentous happening in the sixties, and he called it a cultural revolution in
which women ceased to uphold or pass on the Christian faith. And he said that
"instead of resisting this phenomenon, liberal theologians and church leaders
all but capitulated". And he said, "It's created the moral and spiritual vacuum
in which we now find ourselves". He said in the place of Christianity there was
nothing "except perhaps endless self-indulgence".
And then he said the
consequences of all this were, his words, "The destruction of the family because
of the alleged parity of different forms of life together; the loss of a father
figure, especially for boys, because the role of fathers is deemed otiose; the
abuse of substances including alcohol; the loss of respect for the person, leading
to horrendous and mindless attacks; the increasing communication gap between generations
and social classes". He said the list is very long. But
then he said another result of the collapse of Christianity was that immigrants
had been welcomed, not on the basis of Britain's Christian heritage to which they
would be welcome to contribute, but by "the newfangled and insecurely founded
doctrine of multiculturalism". Obviously the
Bishop's outspokenness has not endeared him to the head honchos within his church.
But he is not without support. He may not be the Archbishop of Canterbury,
but his comments would echo a ring of truth amongst millions of people in Britain
and in Australia. The simple question is, where is the leader who is likely to
do something about it? |
following snippet of news about the liberals within this 'Christian' church came
from Salt Shakers: Christian Ethics - Research, Education and Action Group: They
write: We have spoken many times against the inter-faith/multi-faith movements
being established across Australia and across the world. The local Council
based groups, the Sydney based 'Common Dreams', the 'National Interfaith Festival'
held in Qld and the big one, the 'Parliament of the World's Religions' meeting
in Melbourne next year.
We have been challenged about our opposition -
people say these groups help local evangelism. We always ask 'How' but we get
no answers. Now we have the truth - from the President
of the Uniting church in Australia, (UCA) the Rev Gregor Henderson. 'Other
faiths, [are] not for conversion' - you might upset the interfaith dialogue!
Henderson says, "But deliberate targeting of people of other faiths has a touch
of disrespect about it; it will not contribute to inter-faith understanding and
harmony; it will not contribute to peaceful relationships in the Australian community. "Evangelistic
targeting of other faith communities - Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc -
is very likely to create tensions between these groups and Christians." Go and
evangelise the non religious or the "nominal" Christians, he says, but not those
of other religions/faiths!! For a copy of
the letter Salt Shakers refers to - the one that went out to all UCA 'leaders',
go to http://crosslight.victas.uca.org.au/?p=141#more-141 |
James Reed I recently came across an interesting online-opinion piece (www.onlineopinion.com.au)
by Australian philosopher Stephen Buckle: "Feminist Social Explanations are Wrong."
In a nutshell feminism uses sex and gender relations to explain the 'woman problem'
and the 'woman problem' in some shape or form is due to men. There are of
course sophisticated variations of this: not all men, but patriarchy, or more
recently oppressive dualisms (e.g. men/women, black/white, etc.) under the influence
of post modernism. However, whatever the covering rhetoric used, the same old
story is rolled out by the feminist tongue or key-board: maleness is the problem.
Dr. Buckle goes on at length to give an alternative explanation of that which
enlivens the feminist problematic. I won't try to summarise it and/or criticise
it because I am still trying to understand it. But I would question the core assumptions
giving rise to the very need for feminism that women are oppressed (we all, who
are not rich and members of the ruling elite, are oppressed) and that maleness
in the John Wayne sense is a bad thing. Indeed,
if we were all feminists, human civilisation would not exist. The human race would
have died out. If the deracinating, emasculating effects of feminism continue,
maybe our elites will get a taste of the real Hobbesian world of 'all against
all'. Let us hope that 'natural selection' is on our side! |
James Reed Columnist Emma Tom (The Australian 6/3/08 p.13) usually writes
such weird columns that I don't see fit to put our readers through the process
of reading a critical review. However, one article with an important issue for
us she discusses at length is the "Butcher of Bega" an obstetrician and gynaecologist
who, by Tom's description mutilated women in a horrific way. I used Google to
check this and her descriptions are correct. But
Tom, a young feminist, says that if the attacks were on men, there would have
been an uproar with the very first case. She makes the whole thing a feminist
issue. The facts are that the medical profession is like the Mafia and stick together.
What about the female staff who assisted the Butcher of Bega and all the female
doctors who knew about him? Where were all the feminist lawyers who write articles
about women's oppression from their air-conditioned offices of our universities?
Where is there concern for the plight of such women? A good lawsuit earlier could
have stopped this fellow in his tracks. According
to the world's leading medical journal, Journal of the American Medical Association
vol.284, July 26 2000, doctors are the third leading cause of death in the US,
causing 250,000 deaths every year. Of these, men and women are equal sufferers.
So the issue is not a feminist one as trendy "wry side" columnist Emma Tom paints
it, but one about the soundness of orthodox medicine. Much
has been written about this, especially the way doctors mindlessly prescribe drugs
solely on the basis of drug company recommendations. Doctors, I believe, have
a book that is full of the side effects of most drugs. I have yet to have a doctor
give me an outline of the risks associated with their witch-doctor prescriptions.
Simpson This question was discussed in The Social Contract (USA) Fall
2007 "The Future of an Unsustainable Planet: Chaos, Resource Depletion, Ecological
Degradation, Ethnic Unrest and National Dissolution." Here
are some quotes from an overview by Dr. Richard Duncan, quoting Professor Jose
Angel Gutierrez's view on the fate of 'gringos': Gutierrez bio: "Professor
Jose Angel Gutierrez is on the State of Texas payroll at the University of Texas
-Arlington. He founded "La Raza" the group of Mexicans openly dedicated to taking
over at least the southwest portion of the United States. He notes that by the
differential birth-rate of Mexicans versus white Americans the Mexicans will inevitably
take over, and it is only a 'matter of time' before the Mexicans have control.
Whether by this he means just the Southwest United States or the whole country
is unclear." (Youngquist, 12 July 2007) We
are nice: "If the hot weather hasn't got you steamed, this will do it. Those
people will kill us if necessary to take over the U.S. But we have one on the
State payroll supported by the taxpayers of Texas. And we meekly put up with these
statements. If we said we were going to kill the Mexicans think of what an uproar
that would be. But we are nice and civilized and so we submit to this sort of
threat without a protest. Given present trends, they will indeed take over." (Youngquist,
12 July 2007) Gringos must go: "We
have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes
to the worst, we have got to kill him." (Gutierrez, 1969) Reconquista:
"The border remains a military zone. We remain a hunted people. Now you think
you have a destiny to fulfil in the land that historically has been ours for forty
thousand years. And we're a new Mestizo nation. And they want us to discuss civil
rights. Civil rights!! What law made by white men to oppress all of us of colour,
female and male. This is our homeland. We cannot-we will not- and we must not
be made illegal in our own homeland. We are not immigrants that came from another
country to another country. We are migrants, free to travel the length and breadth
of the Americas because we belong here. We are millions. We just have to survive.
We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It's
a matter of time. The explosion is in our population." (Gutierrez, 1995) A
leading paper in the journal by Richard Pelto "What Will Probably Happen When
Things Fall Apart" sees nations going the Yugoslavia way. Nationalist and ethnic
sentiment will arise when "globalisation-caused fragmentation" finishes off the
American state. People will return to their roots when the artificial environment
created by globalisation is switched off by inevitable resource and ecological
crises. Then what remains of America will need to
face Professor Gutierrez's friends |
Daily Telegraph 4/6/08, dot-points the experiences of European nations,
which warns of the chaos resulting from imposing foreign peoples and cultures
upon dissimilar peoples and cultures But amazingly, in spite of the evidence of
the ever-growing problems, he is in favour of more foreign migration into Australia!
He writes: "Australia is about to see the greatest increase in its migrant
population since the post-World War II immigration scheme began. The Rudd Labor
Government has announced a lift in permanent and temporary migration for 2008-09
to nearly 300,000, and Immigration Minister Chris Evans has indicated that some
of the rules will be eased to ensure those numbers are met. Easing
need for English Language Skills and Unskilled Workers welcomed: Among the most
important changes will be the easing of the need to have a knowledge of the English
language, a shift in emphasis from skilled to unskilled workers and the decision
to trial a pilot program based on the successful New Zealand model for guest workers
from Pacific nations." Never mind the glaring
failure of such policies in other Western nations: "Germany has huge problems
with its Turkish guest worker population for the simple reason that the Islamic
Gastarbeiters will not leave when their visas expire. The French now have
vast no-go areas around major cities, including Paris, where even police and military
personnel will not go, leaving the largely African immigrants to exist beyond
the reach of French law, and the British are not far behind, with areas of cities
such as Bradford housing non-English speaking Muslim populations which honour
Islamic tradition, not British common law. The Italians are finding it difficult
to police the growing number of Gypsy communities, and even South Africa has problems
with Zimbabweans who have come to find a better life. While there is no doubt
that the skilled migrant program and the 457 visa program (which Labor and its
trade union allies used to traduce) have increased Australia's economic prosperity,
(we exist for the sake of the 'economy' 'ed) it is unlikely that any guest worker
program would enjoy the same support should the economy go sour." So,
when the racial and cultural breakdown finishes us off , those who remain of the
Australian-Australian population will need to face the racial and cultural equivalents
of Professor Gutierrez's friends |
estimates that around $23bn ( '11.75bn) may have been lost, stolen or just not
properly accounted for in Iraq. For the first time, the extent to which some private
contractors have profited from the conflict and rebuilding has been researched
by the BBC's Panorama using US and Iraqi government sources. A US gagging
order is preventing discussion of the allegations: The order applies to 70 court
cases against some of the top US companies. While George Bush remains in the White
House, it is unlikely the gagging orders will be lifted. To date, no major US
contractor faces trial for fraud or mismanagement in Iraq. War
profiteering - the largest in history? The president's Democrat opponents
are keeping up the pressure over war profiteering in Iraq. Henry Waxman who chairs
the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform said: "The money that's
gone into waste, fraud and abuse under these contracts is just so outrageous,
its egregious. It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history."
In the run-up to the invasion one of the most
senior officials in charge of procurement in the Pentagon objected to a contract
potentially worth seven billion that was given to Halliburton, a Texan company,
which used to be run by Dick Cheney before he became vice-president. 'Unusually'
only Halliburton got to bid - and won: Missing
billions: The search for the missing billions also led the program to
a house in Acton in West London where Hazem Shalaan lived until he was appointed
to the new Iraqi government as minister of defence in 2004. He and his associates
siphoned an estimated $1.2 billion out of the ministry. They bought old military
equipment from Poland but claimed for top class weapons.
Meanwhile they diverted money into their own accounts. Judge Radhi
al-Radhi of Iraq's Commission for Public Integrity investigated. He said: "I believe
these people are criminals. They failed to rebuild the Ministry of Defence, and
as a result the violence and the bloodshed went on and on - the murder of Iraqis
and foreigners continues and they bear responsibility." Mr
Shalaan was sentenced to two jail terms but he fled the country. He said he was
innocent and that it was all a plot against him by pro-Iranian MPs in the government.
There is an Interpol arrest out for him but he is on the run - using a private
jet to move around the globe. He stills owns commercial properties in the
Marble Arch area of London. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/7444083.stm
James Reed John Lee in "Will China Fall?" (Centre for Independent Studies)
has written an interesting book about the political and economic limits of China.
China's political system is "dangerously unstable" and its economy unsustainable.
There are major threats to social order such as massive differences in wealth
between urban areas and poor rural regions. Then there are pollution problems.
The global financial elites have shifted their
attention to China and India as a centre for investment of financial capital.
The end result is the same from globalisation everywhere: some people get very
rich, others very poor, but in the long term everyone in the nation loses their
freedom and the environment is degraded for future generations. |
Brian Simpson Australian writer, Roger Sandall writing in the June 2006 edition
of Quadrant (also: "The Savage Garden of Eden" The WE Australian 10-11/6/06
p.19) offered some brilliant reflections upon why various peoples look with nostalgia
and longing to the "primitive past". "Primitive
Life" was brutal and often short. Scholars have shown (e.g. L.H. Keeley, "War
Before Civilisation" (Oxford 1996) and S. Le Blanc, "Constant Battles: The Myth
of the Peaceful, Noble Savage" (2003) that it is indeed a myth to suppose that
any "traditional" or "native" society was peaceful. Bloodshed
and killing has been the human lot since the year dot. Sandall says that romantic
primitivism arises as part of a guilt-complex "involving moral rules idealising
the communal way of life. This ideal is deeply inscribed in conscience; and
guilt arises because of the claims of this communal social conscience on the one
hand and the opposing need in civilised societies to assert oneself individualistically
against the communal, against the collective, against the claustrophobia of the
tribe, against the tyranny of the human herd." Globalism
imposes a prohibition against natural xenophobia (fear of stranger desires).
Xenophobia "is obviously an expression of the same unaccommodating instincts we
share with countless other animals, including chimpanzees, and goes back to the
primate past." Anti-civilisational xenophile
(love of strangers), if I understand this argument, is an "inversion of much
that is natural, normal and universal in social life" because the suppression
of natural xenophobic forces is far from successful: "those bad old violent and
aggressive drives just won't go away."
It therefore makes little sense,
I believe, to attempt to compound problems, by building and ever striving, to
increase constantly, cultural, ethnic and racial diversity. It is only a matter
of time before the wheels fall off of the multicultural cart. |
Ezra Levant 30 May, 2008: "The Conservative government has introduced a motion
to Parliament's Justice Committee proposing an investigation into the abusive,
corrupt practises of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). The motion
specifically refers to public "concerns" about the CHRC's "investigative techniques"
and their "interpretation and application" of the section 13 thought crimes provision.
The resolution, was put forward by Rick Dykstra
the Conservative MP from St. Catherines, Ontario, with the knowledge and approval
of the Justice Minister, Rob Nicholson. The following
email from Nicholson, was sent to a voter, in which you can read his change of
An excerpt from Nicholson's letter: 'I would like
to inform you that my caucus colleague Mr. Rick Dykstra has tabled a motion that
the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights examine and
make recommendations with respect to the CHRC, including its mandate, operations,
and interpretation and application of provisions relating to section 13 of the
CHRA, which addresses hate messages. I look forward to that review.' Jason
Kenney, the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, was also instrumental in
getting this issue on to the government's agenda." Comment:
Are we witnessing the beginning of the fight-back by the Anglo-Celtic peoples?
Our Canadian cousins have flashed round the internet a delightful cartoon
we Australians relate well to. It is of a large number of kangaroos hopping up
and down, to and fro, a set of steps leading up to a Canadian 'kangaroo' human
rights 'court'. Spot on! |
Rights': To the Editor of The Australian, 6th June 2008: Everyone
who cares for free speech should read James Allan's exposure of the intellectual
repression in Canada ('Canada's deadly tongue trap', The Australian 6/6/08).
Current anti-vilification legislation in Australia does not yet decree, as
in Canada, that truth is not a defence against 'hate speech', but already defendants
in such cases will be financially punished here even if they win cases conducted,
inevitably, in unequitable circumstances. Just ask Dr Frederick Toben. On
one matter, however, Allan is wrong. He apparently believes the Canadian civil
libertarian he quotes and accepts that those who set up the Canadian Human Rights
Tribunals did not realise that these would 'muzzle the expression of opinion'.
On the contrary, the prime movers were activists in the Jewish community who
were determined to stop public publication and discussion of certain viewpoints,
on the Holocaust and related topics, at any cost. The disgraceful treatment of
Ernst Zundel, currently held prisoner in Germany, is the chief fruit of their
efforts. Australia remains in danger of following Canada's tyrannous example
as long as public consideration of the role of Jewish groups in endangering free
speech is not freely allowed in our major media and other intellectual forums.
- - Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic |